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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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16 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

So you saw Hillary and Obama while you were there?  And yes, I've been to 90 countries now.  Saying most people don't have a clue is a bit rude.

Just a fact that most don't have a clue, and no, I didn't say I saw Hillary or Barack, I just the direct results of their ignorance of foreign affairs. I didn't see their ignorance of domestic affairs, until I came home.

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16 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

And what has Trump accomplished so far?  He said he's done more in one month that any other president.  He's lost the plot.  He's done nothing but create chaos.


P.S. this isn't about Hillary...nor his election win...time to move on.

The only chaos I've read about, is the Mexican Consulates are getting bombarded by requests, from illegal immigrants asking for help and advice.

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On 21.11.2016 at 9:23 AM, JSixpack said:


Persistent, of course. If you're used to free stuff you want to keep getting it. A large number will always want to believe in the promise of free stuff, don't know a thing about money management, and so fight to make those promises come true. Never coherent because it rests on a fundamental contradiction which The Iron Lady summed in a nutshell: "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]." Already the National Debt has ballooned to about 20 trillion. So the strategy will stay focused on printing money, borrowing money, taxing the productive (tired of having their tax dollars wasted), and redistribution. The faithful will persist in believing that's rational and coherent rather than contradictory and self-defeating.

I am late to the party, but: excellent post.

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In case there is anyone left who wonders WHY the resistance to the very failing donald trump --




Trump called the news media an ‘enemy of the American People.’ Here’s a history of the term.

Today, enemy of the people is still deployed. But mostly, you hear it from dictators. (Heads of former Soviet countries are particularly fond of the construction. Old dog, new tricks, etc.) It's never before been uttered by the leader of the free world. One more way in which Trump's presidency truly is unprecedented in U.S. history.




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Schiff on Trump's media slam: 'Something that you hear tin-pot dictators say'


"President Donald Trump's statement that the media are the "enemy of the people" is "something that you hear tin-pot dictators say

when they want to control all of the information," Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said."


"Schiff, who sits on the House intelligence committee, said the comment Trump made about the media in a tweet this week was "the most devastating and the most alarming" yet, in an interview with ABC's Jonathan Karl for "This Week" to be broadcast Sunday."


"That he essentially views the First Amendment -- because that's what these organizations represent -- as an enemy of the people."


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Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are keeping info from him


"Intelligence sources say the agency is intent on protecting information, and if there are concerns it could be compromised, it will be withheld."


"The ongoing investigation into whether Trump associates coordinated with the Russians remains a concern for some who handle sensitive data."


"It can be inferred that there is a lack of trust, and because the CIA has had a role in uncovering signs of Russian cyber intrusions, there are also concerns that sensitive information could be shared with adversaries."


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5 hours ago, beechguy said:

Just a fact that most don't have a clue, and no, I didn't say I saw Hillary or Barack, I just the direct results of their ignorance of foreign affairs. I didn't see their ignorance of domestic affairs, until I came home.

Here is what you posted:


I saw some of Obama's and Hillary's work first hand.

So you are saying Hillary and Barack are ignorant of foreign affairs?  I'd say they know more about it than almost anybody.  Whether they do the right thing is another matter, and not entirely up to them.  Obama was blocked by congress for most of his last 4 years.  I'll agree that most people don't understand foreign affairs.  To be fair, it's a massively complex thing.  And not easy to deal with.  Unless you are looking at things in hindsight.  Then it's real easy.


Still waiting for what work you saw first hand.

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On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 3:23 PM, JSixpack said:


Persistent, of course. If you're used to free stuff you want to keep getting it. A large number will always want to believe in the promise of free stuff, don't know a thing about money management, and so fight to make those promises come true. Never coherent because it rests on a fundamental contradiction which The Iron Lady summed in a nutshell: "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]." Already the National Debt has ballooned to about 20 trillion. So the strategy will stay focused on printing money, borrowing money, taxing the productive (tired of having their tax dollars wasted), and redistribution. The faithful will persist in believing that's rational and coherent rather than contradictory and self-defeating.


