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Detained in Thailand, Cannabis Coffeeshop Pioneer Asks Dutch King for Rescue


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Just now, scorecard said:


Seems quite illogical. Wonder if there's more to this story...


there is an another case of a Dutch guy in Spain that came out a few week ago

he was innocent even DNA did proof he was innocent

Spent 12 year innocent in Spanish jail

That guy The Dutch Government not helped because they could not help

Spain is Europe.


This guy in Thailand  did do things that are on the edge of allowed or not

the Thai system has processed him and based on the evidence found guilty. 


So politically very difficult to help a guilty person and not help a guy who is innocent.

And do not forget that there are many others who are in prison and are also are no helped for the same reasons.


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22 minutes ago, Pollens said:

I met Johan while at The Bangkok Remand Centre, was in his cell block "1" for about two weeks side to side with him. He was a friendly person, facing great uncertainty, under daily stress with wife also being in prison.


Why were you also in the cell block?

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So politically very difficult to help ... no no no  dutch is very  strong politically! 
only IF dutch goverment have interest do some hard decisions for other states in world  for own people.. 

look like quickly close GB goverment  bank account for russian RT in england. or how dutch and hague dom. say chinese have no right on that military in chinese sea.. just like exemple i write here for you to understand : dutch goverment s very powerfull.. only if is his own people in political interest.)) but like i see dutch is just another shii goverment .. 

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3 hours ago, KneeDeep said:


That's a scurrilous assertion. 


Why would you take the time to explain your whole history to everyone when asked? Then having to explain that it is quite legal to have done so.

There will always be the idiots who would mis-judge or simply misunderstand.

In addition, developments may have also been something in which he invested.

Regardless, the sentence is disproportionate to any likely crime.


Your statement smacks of envy..






And what of the tax evasion issue?

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1 hour ago, milesinnz said:

The more and more I read, the more grateful I didn't sell up and move to Thailand...

Have things always been like this ?

What does the future portend ?

I was close to punching out and going there in early 2009.  I had visited Thailand several times starting in 2004.  I had an internet cafe in mind, one of the large beer bars in Pattaya, and another smaller beer bar with 8 rooms in mind as my initial investment.  I had two good american friends that I would have trusted monitoring or managing things so we would always be present 365 days of the year.  Boy, as the years went by am I happy I didn't.  I am 100 % convinced I would have lost  all my capital and been scraping by month to month at best.  I have watched the Thai courts become less and less "fair" and under less and less civilian or independent oversight.  Obviously since the Thaksin overthrow, the military has been in charge.  There is little to no chance of a farang getting fair treatment if any disputes arise.  And this doesn't even mention all the bribes, kickbacks, tea money that many if not most foreign small business owners will tell you they have to put up with. 

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4 hours ago, Briggsy said:

"Money Laundering" includes "possessing the proceeds of crime".


It would appear a Thai court has deemed that Mr Van Laarhoven's wealth is the proceeds of crime.


I think in reality this is either because he has upset people here or the vast amounts of money he has brought here have been targetted by a gang involving police and other public officials or both.

not sure if true. But would make a lot of sense.

How should we call a country where this is possible?

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Like I said,  was with him at the Remand Centre, cell mates for about 2 weeks, with 400 others in Block 1, was a decent guy, fair to everybody and truly pissed at the Dutch authorities. Wish him well, nobody deserves this harsh treatment, rapist and killers get less and are treated better..... Only in L.O.S....... Hope he survives and makes it back to Holland, he will be free before you can make fresh coffee !!!!

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Cannibas King in the Netherlands equals money. Money as in "we want some" or "share the wealth" He is a captive audience. From his comments he has already been been hellanized (my new made up word) They more than likely have given him a tour of where his body will rest for the next 103 years (kind of a odd but impressive number) They are sweating him mentality till they put the bite on him. It will be announced in a couple weeks that he has apologized to Thailand and he is returning home a few Euro's lighter than when he arrived. Business as usual. Sometimes it just pays to be poor. 

