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Did I get this right "Good Guys in Bad Guys Out"

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Have to ask all you who spend a lot of time here.


After reading a lot of posts on TV.

Seams like..

People killing people is not being sent to prison (even killing polis if you rich enough). 


Posting wrong thing on FB end up in prison and so on, you know what I talk about.


So the whole  Good Guys in Bad Guys Out

That must be about Thai prisons right???  :whistling:

Or did I get it wrong :crazy:


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Good guys in, bad guys out, simply means; welcome to the foreigners visiting or staying in Thailand who are entitled to be here and behave themselves, and contrary to that bad guys out.


7 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

It's about foreigners like these fine examples pouring into Thailand daily. Understand ? Too many low life foreign criminals, pedophiles, serial killers, alcoholics, sex tourists, Full Moon Party idiots , bank robbers, visa overstayers, you name it they are here by the thousands. Time for the Thai government to have road blocks in every tourist town like Pattaya ,Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Hua Hin checking passports and visas of every foreigner and start deporting the scum by the plane loads . Thailand wll be far better off without them.


I think you need to rethink it all, unless of course you've got some verifiable numbers to support what you claim?


Firstly, Thailand is an international tourist destination and tourists tend to blow off steam, act out of character and do crazy things whilst on holiday, just like tourists do everywhere in hot climates. That doesn't mean your so called Full Moon Party idiots and alcoholics live here and need to be deported!


Secondly, just because the media make s a big deal out of the arrest of a criminal or paedophile doesn't mean there are thousands of them living here, lurking and waiting to pounce, I'm pretty  sure there are more pedo's and criminals per capita in the UK than in Thailand, should they also be deported and if so, to where!


As for sex tourists, I presume you came here for the temples and the pristine beaches, right!







11 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:


way  more Thai criminals than flang................why they dont sort their own out.start with the Police, Army and all govt officials

17 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:



First of all MitKof please when you answer a quoted message write under the quote box and not within the box becasue it looks as though you have made no comment and what you did write within the  box or quote is coming from the person you quoted from.


Secondly I tend to agree with your comments but if Thailand had not been encouraged to be the sex capital of the world by those in charge then it wouldnt have been so attractive to the "wronguns" in the first place , would it?


Unless the OP has a special type of vision that allows him to see things others don't, I'd put his observations down to emotional rhetoric and rant rather than anything objective or of substance, I mean,  where are the supportive facts and statistics? And what exactly does a paedophile and a criminal look like, do they have a particular way of walking or where special clothes that allows you to identify them so easily!


Personally, I've lived here full time for fifteen years and I don't see the things the OP claims to see although I live in rural northern Thailand, I'm guessing the OP is reporting his observations from Pattaya or similar? What I see is tourists who come here for the food, scenery, beaches and culture, then they go home. Perhaps the OP is living in the wrong location if he really is seeing the things he says, either that or he's just having a bad day!




12 minutes ago, n210mp said:


First of all MitKof please when you answer a quoted message write under the quote box and not within the box becasue it looks as though you have made no comment and what you did write within the  box or quote is coming from the person you quoted from.


Secondly I tend to agree with your comments but if Thailand had not been encouraged to be the sex capital of the world by those in charge then it wouldnt have been so attractive to the "wronguns" in the first place , would it?

Agree to a point. The Thai men have their own hangouts in Thailand. Having said that the Thai government is making efforts to clean up the problems it has caused itself. The foreigners that are attracted to here tend to be of the lowest quality possible. Also the easiest place in the world next to Camboadia for hiding every slimeball possible on the planet. If they are serious about getting rid of the bad foreigners, they need to set up roadblocks in various places in Pattaya for example and start checking every passport and visa. I am sure in one day alone they could fill up a few plane loads and deport them for life. Problem is at the airports and borders they just allow them to walk right in without a problem. In the sixteen years and the numerous times i have entered Thailand likely in the hundreds have never beed asked a single question or had a bag checked.

4 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

Unless the OP has a special type of vision that allows him to see things others don't, I'd put his observations down to emotional rhetoric and rant rather than anything objective or of substance, I mean,  where are the supportive facts and statistics? And what exactly does a paedophile and a criminal look like, do they have a particular way of walking or where special clothes that allows you to identify them so easily!


