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Stepfather knocks 5 year old to the ground and kicks him - because he couldn't count 1-10


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7 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:


In 1,000 notes, well yes!!! :thumbsup:

Yep just another angry Thai venting their anger in the only way they know how... fists & feet
By the way I noticed something lost in translation.. 1minute 20 seconds into the video

check-out the translation on the door.. what's an "Inwuiry officer"?

the kid can't count but his excuse is he was only 5.. what's the grown up officers excuse for not being able to spell?

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8 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

And the woman in the pick up in the background didn't lift a finger to help or stop or even summon for help!!




Yes, but in fairness the other men moved in quite quickly and offered support and protection. It's a hideous story.

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48 minutes ago, 14Stevie said:

I share the outrage of all.

Outrage at the big, hard lad that knocked the kid to the ground.

I share the urge to give this animal (well, he may have the biological ingredients of a human but he's not a real man hitting kids is he?) the kicking he deserves.

I admire how quick people were on the scene and take care and protect the little lad from further violence. Whether the little lad would learn that violence is not the answer by those intervening showing such restraint is a different issue and none that anyone here could say for certain.

However, if this happened back where I am from the bloke would have been attacked by both men and women acting purely on the viciousness of the assault. I accept maybe not a great lesson for the kid but the extreme violence would have initiated an extreme reaction.

So were the locals here in the Land of Smiles right to show restraint?

There will be sound and just arguments both ways - especially as such summary justice may see the little lad subject to more of the same or, heaven forbid, worse at home.

I hope the police deal with him to the extent that he watches his ways with the kid in the future.

I also hope (as would happen back where I am from) he is a marked man and decked at every opportunity when he dares show his face in the locality.

Sorry if that upsets some - but you hit a defenceless kid like that you have to pay...........


Best post Ive seen for quite a while, esp on ThiaVisa (and your first post...welcome!).  Some fine words of wisdom there...congrats.  The most response you will probably get here is complaints that you cant spell defenseless :wink:

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5 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

Best post Ive seen for quite a while, esp on ThiaVisa (and your first post...welcome!).  Some fine words of wisdom there...congrats.  The most response you will probably get here is complaints that you cant spell defenseless :wink:

Thanks very much mate - maybe my head of steam affected my spelling of defenseless or more likely my education (oh so long ago) fails me :shock1:.

Either way I appreciate your response!

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With this sort of treatment of a 5,year old kid,its little wonder that Thai women go looking for a ferang,hoping that he will accept the kiddy and look after them a bit better.

The Thais hate it when they see us with a Thai woman,have they the brains to work out why.I think that Thai women are becoming sick and tired of this sort of male behaviour and are starting not to accept it.
the day of the macho Thai,lazy,drinking,smoking and laying on a hammock all day is wearing a bit thin.After all this is the 21st century.But then again Thai women have always been more intelligent than their Thai men.

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Ragga Twin

Your wife is obviously an intelligent woman,who,after seeing for herself,decided that that kind of life was not fer her.Its circumstances that force the lower class Thai women to get themselves into the situation that maintain that the wife/gf is only a chattel.And can be abused and used as the man see's fit.Its not their fault,its just the way of this country.What other choice does a woman have?

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47 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Scumbag. In the late 1930's surgeon and biologist Charles Curzon noted that the male Siamese brain appeared significantly smaller than any other he had anatomized. 

Is your name Helmut, Gunther or Adolph by any chance?


Oh, sorry, I'm generalizing here because of a few bad eggs, or a few thousand to be exact.

Edited by Johnniey
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2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

You are unaware of the power of words.

If this were a vdo in the UK, would you have said, "I like the way the Brits came to the child's aid"?

I know your type, having worked with people like you here for over 3 decades. It is Thailand for Christ's sake, no need to call people Thais. One guy at work today said, when talking about his commute, "at the traffic lights, I was turning right when a "Thai" pulled out in front of me". It wrong, racist, uncalled for and says a lot about the people who say it, often sub-consciously.



We all cannot be afraid of the PC thugs who seem to thrive on people like you, and alter our lives accordingly.


