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Thailand: 8 Killed, 13 Injured in One Day in 3 Separate Traffic Accidents


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Thailand: 8 Killed, 13 Injured in One Day in 3 Separate Traffic Accidents


CHIANG MAI – Three people were killed and 12 others injured when a car collided with a pickup truck loaded with fruit pickers in Hot district early Sunday, according to media reports.


The accident occurred at about 7.10am at kilometre marker No. 55 on Hot-Doi Tao road in tambon Ban Tan, said Pol Capt Patarapol Wongchanta, a duty officer at Hot police station.


At the scene, the Toyota car was found by police and rescue workers to have rammed into a roadside tree. The driver, Supachai Krongsawat, 30, was killed. A woman, who has not yet been identified, travelling with him in the car was slightly injured. The car was severely damaged.


Meanwhile in Kamphaeng Phet four members of a family were killed and a man seriously injured in a head-on collision between a car and a pickup truck in Sai Ngam district on Saturday night, police said.


Full story: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/thailand-8-killed-13-injured-in-one-day-in-3-separate-traffic-accidents.html

-- © Copyright Chiang Rai Times 2016-11-21


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1 hour ago, cooked said:

26 000  fatalities a year = 70 per day. Sorry about the people involved but what <deleted> is this about?


Do you have all day?

Alcohol, stupidity, Alcohol, ignorance to other traffic users, Alcohol, Drugs, Alcohol, no road markings, Alcohol, "me first", Alcohol, no lights or markers on the road, Alcohol, no seatbelts, Alcohol etc. etc. etc. etc.

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How many times have we all been forced to the shoulder to avoid an oncoming car overtaking on a curve, hill, solid line or by someone that just expects us to move because they're in a hurry. My wife and I were almost killed between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai when an oncoming transport truck came over the crest of a hill in our lane because of a parked car on his shoulder.

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20 minutes ago, LotusBoy said:


Do you have all day?

Alcohol, stupidity, Alcohol, ignorance to other traffic users, Alcohol, Drugs, Alcohol, no road markings, Alcohol, "me first", Alcohol, no lights or markers on the road, Alcohol, no seatbelts, Alcohol etc. etc. etc. etc.

Thanks for letting me know, gee I didn't know any of that. Don't stop there, tell us what else you hate about Thailand and when you are leaving.

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think the police should take on falang people to up hold the laws on  traffic lights and crash helmet laws i would do it,

also can any body tell me what the hard shoulder is for ? as when im in it they dont let you out of it  and when out of it they want me to get in it .(motorbike user)


Edited by docspinoff
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21 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

How many times have we all been forced to the shoulder to avoid an oncoming car overtaking on a curve, hill, solid line or by someone that just expects us to move because they're in a hurry. My wife and I were almost killed between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai when an oncoming transport truck came over the crest of a hill in our lane because of a parked car on his shoulder.


If a vehicle (or soidog) is blocking your line you're entitled to use the incoming lane...that's Thainess you should know by now.


You don't use the horn for that nor wait, you just push the other cars from the road...mai pen lai, i'm soooo important. Do you know who my daddy is?

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35 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

If they really cared, they could reduce the carnage on the roads.....but hey.........!

Individuals or families traveling the dangerous roads of Thailand with police escorts don't seem effected by the danger. It's only "us" peasants that are killed/maimed so..... who cares? Only the 1% matter. Oh and I'm certainly not in the 1%. lol  

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25 minutes ago, kannot said:

the  mai pen rai  attitude

Until they get behind the wheel/handle bars then the attitude changes to me me me, bugger you!

Everyday a near miss, today was a kid ( he is still at school) driving straight out of his drive, no stop to look right into the opposite carriage way and away, but then kids run out just the same, common sense in this part of the world is severely lacking and life is cheap.

