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US election: campaign heads into final weekend


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1 hour ago, NovaBlue05 said:

Even if I were a loyal Democrat, I would probably view a Hillary win in a manner similar to how Gary Gilmore likely felt after winning his decision


If pigs could fly so you are indeed speaking for yourself only and as someone over there on the far right.

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


.... you cant help but feel that julian is saving the best for last. 



Unless Julian has something that really outrages the US media, such as video of Hillary personally torturing gay, black, female Muslims at Gitmo,  then I doubt it gets traction

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7 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:



Unless Julian has something that really outrages the US media, such as video of Hillary personally torturing gay, black, female Muslims at Gitmo,  then I doubt it gets traction


It'll be even better if he releases it after she gets voted in. 

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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


.... you cant help but feel that julian is saving the best for last. 


Julian probably misses his trains and planes too cause 40 million Americans have done early voting to the present moment. That's a third of expected voter participation on or by November 8th.


If Vlad and his pal Julian wanted to impact the campaign same as the Comey Coup did ever so briefly they've missed the boat already. They'd have to do their cyber best on Tuesday so don't be surprised if the lights suddenly go out in Russia on the day. U.S. Government has been preparing to defend against cyber attacks of the election by fascist thugs foreign and domestic.

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Trump outside of Florida is wandering the country looking for a Blue state to win -- in addition to roughly another six states he must find to win, Florida being number one and which remains up in the air.


Trump needs to win a big blue Electoral College Vote state just to remain in the count. Solid Blue Pennsylvania (20 ECV's) and/or solid Blue Michigan (18 ECV's) are his primary targets. Forget it. Donald Trump has long been doing his rock star stadium tour throughout the country while the HRC campaign has been identifying and collaring voters to the polls, to include in these states.


That the final Trump Tour is not going well at all is evidenced by the fact Trump just cancelled a rally in solid Blue Wisconsin where HRC has a 7-point lead. Trump says he's thinking instead of Minnesota next door, another solid Blue state where Trump is equally behind.


Trump cancelling the Wisconsin rally is truly significant (he won't go to Minnesota). Trump just threw in the towel. It's over. Trump kaput. Trump is wandering around the country in search of his Great America Lost.

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:

Trump cancelling the Wisconsin rally is truly significant (he won't go to Minnesota). Trump just threw in the towel. It's over. Trump kaput. Trump is wandering around the country in search of his Great America Lost.

Talk about delusional!  Trump is on his way to a landslide buddy!


Donald Trump Touts Momentum in Battleground States: ‘We Are Going to Minnesota


@realDonaldTrump in Tampa #FL: "we are doing well in so-called Democratic strongholds. We are going to Minnesota" (&CO, MI WI PA NH NV)


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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Talk about delusional!  Trump is on his way to a landslide buddy!


Donald Trump Touts Momentum in Battleground States: ‘We Are Going to Minnesota


@realDonaldTrump in Tampa #FL: "we are doing well in so-called Democratic strongholds. We are going to Minnesota" (&CO, MI WI PA NH NV)



The final 100 hour madcap rush of the campaign for Potus have now become the final 48 hours plus several more.


This is the time to go to one's base of voters nonstop 24-7 and to stir them up to get out the vote. Lookit where Clinton is going. HRC is going to her base states plus the several Red states Trump is not protecting or defending that have become vulnerable for the Republican Party because the controlling forces of it have given the country Donald Trump as their nominee.


Every candidate goes to Florida. Beyond the fact, HRC is also in the Red states where Trump is weak and which Trump is failing to defend. Trump has gone to deeply Red North Carolina but he hasn't any organisation there and the U.S. District Court and the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have entered orders there to stop the Republicans who control the state from illegally preventing Democrats voting -- black Americans in particular. HRC remains up by 2 or 3 points in NC which is beyond anyone's expectations.


Hispanic and black voters have decided, not only in NC, to turn out nationally to terminate the Southern Strategy of Nixon-Strom Thurmond, and, thanks to the Republican rightwingers giving us Donald Trump in 2016 as the Nixon successor as the party's nominee, they are determined to succeed.


Solid Blue since 1976 Minnesota has nothing to do with this. Trump and Bannon, Conway are wandering, searching, hoping against hope there is a shy 'silent minority' in the Blue states of the Democratic base that can turn for Trump the solid Blue industrial and recreational Great Lakes States of the upper midwest that have been Blue states since ca 1988 to include Michigan. In this final non-stop closing rush, Trump and his braintrust have gone fishing.


In Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, Colorado, Virginia, Trump is poking his head in the door to say to come with him. In each instance the residents holler at him to get the fock out and go away -- forever.


HRC is currently getting 52.9% of the two-party vote in the surveying and calculations and because of it is projected to win Tuesday. Since 1900 the winner of every Potus election has won the two-party vote so it is 99% the case this year will be no different.


