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Life with the farang abroad - no bed of roses, says German's wife


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14 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

They are brainwashed to believe that the streets are paved with gold and that we are all millionaires.  


When i fist took my Mrs to Britain and we were there for three months it was the biggest learning curve she had ever been on in her life.  Upon return she smashed the dreams of dozens of her old friends who all expected her to be telling them it was paradise there !

Not disagreeing, but how does this "brainwashing" come about?  What/who is doing it?  The parents just hoping against hope they'll be in for a piece of the pie?   Uninformed peer pressure?  Urban myth?  Pure desperation?  Dissolute Thai manfolk?  Why do they all seem to reach adulthood believing this so implicitly?

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6 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

Not disagreeing, but how does this "brainwashing" come about?  What/who is doing it?  The parents just hoping against hope they'll be in for a piece of the pie?   Uninformed peer pressure?  Urban myth?  Pure desperation?  Dissolute Thai manfolk?  Why do they all seem to reach adulthood believing this so implicitly?

You're a regular on Thaivisa and still believe people act rationally?

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My wife was a lawyer in Thailand. Back in the USA she worked at Chick Fil A and then found a job she liked working with old folks in a nursing home. We lived a block away so she could walk to work. We both worked and came back with a lot of money after 10 years. True wealth is still possible but it does require planning which includes work. Children complicate things so we opted not to have any. She also secured her retirement from Social Security. 

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Thankful I finally came across post 142


I was seriously contemplating the sad fact that the forum was full of bitter, twisted, self righteous plonkers; who for some reason, feel because they do, or have done, a shift or two; every other person in the world should be condemned to the same fate! Especially, it appears, if one has the audacity to highlight how expensive living in the west can be!!


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7 hours ago, 212Roger said:

I worked for the Post Office in California for 22 years; $60,000 a year.  I retired with an "early out" at 50 years of age and received a  $15,000 bonus AND a pension for life.  


Good for you, it's a necessary and valuable public-service, I myself worked for a couple of years at one of their competitors, TNT-Mailfast who helped (25years ago) force international postal-rates to become more in line with costs. I'd do a day's work in the accounts-office, then help sort that day's outgoing-mail for despatch on the truck to the airport before heading home.


But presumably you're quoting  before-tax-rates ? One of the things which IME truly shocks Thais, when they move to live & work overseas, is the percentage of their gross-income which they never even see, due to tax & social-security payments, something which they rarely experience here at home.

Edited by Ricardo
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If this story is in any way true then it's a warning to all Thai ladies that things don't always fall so easily into place for them and expectant family and for foreign men who may not get the full idea of what the lady of their dreams wants and expects.

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17 hours ago, beachproperty said:

Just another live testimonial that life in Europe is more expensive than Thailand!

You have your economics wrong.I would say they where using German income to go to a restuarant in Thailand.1000 baht would be 1 hours wages'i rekon.Compare that to a reasonable wage in Thailand,say 500 baht a day and that would be 2 days wages,therefore bloody expensive.My lovely has been to Oz 8 times and understands why i have to work 6 days a week and live like a hermit monk so that we can live like royalty in Thailand.Works for us.

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10 hours ago, pbeieio said:

Those who use the term "Farang", demonstrate ignorance, racism and stupidity!!

What else can you expect??????


Good point. The comments in Thai on the link from Thai woman says it all, they treat as not as human but a meal ticket.


Sure, we may be a "good farang" or a "rich farang" but that is a bonus. 

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17 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Sheesh, years ago (like, 15 or so) I used to have conversations with girls and they'd ask about living in Canada. I told them what they could earn as a waitress/cashier, shop clerk, etc and they all wanted to immediately move to Canada !

Then I explained to them how the government takes up to 33% of their salary right off the top in taxes and how they have to pay additional taxes on almost everything they buy, and may still have to pay even more taxes at the end of the year ! I also told them what a small apartment in a cheap (and not so nice) part of Vancouver would cost, and how much other things would cost. Yeah, they could make more money, but they'd also have to pay a lot more just to get by.

Then I told them what the weather was like at that time (it was February and in Pattaya the temperature was down to around 20 Celsius while in Vancouver it was a mild 0 degrees) ! Once they realized that they quickly changed their minds about wanting to move there !


