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Thai man who carried out brutal sex attack on American tourist has sentence slashed


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10 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Just what are the requirements to become an official tourist guide?


5000 baht?


90% discount for family members? 


I believe you have to have a 4 year degree, and pass some kind of test. I think "real guides" wear some kind of govt badge around their necks?   Some news reports were careful to point out that he was working as an "unofficial guide".


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We really have no rights here but we have the money they want and this is all it seen they are looking for so if it was that farangs decided to move out and go to a seen more welcoming Country the Thai would start cutting down on pressuring foreigners.

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15 hours ago, amykat said:

I always assumed this admission of guilt was used to avoid a trial and having to prove guilt.  You are saying that after sentencing, admitting guilt is considered, repentance?


No, no I am not saying that at all. I merely quoted the relevant section of the Thai Criminal Code.


For any reduction in a sentence to occur, an original sentence would have to be handed down - the article does not specifically state that the perp admitted guilt after sentencing, it said his sentence was reduced "after he pleaded guilty" - that is an important distinction.


The logical sequence of events would have been: 

  1. perp pleads guilty;
  2. 10 yr sentence handed down;
  3. 10yr sentence immediately reduced by half due to guilty plea.

In this scenario, the sentence was reduced after he pleaded guilty - this does not mean—like you and many other posters have inferred—that he was sentenced to 10 yrs, then pleaded guilty, then had his sentence reduced.


15 hours ago, amykat said:

If this is the standard usage, then it would take away any incentive for offenders to admit guilt before being found guilty.  What in your opinion, is the purpose?


In my opinion you have the sequence of events wrong.


15 hours ago, amykat said:

I know what you wrote above but I am not understanding how the state benefits from this situation.  Or as usual, it isn't logical to us,  ...the state seems benevolent and sensitive to their "feelings"? (but not to the victim's or the future victims' feelings).  Can you comment further?


I agree that in this case, indeed most rape and sexual assault cases, the victims feelings seem often overlooked. That is partly due to the cultural oddity in Thailand where rape is a commonly used plot line in most evening soaps (boy meets girl, boy rapes girl, boy gets girl), and partly due to the misogynistic culture where victim-blaming is often the first thing we hear.


As has been pointed out,  most countries provide similar leniencies in the legislation, so this is not isolated to Thailand, what is isolated to here, though, is the misinterpretation of the Criminal Code to mean all guilty pleas must receive a sentence reduction by exactly half.

Edited by jamesbrock
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Ooooh, reducing the sentence lowers the workload for ... what the actual $&@€? Why hand out sentences at all? No accusations, no courtcase, no sentence, no work! Simple! No justice either, but hey: this is Thailand! If you don't like it, go home!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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1 hour ago, mettech said:

We really have no rights here but we have the money they want and this is all it seen they are looking for so if it was that farangs decided to move out and go to a seen more welcoming Country the Thai would start cutting down on pressuring foreigners.

Who is we?

A retired butcher from Bath, living in Pattaya with Noi from Surin?

A business owner, who in a naturalised citizen, with Thai wife and kids?

An embassy official?

A backpacker living on extended monthly visas?


Please don't tar us all with your brush.


You may not have any right but I certainly do.

Edited by Johnniey
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21 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Sounds as if the normal half sentence if admit guilt - nothing to do with being farang.

Sound completely abnormal. Maybe if you had a daughter or sister that this happened to you'd feel diffeernt. 


Five years for raping a woman who you chased off a cliff ? 

He should be in for a minimum of 25 years. 

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1 hour ago, mettech said:

We really have no rights here but we have the money they want and this is all it seen they are looking for so if it was that farangs decided to move out and go to a seen more welcoming Country the Thai would start cutting down on pressuring foreigners.

Will you volunteer to be the first? 

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5 minutes ago, spermwhale said:

Sound completely abnormal. Maybe if you had a daughter or sister that this happened to you'd feel diffeernt. 


Five years for raping a woman who you chased off a cliff ? 

He should be in for a minimum of 25 years. 