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2 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Individuals or families traveling the dangerous roads of Thailand with police escorts don't seem effected by the danger. It's only "us" peasants that are killed/maimed so..... who cares? Only the 1% matter. Oh and I'm certainly not in the 1%. lol  

I  followed the 1% yesterday as they passed me at 150kph  2  mercedes with red  lights  built  into the grills   flashing continuously..........when they came  to red traffic  lights they slowed to 100kph and drove straight thru!! incredible Thailand...............earlier that day I was ticketed for doing 125kph cop said its 120kph on this road hahaha   400 baht fine paid with receipt  by the roadside. One rule for one one  for another

Yesterdays  drive 550km

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21 minutes ago, cooked said:

Thanks for letting me know, gee I didn't know any of that. Don't stop there, tell us what else you hate about Thailand and when you are leaving.

I've lived in Thailand for 12 years and love life here, with no intention of leaving.  I wholeheartedly agree with what 'LotusBoy'  wrote. If you don't understand how bad the driving standards are here you are beyond help.

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21 minutes ago, docspinoff said:

think the police should take on falang people to up hold the laws on  traffic lights and crash helmet laws i would do it,

also can any body tell me what the hard shoulder is for ? as when im in it they dont let you out of it  and when out of it they want me to get in it .(motorbike user)


You can tell a Thai but you can't tell em' much (they know everything already) and they will never listen to a lowly farlang who they seem to think we are just walking ATMs and just do not understand "Thainess" (a stupid word to say the least) 

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24 minutes ago, docspinoff said:

think the police should take on falang people to up hold the laws on  traffic lights and crash helmet laws i would do it,

also can any body tell me what the hard shoulder is for ? as when im in it they dont let you out of it  and when out of it they want me to get in it .(motorbike user)


"...as when im in it they dont let you out of it "    That's known as giving you the cold shoulder.


"...and when out of it they want me to get in it .(motorbike user)"   That's them expecting you to shoulder your responsibility

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2 hours ago, cooked said:

26 000  fatalities a year = 70 per day. Sorry about the people involved but what <deleted> is this about?


Agreed, cooked.


Whilst terrible, If that was It for the day, they are way ahead of the game.


Thailand has a long way to go on road safety.

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6 minutes ago, Khun Paul said:

You have it wrong, it is THAINESS an attitude much applauded by the PM, and shows itself even onto the roads .

Do not be surprised, they have legalised stupidity, selfishness and downright ignorance.

I think a lot of Thais  know their society is &lt;deleted&gt; but theres  little  they can do to fight the  massive juggernaut of  corruption then at the other end theres  a lot of "trailer trash" Thais who are  simply too lazy to do anything its "never their  fault" and expect everything done for them, easily  bought for voting...........sometimes  i really  dont think democracy is for Thailand.

Years of brainwashing from birth doesnt  help and the poor education backs  it  all up...sing the national anthem and bow down..........a  perfect Thai drone

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51 minutes ago, kannot said:

I  followed the 1% yesterday as they passed me at 150kph  2  mercedes with red  lights  built  into the grills   flashing continuously..........when they came  to red traffic  lights they slowed to 100kph and drove straight thru!! incredible Thailand...............earlier that day I was ticketed for doing 125kph cop said its 120kph on this road hahaha   400 baht fine paid with receipt  by the roadside. One rule for one one  for another

Yesterdays  drive 550km

I do not believe the 1% are so stupid as to drive through red lights at 100 kph unless there were police stopping cross traffic. 

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Lets give this a thought for 1 moment ..in Asia Thailand had the highest score for accident and death per year since 1999 ..so thailand is at least here no1.

Then for a start up..bringing my child to the school each day and in the front of the school is a zebra mark ..it does not matter why or what cross the zebra include 4 year kids ...no car driver or motorbike stop for any reasons unless they are right in front of you approx 1m.

So if the basic of traffic rules not going easy to the brain ..then surely none of this klick thru.Then when you speak with your thai so called knowing peoples all agree they dont like it..but once there are on the street  with a vehicle they doing the same.

Lets be frankly...those behaviour is never to be controlled...a new generation with new driver educational system would impact from now in 18 years...so more to be death and injuries to come.

