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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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1 minute ago, dhream said:

How do you extrapolate TORTURE, or even a nod to Trump from my polemic?

You fit right in to the obfusticating media circus, you have:

1. Blatantly avoided coherently addressing the point(s) I made.

2. Tried to be both clever and condescending, but since you're not very skilled at either, it's unfair to hold you to that allegation.

3. Gone way out left field to the point where your response is practically gibberish.

4. Not been paying attention. Trump has had PLENTY to say since last week, no need for me to scoop anything, and again, what has that got to do with the original allegations that the media have abandoned any pretense at balance?


Yes no need to give  us the scoop again and again. Laws are being ignored, wild promises made and broken the constitution ripped up. Yes you have achieved your goal. We understand the Republican modus  operendi just keep spouting crap till the opposition is quiet. Trying to impose your misguided will on others. 

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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:


The destruction of the US economy by Bush had a global impact.  There is also the small matter of nuclear weapons. Ergo pretty much everyone in the world very much has a 'dog in this fight'.

So frankly, I don't give a toss what you think either.



Sadly the dog in this fight has the bone and will not let go come hell high water or nuclear war. I imagine his little finger can push the big red button with no problem. I would not be surprised if he has had a model of said button made up to practice on. 

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Sadly the dog in this fight has the bone and will not let go come hell high water or nuclear war. I imagine his little finger can push the big red button with no problem. I would not be surprised if he has had a model of said button made up to practice on. 


One hopes there are some safeguards against it being *that* simple.



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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes no need to give  us the scoop again and again. Laws are being ignored, wild promises made and broken the constitution ripped up. Yes you have achieved your goal. We understand the Republican modus  operendi just keep spouting crap till the opposition is quiet. Trying to impose your misguided will on others. 

Are you even on the right thread?! I'm no Republican, I have rightly accused the media of self evidently trying and FAILING to create a make believe world and sway a vote/referendum with propaganda tactics. They're supposed to be 'reporters' not 'fixers'. It applies to both sides, but the left/liberals have now been stymied TWICE. My own politics lean left, and I'm pissed off about the behaviour of 'my' team, as any decent voter should be!

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2 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Last president, dictator, fascist, warmonger, lost the popular vote! Can't you losers come up with some original insults? You just keep regurgitating the same BS.

Yes your right Trump is regurgitating the same old tired team tha George The Terminator Bush had. 

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes your right Trump is regurgitating the same old tired team tha George The Terminator Bush had. 


You mentioned simpleton and you refrained. Why did you refrain?

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There are members and management here.  The members are overwhelming supportive of Trump both US Citizens and non Citizens.  How about the Management?  We told you how we felt.  How about telling us how you feel?  Is there any  member of the Thai Visa Staff who thinks America elected the right person, Trump?

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For US citizens hoping for Trump to fail is sick and totally UN-American. I never liked Romney but I didn't vote for Obama either time. I felt that a successful businessman was far more qualified than someone who never held a job and was a community organizer. I wasn't happy that Obama won but I did wish him the best of luck for the sake of the country.

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53 minutes ago, Chicog said:


The destruction of the US economy by Bush had a global impact.  There is also the small matter of nuclear weapons. Ergo pretty much everyone in the world very much has a 'dog in this fight'.

So frankly, I don't give a toss what you think either.




Yes certainly.....

Please forward all concerns to our frightened & concerned division ...reps Pub & JT standing by to receive 

or call our hotline 1-800-who cares

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Jingthing we are in uncharted waters for sure. 

Yes that's why the cataclysmic event of the ascension of con man demagogue trump is compared by very credible people to 9-11, WW2, and the civil war. Totally new stuff. We have to figure it out, and you can safely bet there will be blood. We don't know where this will lead us ... trump will never be able to unify the nation. 

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On November 12, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Strange said:


We have a Democratic Republic or Representative Democracy with 50 states and a Federal District. All of witch need a voice. The Electoral College, while flawed I guess, it still vastly superior than a strict Popular Vote as Cali, New York, Illinois, etc would carry every election, and the rest would be left to rot. This may appeal to some people but in fairness and respect for the country as a whole, its better. 

On the other hand I believe there are many voters who would have voted Trump in Cal, NY, IL, etc. that just don't waste their time as they know its a futile effort.  I am way for the popular vote, I'm glad it wasn't in use now though.

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Taking a look at Trumps new cabinet shades of George Bush. Only Karl Rove and Cheney are missing. Look for a replay of the Bush years. Fire up the jets Iran here we come. 

I sure hope your wrong and I " think " you are. I will be the first to admit it if I am.

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On November 12, 2016 at 2:09 PM, mania said:


It is not supposed to be a true democracy ........We are the USA... A Republic


It is not a compromise it was and is a brilliant solution to our unique situation of having United States 



You may have the " was " part right but Greed has ruined this brilliant solution. I'm talking Big business and both sides of the isle.

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1 hour ago, dhream said:

Are you even on the right thread?! I'm no Republican, I have rightly accused the media of self evidently trying and FAILING to create a make believe world and sway a vote/referendum with propaganda tactics. They're supposed to be 'reporters' not 'fixers'. It applies to both sides, but the left/liberals have now been stymied TWICE. My own politics lean left, and I'm pissed off about the behaviour of 'my' team, as any decent voter should be!


MSM learned from the McCarthy period of the early Cold War during which the Republican Senator shredded the Constitution and destroyed lives with abandon in his committee witchunts. 


MSM owned back then by white wealthy old men right wingers were nothing but McCarthy stenographers.


We have seen the MSM of the modern 21st century Age of IT are anything but. MSM are First Amendment critical of the guy who's McCarthy times 100, Donald Trump and Trump's Troopers.


