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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

So it's a moderate conservative value to dress up in Nazi uniforms and hold parades is it? It's a moderate conservative value for groups to "pray out the Gay" (one of Pence's only ideas), so the way you and Trump want to make America Great Again is simply to return to the days when you can call blacks ni****s and c**ns whenever you like, call Gays homo's and queer's, touch up 14 year old girls without fear of recrimination, pay women less and more preferred don't allow them to work just keep them in the kitchen and looking after the 8-10 kids you have because it's a sin to waste sperm in the end of a condom. And to throw into your recipe of bigot soup lets put in a handful of discrimination. If they are not white they are blacks, slant eyes, gooks, Jewboys, Yids and every other DISGRACEFUL way our predecessors used to treat other human's. The real way to make America great again is to gather up Trump and all his supporters and throw them in the middle of the Pacific. 


The Vacuum was not "caused by the left", the Vacuum was caused by right wing fascists pushing non educated poverty stricken whites into a bigot army that are now currently foot soldiers for Trump and Bannon. I am simply staggered that seemingly educated people such as yourself fall for this utter crap. What Trump does is NOTHING to do with MSM, they just film him talking. Look at HIS interviews and Rallies. He is a lying SOB and if you cannot see that you are lost beyond hope and people like you bear a direct responsibility for the people that will suffer due to this mans sociopathic policies.


I will get off the fence now.

Dressing up in Nazi uniforms? I have no idea what you're talking about. Let's assume there were some conservatives who did this. So? They have nothing to do with mainstream conservatism. To paint all conservatives this way is as idiotic as painting all Mexicans or conservative Mexicans the same way because of their Nazi dance shows. YES in a small part of Mexico they do hold Nazi dance shows, youtube it. 


As for praying out the gay, I would think there are Christian conservatives who believe in this. They can pray out whatever they want, it's not going to work either way. I'm so sorry that Christians praying to an assumably imaginary god has triggered you so badly.


I don't know anyone who wants to go back to the days of calling black people those words. But hey nice strawman. Don't forget to take it down and pack it away when you're done beating it up. Have fun.


Boy you're all over the place. Touching up 14 year old girls? What the heck are you talking about?? 


We want to pay women less? Oh boy, sounds like you fell for the wage gap myth. Wouldn't it make more business sense to then just hire only women? Why don't most business owners do this? Hmmm…..


There's no point in addressing the rest of what you wrote. It's just a bunch of drivel from someone clearly foaming at the mouth with no real coherency in their writing. You might want to wipe off your keyboard.




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7 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

It's a story alright; a story of a man's regression from Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde. From "Feeli'n the Bern" to "BURN IT ALL DOWN!!"

I saw through all of Bernie's socialist BS and I didn't want to feel the Bern that Venezuela is currently feeling or the Bern that many socialist Western European countries are feeling when you give all that power to the state 555555555

"It may be an unwise man who doesn't learn from his own mistakes, but it's an absolute idiot that doesn't learn from other people's."


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4 hours ago, Morch said:


I don't think that labeling the opposition is helpful. Call that naive if you like. Pretty sure the point could be made without it, which just might leave a chance for a less toxic aftermath. Not sure what you thought my POV suggests, but it isn't what you think. There was no denial of your right to crusade against Trump. There wasn't a suggestion this, by itself, is wrong. My earlier comment was that Trump is a symptom. Symptoms shouldn't be ignored. But addressing symptoms while ignoring underlying causes, well that's asking for another "outbreak" (poor choice of word, being lazy). One reoccurring feature is that merely bringing up the subject of addressing possible mistakes or rethinking the approach taken results in raging responses.


Consider Trump is all you say he is. Then consider that a whole lot of American citizens actually voted for him. Downplaying support figures is possible, but not to the extent that it can be ignored. This support may not represent a popular majority, and it may even be dwindling, but it is still sizeable. The US can get along with a split vote. That's pretty much normal. What it might have trouble with is when sides can't even relate to each other without denigrating, labeling and treating every issue as a zero sum game.


These people, these Americans, aren't going anywhere. They will not necessarily come about and vote democrat en masse because of Trump's conduct, incompetence and policies. They will not see the light even if you call them this or that on an extra 10,000 posts. People rarely listen when insults are hurled. So other than ignoring them, belittling them, or fantasizing major changes - what exactly is the plan?


But by all means, do call me naive while glossing over the above.


Amazing you can attempt to summarize the issues but neglect the issue of race and equal rights  for all which has been the central, root issue of American politics since the the Constitution was written. 


