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Frustration with 7 Eleven’s CSR


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Firstly, this is not a pure 7 Eleven gripe as if I hated the company, because I don’t. It’s more frustration at a large company who on the Corporate Social Responsibility part of their website go on about how they are helping the environment by cutting down on plastic packaging, teaching school kids about looking after the environment, but in reality are not living up to their own hype - on their facebook page as well.


I have emailed 7 Eleven to ask them about their campaign to discourage customers from using a bag for minor purchases. I emailed them twice a few months back with the same question, but had absolutely no reply. I do wonder if I emailed the customer service department about how good the company was, if I might receive a reply then?


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Emails are routinely ignored in Thailand. If you wrote it in English, there's also a good chance whoever's in charge of the account doesn't read English well and just deleted it.


If you want to get a reply, either ask a Thai speaker to call them or post (in Thai) on social networking sites.

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20 minutes ago, WaffleIron said:

Emails are routinely ignored in Thailand. If you wrote it in English, there's also a good chance whoever's in charge of the account doesn't read English well and just deleted it.


If you want to get a reply, either ask a Thai speaker to call them or post (in Thai) on social networking sites.


That's a fair comment, although what's the point of having an English language version on their website along with a contact us link?
Or should I be cynical here: it's maybe just face-saving.

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3 hours ago, nottocus said:

PAstic bags are only a minor issue so don't sweaty the small stuff.


I wouldn't agree it's only a minor issue.
Sure, each individual plastic bag can be seen as a minor issue, but adding them up to make all the millions, or rather billions globally that are just "discarded" because people won't take responsibility, makes it more a major issue. I was trying to do my liitle bit by trying to get 7-Eleven to do what their publicity "claims" they are doing - simply asking customers first if they want a bag for their single item purchases.

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3 hours ago, nottocus said:

PAstic bags are only a minor issue so don't sweaty the small stuff.

" Plastic bags are only a minor issue so don't sweat the small stuff. "

Surely you jest. If by some remote miracle, all plastic bags suddenly disappeared in Thailand, the entire country would come to a complete stop. I agree there are much larger issues that should be addressed, but overuse of plastic bags would be a good start.

If I went into a 7-11 & asked if I could have a plastic bag, they'd put said bag in another plastic bag.

I recently purchased a small Kit-Kat chocolate in a 7-11 & the cashier was about to put it in a plastic bag. The damn thing was no bigger than my index finger.

Just sayin.

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The two 7/11s that I go to regularly dont bother to give me a plastic bag unless I buy 2 or 3 large items like milk, a large bottle of coke etc. If I am offered a bag that I dont need I politely reply  ถุงไม่มีขอบคุณ    T̄hung mị̀mī k̄hopkhuṇ (thank you Google translate) .

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19 hours ago, nottocus said:

For me, I don't really give a (*^% about the environment so the plastic bag issue is really of zero importance.


The only issue I have is when I buy something and they don't give me a plastic bag.



Ever thought of putting your head in a plastic bag ?

Or is your comment a poor form of sarcasm ?

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 If I am offered a bag that I dont need I politely reply ถุงไม่มีขอบคุณ    T̄hung mị̀mī k̄hopkhuṇ (thank you Google translate) .


Hmm, based on your translation, I'm surprised that they don't keep offering you more bags :)

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21 hours ago, billd766 said:

The two 7/11s that I go to regularly dont bother to give me a plastic bag unless I buy 2 or 3 large items like milk, a large bottle of coke etc. If I am offered a bag that I dont need I politely reply  ถุงไม่มีขอบคุณ    T̄hung mị̀mī k̄hopkhuṇ (thank you Google translate) .


Don't say that, it doesn't make any sense.

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3 hours ago, simon43 said:




Hmm, based on your translation, I'm surprised that they don't keep offering you more bags :)


3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Ha ha! Yes, I noticed that too, but didn't say anything at the time.


1 hour ago, BudRight said:


Don't say that, it doesn't make any sense.


Did you not read the part where I said "Thank you Google Translate"?


When you cannot hear properly (meaning partly deaf) then it is difficult to speak a tonal language like Thai.


I am neither a grammar nazi nor a purist.


I can understand more if a person is in front of me and speaking slowly than if the are behind, to the side or speaking quickly.


Try stuffing cotton wool in your ears and see what it is like.

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28 minutes ago, billd766 said:




Did you not read the part where I said "Thank you Google Translate"?


When you cannot hear properly (meaning partly deaf) then it is difficult to speak a tonal language like Thai.


I am neither a grammar nazi nor a purist.


I can understand more if a person is in front of me and speaking slowly than if the are behind, to the side or speaking quickly.


Try stuffing cotton wool in your ears and see what it is like.


Yes, I saw that, and for me that was what I found it funny, because of the google translation, nothing more. I'm sorry you took offence at it.  I don’t know why your hearing difficulty is relevant to the translation?
The Thai you posted says more “I don’t have a bag”, rather than “I don’t want a bag.”
I would suggest  ไม่เอาถุงขอบคุณ   Mai ow tung kapkhun
Could I ask what you entered (presumably in English?) for the Thai translation you posted? I tried a few variations, but couldn’t get the same one you had.

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1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

Yes, I saw that, and for me that was what I found it funny, because of the google translation, nothing more. I'm sorry you took offence at it.  I don’t know why your hearing difficulty is relevant to the translation?
The Thai you posted says more “I don’t have a bag”, rather than “I don’t want a bag.”
I would suggest  ไม่เอาถุงขอบคุณ   Mai ow tung kapkhun
Could I ask what you entered (presumably in English?) for the Thai translation you posted? I tried a few variations, but couldn’t get the same one you had.


I worked on jet aircraft in the RAF for many years and in the earlier years without ear protection. I have a lot of difficulty with the higher frequencies and because Thai is a tonal language I find it hard to tell the difference in the same word with a high, rising or falling tone. It is also not helped because I am partly deaf also, more in my right ear than my left ear.


This causes me some problems when I try to speak Thai as when I speak a little Thai, what I want to say and what I thought I said is most likely not what a Thai hears. Thais I know and talk with understand the problem and can figure out what I am trying to say, but Thais that I dont know or who are from a different region have a problem understanding me.

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On 11/18/2016 at 0:07 PM, nottocus said:

For me, I don't really give a (*^% about the environment so the plastic bag issue is really of zero importance.


The only issue I have is when I buy something and they don't give me a plastic bag.



Ignorance is bliss, but still no excuse.

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