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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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2 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I claim that:

The result of a referendum is determined by what question is asked.


If a referendum asks "white or black", the result will never be "grey", even if that is what the majority wants.


I believe this is English?



The result of any referendum is determined by the highest number of (yes or no) grouped responses to the question asked. 

Very good English but what is your point?


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Just now, nauseus said:

The result of any referendum is determined by the highest number of (yes or no) grouped responses to the question asked. 

Very good English but what is your point?


Why do you think that my English suddenly improved? What exactly was wrong with my previous English?



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Couldn't agree more re. unemployment statistics.   The various govts. have changed the definition time and time again to 'massage' the results - to the point where they're nothing but a joke.  

Similar to the way dislike of the EU open borders policy (allowing people from FAR poorer countries to take the lowest paid jobs) has been turned into a 'racist' issue :sad:.




I don't think we should let all those poor British into the richer EU states. What's good for the gander and all that.A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.


And stop all your geriatrics leaching off the Spanish and French health systems!


 A nice fat visa fee for entry to the continent to enjoy some decent weather or skiing will cheer all you moaners up no end.






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44 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Why do you think that my English suddenly improved? What exactly was wrong with my previous English?

pursonully i zink zere vas nuzzing rong vith your English. but hoo am i to tchutch? :ermm:

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42 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

That tells much about either you or about the amount of Leo that you consume.

Or are you a gin addict like your hero Farage?





This is the complete drivel I was referring to:


"Do you want a constitution written by the army top or no constitution at all?

May sound familiar.....


If your'e buying, mine's a Stoli on the rocks and the wife will have a Bombay tonic, very kind of you!


My hero is David Cameron :smile: BLESS!

Edited by nauseus
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15 hours ago, taipeir said:

I don't think we should let all those poor British into the richer EU states. What's good for the gander and all that.A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.


And stop all your geriatrics leaching off the Spanish and French health systems!


 A nice fat visa fee for entry to the continent to enjoy some decent weather or skiing will cheer all you moaners up no end.






You wrote:  A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.    After so many years in the EU..so how will it improve if we remain?

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29 minutes ago, taipeir said:

I don't think we should let all those poor British into the richer EU states. What's good for the gander and all that.A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.


And stop all your geriatrics leaching off the Spanish and French health systems!


 A nice fat visa fee for entry to the continent to enjoy some decent weather or skiing will cheer all you moaners up no end.






All they ever want is money.

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In one of the Sunday 'quality' papers there is a YouGov poll that shows around 57% for remaining in the EU and 43% to continue Brexit.


Obviously people will have changed views over the last 18 months as what Brexit means becomes clearer - and also what it doesn't mean.


My question therefore is this. If the polls continue that trend (and of course they may not) and the government insist on Brexit in 2019 can I argue that we are being taken out of the EU 'against the will of the people' ?


I ask this as an ardent remainer who has had over 12 months of constant accusations that I cannot accept the will of the people. Or, is a binary answer referendum on a complex matter more precise than opinion polls?

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Much as we appreciate your "guesses" - the referendum question was pretty much leave or stay.


At the time, there was much discussion as to whether article 50 should be enacted immediately or to wait a while.  Hard/soft brexit only became a question after the event as everyone erroneously assumed that UK and EU politicians would negotiate sensibly on both sides and come up with a trade agreement that would suit both sides.


Mostly (*) only hindsight tells us that it would turn into a farce - with Brit. politicians desperately looking for a way to pretend that paying more whilst retaining the most disliked aspects is actually respecting the leave vote....


* I say 'mostly' as I posted this would likely be the case a LONG time ago.  I take no joy in this (other than a slight 'smug' feeling), but it doesn't take a genius to work out that politicians are only interested in increasing their own wealth and/or power.

They might just be driven by the fact that they KNOW remain  is the best way forward ?

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42 minutes ago, taipeir said:

I don't think we should let all those poor British into the richer EU states. What's good for the gander and all that.A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.


And stop all your geriatrics leaching off the Spanish and French health systems!


 A nice fat visa fee for entry to the continent to enjoy some decent weather or skiing will cheer all you moaners up no end.






The British government currently pay Spain £223 million to fund healthcare for nationals living abroad in Spain.

Although the cost to Spain is likely to be much higher, expats are considered so crucial to the local economy the government does not raise the issue.

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2 hours ago, Jack100 said:

Jesus ( save us )  797 pages and counting - when will this ever end ? Parity for the pound?

You should read every page. Some of the wisest people on the planet have contributed! You'll have to work out for yourself who they are ?

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35 minutes ago, nauseus said:

This is the complete drivel I was referring to:


"Do you want a constitution written by the army top or no constitution at all?

May sound familiar.....


If your'e buying, mine's a Stoli on the rocks and the wife will have a Bombay tonic, very kind of you!


My hero is David Cameron :smile: BLESS!

QUOTE: This is the complete drivel I was referring to:

"Do you want a constitution written by the army top or no constitution at all?

May sound familiar.....


Do you live in Thailand? Or only reside on a Thai forum?



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1 hour ago, taipeir said:

I don't think we should let all those poor British into the richer EU states. What's good for the gander and all that.A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.


And stop all your geriatrics leaching off the Spanish and French health systems!


 A nice fat visa fee for entry to the continent to enjoy some decent weather or skiing will cheer all you moaners up no end.






I hear that the Finnish people are also becoming sick of the E.U. They will have to contribute more money to make up for the loss of the U.K’s charity contributions.

Then they will hold a referendum to exit this so- called union in a few years time. How will you feel then?


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2 hours ago, aright said:

That maybe so but stop making it sound like an exact science. Full marks however for leading people to believe in the bottom line validity of opinion polls.



An exact science? Like quantum mechanics for example. It's ALL about probability!

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40 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

You wrote:  A lot of Britain and British are classified as poor according to the stats.    After so many years in the EU..so how will it improve if we remain?

It will not improve by remaining.

Europe does not involve itself with cultural differences between members.

The UK poor will just have to stop accepting the hiso loso division of their country.




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5 minutes ago, Grouse said:

An exact science? Like quantum mechanics for example. It's ALL about probability!

Did you read the article?

"There are arguments about snapshots not being predictions, to be sure. Duly registered. But countless snapshots make the whole picture, and that picture keeps falling off the wall."

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