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Trump votes in Manhattan as aides claim upset win in sight


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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:

So no one over on that side should get all smug or sell-righteous


Is there some reason why we shouldn't imitate the pre-election "high info" hype and smug self righteous predictions of the left in a similar vein post-election from the right?

But It wasn't largely indulged in by this side pre election so I expect it not post election as well. Not that you don't deserve to be reminded though.

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


So you're still right about everything except the final image of Trump being his backside going back up the escalator and into the maw of Trump Tower.


The post is of course too generous about my still being right about everything...except as further qualified.


Trump is however on the escalator to his terra incognita -- where he surely will meet some unknown creatures that are unsatisfied by money alone. Gulliver's Travels are truly  

about to begin. This time he's armed with nukes.

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5 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


I hope you weren't planning on funding your retirement here in Thailand with Social Security benefits.

I been doing it for 10 years and have saved money.  I plan on continuing and will be happy to report back to you in another 10 years. 

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7 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The post is of course too generous about my still being right about everything...except as further qualified.


Trump is however on the escalator to his terra incognita -- where he surely will meet some unknown creatures that are unsatisfied by money alone. Gulliver's Travels are truly  

about to begin. This time he's armed with nukes.

Good factual post glad you are not a sore loser. 

Edited by Dtrump
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29 minutes ago, Publicus said:


An election outcome does not necessarily change one's views of a lifetime, win or lose. We know elections outcomes always vary, the pendulum swings, but one's fundamental views, values and convictions continue. 


So this poster's grapes are always fresh and cold while his signature continues unaffected. Others should realistically expect nothing but and nothing more or less from any person of principle, self-respect or integrity. 


So no one over on that side should get all smug or sell-righteous by pretending to himself be otherwise. The trains to the wall will not run on time nor will the USA become the enemy of Islam per se, to cite two instances of a Constitutional continuity.

The election changes history in one substantial way.  For the 2nd time in a year the professional pollsters got it very wrong.  Not just a little bit wrong but very wrong. That will mean big changes to come.  Either the method is wrong or there is major media bias. 

Edited by Dtrump
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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


It's highly unlikely now either party will nominate a woman to the top of the ticket again. As we see, it brings all kinds of critters out of the crop fields and creatures out of the woodwork. No woman on the ticket period. Score a big one for the rednecks.


Certain constituencies of the Democratic party weren't up for it either, preferring to give the opportunity a pass. Shame on 'em too.


The reactionaries had been working a long time to put a stop to it. Hardly anyone wanted either Trump or HRC so it came down to preferring the guy over the gal. That's what brought 'em out.


Still banging on....like the energiser bunny with a blindfold. 

Edited by JHolmesJr
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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Still banging on....like the energiser bunny with a blindfold. 


He’s been stringing the same 352 words together, holding hands in a different order in hopes someone will buy his snake oil for the past year.

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13 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

I been doing it for 10 years and have saved money.  I plan on continuing and will be happy to report back to you in another 10 years. 


I hope you are right, but I have my doubts.  While Trump has promised not to go after Social Security, for whatever that is worth, the rest of the Republicans have been out to destroy it for many years and now there will be no one to stop them.  We'll see then just how much DT truly has your interests at heart.

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Just now, CaptHaddock said:


I hope you are right, but I have my doubts.  While Trump has promised not to go after Social Security, for whatever that is worth, the rest of the Republicans have been out to destroy it for many years and now there will be no one to stop them.  We'll see then just how much DT truly has your interests at heart.

Don't be silly.  Old SS recipients vote in a very high percentage and the old folks communication system is awesome.  It would be easier to get a hummer in the oval office and not get caught than mess with Social Security. 

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24 minutes ago, Gary A said:


It appears that you are grabbing at straws and attempting to make excuses. Other than the wailing and gnashing of teeth the election is over. The far lefties lost. You should put some blame on the crooked corrupt candidate that the democrats chose. I think they chose Sanders because an avowed socialist stood no chance against the democratic establishment and their chosen one. I was quite surprised that he was able to scare Hillary. Any fairly conservative republican would have buried Sanders had he been the candidate.


The post seems to state that this side now needs to change itself to accept a Prez Trump. That opposing a Prez Trump is per se  bitterness, sour grapes, unsportsman-like conduct, a wailing or gnashing of teeth. Read the signature plse thx so you might get a grip.


