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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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9 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


27,000 apartments were worth just millions, really?  Even if they were worth just $37,000 each that would be a billion.  But of course they were worth more than that and at today's rates over 5 billion, so he would have been better off by not "making" anything, as all his investments combined have only succeeded in losing a lot of his fathers hard earned money.  You are just blindly repeating what Trump said when he spoke of his inheritance but neglected to mention the company he inherited along with the money.  The only Trump who has turned millions into billions was his father.

Best estimates are In 1982, after running his father’s firm for eight years, Forbes magazine estimated Trump’s worth at $200 million.  Now that's 3 or 4 billion.  I don't particularly like Trump I'm only telling you the truth.  Another non American eh?'

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14 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

Democrats and particularity Hillary had a war tendency (Libya and Iraq) not Trump.  You got the players mixed up.  Americans voted anti war when they voted for Trump.


Yes, they took his word for it without checking out his previous words, right?


Howard Stern: "Would you support the invasion of Iraq?"

Donald Trump: "Yeah, I guess so."


Donald Trump at Decker Auditorium in Fort Dodge, Iowa,

"I would bomb the s--- out of 'em. I would just bomb those suckers. That's right."


Clearly the man is anti-war and was not just using war against his opponent in a political move.

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5 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

Best estimates are In 1982, after running his father’s firm for eight years, Forbes magazine estimated Trump’s worth at $200 million.  Now that's 3 or 4 billion.  I don't particularly like Trump I'm only telling you the truth.  Another non American eh?'


So in 1982 you could buy an apartment in New York for $7,400?  His dad was selling them in the 40's for $6000, surely they must of increased in value by the 80's, it just doesn't make any sense.  But even if it is correct, the fact remains that if he had of only held on to those 27,000 apartments instead of making all those bad investments then he would be worth about 2 billion more than he is, is that really difficult to understand?

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3 hours ago, Rob13 said:


The way it is now is not  a direct democracy. If it were state lines wouldn't matter. Each person's vote would go directly towards each canidates tally, wouldn't matter which district the vote came from. As it stands now congress can re-draw the voting districts to their advantage and manipulate the outcome. So yeah, it's easy to argue that a  GOP voter from Boston barely has a reason to leave the house on election day. 


As far as voting Republican in California, I'm pretty sure Arnold Schwarzenegger might argue that point.


California has been a solid blue state since 1992 in presidential elections.  

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8 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


So in 1982 you could buy an apartment in New York for $7,400?  His dad was selling them in the 40's for $6000, surely they must of increased in value by the 80's, it just doesn't make any sense.  But even if it is correct, the fact remains that if he had of only held on to those 27,000 apartments instead of making all those bad investments then he would be worth about 2 billion more than he is, is that really difficult to understand?

He started with 100 or 200 million and now has 3 or 4 billion.  Degenerate away.  He is a billionaire who is the President of the USA.  People in the USA have figured it out.  He was a success.  Hillary is a crook.  It's simple that's why he won. 

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19 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

Yes, they took his word for it without checking out his previous words, right?


Howard Stern: "Would you support the invasion of Iraq?"

Donald Trump: "Yeah, I guess so."


Donald Trump at Decker Auditorium in Fort Dodge, Iowa,

"I would bomb the s--- out of 'em. I would just bomb those suckers. That's right."


Clearly the man is anti-war and was not just using war against his opponent in a political move.

In a post-debate interview between Trump and Hannity, the Fox News anchor backed up the business magnate's account of conversations about the Iraq invasion.




It's over.  Get over it.  The American people believed Trump not Stern and you.  Sorry.  Why keep posting arguments that are settled.  He won the election.  Ha ha ha so there. 


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Clinton would have been business as usual. She would have been building her billion dollar corrupt retirement fund, being the Clinton foundation. Providing favors to all the countries who are in direct conflict with everything we as American have put down our lives to protect.
Trump is change which we desperately needed. Just look at the "Stars" that Clinton had rapping hate. Look at the people in the streets chatting curse words and disrespecting our president elect. Children live in these areas where these filthy mouth low lifes are shouting their F words for everyone to hear. They talked about trump saying something in a private conversation .... unbelievable how these people act and how dare they criticize Trump.
I was a Bernie supporter but after the DNCs corrupt, dishonest actions and all the scandals involving the Clintons how could I support anyone but Trump. How others can support Clinton is beyond my comprehension.
God Bless America and our new President !!!

After reading some of the comments on this topic I am amazed that some of these Clinton supporters who are crying about Trump can even sleep at night. They are so confused ... They don't understand the difference between someone who has already committed so much pain and suffering in the world and has put our national security at risk. Trump may have run his mouth and said some nasty stuff around a locker room environment but nothing , I mean NOTHING compared to what Hillary has done and would continue to do.
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1 minute ago, Dtrump said:

In a post-debate interview between Trump and Hannity, the Fox News anchor backed up the business magnate's account of conversations about the Iraq invasion.




