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From New York to LA, protests erupt against Trump’s win


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2 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:


Trumps policies on the above are all socialist policies....if you want the changes that he proposed on the above  matters that makes you a lefty too mate!

If you think that the left blindly supported Clinton you really have no clue. A large group of the Bernie supporters (I think we can agree these are left) voted for Trump in the end. Especially because of the above reasons, fueled by the fact that these "Other 99%" are sick and tired of making ends meet: out of a job, house foreclosed, cannot pay the appendix operations of their kid (while big pharma companies make billions profit), and in the meantime banks are bailed-out, billions are pumped into the war machine, etc. etc. This is what liberals, and the left are concerned about, always have and always will!

And yes, the liberals and the left don't agree with a presidential candidate "who randomly grabs woman" or who want a total ban on all Muslims entering the US or says that all Mexicans are rapists murderers and thieves. Thats not because they want to be PC but because its complete and utter BS!


Trust me, I'm no Lefty, mate. 


Hillary Clinton would have done nothing to resolve any of these issues, just like Obama has done nothing at all other than be a lame duck while things transpire around him. 


People look at the "billions into the war machine" like we are starving ourselves. If you look at our budget, GDP, and spending, you can see we afford it easily and the UK isn't that far behind us, based on budget percentage and GDP. I don't know many americans that are "unhappy" with our military. Not to mention the millions that receive the GI Bill. 

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3 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:

You keep on going on about liberals and leftist etc.....the acceptance speech of Trump had very socialist ideas (which the house and congress will never approve of course), so what do you mean exactly? Or are you only supporting his "all Mexicans are rapist, total ban on Muslim entering the US" rhetoric which your so-called liberals indeed dont agree with....


Trump did not say, ..."all Mexicans are rapists."

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11 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:


Yes and you responded to my post with things that had nothing to do with what I posted. I didn't realize that I had to follow your agenda any more than you had to reply specifically to anything I said.


Both Hillary and Trump said some stupid things. You selected one thing she said during campaigning and I gave you a selection of thing he said following Obama's election as he was trying to stir up protests. Let's not turn into teenage girls and get all time-of-the-month over things one or the other said. Some politicians are well known for saying stupid things and I'm pretty sure DT is miles ahead in that department.


The topic of the thread relates to post-election protests. DT's tweets show how he reacted when Obama won.


The way a conversation works is typically  all parties actually discuss the same thing--they respond to each other. Whwn you quote someone then it typically means you are planning to respond to the topics in the quote. 


Call me crazy but thats how people communicate where I am from. 



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5 minutes ago, Linzz said:


What does a symbolic wall look like? Can it stop drugs and illegals coming across it?

The Trump team have already revealed they are not going to build a wall. It was just campaign rhetoric.  :wink:


The non college lads in the South that made the rare decision to get out of bed before 3pm to vote, are NOT going to like that.

Edited by Andaman Al
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9 hours ago, losworld said:

Just accept it.  This was democracy in action.  He was chosen by the people and these protests and acts of violence only support what has happened. 



I agree. The results of the election have to be accepted. I don't support violent action. I DO support freedom of speech and assembly. I urge peaceful protest.


But you know who else called for a revolution the last time his favored candidate did not win? But from the comfort of his armchair, telling others to do the actual protesting?



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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


I agree. The results of the election have to be accepted. I don't support violent action. I DO support freedom of speech and assembly. I urge peaceful protest.


But you know who else called for a revolution the last time his favored candidate did not win? But from the comfort of his armchair, telling others to do the actual protesting?




Yeah buddy, and now you're doing the same from the safety of your own little armchair.....but you're NOT the elected president!!! He won by the SAME rules Clinton was playing WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO ACCEPT???

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The title of this thread is a misnomer ...


maybe they are protesting in NY & LA....Portland too....But

not NY to LA


Also Those are blue states so the simpletons there are 

allowing it to go on. (I am talking about the violent disruptive protests)


They should give it a shot in one of the many red states & see how far it doesn't go.


Lastly why do folks like these always riot/trash their own area?

