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Are we heading for World War 3? Fears of ‘dangerous and volatile’ world under 'maverick' President Trump


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On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 0:19 PM, Rob13 said:


No, I don't. Feel free to buy into their BS though.

What BS is that? That they said Trump had a good chance?


You go back to CNN/ABC and enjoy their accurate polls.

Edited by nottocus
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6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


My, that is indeed reassuring.

Knowledge of the consequences is often the best way to prevent people doing stupid things :) 


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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Been telling people this for a long time and the Clinton bootlickers wouldn't believe:

Kremlin: Clinton Victory Would Have Led to World War 3 Between Russia and USA...


You actually believe what comes out of the mouth of the Kremlin? They are no different than the controlled media in the West buddy. The only difference is that critics are silenced quickly if you haven't noticed by now.

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48 minutes ago, Ulic said:

Looks like it is going to be a race to see who starts WW 3.  Cameron has already stated with absolute

certainty that WW3 would be the result of Brexit. Now the Donald is in the running to start WW3.  :tongue:




As soon as Donald Trump takes office January 2017.

But the war won't  be fought with Bombs & Bullets, instead it will be fought 

with Dollors, Pounds, Euros, & Yen.


DT is a business man first, and will make business as his priority, which is GREAT 

NEWS for Britain with BREXIT coming in the first 2 years of his presidency.

With DT being a Brexit supporter should mean the US & UK can come to a much easier trade agreement than ever before, which should also include Canada, Australia & New Zealand.

The EU can sit back and take note with their TPP agreement that DT will throw in to the 



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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Trump is the Manchurian candidate and I guarantee that US nationals will now be target number 1 for hatred. I don't think the lippy  smug  gloaters fully appreciate  just how much the rest of the world detests Trump and the policies he has espoused. They will soon find out. It will be interesting when US nationals find themselves confined to their own country as no one will want them in theirs and/or it is too dangerous to leave the USA.  

His Mother was Scottish,  but there's no Manchester  connection.

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1 minute ago, JuanCarlos said:

The "UE" may wants this TPP but as you may have noticed the people of UE clearly do not want it.



That's good news for the people of Europe then, because Trump certainly

won't continue with it.

Juncker, Shultz & Merkel will have to start all over again.

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2 hours ago, landslide said:

Let's look at the wars the US has been involved in during the last 100 years, and the president in office when they started.  World War I, with Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, as president.  World War II, with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat, as president.  The Korean War, with Harry S. Truman, Democrat as president.  Vietnam War, with John F. Kennedy, Democrat, as president.  Also, it was Lyndon Baines Johnson, Democrat, who escalated the "police action" in Vietnam.  Iraq (Desert Storm), George H. W. Bush, Republican as President.  Finally, Afghanistan and Iraq, with George W. Bush, Republican as President.  

Seems like the Democrats have involved us in a few more wars that the Republicans.

And the US did not get involved in WW1 and two because American territory or people had been killed. I believe the loss of the Lusitania with hundreds of Americans on board heralded the US involvement in the first world war. And the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour necessitated the US entry into WW2. But I also believe the history of the USA since 1776 shows it has only been at peace for some 28 of those years?

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What worries them is Trump saying, he wanted better relations with Russia. That has upset the EU who were hoping for US support in the new cold war between the west and Russia. But surely it was clinton who would have started a war over Syria with her no fly zone?



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Last I checked Clinton and her crew were doing much to antagonize Russia, accusing them of interfering with our elections when in fact it was the DNC and Clinton who interfered with the elections, rigged the Democratic primary to block  the candidate who many polls showed could beat Trump, Bernie Sanders. I am not apologizing for Trump, but I don't understand how things would be any different if not worse under Clinton. 

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37 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

At the moment nobody knows what Trump will do or how many of his threats he will carry through. And we won't know until he is installed in The Whitehouse.

Sorry all that is off the table now. The election is over. As your statement says no one knows. He is an unknown but known quantity in many respects the known ones are the ones that should scare you. Ask all the trades people he has stiffed and threatened with the hammer of a lawsuit.  If I was running a brothel he would be my number one choice as manager/overseer providing he did not vaporize all my profits for personal gratification which well he is good at. 

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7 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

All this sturm and drang is pretty ironic when one realizes the only atomic weapon used in history was dropped by a Democrat...but what's a fact of history when there's a stupid lamestream article to be written.

Promise me you will eat healthy and exercise stay fit. I truly like you. I do not hold it against you that you think Trump is the second coming. I want you to hang around for 4 years and weep when he leaves and takes the congress and senate with him. Oh Joy. 

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Just now, elgordo38 said:

. I want you to hang around for 4 years and weep when he leaves and takes the congress and senate with him. Oh Joy. 


