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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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4 hours ago, Khun Han said:


If your friend is the author of this, he should be doing it for a living :thumbsup:.


Edited to add that I just realised that your friend's meme jogged my memory of who Barnier reminds me of: Rene out of 'Allo Allo'.

One of my favourites, great script writer


Rene:     We will stick out like a carrot in an omelette


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6 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Actually now we better understand what the average Brexiteer camp follower understands about Brexit, which appears to be not a lot other than tiresome similes.

The average Brexiteer ?? what is it that you think we don't understand, 


The EU was and has been built by stealth, at no time was I ever asked do you want to sign away control of so many matters, then we had a vote and Brexit was the result, should we have another vote? and if I don't like that result should we make it the best of three?



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12 hours ago, Khun Han said:


If your friend is the author of this, he should be doing it for a living :thumbsup:.


Edited to add that I just realised that your friend's meme jogged my memory of who Barnier reminds me of: Rene out of 'Allo Allo'.


ahh, my friend, great man of great means, I doubt he coined the pot (piece of text) though,

he did vote for Brexit though


Ahh! exactly, ici la resistance, great series,

I expect that the Allo Allo gallery of characters has a neat fit for all top level EU guys,

and also for UK politicians for that matter



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55 minutes ago, Steve Mepham said:

The average Brexiteer ?? what is it that you think we don't understand, 


The EU was and has been built by stealth, at no time was I ever asked do you want to sign away control of so many matters, then we had a vote and Brexit was the result, should we have another vote? and if I don't like that result should we make it the best of three?



What do you personally expect to gain from leaving the EU?

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2 hours ago, Steve Mepham said:

The average Brexiteer ?? what is it that you think we don't understand, 


The EU was and has been built by stealth, at no time was I ever asked do you want to sign away control of so many matters, then we had a vote and Brexit was the result, should we have another vote? and if I don't like that result should we make it the best of three?

What don't you understand? For starters Hard Brexit Vs Soft Brexit. Though I must admit I sometimes have trouble deciding whether it is ignorance or dishonesty or both by forum Hard Brexiteers in the refusal to engage.

Edited by SheungWan
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21 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

What don't you understand? For starters Hard Brexit Vs Soft Brexit. Though I must admit I sometimes have trouble deciding whether it is ignorance or dishonesty or both by forum Hard Brexiteers in the refusal to engage.

Read it again..he's asking you..not the other way round....how ignorant!

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2 hours ago, Steve Mepham said:

The average Brexiteer ?? what is it that you think we don't understand, 


The EU was and has been built by stealth, at no time was I ever asked do you want to sign away control of so many matters, then we had a vote and Brexit was the result, should we have another vote? and if I don't like that result should we make it the best of three?



The issue has moved on frm the vote.  Now, it is about the inability to use that mandate.  Where have you been!!

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16 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


re sums it up, received this from a friend:


Dave Davis is at the golf club returning his locker key when Mr Barnier the membership secretary sees him.

"Hello Mr Davis," says Mr Barnier. "I'm sorry to hear you are no longer renewing your club membership, if you would like to come to my office we can settle your account."

"I have settled my bar bill," says Mr Davis.

"Ah yes Mr Davis," says Mr Barnier, "but there are other matters that need settlement."

In Mr Barniers office Mr Davis explains that he has settled his bar bill so wonders what else he can possibly owe the Golf Club? "Well Mr Davis," begins Mr Barnier. "You did agree to buy one of our Club

"Yes," agrees Mr Davis. "I did agree to buy a jacket but I haven't received it yet. As soon as you supply the jacket I will send you a cheque for the full amount."

"That will not be possible," explains Mr Barnier. "As you are no longer a club member you will not be entitled to buy one of our jackets!"

"But you still want me to pay for it,"  exclaims Mr Davis.

"Yes," says Mr Barnier. "That will be £500 for the jacket. There is also your bar bill."