The extreme Right Sector is just going to have to continue being furious about it. Or you'd have to do something about it other than squawk in the various forms of voice. I'd asked you about this yet all you did was make a school 'marm list of of heavy grievances held and continuously festering over decades.


I prefer to be rather direct about it, so I ask again: How and when will the Right Sector settle all those scores that are pent up? 

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15 hours ago, sujoop said:

'Conservative Videos' as source?

Actually, Trump won with a majority of under-educated, ageing, white voters and by the slimmest of margins in the rust belt:

"Voters who had college and postgraduate education were far more likely to support Ms Clinton – only 37 per cent of voters with postgraduate qualifications backed the Republican."

In August I posted if he could 'sell' the under-educated in the rust-belt states on 'bringing back coal jobs' etc, he'd win. Of course this is akin to making the future of coal jobs in the UK 'great again'. To others this is 'simple' carbon-dated populism designed to win votes from the under-educated.

Not surprisingly, Trump is also winning on this TV forum poll, a forum which is well represented by white, ageing, resentful, stroppy, misogynist, xenophobes (redundant to also add under-educated;)

And the paper shufflers who have shuffled the jobs out of the country wonder why the working class would vote for someone who at least say's he will bring them back.  They go to school in India too, your job is not safe and will be paying a lot less soon if nothing happens.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


The destruction of the US economy by Bush had a global impact.  There is also the small matter of nuclear weapons. Ergo pretty much everyone in the world very much has a 'dog in this fight'.

So frankly, I don't give a toss what you think either.



Bush did not destroy the global economy.  I wish the U.S. really had that much impact on the world. You all just use it as an excuse to hide your own incompetence. I got an Idea! Why don't you  all get your own governments to run the show for a while? Then you can have someone else to blame when someone takes your toys. 

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49 minutes ago, Grubster said:

On the other hand I believe there are many voters who would have voted Trump in Cal, NY, IL, etc. that just don't waste their time as they know its a futile effort.  I am way for the popular vote, I'm glad it wasn't in use now though.


You make a good point. If popular vote decided the election, Trump would have won anyway, but this is the only thing the sore losers can fall back on.


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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


I wouldn't worry too much about it. The pendulum swings and it swings back just as hard.

I hope it hurries up. The world seems to be in an insanity herd mentality thinking this thin skinned guy is the second coming. Yes Brylcream seems to give him a false halo. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Yes that's why the cataclysmic event of the ascension of con man demagogue trump is compared by very credible people to 9-11, WW2, and the civil war. Totally new stuff. We have to figure it out, and you can safely bet there will be blood. We don't know where this will lead us ... trump will never be able to unify the nation. 


Your too much really......comparing a simple presidential election ....where the president elect has not even taken office...yet you would compare it to wars and events that claimed thousands of lives.


Then in the next breath claim/hope/wish for blood in the streets of America...while of course you hide out in Pattaya Thailand


With patriots like you America needs no enemies. 


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5 minutes ago, mania said:


Your too much really......comparing a simple presidential election ....where the president elect has not even taken office...yet you would compare it to wars and events that claimed thousands of lives.


Then in the next breath claim/hope/wish for blood in the streets of America...while of course you hide out in Pattaya Thailand


With patriots like you America needs no enemies. 



Don't listen to him. He's only concerned about gay rights. He left the US a long time ago and the only thing he is really interested in is his post count and reviewing Thai restaurants.  

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5 minutes ago, Itay said:

i think worst outcome for him.

he will be judge very harshly regardless of what he will be able to achieve! or fail...


Exactly right! He will have to perform twice as well to be considered equal.

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On 11/12/2016 at 3:29 PM, Strange said:


We have a Democratic Republic or Representative Democracy with 50 states and a Federal District. All of witch need a voice. The Electoral College, while flawed I guess, it still vastly superior than a strict Popular Vote as Cali, New York, Illinois, etc would carry every election, and the rest would be left to rot. This may appeal to some people but in fairness and respect for the country as a whole, its better. 

 Very correct. That is what the forefathers saw, when they designed the constitution.


as for Trump....... i don't like him....  he is arrogant, rude, knows it all........!

HOWEVER,  America is in such deep shit that only a smart bully like Trump can save the country from serious disaster.  Note that I say SMART.    He is smart enough to know or find out his limitations, smart enough to get his points through.  In addition he is courageous enough to call it what it is, like ......... according to the law Hillary should go to jail..... global pwarming is a hoax (please read the FACTS before disagreeing)....  the educational system stintks.....  the health system stinks.......  most of the trade agreements are a terrible deal for the country.........the immigration system stinks, at least the enforcement of it .......... the welfare system is a disaster....... etc. etc etc.


Trump has shown that he does not let himself be bullied by the politicians, not even by his own party. And he made them all eat crow (or something like that).


Out of the public eyes and pressure, he seemes to be a reasonable guy.  Maybe he is not to old to even become a bit presidential.  Either way, I think he will be a good president for the country.  Certainly better than the Americans deserve.


FYI. I am not an American,  I have lived for 48 years in the US and could not wait to get out and move to Thailand.  With Trump my hurry may be slightly tempered

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On ‎13‎.‎11‎.‎2016 at 11:46 AM, Shawn0000 said:


The question is simple and very much answerable when you treat it like any other job.  Lets phrase it differently, is Trump the best man for the job?  We know he has been elected, we know the legal right, what we want to know is if the party chose the right candidate and if people voted for the right candidate.

No, but that isn't what this thread is about.

I would suggest that there are thousands of people in the US that would make better presidents, but you will never see them standing because they know what the media will do to them and their families.

The country gets what it deserves for allowing such a disgusting media.

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