Edited by elgordo38
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40 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:



And what of the tax evasion issue?

As far as I know he had been checked by the Dutch tax revenue service and they found nothing wrong. They just contacted the Thai authorities for information.

Biggest mistake ever.

All foreign countries should learn from this. Should also be mentioned in the foreign office informations about LOS of every country.

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1 minute ago, sweatalot said:

As far as I know he had been checked by the Dutch tax revenue service and they found nothing wrong. They just contacted the Thai authorities for information.

Biggest mistake ever.

All foreign countries should learn from this. Should also be mentioned in the foreign office informations about LOS of every country.

Come here with money and your a walking lottery ticket and you can bet your boots they will cash you in. 

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1 hour ago, Anthony5 said:


Let me correct this for you.


No, the man is a victim of the Dutch Public Prosecutors who wanted dearly to "get him" but could not, because he did nothing wrong legally prove what he was doing illegally.


Later, after he had moved to Thailand already, the hidden rooms stocked with weed were discovered.


Yes weed is legal in your country, and Van Laarhoven ran a legal business, that is if you keep to the rules which include how much the coffee shops are allowed to stock for example.


Van Laarhoven didn't adhere to those rules, which is obvious from the hidden room stocked to the ceiling, and for sure also forgot to report the proceeds out of that hidden room to the taxman.


If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck and looks like a duck, it most probably is a duck.




If this is true.

Do you think this is enough reason to put him in a Thai prison? For years? For 103 years?


And btw. If this was the reason for the verdict it should have been mentioned as this.

Edited by sweatalot
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It's all about extortion. They will stay locked up until the cops are satisfied that there's no loot to be gained by detaining them. It could take years. Their only hope is the Dutch King.

Royalty gets enough respect here that his appeal just may have an effect.

Edited by Jools
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4 hours ago, Briggsy said:

"Money Laundering" includes "possessing the proceeds of crime".


It would appear a Thai court has deemed that Mr Van Laarhoven's wealth is the proceeds of crime.


I think in reality this is either because he has upset people here or the vast amounts of money he has brought here have been targetted by a gang involving police and other public officials or both.

You are right on the money Briggsy. It is all about the money and now saving face.

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6 hours ago, kalbo123 said:

This guy did nothing wrong in Thailand accept spending his legally earned cannabis money in the Netherlands in Thailand.

Does this mean all foreign (legal) cannabis sellers are outlaws in Thailand?

What does this mean for other people who have a profession abroad, but forbidden in Thailand?

Dutch government should take action in getting this guy out of jail asap!



There is only one think to mention: The dutch government is part of the problem, they have played a very dirty game.

That's the reason he don't ask the government in the Netherlands but the king.

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6 hours ago, kalbo123 said:

This guy did nothing wrong in Thailand accept spending his legally earned cannabis money in the Netherlands in Thailand.

Does this mean all foreign (legal) cannabis sellers are outlaws in Thailand?

What does this mean for other people who have a profession abroad, but forbidden in Thailand?

Dutch government should take action in getting this guy out of jail asap!



Thailand with all its corrupt laws and corruption is the worse place to be in when they assume you are guilty of any wrong doings. He and his wife are in jail because the Thai corrupt officials assume they were laundering money made from the sales of cannabis in the Netherlands. But again you don't have to hunt to far to find out who bought his mansion and cars for a ridiculous price on a auction and what happen to all his moneys that was confiscated. The corruption in Thailand will never be removed because the most corrupt people in Thailand is the people that make the laws and enforce them by enrich themself with money from the poor and foreigners. 

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28 minutes ago, sweatalot said:


If this is true.

Do you think this is enough reason to put him in a Thai prison? For years? For 103 years?


And btw. If this was the reason for the verdict it should have been mentioned as this.