All one has to do is read the history of both the republican and democratic parties since 1877 to see how we got where we are today. If that is too far back just look at the impacts of the 1964 Voter Rights Act and the Civil Rights Acts of 1965 on both local and national politics and how those race issues were manipulated by certain big money powers to bring about the current Republican Party's economic policies. 


That is is the populist appeal of Trump and the demographics of his core supporters clearly shows that. Nixon, Reagan,  both Bushes were elected based on racist dog whistle appeals.  Trump was just slightly less subtle in his appeal using the cover of anti political correctness.   


Others in 3 or 4 key states choose to vote Republican mostly due to choosing a supreme court justice ( mostly  due to a religious right wing that some how convinced themselves that voting for twice divorced self admitted women abuser who has no religious beliefs and changed a life time pro choice stance to anti-abortion 2 years before the election was a good idea) which put him over the top. 


Pandering to his base is nothing more then continuing 150 years of white supremacy promoted by a specfic wing of the 1% elite to cover their  economic policies (which are actually destructive to their followers) in US politics. 


"These people, these Americans" are no different then the millions of confederate soldiers who were convinced to die in defence of a racist policy of slavery that only benefited less the 1% of the southern states population and had been brainwashed  that their only self perceived claim to dignity was they weren't niggers. 



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16 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Dressing up in Nazi uniforms? I have no idea what you're talking about. Let's assume there were some conservatives who did this. So? They have nothing to do with mainstream conservatism. To paint all conservatives this way is as idiotic as painting all Mexicans or conservative Mexicans the same way because of their Nazi dance shows. YES in a small part of Mexico they do hold Nazi dance shows, youtube it. 


As for praying out the gay, I would think there are Christian conservatives who believe in this. They can pray out whatever they want, it's not going to work either way. I'm so sorry that Christians praying to an assumably imaginary god has triggered you so badly.


I don't know anyone who wants to go back to the days of calling black people those words. But hey nice strawman. Don't forget to take it down and pack it away when you're done beating it up. Have fun.


Boy you're all over the place. Touching up 14 year old girls? What the heck are you talking about?? 


We want to pay women less? Oh boy, sounds like you fell for the wage gap myth. Wouldn't it make more business sense to then just hire only women? Why don't most business owners do this? Hmmm…..


There's no point in addressing the rest of what you wrote. It's just a bunch of drivel from someone clearly foaming at the mouth with no real coherency in their writing. You might want to wipe off your keyboard.




I think you forgot what you wrote!

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Kind of pointless presenting anything when you can't remember what you wrote.

You've made it very clear you have no REAL arguments nor can you address any rebuttals to what you wrote.

What do you want from me?

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5 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Maybe you should have started off with silence instead of making yourself look like an a** with your original reply?

I was replying to an a** who made a bigoted racist post. So go and be sick of your PC world where you're


 sick and tired of being called a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, transphobe, islamaphobe, arachnophobe or nazi just for holding moderate conservative values and opinions or just for stating facts.

People with moderate conservative values are not called those things. Right wingers with hateful values are called those things. So as you were sick and tired of it along with the other Trump supporters you know exactly where you stand and it is not moderate conservative. If you are sick and tired of being called those things then alter your behaviour.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

I was replying to an a** who made a bigoted racist post. So go and be sick of your PC world where you're

People with moderate conservative values are not called those things. Right wingers with hateful values are called those things. So as you were sick and tired of it along with the other Trump supporters you know exactly where you stand and it is not moderate conservative. If you are sick and tired of being called those things then alter your behaviour.

Wrong again bucko. The Left has labeled anyone who merely doesn't agree with their values(or narrative) as sexist, homophobe etc as a way to tar and feather them thus delegitimizing their concerns.

And what 'bigoted racist' post, may I ask, did I make? Go ahead, I'll be here waiting but won't hold my breath ; ) 

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I was replying to an a** who made a bigoted racist post. So go and be sick of your PC world where you're

People with moderate conservative values are not called those things. Right wingers with hateful values are called those things. So as you were sick and tired of it along with the other Trump supporters you know exactly where you stand and it is not moderate conservative. If you are sick and tired of being called those things then alter your behaviour.


I would argue the left has far more racists and bigots on their extremes than anything the right could muster.

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1 minute ago, Crowes said:


I would argue the left has far more racists and bigots on their extremes than anything the right could muster.

Very true. My conversion form liberal to conservative really sped up, so to speak, when I learned that Democrats founded the KKK. And that line from LBJ "‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years" disgusted me to know ends for multiple reasons.

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29 minutes ago, Crowes said:


I would argue the left has far more racists and bigots on their extremes than anything the right could muster.

That's a totally sleazy dodge. The trump regime got elected on an ideology of white nationalism. It's chief strategist is Bannon.