"But I've already settled my bar bill." says Mr Davis.

"Yes," says Mr Barnier, "but as you can appreciate, we need to place our orders from the Brewery in advance to ensure our bar is properly stocked." "You regularly used to spend at least £50 a week in the bar so we have placed orders with the brewery accordingly for the coming year." "You therefore owe us £2600 for the year."

"Will you still allow me to have these drinks?" asks Mr Davis. "No of course not Mr Davis. You are no longer a club member!" says Mr Barnier.

"Next is your restaurant bill," continues Mr Barnier. "In the same manner we have to make arrangements in advance with our catering suppliers. Your average restaurant bill was in the order of £300 a
month, so we'll require payment of £3600 for the next year."

"I don't suppose you'll be letting me have these meals either?" asks Mr Davis.

"No, of course not," says an irritated Mr Barnier "You are no longer a club member!"

"Then of course," Mr Barnier continues, "there are repairs to the clubhouse roof."

"Clubhouse roof,” exclaims Mr Davis. "What's that got to do with me?"

"Well it still needs to be repaired and the builders are coming in next week, your share of the bill is £2000."

"I see," says Mr Davis, "anything else?"

"Now you mention it" says Mr Barnier, "there is Fred the Barman's pension. We would like you to pay £5 a week towards Fred's pension when he retires next month. He's not well you know so I doubt we'll need to ask you for payment for longer than about five years, so £1300
should do it. This brings your total bill to £10,000," says Mr Barnier. "Let me get this straight," says Mr Davis. "You want me to pay £500 for a jacket you won't let me have, £2600 for beverages you won't let me drink and £3600 for food you won't let me eat, all under a roof I won't be allowed under and not served by a bloke who's going to retire next month!"

"Yes, it's all perfectly clear and quite reasonable," says Mr Barnier.

"Piss off!" says Mr Davis

Now we understand what Brexit is all about.


i like this analogy, but brexit is not that simple. First. what if davis in your hypothetical golf club had previously determined the rules and signed in the past the brewers' orders and the roof repair ahead of time for years in advance together with all club members?


Secondly: Davis wants to leave the club, does not want to pay for the club membership, but still wants to use the golf course? For free then? Or a privileged tailormade membership? An extra sausage only for davis? And the whole please very fast? If all of the golf club members acted so irresponsibly, the golf club could close and nobody could play anymore golf. 


Here is just one example of long-term commitments and the uk can not just steal out there for free.


The Relocation of the EU Medicines Agency from London could be expensive. According to a document of the European Parliament, the lease of the EU authority, which is expected to leave Great Britain in the wake of Brexit, will run until 2039. Until then, a total rent of 347.6 million euros is due and the contract does not contain an opt-out clause , The members of the Committee on Budgetary Control had noted this with concern, according to a summary of their audit report.


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Dyson, arch Brexiter, was on Andrew Marr. He favours abolishing corporation tax and relaxing hire and fire rules. But he wants to make everyone Engineer's and technologists just like Singapore.


Not looking good for the munchkin Brexiters! All that mathematics! 

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Dyson, arch Brexiter, was on Andrew Marr. He favours abolishing corporation tax and relaxing hire and fire rules. But he wants to make everyone Engineer's and technologists just like Singapore.


Not looking good for the munchkin Brexiters! All that mathematics! 

Dyson is like a snake with a split tounge. 

 He cries out British nationalism but invests his UK profits in Singapore.

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Dyson, arch Brexiter, was on Andrew Marr. He favours abolishing corporation tax and relaxing hire and fire rules. But he wants to make everyone Engineer's and technologists just like Singapore.


Not looking good for the munchkin Brexiters! All that mathematics! 

And then we had Gove. He's a bit odd!


What a poor government

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The average Brexiteer ?? what is it that you think we don't understand, 


The EU was and has been built by stealth, at no time was I ever asked do you want to sign away control of so many matters, then we had a vote and Brexit was the result, should we have another vote? and if I don't like that result should we make it the best of three?