Thailand with all its corrupt laws and corruption is the worse place to be in when they assume you are guilty of any wrong doings. He and his wife are in jail because the Thai corrupt officials assume they were laundering money made from the sales of cannabis in the Netherlands. But again you don't have to hunt to far to find out who bought his mansion and cars for a ridiculous price on a auction and what happen to all his moneys that was confiscated. The corruption in Thailand will never be removed because the most corrupt people in Thailand is the people that make the laws and enforce them by enrich themself with money from the poor and foreigners. 

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4 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

eSome years ago there was a foriegn woman living in the U.S. who ran a "escort service" which was a front for prostitution.

She claimed her "escort service" was legal in her home country and therefore she did nothing illegal in the U.S.

However, being greedy she failed to file U.S. tax retrns on the income she made in the U.S.

So she went to Jail, not for running her ":escort service", but failing to file income tax on the money she admitted to have made in the U.S. from her business.

And if you saw th movie, remember that Al Capone went to jail, not because of his activities running a Mafia family, but because of Iincome Tax avoidance.

How would you file an Income Tax Return with your source of Income listed as Mafia boss?



You do not think it is a little bit different to go to another country and do a work that is illegal but legal in there home country. 
That was just not the point here. Totally irrelevant story.

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5 hours ago, Crash999 said:

That article explains a lot more about the case but it still seems he should not be in jail. Looks like confusion surrounding the facts made worse by a letter from the Dutch pushing the Thai government for information on his assets that ended up putting him in jail. 


some people might call it confusion but others might class it as collusion depending how you look at things:ph34r:

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52 minutes ago, Champneys said:

You are right on the money Briggsy. It is all about the money and now saving face.

 No he is not.... the money was earned legally... taxes were paid... a two year long investigation by the Dutch revealed nothing ( suspicions? Maybe... but you can't be found guilty on suspicions).... Thai investigations proved no wrong doing within the kingdom


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5 hours ago, zorro1 said:

Interesting article. It was the Dutch embassy that repeatedly and urgently pushed thai officials to launch an investment into this guy.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Yep. Totally stitched up by Dutch officials.

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4 hours ago, wilkie111 said:

Thankfully i am not dutch ,but in all seriousness this should never happen and can only hope this guy and his wife get justice i mean come on whats his wife done guilty for shopping ?


Money laundering, not shopping.

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God forbid,that he will have to wait for this lot to let him out,he can"t have much

money left, don"t know what they can do under the present circumstanes , Shame on

 the Dutch Goverment,corruption every where ...................... 

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1 hour ago, sweatalot said:


If this is true.

Do you think this is enough reason to put him in a Thai prison? For years? For 103 years?


And btw. If this was the reason for the verdict it should have been mentioned as this.


The 103 years sentence is a formality, he is actually serving 20 years.

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1 hour ago, Rough Rider said:

Thailand with all its corrupt laws and corruption is the worse place to be in when they assume you are guilty of any wrong doings. He and his wife are in jail because the Thai corrupt officials assume they were laundering money made from the sales of cannabis in the Netherlands. But again you don't have to hunt to far to find out who bought his mansion and cars for a ridiculous price on a auction and what happen to all his moneys that was confiscated. The corruption in Thailand will never be removed because the most corrupt people in Thailand is the people that make the laws and enforce them by enrich themself with money from the poor and foreigners. 


To save us all having to "hunt to far", perhaps you could tell us who "bought his mansion and cars for a ridiculous price on a auction and what happen to all his moneys that was confiscated"?

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1 minute ago, gdgbb said:


To save us all having to "hunt to far", perhaps you could tell us who "bought his mansion and cars for a ridiculous price on a auction and what happen to all his moneys that was confiscated"?

Geeze I only wish I had some money to confiscate. 

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13 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I thought you only get a discount if you plead guilty. Must be a new courtesy extended to foreigners I guess a 80% discount. What a deal. 


Regardless of how many years is sentenced by a Thai court there is a maximum that any prisoner can actually serve.  He won't serve 103 years (even if he survived that long, which he obviously wouldn't)

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