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Start to change your life in one month by Klaus


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Start to change your life in one month by Klaus




Klaus is from Palapon Martial arts and holistic Fitness Camp located in Hua hin. He is now writing health and fitness article for Inspire digital media. You will find his articles motivating, inspiring and a great read. Part one start to change your life in a month.


Start to change your life in one month


Change can come into our lives as a result of a crisis, as a result of choice or by chance. In either situation we are all faced with having to make a choice – do we make the change or not? I believe it is always better to make changes in your life when you choose to rather than being forced to.


So, for every week there’s a plan made up of three tasks, which you need to incorporate into your life and keep doing for the rest of the month. Ideally, you should continue doing them even after this.


Week 1:

1. An early start, around 6 am. This is when you’ll find the time for yourself, a period of peace and quiet, when you’ll be able to sort out various things which you need to do without being distracted.


Feeling lazy and a reluctance to get out of bed early really aren’t an indication that you are tired. It could be an indication that you don’t really want to live your own life. You know the old saying “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.


The benefits of waking up early fuse together into one great benefit – the benefit is possibly living a longer, healthier life.


Once your body starts feeling better, your mind will follow suit. Your mind starts to feel better and react differently to various things. You end up feeling like a better, healthier person.

So, waking up early may be hard but with baby steps, even if it’s just waking up 15 minutes earlier to start with.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/start-change-life-one-month-klaus/



-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2016-11-12
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3 hours ago, mcfish said:

Seriously what old dude goes around kicking <deleted> lol

And that article is poorly written more cringe worthy than inspirational!!

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Seriously, why does he think he's 25?

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Why so negative? My take is that the article is promoting a bit of self awareness. It's a harmless article with no political, religious or selling magic pills agenda. Just someone saying try live healthier.


Sometimes people need a little prompt and what he is advocating may change someone's life for the better and it certainly won't hurt anyone. 

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13 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Just another old guy in Thailand who thinks he's 25.


What is wrong with that?  


I've never understood some people want to act overly mature and old.  

I realise at some point it's hard to fight the advances of age but until they can't help being old I think people should hang onto being as young as possible.  



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26 minutes ago, seancbk said:


What is wrong with that?  


I've never understood some people want to act overly mature and old.  

I realise at some point it's hard to fight the advances of age but until they can't help being old I think people should hang onto being as young as possible.  



Just another ageist comment from someone (theguyfromanotherforum) who believes they'll never get old. Actually, the guy (Klaus) doesn't look that old to me, maybe in his mid 50's.

Edited by giddyup
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Well I must admit having just gone through a bit of a bad spell health wise( which turned out to be nothing serious) I became rather neurotic as to what was going to happen to me.I lost interest in all the things that I have always loved to do,and found myself just lazing around wasting day after day.My aches and pains were increasing,my appetite was decreasing and so was my weight.I seriously thought that at my age (just turned 80) I had to face the facts.I had seen this sort oftransformation in friends in the past and it was a signal to them that their end was nigh.The only benefit of sitting aimlessly at my pc for long periods drew me to an article on exercise for the aged called "isometric."That same day I was taken by a worried Wife to a Doctor who gave me a couple of jabs.All of a sudden I realised I had to do something drastic to change not just my physical state but mentally too.Within about a week I was feeling the benefits.People even commented how I had changed back to my old self. The exercises I can do at any time of day and as many times no matter where I am.My appetite was getting better daily and now fully gained weight to my norm. I also am happier than for a long time. I am only a couple of weeks away from my "depression era" but I am so pleased that I found your article Klaus----and it comes at such an opportune time for me------ I have indeed started my new life------and I am sure that when I have to face a future real crisis I am better equipped to deal with it---- once again Klaus thank you------Dougal

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16 minutes ago, biplanebluey said:

Well I must admit having just gone through a bit of a bad spell health wise( which turned out to be nothing serious) I became rather neurotic as to what was going to happen to me.I lost interest in all the things that I have always loved to do,and found myself just lazing around wasting day after day.My aches and pains were increasing,my appetite was decreasing and so was my weight.I seriously thought that at my age (just turned 80) I had to face the facts.I had seen this sort oftransformation in friends in the past and it was a signal to them that their end was nigh.The only benefit of sitting aimlessly at my pc for long periods drew me to an article on exercise for the aged called "isometric."That same day I was taken by a worried Wife to a Doctor who gave me a couple of jabs.All of a sudden I realised I had to do something drastic to change not just my physical state but mentally too.Within about a week I was feeling the benefits.People even commented how I had changed back to my old self. The exercises I can do at any time of day and as many times no matter where I am.My appetite was getting better daily and now fully gained weight to my norm. I also am happier than for a long time. I am only a couple of weeks away from my "depression era" but I am so pleased that I found your article Klaus----and it comes at such an opportune time for me------ I have indeed started my new life------and I am sure that when I have to face a future real crisis I am better equipped to deal with it---- once again Klaus thank you------Dougal

Do you have a link to the article on isometric exercise? What were the "jabs" you received from the doctor? I'm not yet 80, but I am starting to experience some of your symptoms prior to exercising.

