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Woman detained for luring 80 Thais to Switzerland for prostitution


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Woman traffics 80 Thais to Switzerland for prostitution



VIENNA: -- A Thai woman has been placed in detention for trafficking some 80 compatriots to Switzerland, where they were forced to work as prostitutes, Swiss police and prosecutors said Monday in Bern.


The 57-year-old suspect lured her victims by taking advantage of their poverty or by promising them normal jobs in Switzerland, the authorities said.


Once the trafficked persons reached their destination, they were forced to pay off between 25 000 and 30 000 Swiss francs in “travel debts” by working in brothels in various Swiss regions including Bern and Zurich, the investigators said.


Full story: http://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/woman-traffics-80-thais-to-switzerland-for-prostitution-2085373


-- IOL 2016-11-01

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Switzerland has always been a crime capital in my view. The rich world leaders ignore it probably because they used to or still hide their money there. I would guess some of the superrrich Thais have hidden some wealth there. While the Nazis were at work killing people in Europe, Switzerland did their banking and some of their stolen art sales it seems. Is it really so hard for the Swiss to catch criminals? It's not that big of country. What's this Thai woman's name? Does she have a "good family name" in Thailand? I hope there is more info on this.

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6 minutes ago, Alive said:

Switzerland has always been a crime capital in my view. The rich world leaders ignore it probably because they used to or still hide their money there. I would guess some of the superrrich Thais have hidden some wealth there. While the Nazis were at work killing people in Europe, Switzerland did their banking and some of their stolen art sales it seems. Is it really so hard for the Swiss to catch criminals? It's not that big of country. What's this Thai woman's name? Does she have a "good family name" in Thailand? I hope there is more info on this.


The world is simple to you.

An offense of pimping Thai in Zurich and here goes all Swiss, criminals qualified ...
I love reading this forum to discover every morning this kind of simplistic point, but here it is a bit except standard.

Others notices in the same style, Dude, you have one likes.

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I know there are good people in Switzerland but Swiss history has a lot of international corruption connected to it. The Nazi corruption is the big one. Switzerland gets an image of being somehow neutral but it never has been. It's always been profiting while waving that white flag. Gotta go to work.

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2 hours ago, Alive said:

I know there are good people in Switzerland but Swiss history has a lot of international corruption connected to it. The Nazi corruption is the big one. Switzerland gets an image of being somehow neutral but it never has been. It's always been profiting while waving that white flag. Gotta go to work.


You must be US American.

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3 hours ago, Alive said:

I know there are good people in Switzerland but Swiss history has a lot of international corruption connected to it. The Nazi corruption is the big one. Switzerland gets an image of being somehow neutral but it never has been. It's always been profiting while waving that white flag. Gotta go to work.


Jean-Luc Godard, the famous/often infamous and highly controversial film-maker who has a double nationality (French and Swiss) once said on a TV interview : "une des significations du drapeau Suisse, c'est le sang des autres, nous on fait une croix dessus" which translates as "here is one meaning of the Swiss national flag : what we do with other people's blood is we put a cross on it (ie we ignore it)".


Alive's comments about Switzerland, like all generalizations, are unsatisfactory because they lump everything together. But, like all generalizations, they also have a lot of truth in them, like it or not.


The way Switzerland as a country behaved during WW2 is not exactly a model of integrity, courage and humanity. Even though a lot of Swiss citizens did have those qualities, of course (and still do). But the global facts are there, documented and stubborn : yes, a lot a Nazi assets were placed in Switzerland, and the only reason Switzerland was not invaded was because the Nazis needed a 'neutral' safe for the money and art they stole from the Jews. Yes, Switzerland has been receiving and handling a lot of dirty money from all over the world, for a long time, from mafia dons to monstrous dictators, corrupt politicians, or 'simple' tax-evading rich people. What would the Swiss economy and finance be, nowadays, if that monumental supply of wealth had not existed ? Let's face it, it would not be a thousandth of what it is now.


Where prostitution is concerned,  I don't think that Switzerland is any better or worse than any other rich country in the world. Rich people have a sense of entitlement, they think they can buy everything, and they're often right. When the demand and the money are both there, people like this Thai pimping lady appear like mushrooms in the rain : inevitably.

