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The latest developments in the US elections


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2 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Nothing will change and America will continue to go from strength to strength...you really need to get off the Clinton and Democratic Party machine email lists  :tongue:


I thought the problem was that America wasn't going from strength to strength and that is why you needed change?  Maybe you should say that America is about go on a completely new and unknown journey.  Most would agree with that.

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Just now, KarenBravo said:

If people think that because the house and senate are Republican, the Orange One is going to have it easy to pass his agenda, they are going to be sorely disappointed. The Republican establishment dislike him almost as much as the Democrats.


I think he will seek to work with the Democrats on many things which is going to piss the Republicans off royally.

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2 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

If people think that because the house and senate are Republican, the Orange One is going to have it easy to pass his agenda, they are going to be sorely disappointed. The Republican establishment dislike him almost as much as the Democrats.



Not any more.

They are in control thanks to him.....

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Oh the wailing and knashing of teeth in my hometown of the San Francisco Bay Area...their entire universe...the zeitgeist of their lives has been overturned by their fellow Americans living in "flyover country" who they didn't know existed, have certainly never met, been the butt of their jokes and condescension (similar to T-V), nor having ever spoken to...the Trump supporter  :tongue:


And how did you become so enlightened ...Pattaya did it for you??

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1 hour ago, mania said:

The blacks thought she was mocking them with her fake drawl/accent ....which she was


The legal voting Hispanics sided with Trump....they used the front door to enter USA....Why would they disagree that illegal aliens are everyones problem.?  

Now if you could just explain all that (in even simpler language) to the dim-witted SJW types and other fools who make up the base of the Democratic Party.

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53 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

exactly..having lived 6 miles from the Mexican border for 4 years, I can say without a doubt, no group despises the illegals more than those, who came here legally.  When MSNBC says Latinos, they mean illegals...the truth is that the real Latinos in America are conservative, hardworking business owners, who love America more than many Americans.  Not to mention the baby killing thing.

I've never understood what the Democrats and SJWs don't understand about legal immigration and illegal immigration...like WTH; legal immigrants who have come through proper channels are so welcome to begin their American odyssey but those who have broken the law and entered the country illegally as their first act toward America have no place in our Republic.

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Congratulations to the Trump supporters- you never gave up and in the end were right. As a Clinton supporter- I listened to Trump's speech after he won and it was very gracious and he is seeking to bring the country together. While I have some doubts- I am willing to give him a chance.

He should be able to get things through Congress as he has a majority in both houses. What happened in America is similar to Brexit- a significant portion of the population has been disgusted for a long time and felt change was necessary,

President Trump does have some decent ideas on infrastructure; foreign relations and reform of Obamacare.  I wish him well as all Americans want to have a successful country.


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1 hour ago, B4IGO said:


Oh what a glorious feeling - Oh what a glorius day.


So where are you Jinhthing and Boomerantang and Pinot and MZurf and all the other aubuusive aewholes. You are all phluckin reethards.  Today is such a great day I joined TV just to tell you phluckin arrrswholes to get pflukked.  And to know you are feeling like sheeite right now has made by phlucking day. NO - it has made my phlucking year. 


Creds to Chicog and Shuengwan and all the other Trump opponents who accepted the People's decision and have conceded.


And thank you to all the good people who kept up the fight on Thai Visa - especially Boon Mee and  OMGininpattaya - big creds to you both.


And I will probablky be barnnned for saying those words - even though they are phluckin truu - but I dont phlucking care. Oh what a Glorious Day !!!!


This will be my first and last post - for ever how long it lasts.  I am now going to sit back and watch the glorious USA (who followed the UK), as they both lead the rest of the World away from this globalist elitist and corrupt Liberal 'system' that has infested Europe and the western world in general.  I would like to stay and gloat and argue, but ThaiVisa has too many angry abusive aeewholes - and there are too many to ignore/delete them all.




Wow, a guy who is too scared to post normally, here to gloat and write an abusive post, calling people who dare to write intelligent posts, time and time again, arguing issues in a well thought out way. And you just name calling with a bunch of swear words, very creative ...and saying those posters are abusive .


You do know that gloating is the opposite of graciousness right ...not that I would expect that of this poster, but to others of you who are liking this kind of post ...the regular posters here ...have some respect for yourselves!!  Have some respect for all of us on here and don't like some wimpy ass like this!!


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Beautiful victory !
A big f.u. from regular americans to biased media and their relentless anti Trump propaganda.
Lefty hollywood , talentless actors & singers that needed to urge their fans to vote dem. All the lefty talkshow hosts on her side.
Women who rather see a criminal as president , just because she's a woman.

The censoring by facebook & twitter of anything anti hrc.


Victory for alternative media, the ones that aren't allowed here on the forum.
Victory for Wikileaks.
Trump had to win , if only to make the relentless fanboys here on thaivisa bite the dust. You know the ones !



Edited by BuaBS
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37 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

First things first.  Congratulations to the Trumpsters who stuck by their boy throughout all the bizarre events and chaos that has resulted in a win for them.  It's official, the p*ssy grabbers take the Whitehouse.  You guys have proved us all wrong and it confirms that Trump really is what the majority of the American people want to lead them.


Likely explains his popularity in Pattaya...though it's not really my cup of tea  :whistling:

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8 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Congratulations to the Trump supporters- you never gave up and in the end were right. As a Clinton supporter- I listened to Trump's speech after he won and it was very gracious and he is seeking to bring the country together. While I have some doubts- I am willing to give him a chance.

He should be able to get things through Congress as he has a majority in both houses. What happened in America is similar to Brexit- a significant portion of the population has been disgusted for a long time and felt change was necessary,

President Trump does have some decent ideas on infrastructure; foreign relations and reform of Obamacare.  I wish him well as all Americans want to have a successful country.



I don't think I have ever heard an incoming President or Prime Minister be "ungracious" in victory! People tend to forget all the vitriolic comments made on the "Campaign Trail"! 

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10 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Congratulations to the Trump supporters- you never gave up and in the end were right. As a Clinton supporter- I listened to Trump's speech after he won and it was very gracious and he is seeking to bring the country together. While I have some doubts- I am willing to give him a chance.

He should be able to get things through Congress as he has a majority in both houses. What happened in America is similar to Brexit- a significant portion of the population has been disgusted for a long time and felt change was necessary,

President Trump does have some decent ideas on infrastructure; foreign relations and reform of Obamacare.  I wish him well as all Americans want to have a successful country.


A nicely balance and well reasoned post and I thank you for it. If more of the people on your side would have evinced such a more level-headed approach to the election it would have been closer...but I'd still want my side to win.

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2 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

A nicely balance and well reasoned post and I thank you for it. If more of the people on your side would have evinced such a more level-headed approach to the election it would have been closer...but I'd still want my side to win.

You haven't been that level headed or balanced. You've attacked anyone who supported the Dems,  accusing them of hating fellow thier citizens and  calling them all sorts!


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1 minute ago, alanrchase said:

Will we have to put up with OMG for four years? Thought the wife was a challenge.


Putting up with him should not be a problem. We put up with rabid democrats for much longer than four years.

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wondering just how much damage can the soon-to-be-fleeing-caretaker still do?

(until that day in December, when roast pork can again be served in the Oval Room)


I haven't heard a whimper:

  - the unkept? promise to never leave the Oval Office, if Trump were to win

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