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National Parks -- Who Needs Them ?


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The Thai national park entrance fee for foreigners went up from 200 to 400 in October 2006; it is still ten times more than Thai nationals pay. That is if they even collect from the Thais -- at Sam Roi Yod two years ago my Thai companions were waved through whilst I had to cough up B200!

Krabi has several areas of national park. But fees are only collected at Koh Hong and the Taleh Wek sandbar island to my knowledge. At Koh Samet fees are collected yet it is really just another commercial island like Phangan in terms of beachfront development.

The whole system is very haphazard. And the government authorities provide next-to-nothing in terms of toilet facilities and general amenities apart from expensive, pre-booked accomodation at some sites. There are plenty of attractive venues out of national park jurisdiction which are free-to-enter and have better infrastructure.

Add in the recent 100% increase in fees and I say I can live without them. Campers flame away ...

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Certainly can't disagree with anything you're saying. My hope is that less revenue actually comes in due to this ridiculous new policy.

Yes, some of the places that are trying to get 400 Baht off of us walking ATMs aren't even national parks. I would like to know if there is some gov department to call in cases where forest parks, waterfalls, etc are trying to get the same fee as a real national park... I already know the answer, it was a rhetorical question. :-)

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there were already two large threads on this subject.

a week ago


and two weeks ago


looks like these new fees were not introduced yet countrywide - after protests from the tourist industry. They might be introduced the next year. If the park tries to charge 400 baht it's illegal - same goes for charging to enter forests outside the national park.

they are all worth to see - if you can't or don't want to pay there is usually another road or path, close to the main entrance, used by the locals.

if you have a thai driving licence or some other thai document you might tell the guards that you are not a tourist and they should charge you the thai fee.

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there were already two large threads on this subject.

a week ago


and two weeks ago


looks like these new fees were not introduced yet countrywide - after protests from the tourist industry. They might be introduced the next year. If the park tries to charge 400 baht it's illegal - same goes for charging to enter forests outside the national park.

they are all worth to see - if you can't or don't want to pay there is usually another road or path, close to the main entrance, used by the locals.

if you have a thai driving licence or some other thai document you might tell the guards that you are not a tourist and they should charge you the thai fee.

Last weekend, Khao Khitchagood NP, Jantaburi was charging the 40/400 pricing structure. I got the 40 by telling them I was an albino monkey. Was I buggery going to tell them they were doing something illegal!

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