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Voter turnout 'explodes' among blacks, Hispanics in US


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5 hours ago, Chicog said:

The first result is in!


Dixville Notch

Hillary: 4

Trump: 2

Johnson: 1

Romney (write in): 1



Millsfield Trump 16, Clinton 4

Hart's Location Trump 2, Clinton 4

Added up with Dixville that = Trump 32, Clinton 25


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15 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Here you go. The VDO clip from You Tube. The original statement from June 2015:



The words he uses exactly are "They're rapists".


Now I understand that you plan on winning this argument through pedantry but that is a cop out. It matters not that I believe his words are bigoted garbage. What matters is that those whom he insults have the power to vote. The African Americans that he talks about living in 'ghettoes'; the Latinos who he marks as criminals, drug dealers and rapists; and, the women whose genitals he believes he can grab at will all have the vote. Their revenge tomorrow will be sweet.


It will further re-establish the need for PC to ensure that people's right to dignity and equality is respected. No longer will old white straight men be able to dictate the way in which the culture will develop.


So pick a fight with me about whether Trump said all Mexicans or not. It is not really an issue I addressed in the post and it is not an issue that has any relevance to me. What is relevant is the fact that the tide has turned and you can no longer say these things with impunity and without people pushing back.


I don't think I have ever said sleazy old fart. Again, old farts are necessary and valued members of society and often great fun. It's only sleazy if you follow Trump's concept of how women should be treated as objects for his sexual gratification or people with less money than him only have value for what they can provide for him - and then he doesn't pay them. Sad old fart maybe. Sleazy old fart. Save that for the egotistic, selfish, loud mouth Trump.

One of my earlier 'complaints' about you was that you put peoples words out of context. The clip you provided started of after Trump talked about illegal immigrants and then continues with what you try to make me/us believe what he said.

I can agree with you partly that probably not ALL illigal immigrants are criminals or rapist, but Trump never said that ALL Mexicans are criminal.


Same unfair treatment as the MSM does. It's a shame and a sham

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11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Illegals can not vote, so this whole thing is moot.

In a perfect world, yes.




It's been happening for years, but now is encouraged by POTUS.


I have a feeling that people have had enough of all the BS in Washington, and Trump will win.

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12 minutes ago, LPCustom69 said:

In a perfect world, yes.




It's been happening for years, but now is encouraged by POTUS.


I have a feeling that people have had enough of all the BS in Washington, and Trump will win.

Nonsense like that has been refuted many, many times already. Even the article itself already starts with claims that it is not true.


Only conspiracy theorists keep harping on about this nonsense.

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2 minutes ago, hugocnx said:

I am not into calling people names. You go ahead sir.

Happy to call that racist piece of garbage names.


"Louis Farrakhan heads the Nation of Islam, a group he has led since 1977 and that is based on a somewhat bizarre and fundamentally anti-white theology. Farrakhan is an anti-Semite who routinely accuses Jews of manipulating the U.S. government and controlling the levers of world power."



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9 hours ago, Silurian said:


You might want to check on that. Early voting puts Hillary on top in Florida. She appears to have a nice lead there heading into election day.


Florida Democrats widen early vote lead thanks to South Florida Sunday blowout



Florida’s Early Vote Ends With Record Turnout In Democratic Strongholds



Heh...ultimately heavy biased sources there so we don't believe you!  :smile:

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OMGImInPattaya to Slip, "One of the most valuable things to come out of Trump's campaign is to expose your PC talk for  the poppy cock that it is ."


WOW, SLIP! That makes you a political rock star -- or OMGImInPattaya sound pretty stupid -- or both -- or trumps campaign sorely lacking -- or all 3?  :shock1:

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25 minutes ago, hugocnx said:

One of my earlier 'complaints' about you was that you put peoples words out of context. The clip you provided started of after Trump talked about illegal immigrants and then continues with what you try to make me/us believe what he said.

I can agree with you partly that probably not ALL illigal immigrants are criminals or rapist, but Trump never said that ALL Mexicans are criminal.


Same unfair treatment as the MSM does. It's a shame and a sham


You berate me about context. Whose context? Your context is clearly not my context. Context is not universally objective. So I reject your context and substitute my own reality instead.


It cannot be denied that he said 'they're rapists'. What you are doing to interpret these words is called spin. You accuse me of shameful acts because I have turned Trumps own words against him, in the manner of the Hillary Clinton Campaign because I choose not to interpret the context in the same manner as you.