Personally, I've lived here full time for fifteen years and I don't see the things the OP claims to see although I live in rural northern Thailand, I'm guessing the OP is reporting his observations from Pattaya or similar? What I see is tourists who come here for the food, scenery, beaches and culture, then they go home. Perhaps the OP is living in the wrong location if he really is seeing the things he says, either that or he's just having a bad day!




Not the OP but again you would have to be blind not to notice them. Most foreign criminals do not tend to enter often they are already here. A special look you ask? You do not need any special device to notice them they are obvivous . Any one involved in law enforcement could spot them.

3 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

Not the OP but again you would have to be blind not to notice them.


Mate, I don't see any where I live, suggest strongly you move!

13 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

Unless the OP has a special type of vision that allows him to see things others don't, I'd put his observations down to emotional rhetoric and rant rather than anything objective or of substance, I mean,  where are the supportive facts and statistics? And what exactly does a paedophile and a criminal look like, do they have a particular way of walking or where special clothes that allows you to identify them so easily!


Personally, I've lived here full time for fifteen years and I don't see the things the OP claims to see although I live in rural northern Thailand, I'm guessing the OP is reporting his observations from Pattaya or similar? What I see is tourists who come here for the food, scenery, beaches and culture, then they go home. Perhaps the OP is living in the wrong location if he really is seeing the things he says, either that or he's just having a bad day!




I'm not sure what in my post you refer to?

Read again and explain please.

20 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

I ain,t going nowhere. Hopefully the Thai government will get rid of them soon. Wow! your blind or on something special.


Tell me, have you ever been anywhere apart from Pattaya, I mean for more than a few days?

36 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

... You do not need any special device to notice them they are obvivous . Any one involved in law enforcement could spot them.

Ah yes, the shaved head, tats, piercings and pumped-up-on-'roids global ne'erdowell identifier.


24 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

I ain,t going nowhere. Hopefully the Thai government will get rid of them soon. Wow! your blind or on something special.

You don't have to leave old chap, just take a walk BEYOND Soi Buakao.


I’m thinking they should do more at airports, after all, if they can set up scanners to test incoming passengers for bird flu, why not test for criminals, paedophilia, alcoholism and party animalness?  I can see it now, scanners just before the Immigration desks and sirens with flashing lights as people are detected and snatch squads to return them to the Departure’s gates.  What do you reckon the survival rate would be, two out of ten? It would spark a whole new tee shirt industry with slogans that read, “I made it through Swampy” and “Now you Know What I’m Not”!

44 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

Not the OP but again you would have to be blind not to notice them. Most foreign criminals do not tend to enter often they are already here. A special look you ask? You do not need any special device to notice them they are obvivous . Any one involved in law enforcement could spot them.

No criminals living in usa or uk hahahahahahahahahah. The majority of ex pats here, are decent people with enough m,oney to live their lives



1 hour ago, n210mp said:


First of all MitKof please when you answer a quoted message write under the quote box and not within the box becasue it looks as though you have made no comment and what you did write within the  box or quote is coming from the person you quoted from.


Secondly I tend to agree with your comments but if Thailand had not been encouraged to be the sex capital of the world by those in charge then it wouldnt have been so attractive to the "wronguns" in the first place , would it?

Very , very true sometimes thailand has it self to blame because of the sex  Industry .

was just talking with my new thai lady who did not know much about the thai sex industry last night , I ask her did you know how bad the  prostitution was in thailand before you meet me and she said no I had just hreard about it .

and before all the smart c get on here and start having a go at me ,no she is not a hooker she is a good lady .

we have traveled around thailand a lot and you can't get away from the sex industry here .

Just now, Mitkof Island said:

Traveled to every corner of Thailand and then some numerous times. You have a different opinion than i. The pictures i posted are just a few examples of criminals caught in Thailand this week alone. You really have to be totally in blind and or deaf not to hear or see them on the tv news, newspapers and or just on the streets. Thailand has been famous for years as the easiest place in the world for foreigners to hide. The only foreigners that tend to be blind to this are very likely criminals themselves.


Debate the subject with me by all means, flame me and we're done, clear!

1 minute ago, chiang mai said:


Debate the subject with me by all means, flame me and we're done, clear!

Sorry i hurt your feelings. Don,t think i mentioned that you were a criminal yourself. But as far as i am concerned we are done. Your just in denial.

