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The latest developments in the US elections


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I understand that people are unset that crooked Hillary lost the election. What I don't understand is why these people are marching in the streets cursing the F word for all to hear. Young children live in these areas and this is no way for civilized people to act or to teach their children about how a country acts when a new president is elected. This is the high road ??? I would hate to see their low road ...

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We often see the straw in the eyes of others and we do not see the beam in ours


1 hour ago, ttthailand said:

Young children live in these areas and this is no way for civilized people to act or to teach their children about how a country acts when a new president is elected.


I'm sure these young children ( 3 and up) perfectly rehearse Trump's speeches - and the best parts of them - with great facility.  Welcome to the Trump generation.


Edited by Opl
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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

No, we don't want a fascist state. That's the point of the resistance. 


And the idea of working with that administration to ensure that there be no rise of a fascist state never occurs to you? What's that expression? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Take a lesson from "Positively 4th Street".

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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Violence should not be condoned by any political faction in the U.S., and I always hold that position.


But non-violent civil disobedience and demonstration is part of the U.S. political history and fabric. And that's what I saw when watching scenes of the protests on U.S. broadcast networks in lots of major U.S. cities the other night. Hardly rioting.


Well then you're not paying attention.   Wingnuts smashed windows. set fires, painted graffiti, defied police to get on freeways and block them up in LA.  Rocks were thrown; one cop went to the hospital.  And a bullet hit a police car.  In Portland, demonstrators smashed windows, kicked cars, and knocked out power.  Hardly non-violent.   'Don't say such ridiculous things and look the fool when it's so easy to research the facts.


In San Diego, the police ran off one guy carrying an American flag...  (Mexican flags are OK though.   Viva La Raza, amigo!)    I wonder if I'm allowed to go to Honduras, or Guatemala, or Mexico, or Thailand for that matter, and "demonstrate", and "reject" THEIR elected governments.  Of course not.


But that's not the "latest development".  The latest - and I can't imagine what took it so long (oh wait, yes I can  - pot's legal now in CA) - are petitions to get members of the electoral college to abandon their responsibility and vote for Clinton.  ...precisely the kind of delusional thinking that got Clinton unelected.  Even Clinton herself doesn't support this particular fantasy.   (a whopping grand total of 9 electoral voters in the last 100 years have done this;  it would take 37 doing this to elect Clinton)   Oh well, they don't call 'em "wingnuts" for nothing I guess.


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One thing I have little use for is the burning of National flags. Here in NZ I have seen our own flag and US and some other Countries flags burned in Public displays and Protests. What most are protesting about is Government Policies and not the people. The flag represents the people and therefore should not be burnt. Personally for flag burners I would give them 12 month imprisonment non parole regardless of what nations flag they burned. You have the right to protest against injustice, Government Policy and Military involvement but you should never dish another Nations people. I am not a US citizen and as a kiwi find violent protest repugnant. i am not a Trump supporter but the fact is under the US system the man won the election. If they do not like it all they should be doing is lobbying to change that system not burning cars and looting as in some Cities. Or indeed protesting the result. 

Democrats you lost. Pick yourselves up , look at your mistakes. And plan for the next election. Citizens if you see flaws in system then use your power to lobby for change. "Peacefully"

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8 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Violence should not be condoned by any political faction in the U.S., and I always hold that position.


But non-violent civil disobedience and demonstration is part of the U.S. political history and fabric. And that's what I saw when watching scenes of the protests on U.S. broadcast networks in lots of major U.S. cities the other night. Hardly rioting.



So you did not see what happened in Portland, Oregon.  The smashing of cars windows, people jumping on the roofs of cars, a man shot in the crowd, bottles and rocks being thrown at police, fights in the crowds, the vandalism of shops, destruction of public property and the setting of fires. Hardly rioting hey.  Or are you being selective in what you want to report on here.?


Protests I have no problem with as long as they are peaceful, which the majority were.  In so far as what you are watching, I suggest you change channels and you might see what I saw.  I would find it very unusual even if you are watching a different channel that they would not report what happened in Oregon.:wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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11 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Ofcourse, there is one obvious reason why Republicans don't hold protests--they can't get the time off work. 


These liberals don't appear to work actual jobs. 



5555 True that


How do you starve a liberal?

Hide their EBT card under their work boots 

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

No, we don't want a fascist state. That's the point of the resistance. 


Are you able to read the future?  So you know that the Trump administration will turn out to be a fascist regime.  What a load of old croc.  The point of resistance is that the HRC camp, despite all the dirty tricks, together with Wall Street, the dumb downed Hollywood blowhards, many giants of corporate America, other leftist world leaders, the elite of Washington, (both parties)  the MSNM, the Latinos, African Americans, Muslims LGBT and other minority groups, and 16 true Republican politicians couldn't beat one man. Given everything that was thrown at this man, and I do not care what any on the left says, he is a genius, his winning and destruction of all, including the whinging democrats has proved this.