Lucky that we don't make laws or pass sentences on the basis of one's personal biases. 

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21 hours ago, gdgbb said:


Another one with the bizarre "2 months" idea.  It's not even 2 months since the attack and there has to be time for a court case, what are you talking about?


But do you deny that the sentence has been halved? That indicates he pleaded innocent, was found guilty, sentenced  and then subsequently had the sentence halved due to a confession after the case?


Either way, it is a paltry sentence for a vile crime that has caused the crippling of a younge woman, Her sentance was life!

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1 hour ago, spermwhale said:

Sound completely abnormal. Maybe if you had a daughter or sister that this happened to you'd feel diffeernt. 


Five years for raping a woman who you chased off a cliff ? 

He should be in for a minimum of 25 years. 

So he should get more than murdering someone? Don't be daft. What country are you from? 

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35 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

But do you deny that the sentence has been halved? That indicates he pleaded innocent, was found guilty, sentenced  and then subsequently had the sentence halved due to a confession after the case?


It does not indicate that at all.


It indicates that there was an extenuating circumstance—such as information given to the Court for the benefit of the trial (i.e. a confession)—and as per Section 78 of the Thailand Criminal Code, the court found it suitable to reduce the punishment by one half.


The story does not indicate that said confession was made after the initial sentence, or, indeed, the trial itself. To believe that suggests a gross lack of understanding.


35 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Either way, it is a paltry sentence for a vile crime that has caused the crippling of a younge woman, Her sentance was life!



That I do agree with.

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23 hours ago, Thechook said:

Disgusting.  The value they put on farangs is appalling.  You get more for kicking a soi dog.


According to my (Thai) wife, she says the same shit happens when its a Thai woman. Same sick behavior similar bullshit sentencing

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I think the sentence was light to start with because she wasn't pushed but what exactly is sexual assault, was she raped? It's such a vague term, if so he should have got 20 years especially considering she had a spinal cord injury, she couldn't fight back.. It's revolting

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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

And how many years does he now have to serve?


Because that is his sentence.


In cases like this, elsewhere in the world, the reduced sentence becomes payroll, or suspended, with any subsequent crime resulting in reinstatement of the origional sentence.... does anyone know if that happens here?


Regardless... I suppose... the posting says "sentence reduced", which would indicate ten years is no longer in the equation.... and that this monster has been "resentenced" to five years "max" .... further indicating the possibility of another reduction.


but not to worry.... I think they still intend executing the two Burmese, (no confession) so that balances things out... right?


sorry.... sarcasm is starting to appear, I need to disappear.

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On 29/10/2016 at 10:06 AM, Artisi said:

Looks like he just dropped out of the trees - knuckles still dragging on the ground.


On 29/10/2016 at 9:38 AM, yellowboat said:

He looks as though he will be right at home in prison. 


He looks like a Thai version of one of the characters out of the film Deliverance (1972).

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21 hours ago, sanemax said:


   No one is blaming her for what happened .


So, according to you, saying "She should have not gone alone with an unknown Thai man anywhere, for safety" is not blaming the victim?


It is in my book; and its so common when assault/rape of women is covered on TV and its disgusting. Especially in this case where she specifically asked for a guide to ensure that she was safe.


No excuse for rape, no excuse for blaming the victim. Both despicable.







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24 minutes ago, MiKT said:


So, according to you, saying "She should have not gone alone with an unknown Thai man anywhere, for safety" is not blaming the victim?


It is in my book; and its so common when assault/rape of women is covered on TV and its disgusting. Especially in this case where she specifically asked for a guide to ensure that she was safe.


No excuse for rape, no excuse for blaming the victim. Both despicable.



   My point was that its not a wise idea to go with strangers into dark secluded places .

IMO it could be quite dangerous .

Maybe you think that it isnt dangerous and quite a safe thing to do .

I wouldnt go with strangers into dark secluded places and even if they claimed to be a tour guide, that wouldnt give me enough confidence to trust them .

  I am not blaming for the the guys actions, he acted despicably .

My point was that people , especially females shouldnt go with strangers into dark secluded places , especially with young men

I dont think that its a safe thing to do .