What a bunch of  nuts

Even a dog does not crap near his bed

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6 hours ago, midas said:

if these fools want to see what violence really is, overturn the election results.  A bunch of spoiled brats



850,000 Hillary Supporters Sign Petition to Overturn Election Results





Trump was right about another Brexit. And we have the same anti democratic reaction to it. Like keep having a vote until you get the result you want

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I guess Scottie Nell was worried about potential post-election violence and the dreaded mazel tov [sic] cocktails 




Oy vey! No slip of the tongue goes unpunished in this election cycle.

Donald Trump surrogate Scottie Nell Hughes found out the hard way Sunday night on CNN when she criticized a Jay Z music video in which protesters took a rather unique course of action against police officers:



“One of his main videos starts off with a crowd throwing mazel tov cocktails at the police”

Scottie Nell Hughes



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I am not concerned about Trump so much,he said what he thought he had to say to get himself elected , and now he is going to walk everything back. He is already walking the wall back, and he will keep the major parts of Obama Care, watch for a walk back on the international trade deals. .  Which  IMO is a good thing all his proposals were idiotic.  

What I am more concerned is the idiots that bought what he was selling.

I really thought Americans were smarter than that, and when the time came they would make the right decision.

I guess I was wrong.  

Past presidents were just bad as Trump, but they kept a thin veneer of decorum and dignity, Trump has already diminished the dignity of the office. and as such people's willingness to accept its authority.

The fact that Trump's strategy in gaining the oval office worked and the public's willing to accept it , will not go unnoticed by others aspiring for the office in the future.

Expect  to see similar campaigns in the future, expect to see further erosion of the authority of the office, and except to see  the losing side's rejection of the results, expect to see more protests after elections

In essence expect to see the removal of the "U" from the USA



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6 hours ago, sirineou said:

I am not concerned about Trump so much,he said what he thought he had to say to get himself elected , and now he is going to walk everything back. He is already walking the wall back, and he will keep the major parts of Obama Care, watch for a walk back on the international trade deals. .  Which  IMO is a good thing all his proposals were idiotic.  

What I am more concerned is the idiots that bought what he was selling.

I really thought Americans were smarter than that, and when the time came they would make the right decision.

I guess I was wrong.  

Past presidents were just bad as Trump, but they kept a thin veneer of decorum and dignity, Trump has already diminished the dignity of the office. and as such people's willingness to accept its authority.

The fact that Trump's strategy in gaining the oval office worked and the public's willing to accept it , will not go unnoticed by others aspiring for the office in the future.

Expect  to see similar campaigns in the future, expect to see further erosion of the authority of the office, and except to see  the losing side's rejection of the results, expect to see more protests after elections

In essence expect to see the removal of the "U" from the USA




I don't buy that at all. Most of the time change comes about because the thing you never imagined could happen happens. That can be very unifying.


I doubt Trump makes it very far into his administration and if he doesn't America will get something worse in Pence. And as bad as Pence might be, he could hang on if the other side doesn't come up with better candidates.

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I don't buy that at all. Most of the time change comes about because the thing you never imagined could happen happens. That can be very unifying.


I doubt Trump makes it very far into his administration and if he doesn't America will get something worse in Pence. And as bad as Pence might be, he could hang on if the other side doesn't come up with better candidates.

Unlike other countries that derive their cohesion from an Ethnic identity, the US derives it's national Identity  from it's institutions that all , regardless of their ethnic o geographical location respect.All of these institutions are now  under threat. The Press, Congress , The judicial , FBI, and now the Presidency.

The US is a federation of states,  if the Federal Government loses it's authority to govern, the federation could also lose it's cohesion.

Al;ready there a movement for Texas and California to secede.


So Yes change can come from unexpected places but it is not always Uniying, case and point Brexit.

I agree the Democrats need to present better candidates. I supported Sanders, and argued that HRC was a flawed candidate that would be defeated by the skeletons in her closet. And so she did.  I also blame Obama and the deal he made with HRC to be prefered over Biden. Dont think I buy the BS that Biden did not run because of the death of his son.

Anyway, Change can be good, but it can also be bad , and it could unify some people . but to the detriment of others.

I hope I am wrong, but as my signature says

Except for the times I am wrong, I AM AWAYS RIGHT.   

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