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2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Do you have a link to the article on isometric exercise? What were the "jabs" you received from the doctor? I'm not yet 80, but I am starting to experience some of your symptoms prior to exercising.

I found the exercises purely by accident on Google so just Google it and I am sure you will get it.As for the Jabs ,sorry not much help to you there as at that time I did not care what was happening to me and just went along with my Wife.She only could tell the Doc that I was in constant pain with muscular pains sprouting all over.Back,shoulders ,arms legs you name it,it really was dragging me down.The Isometric are so simple,even if you are in bed or a wheelchair alot is still possible.None of it involves running about or jumping up and down. Just try it for a couple of weeks to see ------ Good luck Dougal

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1 minute ago, biplanebluey said:

I found the exercises purely by accident on Google so just Google it and I am sure you will get it.As for the Jabs ,sorry not much help to you there as at that time I did not care what was happening to me and just went along with my Wife.She only could tell the Doc that I was in constant pain with muscular pains sprouting all over.Back,shoulders ,arms legs you name it,it really was dragging me down.The Isometric are so simple,even if you are in bed or a wheelchair alot is still possible.None of it involves running about or jumping up and down. Just try it for a couple of weeks to see ------ Good luck Dougal

The reason I asked is that there are literally hundred of links to isometric exercises on Google, but never mind, I'll find something.

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I would like Thai Visa Forum for allowing this thread and I would welcome more of this type of theme.

Staying young in mind is the best way forward and continual exercise is most important.

I'm almost 75 and my wife is 55, for the last couple of years have started to suffer with hip pain which has got in the way of simple exercise like walking.

My weight started to creep up, making things worse for my hips.

I don't want to rely on pain killers because of their side effects so I have added Turmeric to my diet.

When I was 33, I gave up smoking and sugar.

About a month ago I gave up alcohol, wheat in any form and cheese but eating stir fried veggies, coconut oil and nuts.

My food cravings are less and surprisingly, I can resist booze and only take the odd beer with a meal when out at a restaurant.

In the last month I have had a total of 2 Litres of beer, whereas it would have been one bottle of wine plus spirits daily plus binges!

I know that my wife really appreciates this change in my behaviour - no more need for her to walk on eggshells when I was drunk and likely to - Talk too Mut!!!


In the month I have lost about 2 Kg, hip pain is more or less under control and the depression that was starting has gone and I love life again.

I subscribe to many sources for health and exercise, physical, mental and spiritual and they give me new ideas and things to try.


So, thank you Klaus for your article, lets have more and with a wider view to boot!



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5 hours ago, biplanebluey said:

Well I must admit having just gone through a bit of a bad spell health wise( which turned out to be nothing serious) I became rather neurotic as to what was going to happen to me.I lost interest in all the things that I have always loved to do,and found myself just lazing around wasting day after day.My aches and pains were increasing,my appetite was decreasing and so was my weight.I seriously thought that at my age (just turned 80) I had to face the facts.I had seen this sort oftransformation in friends in the past and it was a signal to them that their end was nigh.The only benefit of sitting aimlessly at my pc for long periods drew me to an article on exercise for the aged called "isometric."That same day I was taken by a worried Wife to a Doctor who gave me a couple of jabs.All of a sudden I realised I had to do something drastic to change not just my physical state but mentally too.Within about a week I was feeling the benefits.People even commented how I had changed back to my old self. The exercises I can do at any time of day and as many times no matter where I am.My appetite was getting better daily and now fully gained weight to my norm. I also am happier than for a long time. I am only a couple of weeks away from my "depression era" but I am so pleased that I found your article Klaus----and it comes at such an opportune time for me------ I have indeed started my new life------and I am sure that when I have to face a future real crisis I am better equipped to deal with it---- once again Klaus thank you------Dougal


Good for you.

True stuff. 

The OP has posted a poorly written piece. Perhaps English is not his first language? 

Regardless, we cannot advertise as such on TV, right? So, he probably is flying under the radar, which I dont have a problem with. But he could have given it some thought. This is clearly not thought through. 

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5 minutes ago, Minnehaha said:


Good for you.

True stuff. 

The OP has posted a poorly written piece. Perhaps English is not his first language? 

Regardless, we cannot advertise as such on TV, right? So, he probably is flying under the radar, which I dont have a problem with. But he could have given it some thought. This is clearly not thought through. 

As long as it gets people talking and thinking about improving their health, that's all that matters, isn't it?

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An early start, around 6 am. This is when you’ll find the time for yourself, a period of peace and quiet, when you’ll be able to sort out various things which you need to do without being distracted.

what's so special? i am getting up every day between 0400 and 0430hrs and that since 40 years. but i never caught the proverbial worm.

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Amazing how quickly a potentially interesting thread can be destroyed by stupid and irrelevant comments!


There are some great jokes threads for those who want to play.....



I hope I'm not feeding the trolls.....

Edited by laislica
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3 hours ago, Wilted Flower of Scotland said:

There's nothing wrong with being a postman,salt of the Earth!

i adopted that "bad" habit in a country where mail was not delivered and postmen were as rare as sabre-toothed chicken.

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