16 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Very , very true sometimes thailand has it self to blame because of the sex  Industry .

was just talking with my new thai lady who did not know much about the thai sex industry last night , I ask her did you know how bad the  prostitution was in thailand before you meet me and she said no I had just hreard about it .

and before all the smart c get on here and start having a go at me ,no she is not a hooker she is a good lady .

we have traveled around thailand a lot and you can't get away from the sex industry here .


It's only Westerners who refer to it all as the sex industry, Asians, Chinese and locals will almost certainly point to culture first. The role of the female in Thailand has always been subservient to the male and sex has always been a massive part of Thai culture, only the US presence here during the Vietnam conflict brought it out into the open and began to involve Westerners. Part of the problem is that as the role of the female in the West is elevated, womens lib and equality et al, Westerns look increasingly at the sexual aspect of Thailand and say, that's wrong, you shouldn't do that. But Thailand has been doing that for hundreds of years and with all due respect to your good lady, if she doesn't know that is the case her education is sadly lacking because most Thai's do know.


"The documented history of prostitution in Thailand goes back at least six centuries, with overt and explicit references by the Chinese voyager Ma Huan (1433) and subsequently by European visitors (Van Neck, 1604; Gisbert Heeck, 1655 and others). It is certainly not a new phenomenon, though it may have been exacerbated by the Japanese occupation during World War II and by the extensive use of Thailand as a "Rest and Recreation" facility by US forces during the Second Indochina War (c. 1963 - 1973)[20][21]

Thailand has an ancient, continuous tradition of legal texts, generally described under the heading of Dhammasattha literature (Thai pron., tam-ma-sat), wherein prostitution is variously defined and universally banned. The era of traditional legal texts came to an end in the early 20th century, but these earlier texts were significant in regard to both the writ and spirit of modern legislation.[22]

In the twentieth century a variety of laws relating to the sex industry were passed, including the Contagious Diseases Prevention Act of 1908 and the Entertainment Places Act of 1966.[18] Prostitution itself was made illegal in Thailand[2] in 1960, when a law was passed under pressure from the United Nations.[23] The government instituted a system of monitoring sex workers in order to prevent their mistreatment and to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.[1] The 1960 law was repealed by the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, B.E. 2539 (1996)".



1 hour ago, Mitkof Island said:

I ain,t going nowhere. Hopefully the Thai government will get rid of them soon. Wow! your blind or on something special.

Mitkof look mate now the way you get the visa in to thailand has changed a lot and it will stop most of them coming here I hop .

like me I had to do my  retirement visa back in Australia , can't do it here now and back home had to have a  police check , so it should stop all the bad ones coming here now from Australia that is .

11 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

Sorry i hurt your feelings. Don,t think i mentioned that you were a criminal yourself. But as far as i am concerned we are done. Your just in denial.


No, it's more that we live in different Thailands, you and me hence we see different things. I'm sure if I lived in Pattaya and and hung around bars all day long I'd see what you see, thankfully I don't. And as far as the rest of Thailand is concerned, I can't think of any places outside of the tourist areas that have what you describe, it's therefore a localised problem rather than a country wide one as far as westerners are concerned.

11 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


No, it's more that we live in different Thailands, you and me hence we see different things. I'm sure if I lived in Pattaya and and hung around bars all day long I'd see what you see, thankfully I don't. And as far as the rest of Thailand is concerned, I can't think of any places outside of the tourist areas that have what you describe, it's therefore a localised problem rather than a country wide one as far as westerners are concerned.

Yes i would have to agree with you on that. They tend to be in what i call the tourist slums. Pattaya, Koh Samui, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Koh Phi Phi and areas of Bangkok for example.

1 minute ago, Mitkof Island said:

Yes i would have to agree with you on that. They tend to be in what i call the tourist slums. Pattaya, Koh Samui, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Koh Phi Phi and areas of Bangkok for example.


I live in rural Chiang Mai but I'm in Chiang Mai almost daily, please tell us where what you describe exists here?


And in Bangkok, prostitution aimed at foreigners exists in two primary areas, lower Sukhumvit and Patpong, as a percentage of Bangkok I would guess that amounts to something like 0.001% of the surface area of the city.


Miktof Island.. 


