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chiang mai forum is not fun any longer


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8 minutes ago, lordblackader said:

Except Nimman which I rarely frequent (for a reason), everywhere else. Back of Hang Dong, not a problem, around the Night Bazaar, not a problem. Hiya, Chang Phuak, Saithiantham (I hope I spelt that right).... take your pick, plenty of places that trade late now, be it that 99% of them cant be seen from a main through road.


   I will take a wander around the Night bazaar tonight at 2 AM to find these places .

I know that no where in Loi Kroh stays open until that time, 

Which direction should I look in ?

I dont want to go to any lock ins .

Being open and getting locked in are two different things


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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

I will take a wander around the Night bazaar tonight at 2 AM to find these places .

I know that no where in Loi Kroh stays open until that time, 

Which direction should I look in ?

I dont want to go to any lock ins .

Being open and getting locked in are two different things



The Night Bazaar s very hit and miss, very often it gets closed down at midnight as well.

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On 10/25/2016 at 5:55 AM, lordblackader said:


Not even closed shutters, just about anything that's not facing onto a main road (presumably where the police/army can spot them easily) stays open later now. Really, really easy to find a place to drink to until 2-3am if you know where to look.


This has only really happened in the last 12 months though, I was here during the coup and know how strict about it they were, but not now and it continues to get better.

Yes, it's possible to find small bars down dark sois where people can quietly drink in dimly lit rooms.  However for those of us who like to drink openly in well lit places with pretties and music, choices are limited.

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4 hours ago, rogeroc said:

The Night Bazaar s very hit and miss, very often it gets closed down at midnight as well.


It looks like a ghost town after midnight in most places. Only a few 24/7 coffee shops and some street stalls.  

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Have to say the CM forum still works for me. Whenever I have a question I usually get very informed, helpful responses which is the primary reason for me using the forum. Sometimes I do get the odd witty or sarcastic response which can be fun too, and I have even been known to do the same in response to posts.


I think the site is playful and there is a sense of humour out there which I enjoy. What I am not keen on is the constant bickering that seems to go on in some threads, which I find draining.....

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yes certainly agree  with you on the above post, 55555

E/S   feels that the bickering ,is just a difference of opinion,( on most occassions)and is part and parcel of any forum

the lowest point that i have expereinced , is when you receive  not a very nice P.M., from member, which is not  warranted at all

happily  to this point of time, E/S has only received one, and had a good giggle

the  C/M  forum still has many good aspects ,and if one sifts through the info given on the board , there is still  good oil  , being posted  ,which may be a benefit to   members and guests

, its a Josh Groban good morning to all




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8 minutes ago, evenstevens said:

yes certainly agree  with you on the above post, 55555

E/S   feels that the bickering ,is just a difference of opinion,( on most occassions)and is part and parcel of any forum

the lowest point that i have expereinced , is when you receive  not a very nice P.M., from member, which is not  warranted at all

happily  to this point of time, E/S has only received one, and had a good giggle

the  C/M  forum still has many good aspects ,and if one sifts through the info given on the board , there is still  good oil  , being posted  ,which may be a benefit to   members and guests

, its a Josh Groban good morning to all




Had to look up who Josh was, I am not a big country fan and I only know of a few names. Garth somebody and Dolly something.



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1 hour ago, evenstevens said:

yes certainly agree  with you on the above post, 55555

E/S   feels that the bickering ,is just a difference of opinion,( on most occassions)and is part and parcel of any forum

the lowest point that i have expereinced , is when you receive  not a very nice P.M., from member, which is not  warranted at all

happily  to this point of time, E/S has only received one, and had a good giggle

the  C/M  forum still has many good aspects ,and if one sifts through the info given on the board , there is still  good oil  , being posted  ,which may be a benefit to   members and guests

, its a Josh Groban good morning to all


PM messages are also subject to forum rules,  If you should receive a 'not very nice' PM from another member you can report it with the report button and we will have a look at it and take what ever action is required.  :smile:

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2 hours ago, stament said:

Had to look up who Josh was, I am not a big country fan and I only know of a few names. Garth somebody and Dolly something.