I am late to the party, but: excellent post.

And yet it's overwhelmingly the red states that take more from the federal government than they give.

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Understanding the mentality of trumpists that buy trump's BIG LIES:




A Holocaust Historian Explains Why People Believe Trump's Lies

Any rational thinker could take a quick look at Irving and make a corollary to modern individuals and organizations that trade in manipulated facts and outright lies against "mainstream" ideas or universally understood truths. Irving is fundamentally no different than Alex Jones, who peddles conspiracy theories, or Milo Yiannopoulos and Richard Spencer, who sell prejudice and more contemporary alt-right rhetoric. Their anger and paranoia, their hyperbole, and the constant whiff of conspiratorial doom they perceive in the democratic winds are nothing new in the American political landscape. The sitting president slid into the Oval Office with an economically frustrated electorate stirred into anger with undercooked nonsense about a Kenyan-born Barack Obama, climate change hoaxes, and "fake news." The past is always prologue.




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21 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I'm no Trumpist but  you're lying again he said biggest win for Republicans and yes he made a mistake about HW but you cannot in HONESTY include dems in the list - DISINGENUOUS   

1/" Trump said he won the election by securing 306 Electoral College votes, which represents “the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Regan.”

2/ Later  a reporter called out Trump’s lie by mentioning real facts. He began by telling Trump that Obama’s both victories were bigger than his, regarding electoral votes — Obama got 365 votes in 2008, and 332 in 2012.

3/ Trump said that he was talking about Republican victories, something that wasn’t clear in his previous remark.

4/ Even so, the reporter continued, Trump’s margin is not even close to George H.W Bush’s 426 electoral votes win in 1988. The reporter then asked, “so why should Americans trust you?”

5/Trump then replied that he “was given that information. I don’t know. I was just given it. We had a very, very big margin.”


Real Donal Trump (popular vote loser won EC votes ) Fake POTUS

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25 minutes ago, Opl said:

1/" Trump said he won the election by securing 306 Electoral College votes, which represents “the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Regan.”

2/ Later  a reporter called out Trump’s lie by mentioning real facts. He began by telling Trump that Obama’s both victories were bigger than his, regarding electoral votes — Obama got 365 votes in 2008, and 332 in 2012.

3/ Trump said that he was talking about Republican victories, something that wasn’t clear in his previous remark.

4/ Even so, the reporter continued, Trump’s margin is not even close to George H.W Bush’s 426 electoral votes win in 1988. The reporter then asked, “so why should Americans trust you?”

5/Trump then replied that he “was given that information. I don’t know. I was just given it. We had a very, very big margin.”


Real Donal Trump (popular vote loser won EC votes ) Fake POTUS

Opl, thank you for your your post, however, the trumpeteers on this form, will not read anything that is against Trump. But just be happy, because they are the same as there master, Trump doesn't read anything either.

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Note that the failing donald trump fails to take responsibility for his lies (or even acknowledge those lies) even when clearly BUSTED. Of course trumpists don't care ... they LIKE it. He's "sticking" it to the media. 

As he said in his campaign, he could go out on the streets of New York and murder some random person and he wouldn't lose any of his supporters.

It's time his supporters start to WAKE UP, don't you think? "Your" president is a total NUTCASE ... 
The man in charge of the nuclear codes can't even process information correctly that any 10 year old could easily know. 

Yeah, Americans will be feeling much "safer" with him in charge.





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         Trump getting booted out of office won't come too soon.  He's an awful person on many counts.


          In a simplistic way, I judge whether a person is bad, by one basic tenet:  is what they do harmful to people, animals or the environment?  Trump is causing harm already, but he hasn't yet reached his stride.  He will do a lot more harm before he's forced from office - and there will also be reverberating harm, even after he's vacated the post.


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Sweden pipes in ...


Apparently the mentally confused old dear incorrectly processed something he heard on Fox News.

Not the first time. Not the last time. Be very afraid. 


Yeah, I get it. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. But trump as president is in every conceivable way a MISTAKE. 