Funny that you complain about sex tourism when you got a picture of girl with big tits. Seems your no stranger to sex. I find sex normal and paying for sex is a good thing (less rapes). 


As long as there is corruption those criminals (many of those have far more money than you) will just be able to get in the country by bribing people. Fact is they are only making it harder for normal people already following the rules. Do you really think criminals are following the rules ?


They don't bother with 90 day reports or change of address they just bribe their way out of it. 


I know that now that I am on an elite visa (shows i spend money and am not some low life farang that cant afford a better visa .. not my opinion but those of the Thais) I am treated quite well. When i was still on a marriage visa .. I had to jump through countless of hoops.. now I dont and all is taken care of faster.  It just shows.. the Thais care for money and if you have money its no problem.


They never asked me where my money came from or to show that i was not a criminal. I got far more questions when I was married and things were far harder.  You can't blame the foreigners alone.. its the Thais that set up the system.


Also most of the sex trade is not for foreigners its for Thais. Just look at the guy selling 15 yo girls.. it was to Thais.. not foreigners. 

38 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


It's only Westerners who refer to it all as the sex industry, Asians, Chinese and locals will almost certainly point to culture first. The role of the female in Thailand has always been subservient to the male and sex has always been a massive part of Thai culture, only the US presence here during the Vietnam conflict brought it out into the open and began to involve Westerners. Part of the problem is that as the role of the female in the West is elevated, womens lib and equality et al, Westerns look increasingly at the sexual aspect of Thailand and say, that's wrong, you shouldn't do that. But Thailand has been doing that for hundreds of years and with all due respect to your good lady, if she doesn't know that is the case her education is sadly lacking because most Thai's do know.


"The documented history of prostitution in Thailand goes back at least six centuries, with overt and explicit references by the Chinese voyager Ma Huan (1433) and subsequently by European visitors (Van Neck, 1604; Gisbert Heeck, 1655 and others). It is certainly not a new phenomenon, though it may have been exacerbated by the Japanese occupation during World War II and by the extensive use of Thailand as a "Rest and Recreation" facility by US forces during the Second Indochina War (c. 1963 - 1973)[20][21]

Thailand has an ancient, continuous tradition of legal texts, generally described under the heading of Dhammasattha literature (Thai pron., tam-ma-sat), wherein prostitution is variously defined and universally banned. The era of traditional legal texts came to an end in the early 20th century, but these earlier texts were significant in regard to both the writ and spirit of modern legislation.[22]

In the twentieth century a variety of laws relating to the sex industry were passed, including the Contagious Diseases Prevention Act of 1908 and the Entertainment Places Act of 1966.[18] Prostitution itself was made illegal in Thailand[2] in 1960, when a law was passed under pressure from the United Nations.[23] The government instituted a system of monitoring sex workers in order to prevent their mistreatment and to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.[1] The 1960 law was repealed by the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, B.E. 2539 (1996)".



My thai did know about it  , I did not say she did not know about it ok ,but she did not know it was like it is and so bad and ever we're .

yes you go on about the sex industry ok we all it know it is the oldest  occupation in the world.

But here in thailand it is  terrible , but not up to me to fix it , up to the thai people and the thai government.

I have seen things here in thailand that just blow me away and no I am not a sex  tourist , I just go out some times for a drink with the boys for a little bit of fun .

And of what I have seen I would never see it like that back home .

So until the thai people and the thai government fix it thailand will not get away from being the sex  Capital of the world.

4 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

My thai did know about it  , I did not say she did not know about it ok ,but she did not know it was like it is and so bad and ever we're .

yes you go on about the sex industry ok we all it know it is the oldest  occupation in the world.

But here in thailand it is  terrible , but not up to me to fix it , up to the thai people and the thai government.

I have seen things here in thailand that just blow me away and no I am not a sex  tourist , I just go out some times for a drink with the boys for a little bit of fun .

And of what I have seen I would never see it like that back home .

So until the thai people and the thai government fix it thailand will not get away from being the sex  Capital of the world.


There's nothing to fix, nobody forces westerners to participate in it and nobody forces tourists to go to Pattaya, Bangla or Patpong.


BTW I presume you've never been to  Stuttgarter Platz in Berlin, or Angeles in the PI or to Amsterdam, all which make Thailand seem insignificant from a prostitution standpoint.

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