That's one of the things I like about ThaiVisa, it's expanded my knowledge of the culture of other countries and other groups outside my own.  In fact, that's one of the great things about living in CM, vs. some retirement community in the U.S.  People from so many countries and backgrounds.


Thanks to Dr. Google and ThaiVisa, I've learned many more coarse English words, wasted an afternoon watching old episodes of "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo" on You Tube (kind of a cross of "Lassie" and "Flipper")  and attempted to understand British humor by watching some of their old TV shows, too.  (didn't last an entire afternoon, though)

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51 minutes ago, NancyL said:

That's one of the things I like about ThaiVisa, it's expanded my knowledge of the culture of other countries and other groups outside my own.  In fact, that's one of the great things about living in CM, vs. some retirement community in the U.S.  People from so many countries and backgrounds.


Thanks to Dr. Google and ThaiVisa, I've learned many more coarse English words, wasted an afternoon watching old episodes of "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo" on You Tube (kind of a cross of "Lassie" and "Flipper")  and attempted to understand British humor by watching some of their old TV shows, too.  (didn't last an entire afternoon, though)

12 episodes of Fawlty Towers, approx 6 hours, more than an afternoon of side splitting British humour.

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4 hours ago, NancyL said:

That's one of the things I like about ThaiVisa, it's expanded my knowledge of the culture of other countries and other groups outside my own.  In fact, that's one of the great things about living in CM, vs. some retirement community in the U.S.  People from so many countries and backgrounds.


Thanks to Dr. Google and ThaiVisa, I've learned many more coarse English words, wasted an afternoon watching old episodes of "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo" on You Tube (kind of a cross of "Lassie" and "Flipper")  and attempted to understand British humor by watching some of their old TV shows, too.  (didn't last an entire afternoon, though)


Nice Post i like the attitude. But its British humour!

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On 26/10/2016 at 6:59 PM, sanemax said:


   I will take a wander around the Night bazaar tonight at 2 AM to find these places .

I know that no where in Loi Kroh stays open until that time, 

Which direction should I look in ?

I dont want to go to any lock ins .

Being open and getting locked in are two different things



The street directly behind Chang Klan Road off Loi Kroh itself, there's a pile of bars you go up a set a stairs to get to, between Le Meridian and D2.


The Loi Kroh Boxing Ring places also usually trade through to around 12:30-1am now as well be it behind shutters.

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I just skipped from page 1 to page 5.  It seems a lot of people probably have to get out more !!


Hey!  What happened to the emoticons ??? !!!  Maybe that's the answer.  I rather liked the one of the guy beating the dead horse!  



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in my early 40s, retired and have been here a little more than a year, but am leaving at the end of the year to try out somewhere different. It's a tough sell for people in between the teacher crowd and the traditional retired crowd. The older folks are nice but, for the most part, have much different interests than I do, and the teachers are very cliquey and it gets old hearing about how much it sucks to be  a teacher here nowadays.


Getting plastered in a bar gets old after a week or so for most people , but there does seem to be a contingent of the same older people always drinking away their days at the typical haunts. Doesn't seem like a great way to spend your retirement, personally.


The visa process here is annoying for people under 50 and only seems to be getting more hostile.


Please don't interpret this as an "I hate CM" thread. I've enjoyed my time here and made friends and traveled around and had great experiences. This is just the view of someone in a demographic maybe not highly represented on this forum.

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On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 5:34 PM, lordblackader said:


The street directly behind Chang Klan Road off Loi Kroh itself, there's a pile of bars you go up a set a stairs to get to, between Le Meridian and D2.


The Loi Kroh Boxing Ring places also usually trade through to around 12:30-1am now as well be it behind shutters.

Is that it .....CM nightlife ? At least the girls look better at 1am than they did at 10pm,so they tell me.:coffee1:

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On 10/28/2016 at 5:34 PM, lordblackader said:


The street directly behind Chang Klan Road off Loi Kroh itself, there's a pile of bars you go up a set a stairs to get to, between Le Meridian and D2.


The Loi Kroh Boxing Ring places also usually trade through to around 12:30-1am now as well be it behind shutters.


those are skanky bars bro - loi khro still has some gems if thou art a hunter type

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