It's over.  Get over it.  The American people believed Trump not Stern and you.  Sorry.  Why keep posting arguments that are settled.  He won the election.  Ha ha ha so there. 



What?  You don't "believe" Stern?  It was on the radio.  And it is here at 1:40 to 1:48.


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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


What?  You don't "believe" Stern?  It was on the radio.  And it is here at 1:40 to 1:48.


It does not sound to me like a strongly held belief and the conversations with Hannity does.  Like I said, Trump won.  The moving finger has written.  Why rehash all of the arguments that no one believed? 

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11 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

He started with 100 or 200 million and now has 3 or 4 billion.  Degenerate away.  He is a billionaire who is the President of the USA.  People in the USA have figured it out.  He was a success.  Hillary is a crook.  It's simple that's why he won. 


Degenerate, what?  


Here you are struggling to grasp the rather simple concept of Trump being worth less than his fathers investments would have been worth today had Trump not sold them off and got a lower return from them, that is not what anyone could consider to be success, obviously. 


And the FBI did already drop the charges on Hillary, by the way.

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15 years ago we had a gogo area in Bangkok named after the Clintons, Clinton Plaza. The bars there all had names associated with Bill Clinton and his cigar habits and woman escapades. I have never heard of an area like that for Donald. The problem with many people is that they don't or can read and follow history. They only hear what the corrupt media spits out and take it as gospel. There was a reason why this Soi started and it was not in honor of a great president.

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2 hours ago, Donutz said:

A democratic republic I think (hope). Just like the BRD -Bundesrepublik Deutschland- (Federal republic of Germany) and République  Française (Republic of France) are repubics. Though all ofcourse with different electoral systems.


It does ofcourse make sense to adapt the electoral system according to the size, population distrubution etc. In theory a true democracy sounds nice though obviously it wouldn't work for many reasons such as voters only thinking in the short term, missing the complexity of issues or simply the risk of the largest cities effectively ruling over the nation and being able to make the countryside do their biddings. 


I do strongly dislike the electoral college system (USA) and first past the post (UK) system though as the way those are set up do not give fair representatation of what the people think. First thing comming to mind is UKIP (much as I dislike them) only getting one seat 

 while others with less votes got more seats. That feels like the basic essentials of democracy being raped and tossed aside. The electoral systems of the USA and UK need to be overhauled to more accurately represent the people. 


Much as I dislike Trump (and Hillary) and don't expect much good from him it would be welcome -though unlikely- if he could break the republicans (and democrats?) and begone with the broken electoral system that he himself cursed so much going by his 2012 tweets.


If Trump would be impeached Pence would get to sit out the ride? That doesn't seem democratic to me either. If the leading party/person is removed from power by an upset majority of the people it only would make sense to have new elections as soon as possible and have the VP watch over things untill these elections have passed. 


The ballot in each state has "President and Vice-President" and the two coupled names.


People voted for Clinton-Kaine or Trump-Pence. One vote per person of course for each set.


In some states it is presented plainly in that hyphenated sur-named only way. In other states you get the two full names of each ticket. In some states it says at the bottom of the big box, "Democratic" and also "Republican" respectively. In other states not.


So, as many people as voted for Donald Trump voted also and simultaneously for Mike Pence. Two distinct offices, however, everyone knows that in the Constitution if the Potus cannot serve, the VP takes the office. Which is why the two names are connected on the ballot in each of the 50 states.


To paraphrase, we get two by the vote of one -- each one of us.


The USA system is cyclical, not parliamentary. In USA you can't collapse the executive that was elected during its term. The elected Potus and VP are the ones who will serve the full term, one of 'em or both of 'em.


The Constitution was later amended to create a 'line of succession' should one ever become necessary to pursue. After VP is the Speaker of the House. Speaker is 2nd in the line of succession because the Speaker is a most recently elected member to the congress (two-year term), and because the Speaker is the elected leader of the U.S. House of Representatives (two-year term as Speaker).


Which is why Nixon chose House Republican leader Gerald Ford as his vp after Nixon's VP Spiro Agnew had had to resign due to the sudden discovery of bribetaking (over an extended time).


Indeed, after Agnew resigned, and Ford was appointed VP confirmed by the House in a formal vote, Nixon resigned soon after. Ford became Potus only to lose two years later in the quadrennial election cycle to Jimmy Carter. That's not quite the line of succession however, which is no doubt the reason it went so horrendously for 'em all, except the sleeper Jimmy Carter.  

