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Horrifying fatal crash caught on camera after minivan is knocked off road in Thailand


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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

Idiot trying to overtake on the left shoulder.

Especially as he had plenty of room to have gone around the correct way on the outside....see it all the time over here...how lazy can you get not to be bothered turning your steering wheel a little bit more.

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Why, oh why are there no crash barriers down the centre of the carriageways on roads like this in Thailand? The amount of lives they would potentially save by diverting vehicles back on to their side of the road would be huge. Monetary costs shouldn't come into it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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I don't see any evidence to say the car with the camera was hogging the right hand lane. For all we know he was doing the speed limit or faster or perhaps he couldn't get into the left hand lane because of cars in the left lane. What is clear to me in the video is that the silver car was going too fast and tried to undertake and after realising it was a bad idea lost control and caused a major accident which apparently has resulted in one death. This is common, quite simply because police don't police. I think we have all seen traffic speeding past police cars pottering along in the left lane and they don't do anything to stop it, its institutionalised. Good driver education and enforcement may slowly get the message across

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4 hours ago, kowpot said:

Anyway you look at it. There is no reason for the silver car to be passing on the left using the shoulder of the road.  

There was, in the eyes of the driver of the silver car.

Resulting in this accident.

But of course there are those blaming the driver of the camera car, the driver of the van, the road, the weather, whatever.

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5 hours ago, berybert said:

Doubt he was trying to overtake on the hard shoulder. Probably fell asleep and got pushed back on the road because of the drainage by the side of the road.  Drunk or drugged up. Just another day in paradise.


Yes , does look a bit odd almost like a deliberate shunt, probably the driver falling asleep or out of it.

Speed looks a bit fast as well, the speed limits here are to high and never obeyed.

Loonies are everywhere causing havoc every day -- not good.

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1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

Please anyone. What do you do if you are cruising along at 80 kph in the clear left lane, as was the minibus,  and there is a car doing 70 in the right lane, as is the dashcam car. I personally would carry on in my lane, it is not me going too fast, it is him/her going too slow. In this incident unfortunately there was the tosser in the silver car.


When i'm driving on a fast lane behind a very slow driver (mostly Thai ladies) i go drive 50 cm from their bumper for a while...they don't like that so they'll move to the left slow lane.


Those ladies even step on the brake when they go faster than 50km/hr on the main roads. :passifier:

Edited by fruitman
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Looking at the video a few times and reading some posters comments I would tend to lean on the side of a deliberate shunt caused by road rage, either way if the footage of this accident was viewed by police in most countries the silver car driver would be charged with

'' dangerous driving causing death''

I wonder what police will charge him with ???

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well , in a country where the rear view mirror is used more as a device to aid make up applications and most motorist don't even know what the heck the two thingies on the sides are for , sh... happens with alarming frequency . ' nough said

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Most Thai's cannot drive properly. They don't observe the rules of the road. Weaving in and out from lane to lane to overtake is standard practice on multi lane highways. The situation is getting worse not better. The carnage will continue and increase because there appears to be more vehicles about and road laws are not being enforced. I know one lady who failed her test three times. At the third attempt when told she had failed she pleaded with the examiner she couldn't take any more time off work to take the test again. She cannot drive and cannot reverse the car into a parking space. She is a liability on the road. However, she got her license. 

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6 hours ago, TheMysteriousMrTesla said:

Any comments on the role of the camera car hogging the right-hand lane in the lead up to the accident?


Would the outcome have been any different if the camera car had been in the left hand lane so the van didn't have to pass him on the left?


If that had been the case the silver car would have been passing the van whilst still on the tarmac.

I was thinking the same thing. People who hog the outside lane are half the problem as they seem to think its a better lane and also 'I'm important so I don't need to drive with the riff raff'.


It appears that he swerved back in when one of the police type triangular signs loomed in front of him. Complete erse but circumstances probably got him to react the wrong way. Minibus driver was undertaking as well- too many people in a rush.

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4 hours ago, trogers said:

Thais drivers either need not learn or follow the Highway Code.


The two obvious behaviour in their driving habits point to this fact:  overtaking on the left, and not giving way to traffic on the right when driving into a roundabout.


Why do so many people overtake on the left in Thailand?    Because so many people cruise in empty right hand lanes for no good reason!  In my opinion this accident was actually caused by the guy who posted the video.

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34 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

Looking at the video a few times and reading some posters comments I would tend to lean on the side of a deliberate shunt caused by road rage, either way if the footage of this accident was viewed by police in most countries the silver car driver would be charged with

'' dangerous driving causing death''

I wonder what police will charge him with ???

Did you not see the triangular police sign right in front of him?

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1 hour ago, mike324 said:

 Perhaps they were travelling at the same speed, both cars had to slow down as a man ran across the road,

55555 slowing down because someone was crossing the street, good one :D:D:D


We can find fault with all of them, just about guarantee the person at fault, but this is just another mai pen rai scenario that will just keep repeating ad infinitum because we all know about thai attitude, thai laws and the "immense desire to change something for the better". Assuming we get another one of those glorious announcements in a few days how road safety and what have you will be "strictly" enforced, we already know it's just falling flat the very moment it was said.