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Things falling apart with trump.

Please speed it up before he does much more damage.




Trump is hastening his own political death spiral


Trump likely will become more unhinged as headlines dog him day after day, a parade of witnesses troop in to talk to the special counsel and the investigation metastasizes.

At any rate, the noose will tighten, especially as the prosecutorial team demands financial records that Trump has so far concealed from view. If ordered to comply with document subpoenas, will he comply as Richard Nixon was obliged to do after the Supreme Court’s ruling on the tapes — or will he defy the order of one of those so-called judges and finally take his ball and stomp off for good?





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35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's a totally sleazy dodge. The trump regime got elected on an ideology of white nationalism. It's chief strategist is Bannon.

Maybe in your fantasy land spun by MSNBC, but there's nothing racist about Trump or the majority of his followers. Keep the liberal talking points going though.

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3 minutes ago, Crowes said:

Maybe in your fantasy land spun by MSNBC, but there's nothing racist about Trump or the majority of his followers. Keep the liberal talking points going though.

Nobody rational believes that. There is no basis for communication between us if you can't accept basic realities. 

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A new trump beer to consider --





Donald Trump Mocked as a Swastika-Belted Mariachi on Mexican Craft Beer Label


The beers makers say the cross-border beer demonstrates a spirit of collaboration between Mexico and the United States are Trump's rhetoric on the campaign trail comparing Mexican migrants to "rapists" and "criminals".

In his guise as a traditional Mexican folk musician, Trump's trousers are held up with a swastika belt buckle, and the rear label of the beer informs the reader that the 71-year-old New Yorker belongs "in a mad house, not the White House."






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30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Nobody rational believes that. There is no basis for communication between us if you can't accept basic realities. 

You're reality is a story in your head that you've told yourself so many times that you now believe to be true which is only reaffirmed by the liberal media trying to rile the left up. Look what it did with the violent assassination attempt carried out yesterday by a liberal Bernie supporter.

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51 minutes ago, Crowes said:

You're reality is a story in your head that you've told yourself so many times that you now believe to be true which is only reaffirmed by the liberal media trying to rile the left up. Look what it did with the violent assassination attempt carried out yesterday by a liberal Bernie supporter.

No, my POV is based on objective facts.

Did you forget the trump led racist birther movement?

Have you researched the white nationalist ideology of Bannon?

Like I said, there is no basis for any discussion between us. All you can do is demonize the best news sources there are in the U.S. such as the New York Times.

As Zakaria said today, U.S. politics is getting to be like the Middle East. 

Honestly, what do we have to say to each other?

There is no basis for any productive discussion.

To add, back off on trying to connect me or the anti-trump resistance in any way to the violence of one man. That is cheap, sleazy and totally wrong. 




For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance


In countless collisions of color and creed, Donald J. Trump’s name evokes an easily understood message of racial hostility. Defying modern conventions of political civility and language, Mr. Trump has breached the boundaries that have long constrained Americans’ public discussion of race.




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Well, we're down to the wire in the Georgia special congressional election of trumpist, virulently anti-gay civil rights but experienced Handel vs. neophyte anti-trumpist Ossoff.


Election day is June 20. 


The consensus of the recent polls show about a 3 point lead for Ossoff. 


That's not such a comforting margin. So it's going to come down to turnout.

Given that the ENTHUSIASM and PASSION now in the country is much more anti-trumpist than trumpist, it would be rather a shocker if Ossoff loses now.


So I'm OK with seeing this election as a bellweather for 18 either way that it goes.  

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6 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

Very true. My conversion form liberal to conservative really sped up, so to speak, when I learned that Democrats founded the KKK. And that line from LBJ "‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years" disgusted me to know ends for multiple reasons.

Indeed, LBJ may have said that line (http://www.snopes.com/lbj-voting-democratic/) but he also realized that after signing the 1964 Civil Rights Acts (and the later 1965 Civil Rights Act) that he had likely driven virtually every white supremacist into the Republican party for a very long time, which is exactly what got Nixon elected in 1968 and why, except for Carter in 1980, the formerly "solid Democratic south" has voted overwhelming Republican since. 


To blame the racist legacy of the Southern Democratic Party now fully embraced by the Republicans for your "conversion " from a liberal to a conservative is flagrantly dishonest. 


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19 minutes ago, thaihome said:

Indeed, LBJ may have said that line (http://www.snopes.com/lbj-voting-democratic/) but he also realized that after signing the 1964 Civil Rights Acts (and the later 1965 Civil Rights Act) that he had likely driven virtually every white supremacist into the Republican party for a very long time, which is exactly what got Nixon elected in 1968 and why, except for Carter in 1980, the formerly "solid Democratic south" has voted overwhelming Republican since. 


