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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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15 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:


Oh dear, not a shining example. From the not leftist Washington post? An online survey of 1,011 Americans conducted between Dec. 6 and 12. Amazing.

It is well understood that the average American knows pretty much f all about f all. The majority did vote for Hillary after all!

The WP is a good news outlet.  Seems you just don't like what they post.  Which goes to what was said in that article.  People tend to read what they want to hear. 


Don't attack the source.  But in your last sentence, you hit the nail on the head.  The average XXXXX citizen (fill in the XXXX with any country's name) know little about what's really going on.  IMHO, one big reason democracy is failing.

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17 minutes ago, rijb said:

Read the entire article.  He's got an uphill battle to get the ship back on course.  Getting rid of Bannon would be a great idea.  From that article.





For all of his war-making experience, however, he has little background in navigating Washington politics, which could be a challenge for him in his new role with a fractious national security team to corral.

His challenge now will be to take over a rattled and demoralized National Security Council apparatus that bristled at Mr. Flynn’s leadership and remains uncertain about its place in the White House given the foreign policy interests of Stephen K. Bannon, the former Breitbart News chairman who is the president’s chief strategist.


Even McCain supports this guy!  Great!

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Are you a Trump supporter?  If so, what do you think about these deceptions and lies?  I thought Trump was suppose to bring about change to the "swamp" in Washington? 






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19 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


Kinda like his campaign promises.  Nothing done yet.  That article is from over a month ago.  Easy to say things like this, incredibly hard to implement them.  As every previous president has found out.  From that article:


Still, Trump is likely to face a wall of opposition from Democrats and federal unions who consider much of the federal workforce on their side.

Trump promises a lot, but has yet to deliver.

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26 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


So he lops 10% off gov't spending. How does that stack up to the increased spending on his vacations and setting up an 'oval office' in Trump towers NY and all the other baggage he's brought to the office. Overall he's on record to be the costliest pres. in history. 

Doesn't say much about his business acumen.


This 10% cut and reduction of fed jobs amounts to a drop in the ocean.

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1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

An old post, from over a month ago.  And one that he hasn't even addressed.  Not that he ever can.  Luckily, it's not 100% up to Trump.  He has to deal with congress, the judiciary, unions, etc, etc, etc. 


More drivel like during his campaign.  Time to actually do something.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

An old post, from over a month ago.  And one that he hasn't even addressed.  Not that he ever can.  Luckily, it's not 100% up to Trump.  He has to deal with congress, the judiciary, unions, etc, etc, etc. 


More drivel like during his campaign.  Time to actually do something.

Ya, probably right. Whole month in office and hardly a head lopped off.  Guess us Republicans will just quit while we are bashing Sweden. You win. 

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3 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Ya, probably right. Whole month in office and hardly a head lopped off.  Guess us Republicans will just quit while we are bashing Sweden. You win. 

Trump has lopped off several heads.  Read the news.  Mainly those who didn't agree with him.

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8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Kinda like his campaign promises.  Nothing done yet.  That article is from over a month ago.  Easy to say things like this, incredibly hard to implement them.  As every previous president has found out.  From that article: Trump promises a lot, but has yet to deliver.

He was campaigning in Florida a couple of days ago.  He's still saying pap smear type stuff like:  "Yes folks, we're going to get rid of that horrible thing called Obamacare.  We've got a wonderful replacement.  You're going to love it.  We'll reveal it later........."


Reality check:  He and his fellow dunces probably don't have anything to replace it.  Trump is the supreme salesman.  If he were selling vacuum cleaners, he's tell prospects: "This vacuum cleaner is the greatest.  The vacuum you had before, you can toss it in the trash.  This one I sell will make your house more wonderful than you could ever imagine.  You'll be so happy, I promise you.  Just make a check out to my name for $89.95 and I'll throw in a free whisk broom, no extra charge.  You're gonna love this whisk broom.  It's like no other whisk broom you ever had.  Months from now, you'll thank me like you've never thanked anybody in your lifetime, because you'll have the most amazing wonderful vacuum and whisk broom known to mankind."

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8 hours ago, Rob13 said:

So he lops 10% off gov't spending. How does that stack up to the increased spending on his vacations and setting up an 'oval office' in Trump towers NY and all the other baggage he's brought to the office. Overall he's on record to be the costliest pres. in history.  Doesn't say much about his business acumen. This 10% cut and reduction of fed jobs amounts to a drop in the ocean.

          First off, he won't lop off 10% of any spending relating to government.  He's probably referring to 'discretionary spending' which is the small % of spending after all the mandatory spending of many billions done by the Feds:  % on the national debt, social security, military and veterans' payments, and gov't pensions, etc. 


        Republicans have always talked the talk about slashing spending, but they have never walked the walk about doing anything other than cutting some programs that affect the little people (non-rich, don't vote) like inner city school lunch programs.