I used to tell all my gf's the same about Oz,except the weather is warmer,like 46 celcius sometimes,but we have ac.I told them chillies were 500 baht/kilo but you can grow your own.I told them i rarely drink in Oz because of work and no time.That one they didn't believe as i used to be on the piss every day for 6 weeks whilst on holiday.When the one i am with now came down under she planted 80 chilli bushes and sold the chillis to the local Thai restuarants.Went to a restuarant once and when she converted the bill into baht she nearly had a heart attack.Never again.we eat at home,she said.Good for me as all the other Thai women come around and have a cook up and gossip and they bring beer and Johnny Red for Loong,good times with good friends.

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12 hours ago, Naam said:

but the resident muppets keep hammering the poor thing like she committed a crime :sick:

Muppets? How rude. Do you get the Muppets in Germany?


She has committed a moral crime - marrying a German just for the money.


Did you read the link. Oh, I forgot, you are allergic to learning Thai, even after many years here.  Strange you never mentioned your bank balance yet. Still, insulting others has increased your low self-esteem enough for one day.

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17 hours ago, Thechook said:

What do some posters on here say?  if you dont like it, leave and go back to your beautiful life back home.  you're sick buffalo misses you and so does mum and dad.  some of these girls have to realise that farangs aren't rich, it's a dream.

Tell the girls nothing and take them nowhere or the allure of "The Farang" is gone.What else have we got besides being hansum men but the lure of the fat wallet full of holiday money.If that dream is gone they might as well go with a Chinaman.Dumb and full of cum,i say.

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8 hours ago, 212Roger said:

I know the temple in Fremont, Ca; I lived in Pleasanton the last eight years before coming to Thailand.  A lot of Filipinos and Vietnamese in Milpitas and San Jose as you well know.  I mention this because I was married to a Filipina and she worked very hard.  I believe, 100%, that if you marry a Filipina, for the marriage to work you must bring her to the West.  However, if you marry a Thai, and for the marriage to work you must keep her in Thailand.  She needs her family, friends, social life, and hot and humid weather to be happy. 


Yes I agree on your marriages working assessment. My first marriage of 21 years was to a Filipina. She was a native born in California Filipina but to your point Filipinos want to get to the US as quickly as possible and never want to ever go back except to visit. They love to send pictures back to their family saying "Look at me I made it".  In regards to Thai's they are as you noted, family means everything and it just works in Thailand better for them.  While off topic, I have also found comparing the 2 that Filipina's are way way more materialistic then Thai's. My ex wife was relentless about image and status etc. Always wanted big parties at the house to show off, dress up etc. Thais in my experience not so much.  Thai women just go about their day. Plus I have to say  Filipino food is horrific and terribly bland. LOL!. 

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18 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

"She has to work to survive".


Yes, welcome to the real world.


Yup, as a ferang who has had to work to survive for 40+ years I can also testify to this daft Isaan bint, life isn't a bed of roses.

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I sure like to know how many of us Canadian living here just for conversation mater and my wife is also dual citizenship Thai Canadian an she knows well abut working to help with paying the bills welcome to the western world.

We will be here to stay this coming year.

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WOW! Are ye punters are weighing in with EXCELLENT takes! I guess this is Fight Club after all. Yes, the Tai wifey with four kids is learning to be a special Snowflake!

I was having coffee in Pattaya when I got the full court press by a Tai hottie intent on immigrating to a better life. Then she said "...you speak pretty good English for being a German man..."

"....I never said I was German---I'm American."


She got up and split in a New York second, adding "...your American visa laws are impossible."

Sure enough. Dial the "Way Back Machine" to mid-1970s Thailand and 40k American troops were about to return to USA with some 38k Kon Tai. Tiger Woods was an infant during this early exodus to America.


Within a year, the Dept of Defense, State Dept and US Immigration all joined resources to return 37k kon Tai and their American spouses to Thailand. Kon Tai hated the cold in America, the lousy food, the constant work ethic, the isolation, etc. All true about anyplace. What set off the Tai women was that their soldier-husband were NOT at the TOP of social hieracrchy, as is the soldier in their culture. Huge eruptions.


This is why so many Yanks and their Tai offspring reside in Udon Thai and Ubon Ratchathani areas---near their former military bases used during the Vietnam War.

After the 37k Tai females were relocated back to their Kingdom, US Immigration changed up the visa regulations, making things much more difficult. Professionally- trained docs and academicians have no trouble attending American Universities. Isaan women making a go of it in rural fly-over states?

Not a chance in hell.


Tai women are best enjoyed in their own special greenhouse, where orchids -- like  Tai women, flourish in their special climate, Removing a Tai female from her beloved Kingdom and relocating her to USA is "cruel and unusual punishment." Ill-advised.

