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PM Prayut accuses local politicians of colluding with millers to suppress rice price


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PM accuses local politicians of colluding with millers to suppress rice price




BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha accused local politicians of working hands in gloves with some millers to suppress rice price with an ill intention to sow seed of discontent among farmers against the government.


The prime minister made the allegation in passing when he chaired the meeting of the Rice Policy and Management Committee or the rice board on Monday. He did not elaborate and didn’t say how the government would deal with the unscrupulous local politicians and millers.


He also cited the incomplete reform of the farming sector for causing the price plunge, especially the Hom Mali rice whose price has plunged to the lowest level in ten years.


Also attending the rice board meeting were Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, Interior Minister Anupong Paochinda and Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives Minister Chatchai Sarikalya among others.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-accuses-local-politicians-of-colluding-with-millers-to-suppress-rice-price/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-11-01
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So the rice price is at it's lowest in ten years.  

There are politicians and millers working in collusion and corruption manipulating the price for rice.  

He said the rice problem is a complicated issue and has been a problem for years.

And the if the govenment has to suffer some loss then they must to look after the farmers as best they can.


So now the shoe is on the other foot will he hold himself as leader of the junta finacially accountable for loss to the thai people's money(tax)???  IMO, I think not and do as he has done,  blame Yingluck, Thaksin  PTP...


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One of the lessons to be drawn from the rice-scam affair, is that no one government can control the world-market price of rice, let alone a bunch of local out-of-power politicians. No matter how convenient it would be, if it were possible.


On the other hand, I'm sure that the millers & friends can be relied-upon, not to buy their raw-material from Thai farmers, at a loss-making-to-themselves price. Why would they ?

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So, according to Prayut, local politicians are, "...working hands in gloves with some millers to suppress rice price with an ill intention to sow seed of discontent among farmers against the government...".


He also tells us that the incomplete reform of the farming sector is a cause for the (international) price plunge of rice.


Seems, no one could see this coming:



What is needed is leadership in a difficult time. As the saying goes - "Cometh the hour, cometh the man" !!!


Unfortunately (for the long-suffering people of Thailand), we're still waiting !!!

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37 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Sad thing is the PM believes all these crazy stories.

Another worrying aspect is what history tells us can happen when people in his position starting thinking everyone is against them, plotting etc.

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23 minutes ago, waldroj said:

So, according to Prayut, local politicians are, "...working hands in gloves with some millers to suppress rice price with an ill intention to sow seed of discontent among farmers against the government...".


He also tells us that the incomplete reform of the farming sector is a cause for the (international) price plunge of rice.


Seems, no one could see this coming:



What is needed is leadership in a difficult time. As the saying goes - "Cometh the hour, cometh the man" !!!


Unfortunately (for the long-suffering people of Thailand), we're still waiting !!!

That's an international chart.....Thais don't read these!

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It is the same all over in Thailand. When something goes wrong it is always the other fellows fault rather than the person who allows it to happen. 

The problem for the PM is that he happens to be the boss so the buck stops with him. It is his job to fix the problem but instead he wimps out and simply points his menacing finger at others.

Where is Article 44 with all it's severity when it is needed?

The agricultural sector seems to be in a parlous state at present with nothing seeming to be going right. The Thais are their own worst enemies simply because they believe they know best about everything and are contemptuous of outside advice. Maybe a dose of humble pie wouldn't go astray if it would help the country and the farmers.

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Prayut is seeing ghosts of distant past and so he should for around every corner for a Junta there is a conspiracy just waiting to happen , we'll see how Prayut and company  are going in the next six months when, if as predicted ,  the factions throughout Thailand start to wield the axe.......................................:coffee1:

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Why not a pull an Article 44 on these politicians and rice millers. Yingluck administration's investigation already concluded that these were the corrupt ones, yet they fail to act on it. Perhaps the General can do something about it this time around.

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3 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

So the rice price is at it's lowest in ten years.  

There are politicians and millers working in collusion and corruption manipulating the price for rice.  

He said the rice problem is a complicated issue and has been a problem for years.

And the if the govenment has to suffer some loss then they must to look after the farmers as best they can.


So now the shoe is on the other foot will he hold himself as leader of the junta finacially accountable for loss to the thai people's money(tax)???  IMO, I think not and do as he has done,  blame Yingluck, Thaksin  PTP...


Supporting farmers is one thing, the economic idiocy that underlay PT's rice scheme is another.

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it would be interesting to see the very strong links between Rice Millers and politicians exposed, another one to look at is the fertiliser supply chain - a very crooked business from start to finish that exploits the farmers and the tax payers............time for some serious reforms

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Another bogeyman(men/women) story and why not, yesterday was Hallow'een !

Bang on my friend
Same as when posts show interest then mysteriously disappear into the abyss - (of late)

Maybe the Bogeyman needs a course of Meds!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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8 hours ago, smedly said:

it would be interesting to see the very strong links between Rice Millers and politicians exposed, another one to look at is the fertiliser supply chain - a very crooked business from start to finish that exploits the farmers and the tax payers............time for some serious reforms

What would be even more interesting is to see the links between the Thai military and regional human trafficking networks exposed. 

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10 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Supporting farmers is one thing, the economic idiocy that underlay PT's rice scheme is another.

The junta just announced 13000 bht rice subsidies. So 13000 is support but 15000 isn't? Where exactly is the line between support and idiocy? If corruption is uncovered in the latest scheme, will prayuth have to dig into his 600 million baht stash to pay it back?

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28 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

The junta just announced 13000 bht rice subsidies. So 13000 is support but 15000 isn't? Where exactly is the line between support and idiocy? If corruption is uncovered in the latest scheme, will prayuth have to dig into his 600 million baht stash to pay it back?

Paying double the world market for a product and guaranteeing that price for all, not having anywhere to store, thinking you could change the world price, not having the money to fund the scheme all count as idiocy to me.


Oh and yes, I never said I was in favour of subsidies or this govt's particular scheme. 


I just find it hard to believe anything as moronic as PT's scheme could be conceived...

Edited by Bluespunk
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