           If you ever sit down with a Republican and start making a list of what could be cut back, you'll quickly find that there are many items which are sacrosanct in his/her view.  Many items (in their opinion) which can't be considered for any cuts whatsoever.  Dems aren't much better.   America needs leaders who aren't afraid to cut 15% across the board ON EVERY FEDERAL OUTLAY, including salaries, pensions, % on the national debt, ss, military, parks service, NASA, .......EVERYTHING !

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Translators have their work cut out for them ...



“He rarely speaks logically, and he only emphasizes one side of things as if it were the absolute truth. There are lots of moments when I suspected his assertions were factually dubious,” said Chikako Tsuruta, who routinely covers Trump-related news as an interpreter for CNN, ABC and CBS.

“He is so overconfident and yet so logically unconvincing that my interpreter friends and I often joke that if we translated his words as they are, we would end up making ourselves sound stupid,” Tsuruta, who is also a professor of interpreting and translation studies at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, said in a recent interview.



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Trump unhinged: Now he's even at war with Fox News


"After Trump’s highly unusual White House press conference Feb. 16, Fox’s Shepard Smith had enough."


"The chief news anchor and managing editor of Fox’s breaking news division went on his own eight-minute rant 

about Trump’s falsehoods and refusal to answer questions."


“It’s crazy what we are watching every day,” he continued. “It’s absolutely crazy. He keeps repeating ridiculous throwaway lines

that are not true at all and sort of avoiding this issue of Russia as if we are some kind of fools for asking the questions. Really?"


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5 best moments from the UK’s anti-Trump debate

After 1.8 million people signed a petition to stop the US president getting a state visit,

MPs spend three hours debating whether to let him in. (sub-title)


Paul Flynn, insulter-in-chief

"The veteran Labour MP got the debate underway and didn’t hold back."


"He said the “intellectual capacity of the president is proto-zoan,” described Trump as a “petulant child,”

decried the “cavernous depths of his climate ignorance” and described him as having “a ceaseless incontinence of free speech.”


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Trump family’s elaborate lifestyle is a ‘logistical nightmare’ — at taxpayer expense


"In New York, the city is paying $500,000 a day to guard Trump Tower, according to police officials’ estimates,

an amount that could reach $183 million a year."


"This month, The Post reported that Secret Service and U.S. Embassy staffers paid nearly $100,000 in hotel-room bills

to support Eric Trump’s trip to promote a Trump-brand condo tower in Uruguay."


"Barely a month into the Trump presidency, the unusually elaborate lifestyle of America’s new first family is straining the Secret Service and security officials, stirring financial and logistical concerns in several local communities, and costing far beyond what has been typical for past presidents — a price tag that, based on past assessments of presidential travel and security costs, could balloon into the hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of a four-year term."


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So many LIES.


What this Fact Checker project affirms is that Trump has changed nothing in his approach to the truth since being elected president. During the course of the campaign, nearly two-thirds of the claims that The Post’s fact-checking team looked into were rated Four Pinocchios – meaning that they were found to be completely false. By comparison, 14 percent of Clinton’s fact-checked statements received four Pinocchios.




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This made me laugh. Slowed down only around 10% Trump does sound like some drunk at the bar. It actually makes you focus on his words and he does indeed have the vocabulary and expressiveness of a 6 year old, or a 70 year old drunk. The bit around 1 minute with the nukes is funny.



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On 2/17/2017 at 5:43 PM, craigt3365 said:

Trump is not doing what presidents are suppose to do.   They are not suppose to lie!  Understand?  He loses all credibility when he lies.  About anything.  I wasn't anti Trump until recently.  He's yet to prove he's presidential material.  And at a 40% approval rating, a majority of Americans think that way.


As for the rest of the world, the US is a mainstay of the global economy.  So yes, it's up to countries like the US, China, Germany, the UK, Japan, etc, to have global interests in mind when they make decisions.  As these decisions will impact their own economies.  We are a global community now.  You can't live in isolation.

Give me a break! All presidents lie, all politicians lie. It goes with the territory. Obama lied, Bush ( both of them ) lied, Clinton lied, Reagan lied. Had HRC been elected we'd have the biggest liar ever as POTUS.

Far as I know the one world government hasn't been agreed to, so it's up to the US if they want to be isolationist or not.

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8 hours ago, iReason said:

5 best moments from the UK’s anti-Trump debate

After 1.8 million people signed a petition to stop the US president getting a state visit,

MPs spend three hours debating whether to let him in. (sub-title)


Paul Flynn, insulter-in-chief

"The veteran Labour MP got the debate underway and didn’t hold back."


"He said the “intellectual capacity of the president is proto-zoan,” described Trump as a “petulant child,”

decried the “cavernous depths of his climate ignorance” and described him as having “a ceaseless incontinence of free speech.”


LOL. Given the appalling PMs that the UK has had ( remember Bush's poodle? ), it's a bit rich a Labour politician complaining about an American president.

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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Give me a break! All presidents lie, all politicians lie. It goes with the territory. Obama lied, Bush ( both of them ) lied, Clinton lied, Reagan lied. Had HRC been elected we'd have the biggest liar ever as POTUS.

