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Tests For Hiv And Std !?


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Tests for HIV and STD how and where to do and how accurate and safe are they? I want to have unprotected sex with my friend next time I come to Thailand in a few months so any suggestions on how and where to do the testing and am this idea realistic and safe?

This forum is the only place I see that have an open mind and could provide some info but please feel free to relocate (or delete!) if needed.



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why do you want unprotected sh@g?

if your friend is an infected HIV but he/she is in incubation period (~ 3 mths) ..even he/she has got the HIV test , the result will be " false negative"

It means he/she get HIV but noone can detect it

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Anyway,If you want to know about the "Tests for HIV and STD how and where to do and how accurate and safe are they?"

Try Clinic Niranam

that place will not ask you about your (friend) name, you (your friend) will get the Number (code).. so nobody knows if you get that disease or not.. just keep it as a secret

Map + Direction see the link below (beside The Thai Red Cross )


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As always Britt thrust is an important ingredient! Thanks for the advice both of you and if I get this correctly it is: Test then stay away from “it” for tree months ,or super safe, then test again! Now what are the odds if this is done correctly?


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It is not polically correct to mention that if one doesn't take in another's bodily fluids, the chance of HIV infection is less than one tenth of one percent, especially if inserter is circumcised. Check the San Francisco General Hospital web page if you want a source.

With over 40 years of emperical knowledge and many hundreds of contacts with HIV positive men, I remain a negative barebacker, although I do use condoms when there is a chance of receiving another's bodily fluids.

A personal HIV pioneering physician friend of mine, in the mid-eighties, confided this risk information to me, clearly distiguishing his opinion from the public health scare tactics designed to maximize condom use, especially for those under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they copulate with HIV positive partners..

Notwithstanding the foregoing, I am tested every six months, regardless, as I want to ensure I am negative and not pass the disease onto someone who relies on my negative status when I am not using a condom. By the way, I have never had a false positive test result.

Vicking, the Red Cross clinic in Silom is supposed to give no questions asked free HIV tests according to what I have read. I applaud your interest in getting tested regularly regardless of the type of sex you have or the HIV status of your partners.

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