Says a lot for the Dems, doesn't it. a bunch of whiners.  If they can't get your own way, it's we'll takeout bat and ball and go home and to top it off we'll get the professional activists to arrange protests and tear up the place.  I wonder if a certain Canadian Billionaire has anything to do with these protests, he is well known for sponsoring these types of activities all over the world..


Also look at how much they spent compared to President-Elect Trump, and he had to face constant attacks not only from every type of media outlet, members of his own party but woman who falsely accused him of sexual assault. as well as the fools on social media and certain forums.  I say given how those females looked, and given most were feminists, they would be last on my list as well.  All saying the same story, just the time, date and place changed.  A total set up and I hope he does sue the A of the bitches.


Marvellous how quite they've gone now yet they waited, some for 30 years for their 5 minutes of fame. Why oh why have they gone so quiet, is it because he has threatened to take them on and the elections are over, I think the smart ones know why whilst the dumb ones go on and on with their hate speech, all still trying to harm the man's presidency, even though he is not yet sworn in.  It's a wonder they didn't have some gay body come out and say he had an affair with Trump.  It was the only thing he hasn't been accused of.


So instead of resorting to the dumb downed rhetoric that the left always spruiks, accept that he won, fairly and squarely, give the guy a chance but seeing it is the left who are dividing the country and will keep on doing so by leading the minority groups of sheep with their hate speak until they hope to eventually get their own way.  Suck it up for the next 4 years , hopefully 8 and then another 8 with another Republican.  That will be 16 years of whining, by which time you all will be experts.  Oh sweet music. :wai:

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9 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Well then you're not paying attention.   Wingnuts smashed windows. set fires, painted graffiti, defied police to get on freeways and block them up in LA.  Rocks were thrown; one cop went to the hospital.  And a bullet hit a police car.  In Portland, demonstrators smashed windows, kicked cars, and knocked out power.  Hardly non-violent.   'Don't say such ridiculous things and look the fool when it's so easy to research the facts.




From Reuters:






Since Trump's victory, demonstrators in several cities have decried the Republican's campaign promises to restrict immigration and register Muslims, as well as allegations that the former reality-TV star sexually abused women.

The demonstrations so far have been largely peaceful, although in Portland protesters smashed store windows, sprayed graffiti and damaged cars late on Friday as they clashed with police who used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds.



And the one shooting in Portland that one poster commented on previously was a protester who WAS SHOT apparently by hooligans or gang members, not the protester doing the shooting. So let's at least try to be clear about the facts:




...One protester in Portland suffered non-life threatening injuries when he was shot early on Saturday as he took part in a march across the Morrison Bridge by a young gunman who fled the scene. Portland police said later that the suspect's car was spotted, a gun was impounded and four people detained. The vehicle's occupants are believed to be criminal gang associates, the police department said in a statement.



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33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


From Reuters:





And the one shooting in Portland that one poster commented on previously was a protester who WAS SHOT apparently by hooligans or gang members, not the protester doing the shooting. So let's at least try to be clear about the facts:





Yes, it was a protester who was shot. however, Portland Police  declared the protest a riot.  The other protests were mainly peaceful, however, a number of protesters across the country have been arrested for various offences.  A link to the Portland incidents.:wai:



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You have to bear in mind that the highly biased national media - who've now managed to shat all over themselves this time around - simply aren't going to pick up stories about violence being perpetrated by anti-Trump goons.  Stories involving pro-Trump demonstrators OTOH (which are usually turning out to be just that - stories)  are getting and will always get top press billing.  Most of the anti-Trump demonstrations going on involve either delusional, entitled crybabies who must have their way, or paid agitators bussed in for the press coverage it'll get.  'Not to be taken seriously by anyone with two brain cells to rub together.  Some dems are taking plain old sore losing to new heights.  'No surprise there.


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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

According to Huffington Post he cant even get a transition team together, we were told he wasn't qualified for the job, we weren't told he was this bad.

When the Huffington Post speaks................................people laugh.

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13 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

When the Huffington Post speaks................................people laugh.

You should read more newspapers than just 'The Sun'. Huffington Post is very informative and is not the only publication reporting this embarrassing development.

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20 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

You should read more newspapers than just 'The Sun'. Huffington Post is very informative and is not the only publication reporting this embarrassing development.


Seems they are "winging it". Good they were not tone deaf about lobbyists.



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For starters, they will setup at his new hotel, three blocks from the WH, that used to be a government building, that DT bought at auction and turned into a four star hotel, ahead of schedule and under budget.  Meanwhile, Amtrack charges 9 USD fro a hamburger and still loses 7 more on each one, but McDonald's charges two bucks and is one of the greatest companies in history.

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