Edited by Yann55
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Seems to me that some still believe in Father Xmas.

What did these 80 women (of legal age and sound state of mind) think? Working as cashiers or what without language knowledge and any educational paper/certificates?

They knew perfectly well, what they were in for and were certainly not recruited off the rice field as those ploughs won't sell in houses of ill repute. What they did not know was that they are (quite obviously seriously) exploited by their Thai pimps.
Prostitution in Switzerland (like many other European countries) means working - unlike here where they can come and go, playing with smart phones and just hang around. 

It is easy to blame Switzerland (or any other nation for that matter); it is legalized and hence also legally protected and controlled.

The root of the problem is  ethnically linked - like a THAI pimp exploiting THAI hookers - me thinks! 

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1 minute ago, Sydebolle said:

They knew perfectly well, what they were in for and were certainly not recruited off the rice field as those ploughs won't sell in houses of ill repute.

People the world over are scammed every day! Week after week there are newspaper stories of lonely men and women who blow hundreds of thousands of dollars on people they've only ever met on the Internet. The Nigerian bank scam has been running for years and years - because it's successful. What evidence can you produce apart from "it's so obvious" that "they knew perfectly well what they were in for". Most people are incredibly naive and trusting, that's why being a con man is a perfect career choice if you have a lot of charm and no scruples. Try watching Dirty Rotten Scoundrels some time.

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1 hour ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

People the world over are scammed every day! Week after week there are newspaper stories of lonely men and women who blow hundreds of thousands of dollars on people they've only ever met on the Internet. The Nigerian bank scam has been running for years and years - because it's successful. What evidence can you produce apart from "it's so obvious" that "they knew perfectly well what they were in for". Most people are incredibly naive and trusting, that's why being a con man is a perfect career choice if you have a lot of charm and no scruples. Try watching Dirty Rotten Scoundrels some time.


He can't produce any evidence other than his Western superior bias. All these evil Asians must be doing the pimping, along with Africans and East European gangs.

Nicer and easier to believe that Westerners are above all this - who does he think the customers taking advantage of these exploited people were? When people are in dire poverty they'll clutch at anything that offers a way out - the promise of a nice job be it house maid, nurse maid, factory work or whatever sounds wonderful for someone whose used to very very little. I know someone who's ex-bar girl wife was saying how she and three siblings would share an egg for dinner with some rice. Hungry, with little prospects of betterment makes people forget about risk, good judgement and trust. 

Of course there would be Swiss accomplices to this crime especially with the numbers involved. And where did she bank all that money? And how did she explain her sources of income? Swiss Banks are still very discreet and very unconcerned - as they've always been.

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3 hours ago, frimu said:


You must be US American.


Is it relevant what his nationality is? He's right about the corrupt Swiss banking industry that has for centuries laundered the money of criminals, dictators and their clans, tax avoidance wealthy people, and those who wish to keep secret accounts without disclosing the source of their funds. Swiss banks were bankers to the SS and worst of the Nazi butchers, never bothered where that wealth came from and also weren't very energetic in trying to find the beneficiaries for accounts of Jews murdered by the Nazis. 


Switzerland's neutrality is guaranteed because it is the safe haven money box for all the rich wealthy hiso elites in the world - politicians, gangsters, criminals: old money and new.


That is not a comment on the Swiss people. Just their government and its facilitated corrupt banking industry.

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33 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Is it relevant what his nationality is? He's right about the corrupt Swiss banking industry that has for centuries laundered the money of criminals, dictators and their clans, tax avoidance wealthy people, and those who wish to keep secret accounts without disclosing the source of their funds. Swiss banks were bankers to the SS and worst of the Nazi butchers, never bothered where that wealth came from and also weren't very energetic in trying to find the beneficiaries for accounts of Jews murdered by the Nazis. 


Switzerland's neutrality is guaranteed because it is the safe haven money box for all the rich wealthy hiso elites in the world - politicians, gangsters, criminals: old money and new.


