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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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On 11/12/2016 at 2:54 PM, boomerangutang said:


What mess are Americans left with, after 8 years of Obama?  Read on.......


>>>  inherited a near depression, and brought the US out of it.

>>>  The US was in 2 wars, started by his Republican predecessor - under false pretenses.  

>>>   Obama didn't start any new wars, but has been pulling down troop numbers of the two he was saddled with

>>>   supported efforts to lessen the planet's hasty demise to swamped coastlines and increased desertification.

>>>  He's been doing what he can to give impetus to alternative power solutions.  

>>>   20+ million Americans are medically insured, who weren't prior to Obama

>>>   Women who want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in the first trimester can still legally do so.  Same if the woman was raped.

>>>   Obama instated the largest Marine Reserve in world history.  

>>>  He oversaw the agreement with Iran which is slowing/stopping Iran's move toward becoming a nuclear nation.

>>>   Didn't get goaded into dropping bombs on N.Korea.  Something which is much more likely with a quick-to-anger. always-vindictive, hot-head like Trump in the Oval Office.

>>>   Along with HRC, he coordinated the killing of OBL

>>>   Gave a shining example to the youth of America: what it is to be a thoughtful, knowledgeable cool-headed gentleman.  Trump is showing kids opposite characteristics.  

I was told by tv that I could not "like" your comment???????? So I'll say it here. Amen to all you wrote. And they are the facts. Not like the bs Trump or Fox spouts. 


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On 11/21/2016 at 9:49 PM, Opl said:

"The fact is that the Electoral College was primarily designed to stop a demagogue—a tyrannical mass leader who preys on our prejudices—from becoming President"



555, but that is exactly the result we got twice, I read that the Clinton popular vote lead is now over 2 million. The Gore popular vote lead was only something like 500,000.  Trumpalumpa will destroy this nation in one term faster than Hitler destroyed Germany.

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On 11/21/2016 at 9:49 PM, Opl said:

"The fact is that the Electoral College was primarily designed to stop a demagogue—a tyrannical mass leader who preys on our prejudices—from becoming President"



Thanks for the link, it was interesting reading.

it is still possible for the Electoral college to reverse their mistake from Nov 9.

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I wonder how the voters of West Virginia are going to feel about Trump  given that already it's clear that his promise about bringing back coal can't be fulfilled. And now this:

"Again and again, President-elect Donald Trump presented himself as the coal miners' candidate. 

But now some in coal country are worried that instead of helping, Trump's first actions will deprive miners — and their widows and children — of the compensation they can receive if they are disabled by respiratory problems linked to breathing coal mine dust.

 If Trump repeals Obamacare — as he vowed to do before the election — and does not keep that section [ which undid rules making it almost impossible for miners afflicted with black lung to get compensation] on the books, the miners will be back to where they were in 2009, when it was exceedingly difficult to be awarded compensation for "black lung" disease. "


So far, Trump's transition team hasn't replied to questions about this.

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