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National police spokesman tells the public: Be fair to us, don't damage our image


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1 hour ago, smedly said:

There is absolutely nothing the public can do about the Royal Thai Police Image - it is fully 100% under the control of the RTP, if you are asking the public to ignore transgressions committed by the RTP then that is a different matter entirely


You are in full control of your public image


The good thing is social media and the advancement of technology that exposes transgressions to the masses - you are now being scrutinised more than ever before and it will continue


Social media is a two-edged sword. Yes, if the member of the public witnesses an apparent injustice taking place, they can video it and post it in seconds for thousands of people to see and condemn. This keeps the authorities on their toes and ensure that the bad apples don't always get away with it.


However, you just need to look at the last US election to see the downsides... People can post or say anything on social media and it can be accepted as true by thousands or millions within a matter of hours. Statements or videos can be edited or taken out of context to produce a desired effect. And there is no systematic, objective fact-checking on social media... the reader is left to do that himself. I'm still not convinced that the upsides of social media outweigh the downsides, but I'm just a 50-something dinosaur. Then again, I've forgotten how many times I've had to correct friends who have forwarded bogus claims without first checking them ....  

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I wonder how many policemen committed felonies or are, at this moment doing so this year? I guess the police deterine how the criminal act is noted on the records for internel action/inaction. Misdemeaners, my a..

planting false evidence, demanding money from the public to do their job in a responsibe manner, out right murder, and robbery, write up murder as sucide, etc

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2 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

Very hard to be fair to a group people who are paid by your tax money for serving and protecting you and doing the complete opposite.

and - very hard to be fair on a group who are underpaid (for gosh sakes, they have to buy their own transport, guns, uniforms). The situation will only change when they are trained professionally and paid a decent wage. the saying 'hunger will make a thief of any honest man' comes to mind. Also,  the vast majority of posts are negative. Rarely do you read about the good guys.

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2 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Don't damage our image,  there's no need for you to do it as we're doing such a great job ourselves.

Damage control clean up in aisle 7. I was truly flummoxed after reading this self serving comment. No dear BIB we have not all be run through your mind control program as of yet there are still a bastion of free thinkers left. Nice try no cigar. 

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What image?


Your known the world over, as gangsters in uniform.


If this current fake PM was the real deal, he would disband the RTP immediately, use the army as police keepers until a new, clean, corrupt free police force could be introduced.


Will this happen?....NO


Thailand is corrupt from the very top, to the very bottom.



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23 minutes ago, sendintheclowns said:

and - very hard to be fair on a group who are underpaid (for gosh sakes, they have to buy their own transport, guns, uniforms). The situation will only change when they are trained professionally and paid a decent wage. the saying 'hunger will make a thief of any honest man' comes to mind. Also,  the vast majority of posts are negative. Rarely do you read about the good guys.

Make a list and post them here the good guys that is oh sorry there was one mentioned. Once they get off of their keester and stop all this motorbike racing outside my building after the BIB rug is rolled up and they have gone home like niche policing I will give them my respect. I at times feel like a hostage in my unit. Its all selective policing road blocks fines for missing helmuts. Once they are go back to patrolling they could care less who is wearing a helmut. Until they come to understand what the people want they will be just nomads dressed in brown. Checkpoint Charlies. 

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Dismissed from the Police force for taking a bribe Give me a break This sort of punishment is never never never going to stop police from taking a bribe no mater how little it may be Lock them up for a few years and watch bribery incidents drop


This is just shamefull

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2 hours ago, Thailand said:

Tourism is skyrocketing.

Yes, tourism is skyrocketing - leading the world - and the government is wonderful and benign and bestowing liberties right, left, and centre, and the police are a model for the entire universe.


And then - there's Thailand!



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23 minutes ago, MorristheRunt said:

What image?


Your known the world over, as gangsters in uniform.


If this current fake PM was the real deal, he would disband the RTP immediately, use the army as police keepers until a new, clean, corrupt free police force could be introduced.


Will this happen?....NO


Thailand is corrupt from the very top, to the very bottom.



Look at the support rather than supervision from on high.

Remember earlier this year DPM Prawit said he supported them in any defamation suit they brought against anyone who damaged their good name and reputation.

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There is not a possibility that old posts and videos can damage the reputation of any kind. That´s as long as there is a strong ground in that they almost always do a good work.
Unfortunately that is not an established opinion in this case. A famous expression directly comes to mind. "Ya reap as ya sow"

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1 hour ago, grumbleweed said:

National police spokesman tells the public: Be fair to us, don't damage our image

"Leave it to the experts" he said while standing on the gambler's neck, waiting in line to gang bang the poor rape victim and holding a fistful of brown envelopes.

Generalize and spread nonsense because of some black sheep is slander you fool.

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so, they who must be obeyed sack the lower ranks for corruption/bribe taking but transfer the higher up officers/brass to a different post, really says it all, if you have rank/money in the police force you are simply let off and allowed to continue your corrupt ways and keep all the ill gotten gains, after all, they cant shoot themselves in the foot by sacking/jailing all the higher ups caught out, they never know when they will be next

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:
Otherwise the image of the police could be damaged unnecessarily, he said. 

Good point.


That is a protected area of activity.


Only the BIB are allowed to do this.


196 dismissed this year and counting...sorry I mean disciplined.


Dismissal for acts of corruption/extortion/etc would be going too far eh...

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1 hour ago, Mitker said:




Or jailed as this is the only effective way to deal with a rogue officer whose duty is precisely to enforce the law?

Let's be fair though: There have been numerous cases in the West (especially USA, but not only there) with "bad cops" all over social media, and I don't think any of them have actually gone to jail. Suspended, yes, fired, maybe, but not gone to jail. 

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20 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

Be fair to us, don't damage our image ...


I am sure everybody will be fair to the Thai police,

if they find out the Thai police is fair to the people

Yes. It is amazing - isn't it? - how in a supposedly Buddhist land the doctrine of karma is so little understood, still less acted upon. Evil, selfish acts bear unpleasant fruit. Kindly and just acts yield fruits of happiness.

Additionally, we should not be fixated on 'face' (ego). We should be 'self-less' - living and acting for others.


Just think: all those 45 years of teaching by the Buddha - thrown down the drain by the likes of the great Thai police (and other 'authorities') in this paradigmatic 'Buddhist' land. 

How sad!

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How about turning the tables: And the Thai citizens tell the police the same thing!!!!

Every time the RTP are involved in corruption, bribery, extortion, etc they damage their image by themselves.


Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

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