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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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4 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

California has a population of 38 million people , aproximately 38 percent Hispanic (plus loads of illegal immigrants) Trump won more states than lying Hillary and the electorial college is based on how many states are won to determine the winner. We are not going to award the victory to Hillary because one state California has more population than any other state in the country ,even Texas has only 28 million people. If a candidate barely won ALL the other states California could force a win by popular vote since they have the most population. Thats not going to happen

The losers should sit back shut up and see how things run for 6 months to a year if the country is doing badly then immpeach him . Oh by the way up untill California votes were counted Trump was leading the popular votes as well as electorial.

 Well Trump can do exactly the same as the democrats did if he wants. Issue passports to any foreigner that can prove they would be a republican voter. Of course, such a move might prove unpopular with the liberal media, but then he can dismantle or interfere with that also. I'd say California in 8 years time will be unrecognizable to the illigal immigrant dump it has become over the last 8 years.

 Resist away, your golden time has passed, time for a swing back to nationalist and patriotic values. Not a day to soon IMO.

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Can't stand the man and he does not appear to have any saving graces.


However, he is president elect, you have got him for 4 years barring any accidents or otherwise.

It is possible that he may turn out to be something even more out of the ordinary and get things done, now that is scary, and we might see 4 more years!

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For those that continue on the right wing Kool-aid and say illegals voted, that is a flat out lie. There is no voter fraud, although a fascist voter did get caught voting twice. There was voter suppression, massive voter suppression and the despicable Republicans were bragging about it. The blue dawg corporate Democrat "elite" and the DNC brought this disaster on the US and the world. The fascist is a charlatan and a con man and he conned many people. Not me and no I didn't vote for the Clintons either.


The left, not the "liberals" whoever the hell they are, will continue to oppose the fascist, racist, homophobic, misogynist, bigoted, anti-Constitution, cabal being formed by the fascist party. The scary part is when the fascist is impeached by his own "party" a real religious, right wing, homophobic, dominionist will take over. Not my president nor VP. Tar and feather the cabal and run them out of the country.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


And 75% didn't vote for Hilary either. She appears to have a tad more votes % wise but lost because the USA doesn't and never has used the first past the post post based on simple numbers.


Had Hilary won, would the 25.6% or thereabouts that voted for her claim that she had a majority, and that the system was perfect? Probably. Never heard Hilary, Obama, Bernie or any other democrat leader or celebrity grouse about the US system till she lost.


Sore losers who despite their name refuse to accept democracy when it doesn't give them the result they want. There idea of democracy is everyone must do as they say as they always no best. Regardless of any reality and what people think. And now they are paying for that arrogant complacency.

almost 2 million votes isn't a "tad", it's a lot. Protesters are not sore losers. The protesters are people who are angry that such a vile human being was elected to the highest office in the land and have exercised their constitutional right to protest. The supporters of Trump were threatening armed conflict if he didn't win and now they are labeling peaceful protesters are sore losers? Really?

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

We have the constitutional right to dissent. Accept that. Reality plain and simple. 


Accepting that he will be our president is not the same thing as worshiping him, Il Duce style. 


I accept that he legally won, even though Hillary Clinton now leads in the popular vote by about 1.7 MILLION votes. 

You have the right to dissent providing it's peaceful, which liberal demonstrations tend not to be. See most of the demos since the democratic and fair election. Disgraceful.


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1 minute ago, jesimps said:

You have the right to dissent providing it's peaceful, which liberal demonstrations tend not to be. See most of the demos since the democratic and fair election. Disgraceful.


I don't agree with you. The majority of the protests have been totally peaceful. I realize those reading fake news and alt-right propaganda, etc. would think differently. 

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maybe the complainers should have gone casting their vote ???


many left trouble makers did not even go vote ...


a bit late to complain, right ?


too bad the USA is not a banana republic, otherwise the army could take over... lol

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I hope this gets more people to pay attention to what is happening in their country. We will see good or bad what Trump does. If he doesn't try to end the lobbyist's total domination of US governing then we will know he is/was a fraud. If he does then he will get my support.

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The activist interviewed says "The government’s supposed to fear us, not the other way around". He then goes on to say “I voted for Hilary Clinton out of fear". And the article itself describes current "resistance" tactics as trying to "galvanize anger and fear over his election into a strategy to resist his policies and remake the left as a credible political alternative". Seems like there's a bit of a duality there regarding fear - bad when people afraid from government, but useful in motivating them in the right direction. I dunno that the government is supposed to fear the people, but with all all the Resistance and Star Wars imagery, this just suggested itself:





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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't agree with you. The majority of the protests have been totally peaceful. I realize those reading fake news and alt-right propaganda, etc. would think differently. 


Indeed. Relative to the attendance, things didn't turn too bad so far - without condoning violence that did happen. With regard to coverage, it's not just about fake stories or partisan sources, a peaceful protest simply doesn't generate interest. Obviously, any disturbance will get more attention, and by the time actual details emerge, rumors and half truths are already in wide circulation.

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2 hours ago, ehs818 said:

The majority itf the electoraitse did noIt vote for Trump. In fact almost 75% of eligible voters did not vote for Trump. Of those that did vote, about 1,800,000 more votes for Clinton have been counted so far, with more mail in ballots and provisional ballots still being counted. He did not receive a 'mandate' from the voters. In fact, he did not even have a plurality, much less a majority. He is only the 'winner' due to the form of voting that exists in the USA. The Electoral College meets on December 19 to cast their ballots. Still time for an upset as some US states require the Electoral College members to vote for their states winner, while some certainly do not. While it's possible that an upset may still occur to benefit Clinton, it's highly unlikely. You think the Democrats are 'sore losers'? If that turnabout were to occur, you'd see real violence from Trump supporters if enough of the Electoral College voters were to alter their votes based on the information that the poplular vote went to Clinton and not to Trump. If allowed to vote freely the results could be reversed.


