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Thai govt to consider easing mourning restriction on entertainment venues


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1 hour ago, samsensam said:


the government had plenty of time to prepare for the sad passing of the King and have a clear operational plan and communication strategy in place to ensure clarity throughout the population and internationally, clearly they didn't think things through.


spare a thought for those involved in the entertainment industry, how would you feel if the government decreed your means of sustaining you and your family was to be taken away for a year. a huge amount of people will potentially be impoverished, how does this benefit the memory of the King? madness.

Not thinking things through seems to be a genetic problem with Thais and I do not mean that disrespectfully. Just about everything they do seems to follow the initial knee jerk with delayed afterthought pattern.

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No fan of the current administration but, credit where credit is due, they seen to have handled the situation well so far and this new potential relaxation of entertainment restrictions shows they are being considerate to the needs of many people who are struggling (and the golden goose tourism industry). My expectations and many others I spoke with up to a couple of weeks ago expected virtually everything to be shut down for a month along with plummetting baht and stock market.

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The entertainment venues in LK metro have been running normally without hiccup....last night I took a walk through here, lights were on, girls were out in their halloween costumes coaxing customers in, the only thing that has been halted is the live music from a couple of the bars that have bands.



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2 hours ago, daveAustin said:

I'm totally for keeping television locked down. There is education right there in not showing those ridiculous soaps.


Let them operate but keep the noise down, it has been very pleasant so far.

It is not comfortable to visit a bar with the noise so loud it does your head in and the competition all round is blasting out music to try and drown out the opposition.

Keep the volume down permanently there is no need for it, a nice level where you can speak without shouting.

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1 hour ago, happy pattaya man said:

The entertainment venues in LK metro have been running normally without hiccup....last night I took a walk through here, lights were on, girls were out in their halloween costumes coaxing customers in, the only thing that has been halted is the live music from a couple of the bars that have bands.



What I have not understood at all about live music bring shut down for so long and even just music in general, for example my gym plays  no music still. Is that HM was such an avid music buff. From playing many instuments to performing with some of the greats.  Even here as in the west it is included in the mourning process. 

Edited by alex8912
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3 hours ago, Rorri said:

I don't disagree with the lifting of restrictions, but, it does  show when it comes to baht v respect, baht wins.

Wrong. People need to be allowed to make their living and support their families. It has nothing to do with respect or disrespect.

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43 minutes ago, philcobkk said:

I find it strange that tv channels such as movies, cbs entertainment, bbc entertainment etc. now are showing normal programming but not TV 5

 france, which I watch. 

I called TrueVisions about this a week ago, a very polite and sorry lady told me that TrueVisions is receiving a lot of complaints, that they are negotiating with the government for TV5 to be back with normal programming but they are still refusing to do so. If it is true, I think it is political, I would not be surprised if TV5 is still deprogrammed after the one month of mourning. The lady also said that they studying the possibility of compensation for the subscribers who are affected. TV5 is showing 24/24 Thai documentaries and movies like if it was a Thai channel. People from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada are deprived of theirs daily news, talk shows, documentaries etc. It is the only foreign channel to be 100% deprogrammed. Sounds like a punishment. 

Edited by Zyxel
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When initially announced, the restrictions sounded like they would hurt many people and businesses, and this is exactly what has happened. Unfortunately, like many things, this was not sufficiently considered in advance, even though there was ample planning and preparation time. The result, of course, yet again, is flip-flop decisions which only make certain people look like they don't really know what they are doing, or how to set feasible / reasonable restrictions which do not unnecessarily hurt the workers or owners of entertainment establishments.  I saw a place in Bangkok (out of town - near JJ Market) completely ignore these restrictions, playing music loudly.. and this was the day after the King passed away (and it was busy with Thai people drinking / shouting / having a good time).


It just goes to show that some business owners will do what they think is best, and not what the govt does... and that many of the Thai public are more than happy to continue having fun, as (in the real world) this is actually considered to be in no way disrespectful. 

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" Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha is concerned with the impacts of the mourning on entertainers and entertainment venues."


He should have thought of this before implementing the restrictions in the first place. Oh sorry, that would have taken some thought and planning.

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its the decisions made by millionaires that gives no thought to the usual suffering money wise of the poor, i was out last night at 7, home at 10 ,no halloween what so ever, bars nearly empty.as said before show respect like i do, and now we have a minister to monitor this, its too late i think. soi cowboy like a ghost road the last two nights.

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5 hours ago, Rorri said:

I don't disagree with the lifting of restrictions, but, it does  show when it comes to baht v respect, baht wins.

Yes tourism rears it head again. The dollar doves of tourism were flying out the window to adjoining countries and that would never do 

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6 hours ago, kalbo123 said:

What actually happened is that a lot of travellers, mainly the younger ones already changed their holiday destination for this high season.

The damage is already done and high season will be more quite then usual.


Neither of these two assertions are probably correct.The post is more about youth's solecism than actuality.

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6 hours ago, kalbo123 said:

What actually happened is that a lot of travellers, mainly the younger ones already changed their holiday destination for this high season.

The damage is already done and high season will be more quite then usual.


And you base this on ????? fact or on your mind.

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2 hours ago, Zyxel said:

I called TrueVisions about this a week ago, a very polite and sorry lady told me that TrueVisions is receiving a lot of complaints, that they are negotiating with the government for TV5 to be back with normal programming but they are still refusing to do so. If it is true, I think it is political, I would not be surprised if TV5 is still deprogrammed after the one month of mourning. The lady also said that they studying the possibility of compensation for the subscribers who are affected. TV5 is showing 24/24 Thai documentaries and movies like if it was a Thai channel. People from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada are deprived of theirs daily news, talk shows, documentaries etc. It is the only foreign channel to be 100% deprogrammed. Sounds like a punishment. 


Perhaps TV5 made some rash statements in their news coverage of the King's passing.

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The definition of "entertainment" as applied to the period of mourning is a very broad one, and not just the usual euphemism for the sex trade.  This has led to certain anomalies whereby the girlie bars are all open with the music off or the volume turned down, but symphony concerts have been cancelled.  The people who are suffering are the musicians, whether they play jazz (like the late king), pop, rock, folk or classical music, and who still do not know when they will be allowed to go back to work. One should not confuse respect with self-abegnation

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