It is absurd and ridiculous to charge that continuing to oppose the guy who won an election is sour grapes, wailing or anything like it. Surely no realistic rightwhinger, no matter how eternal a whinger he may be, could expect an opponent to suddenly fall silent or, more shockingly, to accept that winning the election necessarily means the guy is right, or that the guy did anything other than win more votes than the other guy candidate. 


So the remarks in the post are unrealistic, they fail to recognise a post election analysis, and they try to introduce to the general election campaign Sen. Sanders, who was a peripheral player after the primaries and caucuses that culminated in the convention. Sanders lost the nomination and wasn't ever a factor in the general election. I never supported the plastic socialist who isn't at all a socialist. I like Bernie but then :smile: everyone says the same thing, even over there on the far out right.

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5 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The post seems to state that this side now needs to change itself to accept a Prez Trump. That opposing a Prez Trump is per se  bitterness, sour grapes, unsportsman-like conduct, a wailing or gnashing of teeth. Read the signature plse thx so you might get a grip.


It is absurd and ridiculous to charge that continuing to oppose the guy who won an election is sour grapes, wailing or anything like it. Surely no realistic rightwhinger, no matter how eternal a whinger he may be, could expect an opponent to suddenly fall silent or, more shockingly, to accept that winning the election necessarily means the guy is right, or that the guy did anything other than win more votes than the other guy candidate. 


So the remarks in the post are unrealistic, they fail to recognise a post election analysis, and they try to introduce to the general election campaign Sen. Sanders, who was a peripheral player after the primaries and caucuses that culminated in the convention. Sanders lost the nomination and wasn't ever a factor in the general election. I never supported the plastic socialist who isn't at all a socialist. I like Bernie but then :smile: everyone says the same thing, even over there on the far out right.

Hillary needs to go to jail.  A wall needs to be built on the Mexican border.  Tax advantages need to favor keeping industry in America.  Obamacare needs to go.  Give the winner a chance.  That's all anyone is asking.

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1 minute ago, Dtrump said:

Hillary needs to go to jail.  A wall needs to be built on the Mexican border.  Tax advantages need to favor keeping industry in America.  Obamacare needs to go.  Give the winner a chance.  That's all anyone is asking.


You really should save your breath (or fingers in this case). You should realize by now that you cannot reason with a rabid democrat,. We have a number of them on here. I had hoped that they would get together and have a pity party.

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1 minute ago, Dtrump said:

Don't be silly.  Old SS recipients vote in a very high percentage and the old folks communication system is awesome.  It would be easier to get a hummer in the oval office and not get caught than mess with Social Security. 


That has been true in the past, but Big Money never gives up.  They will go after SS in pieces like they went after restricting access to abortion bit by bit.  What this will look like is: COLAs based on a new formula that reduces them, "voluntary" private accounts in lieue of SS enrollment that will appeal to younger workers who don't trust the system anyway, possible restrictions on non-US-resident recipients, "needs-based" benefits, lower caps on income liable to the payroll tax, a reduction in the payroll tax, etc.  Step by step they will eliminate support, especially if younger workers do not pay the payroll tax which is what has been paying your benefits for the last ten years.


As I say, I couldn't be happier than to be wrong about this, but just remember this conversation in the coming years.

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8 hours ago, Nasrullah said:

that 80% could well do without a nuclear strike which was by no means out of hillary's equation


The one who mused about using nuclear weapons was Trump. Same goes for supporting proliferation of nuclear weapons.

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You really should save your breath (or fingers in this case). You should realize by now that you cannot reason with a rabid democrat,. We have a number of them on here. I had hoped that they would get together and have a pity party.

How will the 20 million get care now? You don't know because the con man never said.

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7 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

"Angry"..."white"..."rural"...can't you just call them your fellow Americans who disagree with you...if not, it's probably why your standard bearer looks to lose the election .


Cuts both ways (well, other than losing the election).

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7 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Actually Trump isn't in the Republican machine. Virtually none of its leaders supported him though the RNC did. He is in a uniquely envious position where he is beholden to nobody in leadership and could work across the aisle if he so chose. i don't think he's clever enough to pull that off though. Time will tell.


If Trump is not beholden to the Republican Party, is the Republican Party (the one controlling both houses) beholden to Trump?

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There was never any chance that Americans were going to elect a Jewish socialist. 

I disagree, as know so many people who either stayed home or ended up switching for Trump (although to be honest .. Mostly stayed home) that were strong Bernie supporters

I believe all of the Hillary supporters would have voted for Bernie but not the other way around ... As Hillary negatives so high..

Most of Trumps arguments about being non corporate bought out candidate would have been impossible against Bernie

Also al his anti trade deal/ bad deal stuff... Gone...