That is not a comment on the Swiss people. Just their government and its facilitated corrupt banking industry.


"for centuries"

a ridiculous claim!

Switzerland rose as a banking center during WW2 because Jews stashed their money there and because Hitler and other countries used the neutral country to carry out their international business payments.


In fact, Switzerland was a very poor country until the 1930ies.



Regarding the OP in this thread, I really wonder if the women were really "lied to".

I know of a few other cases where the authorities pressure the women into making false statements.

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3 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

They knew perfectly well, what they were in for and were certainly not recruited off the rice field as those ploughs won't sell in houses of ill repute. What they did not know was that they are (quite obviously seriously) exploited by their Thai pimps.


Perhaps you could make your mind up between "they knew perfectly well what they were in for" and "what they did not know".


These women were trafficked and exploited, simple as.



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7 hours ago, Alive said:

I know there are good people in Switzerland but Swiss history has a lot of international corruption connected to it. The Nazi corruption is the big one. Switzerland gets an image of being somehow neutral but it never has been. It's always been profiting while waving that white flag. Gotta go to work.

Ok, go to work you clueless.

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4 hours ago, ujayujay said:

Ok, go to work you clueless.

Not really. There's even a story today that references the corruption in Switzerland.



But this story is about prostitution there. My vote goes for the women totally knowing what their work was to be about. I'm sure the laws in Switzerland protect names so the ringleaders name may not even be public. Lots of sensitive information in Switzerland related to high profile Internationals so they must like it hush hush. Heck, they don't even have names on bank accounts.

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5 hours ago, Chicog said:

These women were trafficked and exploited, simple as.


I would like to see some evidence of that, and not just the prosecutors' word for it and recorded statements of "alleged victims".

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On 11/1/2016 at 1:31 PM, Chicog said:


Perhaps you could make your mind up between "they knew perfectly well what they were in for" and "what they did not know".


These women were trafficked and exploited, simple as.





It helps if one would read the entire quotation.
- They knew that they were going to prostitute themselves.
- They did not know, that their pimps were Thai too.
The rest I leave up to the gifted reader's imagination. 

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On 1.11.2016 at 6:11 PM, Alive said:

Not really. There's even a story today that references the corruption in Switzerland.



But this story is about prostitution there. My vote goes for the women totally knowing what their work was to be about. I'm sure the laws in Switzerland protect names so the ringleaders name may not even be public. Lots of sensitive information in Switzerland related to high profile Internationals so they must like it hush hush. Heck, they don't even have names on bank accounts.


You really don't know much, do you?

Numbered accounts are not allowed anymore since about ten years now.

Someone enters the bank with a suitcase full of undeclared money? The bank calls the police to arrest the guy.

Opening an account in Swizerland as a foreigner. Be ready to bring lots of certificates, copies, etc.

I know, you won't believe me, I know, because what the hollywood movies say, must be true, right?


I, as a Swiss, do not say, we have not made mistakes, but these generalisations are stupid. And yes, as opposed to many people from other countries - it seems, I respect my own government and do not think, that they just work for their own benefit.


And just in case you are US-American or British:

Delaware, Florida, Isle of Man, Guernsey: Those places all have much less stricter laws in place, because they are protected by their respective governments. And how the US dare to always fingerpoint to others, when you consider, what they have done to this world, is beyond belief to me!


And back to the topic: This trafficking madness happens in any country, but did you consider, it may have come to your knowing, because Swiss prosecutors and police have been doing a good job? We respect anybody's rights, we really do.

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As I said I don't blame all Swiss people but Switzerland was a part of the Nazi machine and a partner with criminals around the world for most of the last century. Yes, it's the same in the US  and many other places too. The UN and Red Cross coming from Switzerland  don't represent that nation's truth one bit. Both those organizations are rife with corruption and have been since their inception. My guess about the prostitution crackdown is there may be a link to that big break in the US. Who knows maybe there's some sort of a connection because they both happened at about the same time. Anyways, I'm not ragging on the Swiss just saying they are equally as bad as the US or any other nation; however, some of them like to claim ignorance of all that their nations organizations have participated in.

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