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Megyn Kelly: Trump tried to influence coverage with gifts


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On 11/13/2016 at 5:33 PM, hdkane said:

Fox comes across as biased in much of its coverage because it is the single conservative mainstream outlet for news...the others have a liberal bent...you just don't notice it because it is omnipresent...


Some presenters on Fox make it clear their partisanship. Kelly doesn't so I would have no idea whom she voted for. She seemed genuinely excited by his win. They did make up when she visited Trump tower months ago. Now the book......

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22 hours ago, Prbkk said:

They could do a lot worse than trying to get someone like Maria Bartiromo ...she's not 'loony' right, doesn't pull punches, knows her stuff. She was just terrific when at CNBC with the late, great Mark Haines. But I think she married a zillionaire, so probably not interested.


Last time she was mentioned on these topics it caused a bit of a distraction, though

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