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‘No money’ for Vietnam border wall, Sokha says


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Deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha said yesterday that the CNRP’s policy would be to take a leaf out of US president-elect Donald Trump’s book and build a wall along Cambodia’s 1,228-kilometre border with Vietnam – if only the country could afford it.


Trump – who, like the CNRP, has campaigned heavily against illegal immigration – has pledged to build a “big, beautiful wall” along the 3,201-kilometre US-Mexican border to make crossings harder, and insists Mexico itself will be made to pay for it.


Speaking at the CNRP’s headquarters, where he has been living since police attempted to arrest him in May, Sokha appeared to acknowledge it was unlikely Vietnam would pay for such a plan, so a CNRP government would instead just develop the border.


-- © Copyright Phenom Pen Post 21/11


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Sokha Urges Less Criticism


Acting opposition leader Kem Sokha yesterday urged Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) youth activists to stop attacking and criticizing the government and instead provide ideas and offer suggestions to reach unity, a stance taken as opposition MPs prepare to join parliament tomorrow. During a discussion with youth activists from Kampot, Svay Rieng and Prey Veng provinces at the party’s headquarters in Phnom Penh yesterday, Mr. Sokha said that if the party was successful in the upcoming elections, the CNRP would reform and organize leadership in a way to provide opportunities for youth to show their abilities and contribute to the country’s development.

He also urged the youth to monitor the government’s performance and provide ideas to address problems instead of criticizing them. “We stop. We decrease attacks on each other. It is just criticism without providing options, recommendations and new ideas. I want our youth to begin to understand these points,” he said.

However, Mr. Sokha added that he would continue his criticisms of the government and continue providing recommendations to problems experienced by citizens, society and the country as a whole as it is the role of the opposition. “Doing so is to find the common values to lead to unity,” he added.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/32172/sokha-urges-less-criticism/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 21/11
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2 hours ago, connda said:

Just charge Cambodia for the wall (where have I heard that before???).  :biggrin:


Actually, it's the Cambodians that are discussing a wall to keep out those pesky Vietnamese, a la US/Mexico.


The problem with a wall is that the Cambodian land owners would start losing rent money by locking out the neighbours.  A wall with many, many gates, perhaps.

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