Looking forward to millions of former trump supporters to express the reality ... that they've been CONNED and are ready to join the RESISTANCE. Sure there will always be a hard core base, the real deplorables, the alt-right Pepe the frog groupies, etc.  ... they of course will never ever admit the MISTAKE. 




Donald Trump Appears To Make Up Sweden Terror Attack

It didn’t happen.



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John McCain to the rescue?

The harsh truth now is for there to be any chance of forcing trump out, there will need to be a significant amount of REPUBLICAN support.

Country (and the very future existence of the WEST) before party.

Are they up to it?
I wouldn't bet on it but John McCain provides a glimmer of hope.



John McCain just systematically dismantled Donald Trump’s entire worldview

In case there was any doubt that this was about Trump. Here's what followed:

"[The founders of the Munich conference] would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood and race and sectarianism.”

“They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see towards immigrants and refugees and minority groups -- especially Muslims.”

“They would be alarmed by the growing inability -- and even unwillingness -- to separate truth from lies.”

"They would be alarmed that more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism and romanticizing it as our moral equivalent."



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Sanders on Trump: 'This guy is a fraud'


"This guy is a fraud," Sanders told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" Sunday."


"This guy ran for president of the United States saying, 'I, Donald Trump, I'm going to take on Wall Street --

these guys are getting away with murder.' Then suddenly, he appoints all these billionaires," Sanders said."


"Trump selected Steve Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs trader and hedge fund manager, as his treasury secretary nominee;

Wilbur Ross, a billionaire former banker, to lead the Commerce Department; and Gary Cohn, a top Goldman Sachs executive, 

to lead his National Economic Council."


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Fox News anchor Chris Wallace warns viewers: Trump crossed the line in latest attack on media


“Look, we're big boys. We criticize presidents. They want to criticize us back, that's fine,” Wallace said Sunday morning on “Fox & Friends.”


“But when he said that the fake news media is not my enemy, it's the enemy of the American people, I believe that crosses an important line.”


"In the backlash to Trump's tweet, #NotTheEnemy began trending, with people sharing stories about journalists who had dedicated their lives to —

and, in some instances, paid the ultimate price for — reporting the news."


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

John McCain to the rescue?

The harsh truth now is for there to be any chance of forcing trump out, there will need to be a significant amount of REPUBLICAN support.

Country (and the very future existence of the WEST) before party.

Are they up to it?
I wouldn't bet on it but John McCain provides a glimmer of hope.


Every Pundit Has Critiqued Trump's Press Conference. This Is the One That Matters. It's the Best, and It's From a Republican.



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11 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

I am not a Trumpist.....but. :saai:

yes... I am a supporter of honesty and truth. I supported Bernie and a change in the stupid system that allows Bush and Trump to lose the election but still be POTUS. However Deep State is out to get him and he should have been clearer about his 'win' he got more electoral votes than any Republican not including HW and I think people should avoid lying saying that he is a pathological liar as it doesn't help and people will see it's not true and have some sympathy. Stick to the facts that he should not be POTUS.

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36 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

yes... I am a supporter of honesty and truth. I supported Bernie and a change in the stupid system that allows Bush and Trump to lose the election but still be POTUS. However Deep State is out to get him and he should have been clearer about his 'win' he got more electoral votes than any Republican not including HW and I think people should avoid lying saying that he is a pathological liar as it doesn't help and people will see it's not true and have some sympathy. Stick to the facts that he should not be POTUS.

He lies more by a at least a magnitude of 10 more than any other politician has ever lied. So if you want to assert that he's not a "pathological liar" fine. I don't see how that's a meaningful distinction, though.

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Trump builds a big boat using rotten wood, held together by paperclips, bubble gum and scotch tape.  Now the boat is coming apart and sinking.  Who wood'a thot?


Note:  Carl Bernstein, the journalist who, along with Woodward, broke the long story on Nixon breaking laws: came out yesterday comparing Trump with Stalin and Hitler.  Bernstein says Trump's war on the 1st Amendment and the press corps is worse than anything Nixon did.  

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