Were you ever asked to have the Queen or Prince Charles as your heads of state?




Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk




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58 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Dyson, arch Brexiter, was on Andrew Marr. He favours abolishing corporation tax and relaxing hire and fire rules. But he wants to make everyone Engineer's and technologists just like Singapore.


Not looking good for the munchkin Brexiters! All that mathematics! 

He is pissed off with the EU because their rules forbid slave labour and how dare workers expect paid holidays and not have to work more than 48 hours a week.and the tory brexiters are the same.when all is said and done people get the government they deserve. 

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2 hours ago, adammike said:

He is pissed off with the EU because their rules forbid slave labour and how dare workers expect paid holidays and not have to work more than 48 hours a week.and the tory brexiters are the same.when all is said and done people get the government they deserve. 

No they don't, they get the government they voted for, can be two completely things. If the Government completely ignore their manifesto is that a government the people deserved? 

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7 hours ago, Grouse said:

What do you personally expect to gain from leaving the EU?

This is a bit rich coming from you. Perhaps you could tell us what you perceive the EU will look like politically and socially in 10 years time, a question you have been reluctant to answer. You need to explain what you mean by gain and I will be happy to give you chapter and verse.. 

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1 hour ago, aright said:

This is a bit rich coming from you. Perhaps you could tell us what you perceive the EU will look like politically and socially in 10 years time, a question you have been reluctant to answer. You need to explain what you mean by gain and I will be happy to give you chapter and verse.. 

Total meltdown of the tory party and collapse of the UK,Ireland becomes one,Scotland leaves and becomes 40 member of the EU,after a period of anarchy in England and Wales they rejoin the EU and accept the Euro as the currency and it's £43 to get one euro,Yorkshire, london and Cornwall want to have independence.the EU is doing fine.

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4 hours ago, aright said:

This is a bit rich coming from you. Perhaps you could tell us what you perceive the EU will look like politically and socially in 10 years time, a question you have been reluctant to answer. You need to explain what you mean by gain and I will be happy to give you chapter and verse.. 

OK, will do

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3 hours ago, adammike said:

Total meltdown of the tory party and collapse of the UK,Ireland becomes one,Scotland leaves and becomes 40 member of the EU,after a period of anarchy in England and Wales they rejoin the EU and accept the Euro as the currency and it's £43 to get one euro,Yorkshire, london and Cornwall want to have independence.the EU is doing fine.

That's funny. I ask what the  future EU is going to be like and you want to talk about the Tories, UK, Anarchy, Ireland, Scotland, the Euro, Yorkshire, London and Cornwall. Once again typical Remainer.........eager to itemise  how terrible it will be to leave the UK but haven't a clue what the future political and social makeup of the club, you want to belong to, will look like. EU is doing fine as an answer doesn't cut it. As an intellectual explanation of the Remainer,s  half thought argument it is ample.

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4 hours ago, adammike said:

Total meltdown of the tory party and collapse of the UK,Ireland becomes one,Scotland leaves and becomes 40 member of the EU,after a period of anarchy in England and Wales they rejoin the EU and accept the Euro as the currency and it's £43 to get one euro,Yorkshire, london and Cornwall want to have independence.the EU is doing fine.

Utter rubbish, Yorkshire folk are 100% English/ British. The backbone of our country, in addition to being the most cultured.



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2 hours ago, aright said:

That's funny. I ask what the  future EU is going to be like and you want to talk about the Tories, UK, Anarchy, Ireland, Scotland, the Euro, Yorkshire, London and Cornwall. Once again typical Remainer.........eager to itemise  how terrible it will be to leave the UK but haven't a clue what the future political and social makeup of the club, you want to belong to, will look like. EU is doing fine as an answer doesn't cut it. As an intellectual explanation of the Remainer,s  half thought argument it is ample.

Mr Blowhard.

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