To blame the racist legacy of the Southern Democratic Party now fully embraced by the Republicans for your "conversion " from a liberal to a conservative is flagrantly dishonest. 


Trust me, learning about the racist history of the democratic party was only a part of my conversion. The real catalyst and bigger reason was modern day liberals.

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playing various tribes against each other is exactly what will not work..... and it hasn't... but we do keep getting closer.... as versus the prior (we now know) 300,000 years.... but still have one last step to make.

that last step is.... to vote and demonstrate for the USA to withdraw the 5 vetoes power rule.

[ the 5 permanent members of the UN ]

all of the nonsense.... knives in the streets, Kim Jung Un needs nukes (he really does folks).... airplanes flying into buildings.... Brexit... George Soros.... the USA giving a big okay to the Shah of Iran to raise oil prices.. (and he did and...) while also "suggesting" (at that time we could) that he also take Iran nuclear.. and then suggesting to Saddam to do the same thing when there wasn't a Shah anymore but then later asking "hey where did ya put those WMD we showed you how to make"?.... etc etc etc etc...

money games using borders..... and aircraft carriers... a game.

and it has to start in the USA.... but what are we told?

the last thing we need is a strong UN because "they" will get us.
the commies.. the "Dems".. the "GOP"... Trump vs. the anti Trump.... the terrorists (which is who?????) and..... the of course folks who believe we were made in a different image of God the Talking Chimpanzee..... or don't even believe in that but have another story to tell ya....

all except this story:

get rid of the 5 vetoes. all 5 at the same time, of course.

seriously. you can trace the entire farce of the last 300,000 years on this unending nonsense... we keep getting closer and closer but no cigar.... let's finally get it done. do it. (1) stop the nonsense about 'them'.... that was a movie... a pretty good one... but about giant ants... this one is a story about talking chimpanzees and nothing and nobody else. all of them. all of us.

(2) get rid of the 5 vetoes. 

and very quickly after (1).




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On 6/13/2017 at 11:23 AM, Morch said:

There was no suggestion that anyone cares about the "like" statistics. Yet another dishonest projection. And while on the subject of dishonest projections, no one suggested following Trump's tweets. I guess most of us are aware of them exactly as you prescribed, when they are reported by the media. And doubt I made no special psychological references with regard to Trump in this exchange.

That you do not see Trump's tweets as important, meaningful or whatnot is your right. Trump and his spokesperson seem to think otherwise, perhaps take it up with them.

And as if by order, here's the latest:

COVFEFE Act would preserve Trump's tweets as official statements


Deflect away.

it's time to move on... you have my honest response and clarification...  It is obvious after my clarification how I use items tweeted in conjunction with responsible journalism... I am tired of the relentless hatred  and raising of issues from a topic to personal confrontation from both sides of the aisle and similar commentary on other outlets... it's outcome  has been sadly displayed on the practice fields for charity softball game played by members of congress...




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9 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

What BS did I fall for? Not all Trump supporters support all of his policies or everything he's said, you'd think most people understand this as this is the case for most voters and their candidates.

So, seeing that you somehow seem to know all the positions I support him on

1.) which issues or positions do I support?

2.) and why do you think it's BS?

Fair call.  I do believe we've yet to see him accomplish anything.  But for sure has lied and treated others terribly.  Oh, I guess he did accomplish selling over 100 Billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia to help with their proxy wars in Yemen and Syria.


What Issues of his do you support?

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26 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Fair call.  I do believe we've yet to see him accomplish anything.  But for sure has lied and treated others terribly.  Oh, I guess he did accomplish selling over 100 Billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia to help with their proxy wars in Yemen and Syria.


What Issues of his do you support?

It's a question most Trump supporters don't like to answer since he has reversed or massively weakened his stance on so many issues.  What he supports today he may not support tomorrow.  Remember his triumphant attendance at the ceremony for the House passed version of Health Care Reform. Just lately he denounced it as "mean."

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9 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

I saw through all of Bernie's socialist BS and I didn't want to feel the Bern that Venezuela is currently feeling or the Bern that many socialist Western European countries are feeling when you give all that power to the state 555555555

"It may be an unwise man who doesn't learn from his own mistakes, but it's an absolute idiot that doesn't learn from other people's."


Impossible to compare Bernie to what's going on in Venezuela.  That would never happen in the US.  Luckily.


What burn is Western European countries experiencing?  Perhaps pain from the Brexit?  Or pain that the German economy is doing too well?

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