Acknowledgement had always being a ignorance standpoint in the thai society for the majority of drivers ....selfish i driver to death...but the birth rate is higher then the deathtoll so do we need to worry....yes for those whom in contact with an incoming nutdriver..for a second of moment a family is distroyed because of these unbelievable skills of drivers ...education is surely not the highest they have......

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15 minutes ago, George Graham said:

Well then - cooked - perhaps you might be good enough to tell us which part of Lotusboy's post is incorrect.

I didn't say it was false. I am saying yes, yes , yes we know that a lot of Farangs think that Thais are lazy, stupid and selfish, I get bored with reading this stuff all the time. I drive a LOT and maybe because I can think like a Thai none of this bothers me, I just expect it.

Some of us might think that they can remember a time inn the UK and Italy when people drove just as they do in Thailand today.

Some of us might think that the fault lies in a completely inadequate attitude towards road safety training and awareness. I can remember road safety ads from 60 years ago ('don't be an amber gambler', 'look right, look left, look right again' etc). Never saw even one road safety ad here, who's fault is that?

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Condolences to all the families and friends of the deceased and I hope the injured make a full recovery. 

   About a month ago I signed my Fortuner over to my wife's name. I consider myself a good driver (was a driving instructor in a past life) and have been driving in Thailand for about 15 years. Since she started driving it about 2 years ago I couldn't help but notice that she is a far more "careful" driver than myself (irritating at the best of times) but these cars can.... pack a punch. It's not that I wasn't careful, it's just that my patients seemed to be getting less and less as time goes on and I began to do some of the things the Thai drivers do.

    Time to pack it in I thought to myself....so now she alone drives the car and I am happy enough to rollick along on my trusty steed....the good auld Phantom.

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1 hour ago, LotusBoy said:


Do you have all day?

Alcohol, stupidity, Alcohol, ignorance to other traffic users, Alcohol, Drugs, Alcohol, no road markings, Alcohol, "me first", Alcohol, no lights or markers on the road, Alcohol, no seatbelts, Alcohol etc. etc. etc. etc.

Yeah, and no patience . Just wanna get in front.

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I have been extremely lucky during my stays in Thailand..  I have seen many accidents all over Thailand. One about 100 Kms NE of Bangkok a few years ago

did affect me, as it was a tour bus that had been traveling in convoy with 2 more buses. It was the one in the middle.  The front bus had hit  a

car.  The middle bus tried to stop but had hit the wreckage of the car, and flipped on it's side. the rear bus ran into the roof of that bus

and carried it several yards or meters before stopping. There were a lot of injuries and likely a lot of deaths as well.  I never hear  how many

as I returned to Canada only a few days later.  These other accident  where people hit trees and die, or are in an overloaded vehicle that

hits another vehicle and many die, will always happen, as  this is Thailand, where 4 or 5 people still get on a motorbike, and people still

ride in pickup boxes, etc. it is just a sad state of life. RIP to the dead.



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8 minutes ago, cooked said:

I didn't say it was false. I am saying yes, yes , yes we know that a lot of Farangs think that Thais are lazy, stupid and selfish, I get bored with reading this stuff all the time. I drive a LOT and maybe because I can think like a Thai none of this bothers me, I just expect it.

Some of us might think that they can remember a time inn the UK and Italy when people drove just as they do in Thailand today.

Some of us might think that the fault lies in a completely inadequate attitude towards road safety training and awareness. I can remember road safety ads from 60 years ago ('don't be an amber gambler', 'look right, look left, look right again' etc). Never saw even one road safety ad here, who's fault is that?

I remember the amber gamber ads and the green cross code

My favourite was the Please dont slam your car door more than half a dozen times at night after parking 555555

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1 hour ago, dieseldave1951 said:

You can tell a Thai but you can't tell em' much (they know everything already) and they will never listen to a lowly farlang who they seem to think we are just walking ATMs and just do not understand "Thainess" (a stupid word to say the least) 

My wife, Thai and not a driver visited the UK now when we are out she sees a driver doing something stupid her comment they do not know how to drive not like England. but having said that I think that there would be much more bad driving in western countries if it were not for traffic patrols and cameras and keeping a record of drivers traffic offences

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