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Clinton challenges FBI, declaring, 'There's no case here'


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It would be insane for Hillary Clinton to insist upon her innocence now with full knowledge that post-election she would almost certainly be charged with an impeachable offense.


Hillary Clinton is not insane.


I wish I could say the same about Donald Trump.

Edited by Gecko123
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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Why should I believe anything found through Wikileaks, It is run by an alleged rapist who is locked up in a foreign embassy in the UK because he refuses to answer some questions by the police who are investigating the allegations. In addition, all the alleged information from Wikileaks was obtained through a criminal enterprise- hacking another's private emails.


I have also heard that wikileaks is funded by Putin personally….what is the world coming to? LOL.

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I do not make allegations that are unfounded. Russia may have hacked into Email or not. The verdict is not in on that. However, whether they did or not- Clinton's emails are of no consequence to me or anyone else in this election. Trump would have had a better chance if he had not resorted to denigrating others and actually speaking optimistically what he would do to unite the American people. Building walls and deporting 11 million people will make America a poorer country. You don't have to believe me. Every recognised economist in the World has indicated it would cost almost a Trillion dollars; sour relations with all of North and South America and leave service businesses without any labor.  It is one of the most ridiculous plans ever and it plays only to the prejudices of unknowing Americans who think Mexican labor are taking jobs from Americans.

This is a myth- and if Trump doesn't know this he is not fit to be President and if he does know it- he is misleading the American public. 

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11 hours ago, muffy said:

Any male that votes for Hillary , isn't a man , just a traitor. Any female that votes for Hillary just because she is female is sick

Male chauvinist and misogynist much?!? Also a bit insecure with your masculinity? Geez! :crazy:

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17 hours ago, RickBradford said:

If she loses next week, no doubt the establishment will call for a rerun of the election on the grounds that, er, well, they don't like the result.





No Obama might cancel it, declare martial law and blame the Russians for interference in the US elections

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14 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I will tell my grandchildren and children I voted for a person who does not denigrate women; make fun of the disabled; speak poorly of people of color; fight with the families of dead veterans but speaks in a positive way regarding what actually will make America a better country. I will say she has her faults but is by far the most reasonable choice of either candidate. Donald Trump is the worst candidate ever to run for President and history will record it the same way. I don't hate Donald but I dislike what he stands for.


 You are right Trump says bad stuff. But to say Hillary "has her faults" is the understatement of the year. Why would you downplay:


Lying to the FBI and the American people

Set up an illegal server

Smashing 13 devices with hammers

Delete emails (when she has nothing to hide) when that information is under subpoena and those responsible plead the 5th so not to incriminate themselves

Obstruction of justice

Financed by Wall Street bankers who will call in favors

Under Clinton’s leadership, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments have given money to the Clinton Foundation including Arab nations with poor human and women's rights issues while declaring herself a feminist and believing in gun control

Believes in equal gender pay but not in her Foundation


I could go on.


So you will tell your grandchildren you voted for Hillary because "she is the most reasonable choice although she has her faults".

Meanwhile Donald says bad stuff.

Yes but how did he get to be the choice? Because people are sick and tired of the double standards, back handing, seat warming Washington establishment. Meanwhile the rest of America gets poorer and are willing to overlook his grab pussy stuff which shows their desperate situations. Trump is the symptom not the cause. Bill and Hillary (and others) are the cause. Blame them for the rise of a man whom you say is the worst candidate to ever run. 

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17 hours ago, Linzz said:


No Obama might cancel it, declare martial law and blame the Russians for interference in the US elections


If OB could do that, or would do it even if he hadn't the authority, think of what a Prez Trump would do with all that state power and being oblivious to the existence of the Constitution.


OB isn't about to do any such thing -- except to extremists in a rightwingnut lunar orbiter in the complete absence of earth's gravity down here. 

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