The only two things Donald Trump and I can say we have in common is that he and I have each been to Minnesota and that neither of us will be President of the United States.

Edited by Publicus
Fix date typo.
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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Talk about delusional!  Trump is on his way to a landslide buddy!


Donald Trump Touts Momentum in Battleground States: ‘We Are Going to Minnesota


6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

@realDonaldTrump in Tampa #FL: "we are doing well in so-called Democratic strongholds. We are going to Minnesota" (&CO, MI WI PA NH NV)



Minnesota has never been in the polls of 'battleground' states.


Best Trump could hope for in MN is to close up the difference a bit the way he's done nationally, which still puts him short of his promise to win so much we'd become sick of winning.


Trump pulled MN out of his hat after he had to cancel the rally in Wisconsin due to lack of interest. Same same in MN. I know that and many others know Trump is unwelcome in MN. If Trump can't recognise or know that, hey, Trump is your guy, not mine.


Trump has proved he does not know how to win.

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16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Michelle has shown no such interest. Forget about it.


Why would she be interested after seeing what 8 years has done to her husband and how racist, selfishly ungrateful and nasty too many Americans have been towards him. 


She should stay well away from it and enjoy life with her decent husband and nice kids.

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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Talk about delusional!  Trump is on his way to a landslide buddy!


Donald Trump Touts Momentum in Battleground States: ‘We Are Going to Minnesota


@realDonaldTrump in Tampa #FL: "we are doing well in so-called Democratic strongholds. We are going to Minnesota" (&CO, MI WI PA NH NV)



I agree with you for once.........a landslide loss.

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The campaign is beginning to look like its headed toward running its cycle.


After ups and downs for each of 'em, to include two Trump surges -- one in late September and another just recently in late October, the Comey Coup surge -- the L word is beginning to enter the discussion again.


HRC for instance is back in the lead in her firewall Blue state of Pennsylvania. Last time PA voted Red was in 1988. OB won PA in 2012 by 4.5 points. HRC is back in the lead there by 4 points. HRC continues to have the edge in very Red North Carolina by 2 points.


HRC does not need to win NC or PA or Florida or any of 'em by 4 or 5 points to get their Electoral College Votes. One percent will do it. A win is a win. A 1 percent win in 21 states, most of 'em with big ECV's begins to add up in the College.


The bottom line in all of it is that Trump didn't go to the right college.

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Wow, 99% you say? Damn, DT still has about a 1% chance...still too high.


Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump



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On 05/11/2016 at 7:40 PM, dunroaming said:

As predicted because there is no more news on the email front Hillary is edging ahead again.   Surely the best outcome is elect her and then impeach her.  That way you get rid of both of them and then hang on for Michelle in four years time


Now that really would be worth watching.


The wing nut tendency would go into total meltdown.......

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43 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Wow, 99% you say? Damn, DT still has about a 1% chance...still too high.


Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump



Reminds me what they said about Brexit.

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15 hours ago, Publicus said:




Trump has gone to deeply Red North Carolina but he hasn't any organisation there and the U.S. District Court and the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have entered orders there to stop the Republicans who control the state from illegally preventing Democrats voting -- black Americans in particular. HRC remains up by 2 or 3 points in NC which is beyond anyone's expectations.



It is astonishing how people are prevented from voting. The USA, hub of democracy where anything is done to stop blacks and Democrat opposition voters from participating in the ballot. Didn't the Republicans try some dirty tricks in Georgia over early voting?

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


It is astonishing how people are prevented from voting. The USA, hub of democracy where anything is done to stop blacks and Democrat opposition voters from participating in the ballot. Didn't the Republicans try some dirty tricks in Georgia over early voting?



Here's their governor in Georgia last week... 


“A racially charged phrase used by Governor Nathan Deal during a speech to educators has the governor saying he made a mistake in what he said, but not in what he meant,” Fox 5 Atlanta reports.


Said Deal: “The irony of some of the groups who are opposing doing something to help these minority children is beyond my logic. If you want to advance the state of colored people, start with their children.”


He later clarified: “I did not mean to insult anyone, but I was upset."



Nothing about this election is going well for Republicans who dominate Georgia where HRC is running surprisingly strongly in the deep Red state. 


Liberal white Georgians, blacks, Hispanics, are determined to end the new Jim Crow era in Georgia and throughout the Old Confederacy -- one election cycle at a time. Starting now.


Lotta transplanted northerners there during the past 25 years. I spent five years there myself from a northern state. They're somewhat like in Thailand, i.e., they like our money and status but that's it. In GA no one on the other political-cultural-racial side will give directions to the county clerk's office where we can register to vote.


Found it anyway no sweat along with a bunch of other commie pinko prevert northern transplants. Was happy to help Bill and Hillary win GA in 1992. Been a Red state since. Being driven back toward Blue again however.


The Peach State (its longtime cash crop). Can't beat their peach cobbler. :biggrin:

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