Trump, by his statement, drew a stereotype and assembled a litany of bigotries on the issue of undocumented aliens. You object to the VDO not showing Trump talk about 'illegal immigrants'. There were a number of VDO's that resulted from the search. I chose one. It happened not to have that section included. It was irrelevant to my response to the demand to show where Trump said Mexicans are rapists.


I agree with you. Trump discussing 'illegal immigrants' provides context. It provides the context of the whistling of dogs. The term illegal immigrant is dehumanizing and base. It is the action that is illegal, not the person. Just by using that term establishes a particular context. Then to proceed with the gross stereotyping of nationals as drug smugglers, murderers and rapists seals the deal on the context. An absolute text book case of racism and bigotry.


Trumps comments were not an attempt to discuss immigration policy. It was a clarion call to his base of bigots. The revenge about to be imposed on him by the Latino community is going to be sweet and it is well deserved.


You and others with similar views accuse the media and those who don't support Trump of being biased because our context is not the context that you wish us to reference. That is not bias. That is what's known as a point of view. You reject my point of view? Fine, but you may not admonish me for having such a view nor accuse me of false equivalency because my point of view does not coincide with yours.


You cannot whitewash Trumpisms. That is why the most effective campaign strategy for Hillary Clinton was to use his own words. He said they're rapists when talking about Mexicans. That is bigotry. It is racism. It is unacceptable to me and many others. How many others will be known after today's vote is counted.

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America was built on African slave labor. Now African-Americans are spiritually redeeming America by rejecting Trump's divisive and hate-filled populism. God bless African-Americans. 


Mexican-Americans have more birthright than Johnnie-come-lately Europeans who first arrived in 1492.  Now they are helping rescue America's reputation and multi-cultural vibrance by emphatically rejecting Trump's bigotry. God bless Mexican-Americans.


Clinton is going to be a great President and if grid-lock and obstructionism is the Republican game plan going forward, this is going to have dire mid-term consequences for the party of sore-losers. Trumpsters need to be put on notice: there are just as many people on the left as angry and frustrated as you. We all need to learn to work together for our common good. Get used to it: we all live in a multi-cultural, multi-racial, and interconnected world. 

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18 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

America was built on African slave labor. Now African-Americans are spiritually redeeming America by rejecting Trump's divisive and hate-filled populism. God bless African-Americans. 


Mexican-Americans have more birthright than Johnnie-come-lately Europeans who first arrived in 1492.  Now they are helping rescue America's reputation and multi-cultural vibrance by emphatically rejecting Trump's bigotry. God bless Mexican-Americans.


Clinton is going to be a great President and if grid-lock and obstructionism is the Republican game plan going forward, this is going to have dire mid-term consequences for the party of sore-losers. Trumpsters need to be put on notice: there are just as many people on the left as angry and frustrated as you. We all need to learn to work together for our common good. Get used to it: we are all living in a multi-cultural, multi-racial, and interconnected world. 


Mexican-Americans have more birthright than Johnnie-come-lately Europeans who first arrived in 1492.

Are you sure about that?



In 2015 21.5% of Mexico's population in Mexico self-identify as being indigenous

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On 11/7/2016 at 11:11 AM, oilinki said:

While policies have not been a big issue on this election, those are behind the personalities. When I listened what kind of policies Clinton has, she sounds like a solid and thoughtful person who will continue improving USA and will be good for the western world values.


I think the idea of having 2 bad candidates only come from Trump's campaign. He has repeated it so many times, that many start to think it's true, while it's absolute bullocks. 


I think that a very significant portion of the US voting population would disagree that the US has been "improving".


The mere fact that someone as bizarre as Donald Trump has gotten this far, and was estimated to receive around 45% of the vote tells me that roughly the same percentage of American citizens are extremely unhappy with the path the country has been taking, and would like to see their country head in an entirely different direction. 


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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You berate me about context. Whose context? Your context is clearly not my context. Context is not universally objective. So I reject your context and substitute my own reality instead.


It cannot be denied that he said 'they're rapists'. What you are doing to interpret these words is called spin. You accuse me of shameful acts because I have turned Trumps own words against him, in the manner of the Hillary Clinton Campaign because I choose not to interpret the context in the same manner as you.


Trump, by his statement, drew a stereotype and assembled a litany of bigotries on the issue of undocumented aliens. You object to the VDO not showing Trump talk about 'illegal immigrants'. There were a number of VDO's that resulted from the search. I chose one. It happened not to have that section included. It was irrelevant to my response to the demand to show where Trump said Mexicans are rapists.


