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Bangkok Cops Investigated For Allegedly Kicking Gambler to Death (Video)


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7 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"Police on Friday said an investigation was being launched into a group of policemen who during the course of a raid on a gambling den were seen kicking a suspect senseless who later died of his injuries."


However, they have already been cleared of any guilt by the chief of the Bangkok Police, who stated emphatically that the injuries sustained by the victim were not enough to cause his death.


When it comes to justice for police in Thailand (and many other countries throughout the world), putting the horse before the cart is the standard M.O.


Obviously, badges, no matter in which country they are worn, are more powerful than amulets in protecting guilty police from true justice. 



Having worn  badge,  I can only speak for myself and know absolutely nothing about anything or anyone, unless I was present.

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8 hours ago, fruitman said:


What would be his punishment if he didn't run away?   He was gambling.....my guess is a 500 baht fine?


With 'fine' you mean 'tea-money', yes?!

What a disgusting bunch, brown rags for various reasons ...

Elsewhere i read according to eye-witnesses there was a dizzying amount of 10 to 15 THB in the pot!


Again i ask: no male family-members with some balls around ...?! 

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