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Pattaya karaoke woman claims extortion and rape after arrest by policeman


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Pattaya karaoke woman claims extortion and rape after arrest by policeman

Image: Daily News
PATTAYA:-- A woman who works in a karaoke bar has claimed she was the subject of extortion, abduction and eventually gang rape after she was arrested by a policeman in Thep Prasit, Pattaya on Wednesday.
The 26 woman from Kalasin - named only as "A" - said that she was eating in Thep Prasit Soi 8 on Wednesday afternoon when a policeman in uniform arrived on a motorcycle with two other men in plain clothes on another bike.
They said she was under arrest and took her to what they referred to as a safe house in the same area near the Night Bazaar. Here the policeman attempted to extort money from her. He wanted 20,000 baht.
When she asked what was the charge there was no reply, she said. She said she had no money. She was then taken to a hotel where she was asked for 5,000 baht and she again replied that she had no money.
The two plain clothes men then gang raped her. She was finally released next morning, now Thursday, and allowed to go after her ATM card was taken from her.
She went straight to the government watchdog Damrongtham then Pattaya police.
Cops went to the scene of the crime and have announced that one of the men is indeed a serving police officer.
They have promised  justice as they investigate the truth of the matter.
Source: Daily News
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-10-22
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Absolutely disgraceful, seemingly not a day goes by without another scam / gross criminality case concerning the RTP coming to light.

This lady may well be lying, but i am a subscriber to the theory that there is no smoke without fire. 

When are the police reforms due exactly? 

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It seems that Hi-Sos can show up at police stations to answer charges at their leisure, but non hi-sos get hauled away without regard to any form of due process.


Rule #1, never accompany any member of the RTP anywhere.  And then only go to an official police station.


And the RTP wonder why they get no respect.  It is the constant occurance of stories like this, that has been happening for decads.  They have a foul reputation, because they ARE foul.


As for the so called reform of the RTP, it has been left in the hands of the RTP, so don't expect anything meaningful.

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Poor woman, I hope she gets justice

Anyone aspiring to be the scum of society should look no further than the RTP as a role model

And before the "they're not all bad,  I know a good one" brigade steps in, You don't. Good ones would be actively collaborating to weed these scum out in order to protect their reputation, instead they turn a blind eye. Not by any stretch of the imagination can that be called good

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The RTP are asking for people to assist them in countering the many allegations yet they themselves are normally the reason why there are allegations. Although the Pm has said the next govt should tackle the Police problem, I feel it is time he shouldered the responsibility and deal with this blatantly corrupt, abusive and greedy Police Service, to bring back happiness in people, the Bosses might not be corrupt but there are others who as in this story feel they can do whatever they want and nothing happens to them.

I am  retired police officer and I can say without a shadow of doubt I do NOT have any respect for the vast majority of RTP officers as they have shown themselves time and time again to be corrupt and commit more offences than the average Joe public. 

Edited by Khun Paul
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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

They have promised  justice as they investigate the truth of the matter.

Stay tuned. It will be interesting to see after they interview the cop as to what the "truth" is. She was resisting arrest and we had to subdue her. We took her to a private home rather than the police station. We needed money for her medication as she was obviously ill as she resisted us. We are sorry. 

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On 10/22/2016 at 8:02 AM, sharecropper said:

What happened to the similar tale of the woman held and raped in Jomtien after being arrested? These stories, which would be headline-hoggers for months in other countries, slide off the front page faster than you can say "unaccountability" here.

In most countries this would be shocking news and one might be inclined to doubt the victim's story.  Here it hardly raises an eyebrow and folks figure it's just business as usual.  If she's making it up, the woman is putting herself in grave danger for no good reason, and if they did what they're accused of her prospects are even more dire.  Hard to be optimistic about this one.

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I am not farang and I am condemning Thailand . I can see the thai society is a grossly dishonest society in many ways. I am not saying everyone is dishonest but enough of them to see really bad things happening everyday.

What I read is very little informations to base my judgement if the police is at fault or the lady. This lady could have offended someone and they paid off the BIB to do the job. If this was the case the lady wouldn't say what bad things she did to someone(an assumption). May be someone was scammed by her and this person had a deal with the BIB. Get the money back 50-50. Or adultery case, the wife wants to get her in trouble. Could be a lot of others you cannot possibly know or find out. Corruption makes thing complicated and dirty.

Thailand is not the only country that has this kind of problem. Lots and lots of countries have, e.g. South America is a good example.

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