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Voter turnout 'explodes' among blacks, Hispanics in US


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On 11/8/2016 at 4:30 AM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Everyone knows that when you use the term OMG you must accompany it with many facile animated graphics, called emojis.


For the sake of accuracy, I must point out that my response was not about you but about Trump and your comments on his statements on 'Illegal Immigrants'. I only direct comments to you in the 2nd to last paragraph.


I am glad to have entertained you.

Funny no word from either of you today ?

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On 11/8/2016 at 6:19 AM, ilostmypassword said:

African-Americans are failing to vote at the robust levels they did four years ago in several states that could help decide the presidential election, creating a vexing problem for Hillary Clinton as she clings to a deteriorating lead over Donald J. Trump with Election Day just a week away.



As tens of millions of Americans cast ballots in what will be the largest-ever mobilization of early voters in a presidential election, the numbers have started to point toward a slump that many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first black president on the ticket.




Nice try. That's old news with a byline of Nov 2.  Here's the latest news from Florida. You've heard of Florida?

As of Saturday, 565,000 Hispanics have voted in person in Florida, a 100 percent increase over the close of early voting in 2012, according to Daniel Smith, a University of Florida professor who tracks voter turnout.

“Over the past few days, we’ve seen black turnout explode, with more African-Americans voting early in-person than in 2012, and we still have ‘Souls to the Polls’ numbers from today to add to the running total,” Smith told AFP.

A total of 777,000 blacks have already voted in Florida, he said.



American black voters will vote for trump if he said that he will stop ILEGAL MEXICAN  IMMIGRANTS, entering USA.Makes perfect sense.


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4 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Funny no word from either of you today ?


There seems to be some competition for the biggest Swinging Dick on the various threads. We have heard from one of the smaller members on the epistemology of revolutions that merely reinforces the idea of the celebration of ignorance. We have seen the return of some of the former loud mouths to gloat. But I have read a number of threads over the past 24 hours and you would have to be the most ungracious, uncouth and ill mannered victor that I have witnessed in a long time. Congratulations. You win the award for the biggest Swinging Dick. Your self appointed authority to declare some posters trolls and to attempt to organize boycotts of people expressing their views is a clear sign of someone so insecure that they cannot find the grace to be humble in victory.


Leaving aside the fact that you chose a post of mine to another poster to start your childish baiting of me. I have not posted because I do not have anything to say as yet. Mature, reflective people have no need to bitch just as mature people have no need to gloat.


Congratulations to the Trump team. Commiserations to the Clinton team. The election has not resolved anything. I am starting to believe that it may well exacerbate the divisions that were exposed by Trump's unorthodoxy. Many Americans thought that by electing Obama they had entered a post racial era and assumed that Obama would adopt White culture and the White point of view. When this did not happen, many abandoned him. Trump has given no indication of how issues of race and minorities will be addressed beyond the vain hope that his unspecified 'jobs' policy will be good for them.


Normally, the process of transition to a new President is peaceful. People celebrated the historic nature of Obama's election in 2008. It is telling that immediately following the 2016 elections there are street protests. The Swinging Dicks on these threads are gloating bout snowflakes and millenials getting their comeuppance. Serious people may want to consider the implications of these responses.


This is as far as my reflections have gone in the past day. I do not have confidence that Trump has the policies, leadership ability or personal capacity to deal with the unresolved divisions. I expect a backlash to this White-lash as described by Van Jones when Trump does not achieve expectations on real things that these voters have said concern them i.e. jobs.


You are a boor. You have demonstrated this amply over the past 24 hours. The lack of grace in your celebration of victory alongside a handful of other boors is obnoxious. You do not deserve the time I took to respond to your silly baiting. Politics will go on. Like the UK, there is now a situation where half of the populace believe in something that the other half reject. You believe that this is a situation for gloating and payback? How does this conform to your Leaders request to 'come together'? How does this elaborate the future First Lady's call for respect on social media. I think most people can see through your insecurities. I just wish the rules were applied to you and the other trolls and your attempts to rub peoples faces in it. You conform to every nasty thing about Trump and his politics.

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