But what has passed is past...

I am going to be watching really closely on what happens in DNC.. Trust this will mark an end to the Clinton era and hopefully a clear 'changing of the guard'.. Which I believe will make the democrats a stronger and better party in 4 years

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2 minutes ago, CWMcMurray said:



I disagree, as know so many people who either stayed home or ended up switching for Trump (although to be honest .. Mostly stayed home) that were strong Bernie supporters

I believe all of the Hillary supporters would have voted for Bernie but not the other way around ... As Hillary negatives so high..

Most of Trumps arguments about being non corporate bought out candidate would have been impossible against Bernie

Also al his anti trade deal/ bad deal stuff... Gone...

But what has passed is past...

I am going to be watching really closely on what happens in DNC.. Trust this will mark an end to the Clinton era and hopefully a clear 'changing of the guard'.. Which I believe will make the democrats a stronger and better party in 4 years

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect




So far I don't see any data, other than your anecdotes, to support the assertion that Bernie supporters stayed away in sufficient numbers to decide any state, much less the election.  Possibly, in WI and MI they were a factor because the percentage for third-party candidates exceeded Trump's margin, but had those two states gone for HRC she would still have lost and it hasn't yet been shown that the third-party votes were mainly at the expense of HRC.


Had Bernie been the candidate the campaign would have been different: instead of emails you would have seen more swastikas.  No way would those rural white Christian men have voted for any Jew socialist.  Trump had enough coded anti-Semitic remarks and ads as it was.

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7 minutes ago, Nasrullah said:


i'm sorry...i don't read the NY times!.....(the toilet paper of record)




Which would have nothing to do with the post you were replying to. The same can be found on other sources as well as clips.


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6 minutes ago, Nasrullah said:

so why were 80% of russians in favour of a Trump victory?


I don't know where you pulled that figure from, or how it was arrived at.

It still does not undo Trump's statements, though.

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1 hour ago, Dtrump said:

Hillary needs to go to jail.  A wall needs to be built on the Mexican border.  Tax advantages need to favor keeping industry in America.  Obamacare needs to go.  Give the winner a chance.  That's all anyone is asking.


Winning the election does not necessarily validate your view or opinions. It in fact does not validate them at all per se.


Winning gives the opinions and view the authority of government, nothing more. The authority of the state, as vested in the executive branch. If I am now an enemy of the American state, then so be it.


I reject the characterisation and I oppose what Trump and his Troopers are and stand for. I gave Trump an election honeymoon which is the tradition in the USA after a guy wins the White House. I gave it to him hard during a honeymoon of several hours, however, neither of us liked it so he and I got a quick no fault divorce.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


The post seems to state that this side now needs to change itself to accept a Prez Trump. That opposing a Prez Trump is per se  bitterness, sour grapes, unsportsman-like conduct....




None of the above....its merely futile and a waste of bandwidth....come back and rewind the tape after 4 years. 

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


If Trump is not beholden to the Republican Party, is the Republican Party (the one controlling both houses) beholden to Trump?


I guess it depends how it goes. they can embrace him or distance themselves from him as it suits their purposes. It's a good environment for making the kinda of deals that used to get legislation passed before Congress gave up. Trump can shame both sides if he likes, but he's going to need pretty good favorability ratings to do that.

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Not going anywhere on the suggestion or advice of just anyone, as this poster is somewhat engaged in certain ways with a deplorable situation and circumstance to include certain people.


There are people who don't know how to win and others who don't know how to lose. Each of 'em show over time that there's little or no difference between 'em. It's always up to the winners to bend over backwards to come forward.


However, the Birther in Chief is to be the 45th Potus so there's not much hope of it occurring. Indeed, Trump will himself need to prove he is not who he has been or ever was before he can earn any measure of respect or consent. It's a tall order for him -- and for his fanboyz.


So far the fanboyz of the campaign have in general been relatively subdued, which is a promising initial start, considering especially the positions they've taken on matters of public policy and the attitudes expressly stated against fellow American citizens.


(It is understood however that not every one of 'em is temperamentally or intellectually capable, i.e., adequately mature or balanced.)

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I don't know where you pulled that figure from, or how it was arrived at.

It still does not undo Trump's statements, though.

25% of Sanders voters won't vote for Clinton



Here's another ... Showing only 40% Bernie supports Support Clinton


This is just a quick google, sure could find a lot more on this if spent time in it... But think this is enough to

Show its not just anecdotal..

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