Me...I'll call a spade a spade. Take this as you will.

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12 hours ago, optad said:

Nasty stuff. Angry stepfathers beating up on step kids recurs a little too often. Broken families seeking new unity. Understandable, but no wonder young kids meter out the violence when it fails so easily as well.

That POS should never be allowed around children again.He sick and will do it again....ANIMAL!

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been in relationships like this before with step children in the uk it dose not  work. i dont excused the mans behavior but its better to date lady with either no kid or kids that have grow up and gone.................................              lions in the jungle have the right idea

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5 hours ago, dunroaming said:

In Thailand the crowd will often step in and dish out some on the spot justice. On this occasion it would have been welcomed by me.  I only hope he gets his comeuppance in a very painful way 


I'm thinking that the Thai guy that stepped in didn't see the kid being slapped to the ground or the kick that followed, just heard him ranting at the child. Only thing that stopped the POS getting bloodied IMO. 


I know for a fact that if some of the Thais i work with had been there, and seen the assault, they would have left the step-father in a mess.

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This guy needs to be removed from our species. I was treated like this when I was a kid and swore to never lay a hand on my kids.

I raised (4) four kids and NEVER touched them in violence or frustration.

   This kind of violence to a 5 year old child could turn him into a violent adult or with hope he does not.

Our role in life is ton preserve the lives of our children and give them the knowhow to not go into a life of violence. Beating a kid is just not necessary. No matter what they do.

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22 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"Why was the stepfather so angry? The boy was unable to count from one to ten..." 

From what I have been reading about teachers' behaviors towards student's who do not meet their standards, this stepfather just seems to be cutting out the middleman. 


This type of violence towards children appears to be readily accepted as a way to discipline them. All this does is perpetuate this mindless violence to the following generations. A mandatory 5 year prison sentence for any type of child abuse might be the only way to make inroads in preventing this barbaric behavior. 



...our 9yr old grand niece finished 28 out of 30 in her class..doesn't know the months of the year...she had best watch out...frontal lobotomy and shock treatment in order for this pathetic thing called a man.

Edited by tandor
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22 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"Why was the stepfather so angry? The boy was unable to count from one to ten..." 

From what I have been reading about teachers' behaviors towards student's who do not meet their standards, this stepfather just seems to be cutting out the middleman. 


This type of violence towards children appears to be readily accepted as a way to discipline them. All this does is perpetuate this mindless violence to the following generations. A mandatory 5 year prison sentence for any type of child abuse might be the only way to make inroads in preventing this barbaric behavior. 



It's not readily acceptable, it is unacceptable by most but it does go on and some do accept it, as some want it brought back in my country as they claim it did them no harm when they had it done to them, but it is illegal in Thailand and there is no reason to accept it, always report it if you see or hear of any child abuse.

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18 hours ago, dotpoom said:

I knew there would be cries of indignation at this story....and rightly so. But I am getting closer and closer to suicide on a daily basis when I see the reports from Mosul and Aleppo (and elsewhere) where so called respectable  Governments (with their fine suits, full bellies and plush houses) are killing, blowing limbs off,  murdering the innocent parents and families of  our tiny brothers and sisters of this planet on a regular basis.... Ok...you might say, but what other action is there to take to rid the world of the sickies that have caused this situation in the first place?  My answer..."I have no idea"....that's what makes me feel suicidal. 

    Taking the average life span of a Male, I reckon I have about 9 years left to live with the world situation as it is.....won't come too soon.

PS. Not watching the news would not be a solution for me, burying one's head in the sand doesn't mean it has stopped.



So true.

But the racsists on the forum like to rant daily about thai males. And love telling us what they would have done to the thai males that intimidate them so much. But they never do do anything apart from rant behind their keyboards.


If this behaivior is thainess, it pales into insignifigance when compated what the farangs are doingto children.


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I am not always claiming the welldoing of new technologies.
But I appreciate the coming up of survelliance cameras in every form and the Internet which offers the possibility to share things like this WORLDWIDE by the simple puch of a button.
No time to hide criminal actions like this.
KUDOS to Social Media.

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