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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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Anti-Trump Voices Grow Louder In Scotland After Development Rift


Interesting real case  / electoral Platform


"He promises the earth, delivers nothing," says David Milne, who lives nearby. "As far as that goes, he's in a good position to be a politician. But as far as the real world goes, no, do not trust this man with anything."





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Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course


The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall.

Trump is hoping to have a two-mile stone wall built between his County Clare course and the Atlantic Ocean. According to the Associated Press, the beach in front of the 18th green is eroding at a rate of about one yard per year.

This isn't the first time Trump has been involved in a legal matter involving the environment and one of his Europe courses. In December, Trump lost a third court decision in his longtime battle against the creation of a wind farm near his Trump International Golf Links in Balmedie Scotland.



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2 hours ago, Usernames said:


Even if Trump disappoints and fails, we'll still have the Supreme Court.


Maybe: but expect that old dragon Ginsberg to stay until she's on life support ( and/or her supporters to pull a Weekend at Bernie's ). She's more ideologically driven than Scalia.

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1 hour ago, coma said:


Lets just wait and see. And hope that it is just a temporary vent of frustration that goes away very soon.


If pro Trump supporters go out to protest against the protesters [ already happening in some areas on a small scale ] it could get real ugly real quick. We all know how much the citizens of the USA love a riot.


The post is an improvement over the one where you were reading 'em the Riot Act -- burning the flag, walking out of class and other high crimes and seriously provocative acts against the state. Cause if they don't quit it, then that would require a swift and decisive declaration of an emergency. 


Round 'em up, seize 'em, impound 'em inside a stadium, a park or a school or church -- sort 'em by ID, let your guyz go, slam the doors locked. Indefinite preventive detention.


We all know how much Trump and His Fanboyz love the Riot Act.


Back when 100,000 anti Vietnam war demonstrators was routine, and the pi police rounded us up and herded us inside a specially constructed sprawling outdoor wire fence, our lawyers were at the courtroom door in the morning and a judge ordered us released. The only concern then was to run like hell for several blocks to be at the head of the line for McMuffins. Even Potus Nixon didn't try to deny that to us.


The concern with Potus Trump however is that the judge this time might be Hispanic or just plain liberal and find himself in with the rest of us.


No sale cause we on this side got there before youse did. You're not fooling anyone over here cause USA ain't Bolivia.  

Edited by Publicus
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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I reckon much of that crowd is anti-war as well. It's a leftist crowd.

But beyond that I find your point nauseating and disingenous.

I'm assuming you're not in a minority group being threatened with having your civil rights stripped away by a fascist movement.

Don't know if you're married, but if you were and the new president promised to take action that would soon make your marriage invalid, you're seriously telling me you would sit back and not protest that?


Nothing like that has happened. This is people who cannot accept the political system but I imagine most partook in it. It's the death throes of socialism. They can't accept the result, it has to be their way or no way. While Hillary gave a gracious concession speech, she still urged them to not give up on their agenda.

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5 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Nothing like that has happened. This is people who cannot accept the political system but I imagine most partook in it. It's the death throes of socialism. They can't accept the result, it has to be their way or no way. While Hillary gave a gracious concession speech, she still urged them to not give up on their agenda.


You are educated enough to know you cannot ask or request or insist to people that we change our world view to suit or accommodate your own world view.


You want the opposition to simply stop in our beliefs and value system so that you can have peace and calm on a clear and sunny expressway. You in fact demand it.


There's no way to do that without imposing it on us. Which means against our will.


Stop accusing us of not accepting the election. We accept it. We will never accept Trump. You have the opposite experience in respect of Barack Obama.


We criticised your criticism of OB and I called youse a lot of names, but no one on this side demanded you change your view. Moderate it, yes. Radically purge your point of view, no. We never demanded or threatened you personally or intimately in respect of your point of view.

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Hey hey ho ho I don’t know what misogyny means but it got to go.


Hey hey ho ho in the morning to work I not go.


Hey hey ho ho instead of work, I get up late and smoke a large bowl.


Hey hey ho ho I want 15 and hour to fry fries you know.


Hey hey ho ho I got no money but I gonna get me some more stupid tats.


Hey hey ho ho I’m 25 and ride a kids bike because I have 4 DUI’s and I can’t get to work unless I get driven by my stupid hoe. Etc, etc, etc.

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This will be great for America , and show the  left wing liberals that everyone we benefit , same  as Brexit . in London you  still have  people  crying but  amargedon hasn't happened by David  pathetic  Cameron . if think everything is changing because people are starting to realise that all these corporations areally draining the life  out of all communities in all the western world . 

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Shortly after the Democratic Primaries, attorneys Jared Beck and Elizabeth Beck, Harvard and Yale Law School graduates, filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and disgraced former DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, for the millions of Bernie Sanders supporters they allegedly suppressed and silenced. The latest Wikileaks releases of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s emails has revealed further evidence that the scales were heavily tipped in favor of Hillary Clinton by both the DNC and the mainstream media.