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24 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

How much are chillis in Germany.?


Not sure, guess 3 for 1-1.5 euro or so. Most Asian stuff you buy in special Asian shops who are in the bigger  cities. Chili is more sold as  chilisauce. Chiliplants costs a few euro.


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12 hours ago, Robbman2000 said:

I speak Isaan so I took the time to translate this.  Poor girl's getting ripped on in farang forums.  This is pretty much word for work.  the best I can do.  It should be spot on minus a couple sentences.




Hello,  I just wanted to let you know what it is like to live in the west verses Thailand.  Living in the west is not as relaxed as living back home.  What we have, we eat together, all of us like family.  Whoever it is we call them uncle, aunty, brother and sister.  Everyone.  (some sentence I didn’t understand about getting food from the farm?)


We spend 100 or 200 baht back home and we get many things.  Back home if we spend 1000 baht the entire table is full.  Here is not the same.  If we walk anywhere all we can do is say hello to someone and smile.  That’s it.  If you want to buy anything it is not reasonable.  Expensive.  To go buy a handful of basil is 200 baht.  Little bit.  Why would you do that?  I want it but I do without.  It’s not like back home where we can go out to eat.  In our house we have 4 children.  Then me and my husband.  Together 5…6 of us.    We eat one time and it’s 5000-6000, maybe 4000-5000.  If we don’t eat very much maybe it is 2000 baht or more.  Why would we spend that much to eat?  Wouldn’t it be better to save that money? 


Why it is in the west we have to do for ourselves?  I thought that if I was a farang’s wife I could live relaxed.  Not true.  There isn’t a single farang wife living relaxed.  You have to make your own.  You cannot wait to use your husband’s money forever.  They do for themselves and find work for themselves.  It’s not like marrying a farang means you can be lazy.  You are thinking wrong.  You cannot rely on someone forever.   If you are looking for a rich farang it is dangerous thinking and you should look at yourself.    That’s why they relax so much in Thailand because here in the West they work very hard. 


Why do I have to work?  Why do I have to cook?  Why do I have to work so hard?  It’s not hard.  It is something we need to do.  Why is it that in Thailand we can just spend money?  Because it is cheaper.  100, 200, 1000 baht  is a lot but here it doesn’t buy anything.  Here you have to know what you are doing.  It’s not like you can use someone else forever.  You have to know how to live our life, know how to cook and take care of yourself, raise your children, take care of your husband , family, and yourself.  We stay together because of love, understanding, and trust.  If you think you’re going to find someone to take care of you, you are thinking wrong.   I just wanted to say this to share with you.  I want you to know so we understand each other.  Ok?  Understand.  Bye bye.



Good post. Thanks for taking the time to do this. From your translation is appears that she is issuing a warning as a public service announcement rather than whining. If that is the case, I retract my earlier including comments.


That being said, her main problem is that she's still converting the price of everything she buys to baht, and using that as a comparison - but no sign of hubby's income or bank balance converted to baht. When my wife began working (the day she received her Bridging Visa B, that allowed her to legally work) she quickly stopped converting prices of everything to baht and was much happier.

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1 hour ago, Johnniey said:

Muppets? How rude. Do you get the Muppets in Germany?


She has committed a moral crime - marrying a German just for the money.


Did you read the link. Oh, I forgot, you are allergic to learning Thai, even after many years here.  Strange you never mentioned your bank balance yet. Still, insulting others has increased your low self-esteem enough for one day.

my self-esteem in my left pinky toe is double yours :tongue:

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3 minutes ago, Naam said:

my self-esteem in my left pinky toe is double yours :tongue:

I know your not good with languages but have to point out that 'pinky' is a finger and "pinky toe" means small penis. The truth is coming out, subconsciously maybe. :cheesy: 

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I'm taking my wife to Scotland to live sometime next year. She realises that she she will have to find some kind of work though her choices will be limited at least initially as the town where we'll live only has a population of around 3000. There are a number of other villages nearby though. However, once her language skills improve, it may be easier. 


There again, my wife is considerably older than Seangpin Schuler in the OP.



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the german guy has grey hair in the karaoke bar in isarn when he met her, when she was 17, then on the beach, a few years later, when she is pregnant he has no grey hair.   this looks like some poor journalism to me   :)              the girl in front of the german car, doesn't look like any of the other photos to me,  also her hair is red ;)

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