I agree with you. Trump discussing 'illegal immigrants' provides context. It provides the context of the whistling of dogs. The term illegal immigrant is dehumanizing and base. It is the action that is illegal, not the person. Just by using that term establishes a particular context. Then to proceed with the gross stereotyping of nationals as drug smugglers, murderers and rapists seals the deal on the context. An absolute text book case of racism and bigotry.


Trumps comments were not an attempt to discuss immigration policy. It was a clarion call to his base of bigots. The revenge about to be imposed on him by the Latino community is going to be sweet and it is well deserved.


You and others with similar views accuse the media and those who don't support Trump of being biased because our context is not the context that you wish us to reference. That is not bias. That is what's known as a point of view. You reject my point of view? Fine, but you may not admonish me for having such a view nor accuse me of false equivalency because my point of view does not coincide with yours.


You cannot whitewash Trumpisms. That is why the most effective campaign strategy for Hillary Clinton was to use his own words. He said they're rapists when talking about Mexicans. That is bigotry. It is racism. It is unacceptable to me and many others. How many others will be known after today's vote is counted.

OMG, you are just unbelievable. Think the spindoctor here is you. Anyways, incredible you spent so many lines on me. Feeling proud; I must deserve it.

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2 hours ago, LPCustom69 said:

For JulesMad, and anyone else who cares.



You need to turn off Fox News because it seems to be affecting your ability to think rationally.


The young woman interviewer is Gina Rodriguez, an American actress who was born and raised in Chicago which, to my reading of the Constitution, makes her a citizen and eligible to vote.



The video you posted has been a favorite of the RW since it first appeared last week - heavily edited, of course, since that is the only way that Fox News addicts can make it fit within their agenda.


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8 minutes ago, hugocnx said:

OMG, you are just unbelievable. Think the spindoctor here is you. Anyways, incredible you spent so many lines on me. Feeling proud; I must deserve it.


Everyone knows that when you use the term OMG you must accompany it with many facile animated graphics, called emojis.


For the sake of accuracy, I must point out that my response was not about you but about Trump and your comments on his statements on 'Illegal Immigrants'. I only direct comments to you in the 2nd to last paragraph.


I am glad to have entertained you.

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15 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:



America was built on industrial might which was largely confined to regions where slavery had been abolished in the 1700's



Oh! African-Americans really didn't make any contribution. Now I understand. Thanks!

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12 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


Oh! African-Americans really didn't make any contribution. Now I understand. Thanks!


No....You don't understand. You said African slave  labor built the US. You didn't mention the free blacks




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Another spectacular instance of Trump's Alien Brain at work...



Jonathan Chait notes that Donald Trump told Fox News after Mitt Romney’s defeat that the Republican party needed to pass immigration reform or it might never win an election again.

 Republicans were certainly correct that immigrant communities were unlikely to start voting for Republicans as long as they planned to deport their friends and relatives. Trump could happily repeat this analysis at the time because he cares about nothing except power, which he both craves and approves of in its bloodiest and most totalitarian applications.


And now, of course, as Latino voting is surging in reaction to his racist attacks, the analysis he endorsed in December, 2012 appears to be the most accurate description of why he is likely to lose.”



Trump is going to lose because he is wholly unsuited to be Potus and because he's a menace to global security.


That Trump has fired up the Hispanic/Latino population to vote against him attests to the sheer stupidity of Trump The Ignoramus. Trump actually went all in on the Republicans' self-fulling prophecy in the autopsy RNC conducted after Romney's 2012 loss. Trump adopted exactly everything the RNC had warned and recommended about.


The direct consequence is that Republicans nominated this bag of wild and radical contradictions and that the post-autopsy cremation is today.

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So despite the completely erroneous headline in the lamestream media article, real post-election analysis (you know...REAL FACTS) shows that the heralded explosion of Hispanic voter participation amounted to a ONE PERCENTAGE point increase from the election of 2012 AND that of the Hispanics who voted, 30 percent voted for Trump (two points higher than voted for the mealy mouth Romney)!


So in some ways, one can't blame the shock of the Hillary losers at their loss when they're spoonfed claptrap like this article for months before an election and then it turns out to be all bogus. It really is a problem of a media industy infected with writers and editors with SJW syndrome and they look at the world through that prism and can't see the facts in front of their face whe  they conflict with their preconceived notions of the world.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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On ‎8‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 8:21 PM, ilostmypassword said:

I decided to look up the term on the internet.  Couldn't find any citations.  So if you're going to invent a term, i don't think it's unreasonable to expect you to define it. Unless of course, you're just talking to yourself.

Took me 15 seconds on the internet, am a slow typist


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