I'm having difficulty believing this ridiculous point Is still being canvassed.


Trump WON, legally under the existing system. I'm sure there have been democrat wins with similar numbers, and not a whimper from the loser left.


It's pointless saying "If...........". Clinton would have won.

She didn't, and now the loser left are raising hell.


The "If......." discussion has been done to death already, and It's as Irrelevant In your post as It was In the post that first mentioned It.


There Is an electoral system In place.  If you don't like tje result It produces, work to vchange tjhe system.


This Is just more sore losing by the left.  Don't like It?  Abuse, ridicule, threaten, riot.


Sorry, unable to edit typos.


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32 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

It they gave you a pin after leaving the voting station reading "I love Trump" don't wear it here. The word Trump is now giving a lot of people hives around their rectum. They are real red Republican welts. 

 Not in Pattaya ... it's trump town here! Especially with the Russians! 

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2 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

We played by the rules, we won, get over it.   Reality plain and simple.

Yes, and these are the guys that got upset when Trump said he may not like the outcome if he thought it was rigged. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the liberal hooligans and elitist thugs are all upset because they didn't win. Well they should have done a better job of rigging. Four years they'll get another shot at it. There wasn't this much rioting when the first black got elected president.

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1 hour ago, muffy said:

Liberals to the back of the bus never to recover .


I'm not sure if you can call Trump a republican really. He's more republican than democrat, but many of the republican party are disgusted by him. Just a month before the election many were turning their backs on him and people were talking about the divide within the party. The divide is still there between the alt-right extremists and the run of the mill moderate republicans. I think both parties were weakened by this election. The democrats somehow lost to the worst candidate in American history. The republicans who have long touted things like christian values now have a guy running the show who features ideals that many of them do not share, and who makes it very hard to tout those values.


Trump did win the election fair and square though. He'll have his presidency and then the honus is on him to do something positive with it. Otherwise we'll have a divided country for the next four years.

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43 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump will never unite the country. Not with extremist right ring radicals like Bannon and Sessions in key positions.

As long as people are willing to listen and discuss Trump will succeed - it's only when the liberal fru frus ignore the other side then disagreements happen that compromise can't be reached.  It's kind of like putting someone on ignore when he is always right and you are always wrong.  You still have to listen and learn even if you don't agree. 

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54 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump will never unite the country. Not with extremist right ring radicals like Bannon and Sessions in key positions.


Probably he won't. But honestly, even if he didn't have Bannon and Sessions on his team, I think you'd still denounce him. Not saying that's wrong, more that many people do not want to be "united" by Trump. Doubt he'll do any good on this front, zero expectations. Just hope he'll leave something which could be restored. A houses divided might not stand, a house demolished...meh.

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4 hours ago, ehs818 said:

The majority of the electorate did not vote for Trump. In fact almost 75% of eligible voters did not vote for Trump. Of those that did vote, about 1,800,000 more votes for Clinton have been counted so far, with more mail in ballots and provisional ballots still being counted. He did not receive a 'mandate' from the voters. In fact, he did not even have a plurality, much less a majority. He is only the 'winner' due to the form of voting that exists in the USA. The Electoral College meets on December 19 to cast their ballots. Still time for an upset as some US states require the Electoral College members to vote for their states winner, while some certainly do not. While it's possible that an upset may still occur to benefit Clinton, it's highly unlikely. You think the Democrats are 'sore losers'? If that turnabout were to occur, you'd see real violence from Trump supporters if enough of the Electoral College voters were to alter their votes based on the information that the poplular vote went to Clinton and not to Trump. If allowed to vote freely the results could be reversed.

Fox News site (CNN info is from the 18th) with current information (7:11 am EST at this time) is about 1.2 million difference. So it looks like the difference is shrinking. Interesting. You are probably correct that things would be far from pretty if the electoral college didn't vote the way their states are supposed to vote. That would probably be true in any of the historical elections - if they voted differently than the election results.

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If any of the cultural Marxists haven't noticed yet, Trump isn't in office and has not issued any orders executive or otherwise.  For those hoping for a revolution, I'm thinking that perhaps it's wise to be careful what you wish for.  Free speech is protected; violence is not.  But however it sorts itself out, I'm quite happy to no longer live there.  Enjoy playtime kids.  Remember Kent State (nevermind, before your time).  :sleep:



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If any of the cultural Marxists haven't noticed yet, Trump isn't in office and has not issued any orders executive or otherwise.  For those hoping for a revolution, I'm thinking that perhaps it wise to be careful what you wish for.  Free speech is protected; violence is not. 
Nobody is advocating violence here. Enough with the red baiting. Indeed he's not in office yet but he's already made a number of horrific picks. Notably Bannon and Sessions.
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Probably he won't. But honestly, even if he didn't have Bannon and Sessions on his team, I think you'd still denounce him. Not saying that's wrong, more that many people do not want to be "united" by Trump. Doubt he'll do any good on this front, zero expectations. Just hope he'll leave something which could be restored. A houses divided might not stand, a house demolished...meh.

That's academic. He is making the horrific picks.
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