Do you think that its a safe and wise thing to do ?

This story shows that it clearly isnt 


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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   My point was that its not a wise idea to go with strangers into dark secluded places .

IMO it could be quite dangerous .

Maybe you think that it isnt dangerous and quite a safe thing to do .

I wouldnt go with strangers into dark secluded places and even if they claimed to be a tour guide, that wouldnt give me enough confidence to trust them .

  I am not blaming for the the guys actions, he acted despicably .

My point was that people , especially females shouldnt go with strangers into dark secluded places , especially with young men

I dont think that its a safe thing to do .

Do you think that its a safe and wise thing to do ?

This story shows that it clearly isnt 


Sounds like you are blaming the victim then? 

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8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Sounds like you are blaming the victim then? 


   I really cannot see how you have come to that conclusion

Do you disagree with my point ?

Do you think that its a wise idea for females to go into dark secluded places with strangers ?

Especially young western females with young Asian men  .

Do you disgree ?

Do you actually think that is a wise thing to do ?

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4 hours ago, sanemax said:


   My point was that its not a wise idea to go with strangers into dark secluded places .

IMO it could be quite dangerous .

Maybe you think that it isnt dangerous and quite a safe thing to do .

I wouldnt go with strangers into dark secluded places and even if they claimed to be a tour guide, that wouldnt give me enough confidence to trust them .

  I am not blaming for the the guys actions, he acted despicably .

My point was that people , especially females shouldnt go with strangers into dark secluded places , especially with young men

I dont think that its a safe thing to do .

Do you think that its a safe and wise thing to do ?

This story shows that it clearly isnt 



Wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't, so easy to write, but in real life situations arise all the time that are not safe and wise, but have to be dealt with. Driving in Thailand, or any country for that matter is not a safe and wise thing to do when looked at entirely rationally, but millions do it every day.


Just crossing the road cost thousands of people their lives or serious injury ever single day of the year. Walking in the park, flying, etc. let alone all the sporty things that people do that are exceedingly dangerous.

In most (no every) country it can be dangerous to be a woman alone at night, because there are arsholes everywhere and women make allowances for it as far as they can, but if your choice was spending the night alone and exposed or getting someone to guide you home, you would try to get a guide.


Its preposterous saying you can't trust young Thai men any more than any young man in any country. The picture attached to this thread is obviously not how the guy would have appeared at the time.


Do you really think she was happy when she found it necessary to follow this guy and went along without any thought or misgivings. I am sure she was not, she would have been very wary and nervous, but hoping that she would get to her place of lodging more safely than if she had stayed where she was. She made the right decision to get a guide and was terribly unlucky to get that half brained idiot.


Very regrettably she wont have been the only victim of rape or sexual assort on that same day, there would no doubt have been several in Thailand alone and many more in say Pakistan or India or the US. The problem is the treatment of women by men that needs to be overcome.


 Monday morning quarterbacking is a good American expression that fits the bill here.  It serves no purpose whatsoever to reiterate "Good Advice" when the poor girl was so baldy treated and horribly injured. It only serves to make it seem that you are so goody two shoes bl... dy clever that nothing bad will ever happen to you. I hope it does not, but your insensitive and unnecessary comments do not take into account the feelings of the victim when she reads how she should not have done this, should have done that, by people who were not there at the time and did not have to make the decisions that she did.


She was the one assaulted, don't you think she knows far, far, far, far better than you what the best thing to do would have been in hindsight.


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21 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

5 years for what this scum did is no justice at all. 


Justice is not about reducing the workload, it is ensuring the punishment fits the crime.


Look up the word in a dictionary and tell me this sentence is justice.

I guess you have never  heard of irony.


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7 hours ago, sanemax said:


   I really cannot see how you have come to that conclusion

Do you disagree with my point ?

Do you think that its a wise idea for females to go into dark secluded places with strangers ?

Especially young western females with young Asian men  .

Do you disgree ?

Do you actually think that is a wise thing to do ?

As I said.


Victim blaming. 

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