I doubt he'll last 4 years. Too many legal problems lurking in the background. I doubt HRC would have finished her term either.

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7 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Sabre rattling in Eastern Europe is due to Russian aggression.  You are aware of their invasions into Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine?  Perhaps if those were halted, the sabre rattling would cease?  The EU is not an enemy.  Nations are flocking to the EU, and NATO, to help with their defense against a newly aggressive Russia. 

-the "aggressions" in Georgia and especially Ukraine are justified,

-the EU is indeed not an enemy but the bootlicker of the U.S.,

-nations bordering Russia are lured to the EU (and indirectly NATO) to strangle Russia with missiles stationed at her borders as it was done during the cold war (re: Turkey /  Cuba missile crisis).


in other areas of this world "war games" provoking North Korea are going on since decades. unwarranted and ridiculous joint exercises with Thai forces, flotilla parading in the South China Sea speak volumes. add to afore-mentioned the decade long meddling in Central, South America and the Caribbean plus the hard facts Viet Nam, Iraq II and Afghanistan and the picture is clear who is the old and new aggressor.

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We are heading to worth WWIII sins The Americans posted tens of thousands military right at the borders with Russia. just were the German Invasion began in WWII (Operation Barbarossa).......if that is not a provocation I don't know what is !?!?!? and this was done by OBAMA...way before Trump got elected.....democrat's or republicans are just the same one is far right and the other is further right, just war mongers all of them....!!!!

Edited by off road pat
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1 hour ago, Naam said:

-the "aggressions" in Georgia and especially Ukraine are justified,

-the EU is indeed not an enemy but the bootlicker of the U.S.,

-nations bordering Russia are lured to the EU (and indirectly NATO) to strangle Russia with missiles stationed at her borders as it was done during the cold war (re: Turkey /  Cuba missile crisis).


in other areas of this world "war games" provoking North Korea are going on since decades. unwarranted and ridiculous joint exercises with Thai forces, flotilla parading in the South China Sea speak volumes. add to afore-mentioned the decade long meddling in Central, South America and the Caribbean plus the hard facts Viet Nam, Iraq II and Afghanistan and the picture is clear who is the old and new aggressor.

Did you get this from Russia Today? :whistling:

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13 hours ago, Gene1960 said:

Do not believe those experts. If they say that a Trump presidency has already increased the chances of nuclear war, than Vlad Putin cannot benefit from that. He and Russia is and will be the target.
Nobody around Trump will allow him to nuke the Middle East.
Isis will be dealt with conventional. Together with Russia, or not.


the so called experts have been voted out,

so if anything boils up - blame the outgoing caretaker, for stirring the burnt bottom of the pot

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Right from the beginning the Don displayed marketing wizardry to overcome crooked hillary


He knew he was the challenger so he had to be aggressive and in her face….provide a total counterpoint to what she stood for.


Thanks to his great knowledge of how to grab headlines, and his reality tv experience, he made sure he stood for some unique talking points.


It stuck…and the rest is history.


I don't think the guy you'll see in the white house will be as belligerent and hard-headed as he.


He'll follow through on some stuff but he's not going to start any wars or fire off any nukes.


I cant believe the nonsense hillary acolytes spread on this forum.


Chill out…..you tried to predict the election and see what happened….so don't try to predict what he's gonna do.

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14 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Did you get this from Russia Today? :whistling:

i haven't watched Russia Today for a long time. whatever i wrote are facts which can easily be verified. for what it is worth... U.S. foreign politics is not in line with the thinking of most of my American friends (exemption my Redneck friends). somehow i feel quite bad condemning the politics of the country of my dreams when i was a teenager, at that time willing to sacrifice my left ball in exchange for being an American. a decade later i changed my mind after having served two tours in Viet Nam which was an eye opener.

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3 hours ago, Naam said:

-the "aggressions" in Georgia and especially Ukraine are justified,

-the EU is indeed not an enemy but the bootlicker of the U.S.,

-nations bordering Russia are lured to the EU (and indirectly NATO) to strangle Russia with missiles stationed at her borders as it was done during the cold war (re: Turkey /  Cuba missile crisis).


Whoa, do you also pledge of allegiance to the grand old Soviet flag? That talk surely sounds like what used to be Soviet Union propaganda.


 No, Russian neighbours were not lured into EU or NATO. All the countries were more than willing to be part of the west, not the old bully Russia.

I know, I'm from a country with a long border with Russia. From a country with Western European values in general.


You might ask yourself, why there is so few Russian neighbours who want to protect themselves from Russian aggressions. We don't want to spend money to our defence forces, but we do it, because we have to. We don't have other potential enemies.


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