Far as I know the one world government hasn't been agreed to, so it's up to the US if they want to be isolationist or not.

I don't agree with you on this.  Obama didn't lie, just couldn't get his programs through a divided congress.  Is that lying?  Clinton did lie.  So far, Trump's the top with regards to telling whoppers.  It's well documented.  No arguing that one.


Bush's famous quote "read my lips" is another excellent example.  Congress blocked him. 

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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

          First off, he won't lop off 10% of any spending relating to government.  He's probably referring to 'discretionary spending' which is the small % of spending after all the mandatory spending of many billions done by the Feds:  % on the national debt, social security, military and veterans' payments, and gov't pensions, etc. 


        Republicans have always talked the talk about slashing spending, but they have never walked the walk about doing anything other than cutting some programs that affect the little people (non-rich, don't vote) like inner city school lunch programs.


           If you ever sit down with a Republican and start making a list of what could be cut back, you'll quickly find that there are many items which are sacrosanct in his/her view.  Many items (in their opinion) which can't be considered for any cuts whatsoever.  Dems aren't much better.   America needs leaders who aren't afraid to cut 15% across the board ON EVERY FEDERAL OUTLAY, including salaries, pensions, % on the national debt, ss, military, parks service, NASA, .......EVERYTHING !

America needs leaders who aren't afraid to cut 15% across the board ON EVERY FEDERAL OUTLAY, including salaries, pensions, % on the national debt, ss, military, parks service, NASA, .......EVERYTHING !

Amazing! I never thought I'd agree with you on anything, but on this, 100% ( with the exception of pensions on the lower paid and the non officer military ranks ).

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

America needs leaders who aren't afraid to cut 15% across the board ON EVERY FEDERAL OUTLAY, including salaries, pensions, % on the national debt, ss, military, parks service, NASA, .......EVERYTHING !

Amazing! I never thought I'd agree with you on anything, but on this, 100% ( with the exception of pensions on the lower paid and the non officer military ranks ).

Many have tried this before and failed.  Easier said than done.  As you know, it's not up to just one person.  It's massively complex to do this and needs a true leader who can bring people together to get this done.  Trump is definitely not good at this.

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

I don't agree with you on this.  Obama didn't lie, just couldn't get his programs through a divided congress.  Is that lying?  Clinton did lie.  So far, Trump's the top with regards to telling whoppers.  It's well documented.  No arguing that one.


Bush's famous quote "read my lips" is another excellent example.  Congress blocked him. 

Oh come on! Have you already forgotten Obama's "you can keep your plan, you can keep your Dr". and something about how it would be "cheaper". Not forgetting his promise to close Guantanamo.

Bush the younger was the worst with his WMDs. Thousands died because of that.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh come on! Have you already forgotten Obama's "you can keep your plan, you can keep your Dr". and something about how it would be "cheaper". Not forgetting his promise to close Guantanamo.

Bush the younger was the worst with his WMDs. Thousands died because of that.

You are cherry picking.  I could list a dozen Trump lies.  And he's only been in office a bit over a month! LOL

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The retarded thing about Trump is the way he lies. Most politicians lie to get elected or to stay out of trouble. On top of the lies to get elected an stay out of trouble, Trump makes up facts, many of which have no real bearing on anything important. 


He comes off uninformed  on his best days. At his worst he comes off as mental patient disconnected with reality.


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21 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You are cherry picking.  I could list a dozen Trump lies.  And he's only been in office a bit over a month! LOL

In your previous post you said that "Obama didn't lie" as a statement of fact. That was untrue. I am not making comparisons between liars. Far as I'm concerned all politicians lie. When AI becomes a reality I hope they sack the lot and put a computer in charge.

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22 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

The retarded thing about Trump is the way he lies. Most politicians lie to get elected or to stay out of trouble. On top of the lies to get elected an stay out of trouble, Trump makes up facts, many of which have no real bearing on anything important. 


He comes off uninformed  on his best days. At his worst he comes off as mental patient disconnected with reality.


but he's still the president  :smile:.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh come on! Have you already forgotten Obama's "you can keep your plan, you can keep your Dr". and something about how it would be "cheaper". Not forgetting his promise to close Guantanamo.

Bush the younger was the worst with his WMDs. Thousands died because of that.

Guantanamo is massively complex.  You can't just say "Obama lied".  There's much more to it than this.  And in the end, politics got him.





While the Democrats were in charge of both chambers, Congress passed legislation requiring the administration to notify Congress of impending transfers and later barring Obama from spending money to bring detainees to the United States or from purchasing a stateside facility to hold Gitmo detainees, Stimson said.


Ken Gude, senior fellow at the liberal Center for American Progress, said that Congress interfered in ways that it never did during the Bush administration to impose barriers to make it difficult for Obama to close Gitmo. But he says that the reduction in detainees under Obama is an achievement.



So, blame the republicans.  They were in power the last 4 years of Obama's term as POTUS.  Up to them to close it.

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