I'm just hoping that the chick in the car cam was on the passenger side with her head deep into the phone, otherwise....<deleted> me that delay in (vocal) reaction about what is going on....

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5 hours ago, Pungdo said:

Back home in Oz many large trucks have 2 small signs on the back, the one that points to the right says "Passing Side" the one pointing to the left says "Suicide" Thais need to take a long hard think along those lines, I see it way too often, impatient idiots trying to overtake on the wrong side of vehicles.

Thais take a long hard think...? Are you serious....?

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1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

So Mike, you mean that if you are doing the speed limit, you can stay in the fast lane regardless of other traffic?.


Your question is most apposite.


Not much hope for Thai drivers when foreign "experts" refer to the "fast" lane.


There is no such thing.  There is however a "passing" lane, the misuse of which (being used for cruise) was the trigger for this incident.


 Passing lane "ownership" is a world wide problem.

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6 hours ago, berybert said:

Doubt he was trying to overtake on the hard shoulder. Probably fell asleep and got pushed back on the road because of the drainage by the side of the road.  Drunk or drugged up. Just another day in paradise.


You obviously don't drive here.


Of course he was trying to overtake on the hard shoulder - idiots are doing it all the time here.

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6 hours ago, berybert said:

Doubt he was trying to overtake on the hard shoulder. Probably fell asleep and got pushed back on the road because of the drainage by the side of the road.  Drunk or drugged up. Just another day in paradise.


At least the driver wasn't speculating wildly about what happened and he was there to report on what actually happened.



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6 hours ago, leeneeds said:

In the video you see a movable speed bollard  sign on the left protruding out from the shoulder of the access way,


1 )  The driver of the camera vehicle is traveling slower than the van , so that driver never used his mirror to see what was happening behind him / her , (courtesy to other road users , not here)

2) The driver of the silver car  could not judge distance  could not look ahead when he she sees the bollard coming up , their reaction to distance travelled towards the bollard causes them to panic and veer right into the van,

3) Van driver was also not using his  / her mirrors to see what was around them, no attempt by the mini van to apply the brake unless the brake lights were not working, 


All round a typical day driving in Thailand skill set and use of mirrors not evident, no idea to look ahead or behind 


And a typical day on Thaivisa also with posters conducting an inquest and giving judgement based on their total lack of evidence.

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5 hours ago, LennyW said:

Mini van driver asleep/on the phone........made no attempt to brake or steer out of the swerve.


All could have so easily been avoided.


Or perhaps the van driver was driving perfectly normally and legally.  There is nothing to suggest otherwise so why should your wild speculation be given any credibility? 


I suppose that if you were the van driver you could have recovered, in the 2 seconds it took for the van to lose control, from what was essentially an unintended PIT manoeuvre the sole point of which is to send a vehicle out of control?  Amazing.

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6 hours ago, maewang99 said:

something seems wrong with how quickly the van goes to it's rim on that wheel. that and the driver doesn't recover at all.... but still...to the rim really fast. don't you think? 

Have you seen a different video?  The one in the OP doesn't show anything untoward with the tyre at all, which I assume is what you mean by  "...how quickly the van goes to it's rim on that wheel."

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1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

So Mike, you mean that if you are doing the speed limit, you can stay in the fast lane regardless of other traffic?.


No, no, no and no.


In any Country where you drive on the left hand side of the road, such as Thailand, you keep left at all times unless overtaking or unless lane/road markings say otherwise.


The camera car had no business being in the right lane unless they were just about to pull a U turn.



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4 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

The van driver appears to have hit the brakes....and lost control.


No he doesn't appear to have done that, he lost control as a result of being shunted sideways by the car.

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12 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


Or perhaps the van driver was driving perfectly normally and legally.  There is nothing to suggest otherwise so why should your wild speculation be given any credibility? 


I suppose that if you were the van driver you could have recovered, in the 2 seconds it took for the van to lose control, from what was essentially an unintended PIT manoeuvre the sole point of which is to send a vehicle out of control?  Amazing.

Him making no attempt to brake or steer out of the swerve is certainly suggestive of something to me, but i guess some of us are just quicker reacting / better drivers than others.

Q. if it was an unintended pit maneuver how would the sole point of it be to send a vehicle out of control, surely that would be accidental - not the sole point?. Amazing indeed!

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5 hours ago, maewang99 said:

not the brakes, the wheel is running on the rim from the gitgo.... and he steers into the skid..... but it still seems to me that the tire is blown way too easily and too fast.....


Nonsense.  There are only two wheel rims visible in the video and neither tyre has deflated so that it is running on the rim, why are you saying that it has and that the tyre is "blown away too easily"?

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