The clinton criminal machine screwed bernie sanders even though he may have well had a better chance to defeat trump.  bernie does not have a backlog of scandals and corruption confirmed by wikileaks and disenfranchised haitians.



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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:
1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

The one scenario that could still get Hillary into the White House.




Faithless electors eh?


they'll be headless if they try it. 

This is what childish people suggest without the thought or care what the consequences would be.

Or they do know and would enjoy seeing people slaughter each other.

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21 minutes ago, dcutman said:


This is what childish people suggest without the thought or care what the consequences would be.

Or they do know and would enjoy seeing people slaughter each other.

If you think the riots now are bad, just think what would happen if millions of Trump supporters had the result changed by what would have to be a LOT of college voters.

Given that he has so many more college votes than she, it would be an amazing conspiracy to make it happen.

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51 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

WOW, is that guy thick or what? Does he not know that it is the constitution? What do they teach kids these days? Apparently not much.

The black guy was trying hard not to laugh in his face. I bet he knows it's in the constitution.


If that guy is an example of the country's future, I pity America.

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4 hours ago, RickBradford said:

The twerps at Newsweek printed and distributed 125,000 copies of a magazine with the front cover titled 'Madam President' over a picture of a smiling Hillary Clinton.


That Horrible Woman even signed some commemorative copies, and it hit the newsstands on Tuesday.


“Like everybody else, we got it wrong,” Tony Romando, chief executive of Newsweek partner Topix Media, said. They've now been forced into an embarrassing and costly recall.


The next time I have to explain to someone the meaning of the word 'hubris', I need only to point to this example of overweening vanity.


Or I could point to the dictionary definition: "arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, hauteur, pride, self-importance, egotism, pomposity, superciliousness, superiority."


That's the Hillary Clinton camp for you.


Precisely and also....




Republicans are always wrong about everything.

Delusional wingnuts are so precious  They actually believe Trump could get elected...chuckles. Awwww it's just so cute. Like wishing for Santa to bring you a pony...or a unicorn. 

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how much of a loser this guy is.
Get used to "Madam President" for the next eight years. Along with 'First Gentleman' Bill.

The Great 2016 Republican Train Wreck.

When all your information (lies) comes from Fox News, it distorts your perception of the world. You live in a place where you actually think Trump is going to be President.

Best election EVAR! (Rubbing hands together, squealing with joy) Madam President. Get use to it boys.

As I like to point out, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

He's the worst candidate in history and deserves and will get beaten like a bad little girl. Trust me. I've been right about him all along.

 I'm just always amazed at how delusional so many trumpeteers remain. It's over.


You guys are hilarious. The demise of the RNC is delicious

We're watching the death throes of the Republican party, thank Buddha.

The 'L' word. Landslide. It's what I've been saying for the last year. HRC in a landslide. A landslide the Republicans won't be recovering from for a generation. Best election...ever. 

You're losing. You're losing badly. You're going to lose all 3 branches of the government. Get use to it. The Republican party is toast. 

Also, your credibility is rather suspect if sincerely think trump will win.

Congratulations to Hillary Clinton, our next president, and a historic figure as our first woman president. Well done! 
Nice color pantsuit today. Not so long before she will be wining and dining with international leaders. 

Republicans are screwed...som nom na (Thai phrase meaning DESERVEDLY for the low-info minions)

Donald Trump, confirmer in chief of the Republican party's demise in the year of our lord 2016. Thank you lord.

The Clinton team is a WORLD CLASS operation. Clinton can just put her feet up and watch him imploding.

Hey, this Republican Party in this year couldn't win a door prize never mind a general election for Potus.

Republicans will cease to be a political entity after this cluster %#@& of a campaign. The low-info, scared old white man, wingnuts have led the GOP off a cliff. 

No one should ever follow your wingnut links. They help convince the poor trumpeteers that they're still in this race...winning it, even!

One of the deplorable things about the Deplorables is their overblown sense of significance. November 8 will be a rude awakening.

Even if she's dead, she'll handily beat Trump. 

 Hillary Clinton will become President in a landslide taking the Congress, Senate and Supreme Court for the Democrats. The wingnuts are out of their cotton pickin minds over that fact. Deal with it. They're going to lose and lose big. Typical posts by wingnuts.

Saying " som nam na" (serves you right) for the next 4 years to my Trump supporting friends will be fun.

A glorious defeat is forthcoming to the ignorant, bigoted Mussolini wannabe and his Lemmings.

Actually, I believe Clinton is thinking about all those poor souls that thought Trump would win the election. They are going to need some serious counseling when the reality hits hard.


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3 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:



Basing one's argument on two numbers that are within 1/10 th of 1% of each other is a beyond just a bit pathetic.


Just eliminating the Democrat votes by dead people and non citizens alone would quickly eclipse that

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14 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Just a reminder for those that have an aching butt, this is how America voted. 


File:2016 Presidential Election by County.svg

Oh, for sure the response will be that they don't count. They are just rednecks clinging to their guns and their bibles. Only the PC liberals that live in the blue bits are worthy of being counted as real people.

NB those PC liberals are the ones burning stuff in the streets, using vile language and destroying their own flag. Bunch of big babies.

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