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8 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

It does not sound to me like a strongly held belief and the conversations with Hannity does.  Like I said, Trump won.  The moving finger has written.  Why rehash all of the arguments that no one believed? 


And the "bomb the shit out of them" speech, did that sound like a strongly held belief?  Also I think you will find that Trump is fond of the idea of teaming up with Russia to, you got it, go to war in Syria.  You talk about rehashing what no one believed, would that not hold true for your own argument that Trump is anti-war?

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3 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

15 years ago we had a gogo area in Bangkok named after the Clintons, Clinton Plaza. The bars there all had names associated with Bill Clinton and his cigar habits and woman escapades. I have never heard of an area like that for Donald. The problem with many people is that they don't or can read and follow history. They only hear what the corrupt media spits out and take it as gospel. There was a reason why this Soi started and it was not in honor of a great president.


The reason was because it was funny, you couldn't do that with Trump, pedophilia and sexual assault are not funny.

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14 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Degenerate, what?  


Here you are struggling to grasp the rather simple concept of Trump being worth less than his fathers investments would have been worth today had Trump not sold them off and got a lower return from them, that is not what anyone could consider to be success, obviously. 


And the FBI did already drop the charges on Hillary, by the way.

Investigators at the FBI's New York office, who unsuccessfully argued for months that they should be allowed to open a full-blown investigation of the foundation, could find a more friendly audience in a Donald Trump administration Justice Department.   http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/11/politics/donald-trump-clinton-foundation/


Trump has a lot more money than his father.  It makes no difference.  He is the President and will appoint Supreme Court Justices that will mean a conservative court for 50 years.  Sorry about that.  It's a done deal.

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4 minutes ago, Dtrump said:

Investigators at the FBI's New York office, who unsuccessfully argued for months that they should be allowed to open a full-blown investigation of the foundation, could find a more friendly audience in a Donald Trump administration Justice Department.   http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/11/politics/donald-trump-clinton-foundation/


Trump has a lot more money than his father.  It makes no difference.  He is the President and will appoint Supreme Court Justices that will mean a conservative court for 50 years.  Sorry about that.  It's a done deal.


It makes a difference regarding the factuality of your statement, hence why I keep saying that in various ways, but I don't think you are going to get that as you are clearly rather taken.

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2 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:

"Eligible" voters is a term used by pollsters in the US to define that those polled are eligible to vote....ie: registered. In the TV poll, actual  "eligible" voters are the ones from the US.

All that aside, I was being facetious.


Hope this helps :smile:







Hit and run cuffed.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


It is really amazing how the posters who insisted for months that Trump could never be elected do not understand that they have lost ALL credibility. Do not forget to remind them every time they make yet another groundless prediction.


Now that same crowd has changed to making predictions that Trump will never keep a single election promise. One well-known member predicts, with 100% certainty (of course), that Trump will be impeached. No mention of why. He lost what little was left of his credibility 3 days ago but never quits.

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Agreed. One of these psychic types tried to claim that some professor has predicted the election correctly and is now predicting that Trump will be impeached. Talk about desperation. There is a big difference between interpreting polls correctly and making up something from thin air. :smile:

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11 hours ago, Strange said:


We have a Democratic Republic or Representative Democracy with 50 states and a Federal District. All of witch need a voice. The Electoral College, while flawed I guess, it still vastly superior than a strict Popular Vote as Cali, New York, Illinois, etc would carry every election, and the rest would be left to rot. This may appeal to some people but in fairness and respect for the country as a whole, its better. 


The electoral college is the tip of the iceberg. Then on January 21, 2010;  LINK


Corporations, trade associations, unions and nonprofit groups still aren’t allowed to make direct contributions to federal politicians, but today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that such groups may now spend unlimited amounts of money advocating for or against politicians.


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17 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Don Jr, Ivanka, and Eric, who will run Trump biz under blind trust, are all on the Trump presidential transition team.

Thankfully those corrupt Clintons, with all their conflicts of interest, are gone from politics. 



Your blind if you think there will be a blind trust. 

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59 minutes ago, pegman said:

Your blind if you think there will be a blind trust. 


Political safeguards are new to Trump so I would guess your warning has some merit.


I am sure his attorneys and accountants will inform him of how politicians have been skirting this requirement for decades...they are politicians, after all.


They make laws, they do not follow them.


Is Trump the right politician? 


Well...was hillary honestly going to put the Clinton Foundation into a blind trust? Not on your life  ;-)

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19 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump will drain the swamp - full stop. :smile:

Donald Trump will never “drain the swamp”: He’s already staffing his transition team with GOP insiders, Wall Street lobbyists.

Trump is ready to shake up Washington with insiders like Trent Lott and Jamie Dimon.



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