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Children still stranded after Calais camp bulldozed


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22 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well with them figures it is hardly surprising the EU and especially the UK are wary and should be with the fact that they are being conned.


They have been playing on our good nature and pulling our heart strings Sadly the lefties and luvvies buy into it and believe it. Just wait as you will see in the next few years. an explosion of these migrants breaking laws and causing problems.


The MET have already got stats out . Nearly half of squatters are Romanian. Police get called to incidents and a third are caused by immigrants. This is the reality and what is coming to the town and cities of the UK.




Then it's down to HMG to enforce the law. In the meantime a reality check...


There are an estimated 117,234 refugees living in the UK. That's just 0.18 per cent of the total population (64.1 million people).

How many asylum seekers came to the UK in 2015?

The UK received 38,878 asylum applications (including dependents). 

This was less than Germany (431,000), Sweden (163,000), and Hungary (163,000).

Just 45 per cent of cases were granted asylum and allowed to stay once their cases had been fully concluded.

Many are initially refused because it is difficult to provide the evidence needed to meet the strict criteria of a refugee. 




It is claimed there are approx 3 million EU citizens legally living in the UK with around one million UK citizens living in the EU. Be interesting to see, what impact, if any, on these numbers there will be as an outcome of Britex negotiations.

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On ‎03‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 0:52 PM, simple1 said:


Your definition is incorrect. Try researching the legal definition of a safe country by way of international law. In any case after reaching places such as Greece, many of the asylum seekers were waived though to other EU countries in breach of the Dublin Regulation primarily because they were under funded / under resourced to deal with the influx. I understand current estimates are around 40% are genuine refugees.

So, by allowing a blind eye to be turned to the law, Europe created it's own problems. No doubt they thought that Britain would just take all that wanted to go there, and Britain upset the apple cart when they would not, meaning the hordes were trapped in France.

Then, when countries north of Greece rebelled and built fences, trapping the hordes in that country, the scheme has collapsed.

With ever more and more economic migrants being "rescued" from the Med. and being taken to Italy instead of back to Libya. it can surely only be a matter of time before the Italians rebel and elect a government that refuses to accept any more, insisting on a return to whence they came policy. That genuine refugees will also be turned back is an unfortunate side effect of the EU refusal to properly enforce the law.

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Everyone should check out the vdos on U Tube about the fightback against the illegal economic migrants in Europe. It's stuff we will never see on the mainstream media, and it's quite frightening to see how they have taken over parts of Europe.

Merkel and her fellow travellers thought they could bring millions of people of a culture absolutely opposed to western society into Europe and no one would oppose them. Unfortunately, the situation is going to ( and already is ) lead(ing) to the rise of far right political parties, which will take over and that will not be good for anyone.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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On ‎06‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 2:17 PM, Usernames said:

African migrants vs Middle Eastern and Afghan migrants turn the City of Lights into a dogpit. What a future for Western Civilization.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3896774/Migrant-battle-streets-Paris-Large-gangs-men-armed-makeshift-clubs-fight-Calais-Jungle-camp-destroyed.html

Hmmmm. Lots of those "children" that the UK government wants to bring into the UK in those photos. Just the sort of people that the Brits want living there, not.


According to the media, these people arrive with nothing, but they look well fed, clothed and have tents. Someone is paying for that.


BTW, what chance would I have of arriving in Paris and just camping on the pavement instead of staying in an hotel?

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