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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

Clarification is not needed.  I don't view the current administration the way the WP (and standard democratic or otherwise self classifies progressive sites)  do. I also do not share their outlook on things to come.  It takes at least a year, and more like a year and a half to get a feel for an administration.  As I have stated many times, I'd like to wait before coming to any conclusions and how to vote in midterm elections.  


Here's a little list of wait-until-after things...


The primaries.

The elections.

The electoral college vote.

The inauguration.

The first month in office.


Nothing to indicate Trump changed or will change.


Now a couple more:


The first year.

The midterm elections.


No worries.

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Why is Trump flailing? Because Americans hate his agenda, and it’s based on lies.


"Everyone in Washington is trying to figure out why President Trump’s agenda has stalled on multiple fronts and why his approval numbers are swirling down the toilet. As his campaign promises are getting translated into concrete policy specifics"


"Americans are recoiling from the results. What’s more, this process is unmasking the disconcerting levels of dishonesty, bad faith, and lack of concern for detail and procedure that are rotting away at the core of his agenda and approach to governing, all of which is plainly working against him."


"The result has been a presidency lacking in significant victories, beset by major stumbles — including the downfall of the Republicans’ health-care bill and his travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries — and that is the target of litigation as a result of executive actions, especially related to the environment."




Based on Lies.

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Attempts to liaise with Russia - the plot thickens...


Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel



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Trump Pulls Back Obama-Era Protections For Women Workers


"With little notice, President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order that advocates say rolls back hard-fought victories for women in the workplace."


"On March 27, Trump revoked the 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces order then-President Barack Obama put in place to ensure that companies with federal contracts comply with 14 labor and civil rights laws."


"The Fair Pay order was put in place after a 2010 Government Accountability Office investigation showed that companies with rampant violations were being awarded millions in federal contracts."



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Blackwater Founder Repped Trump at Secret Meeting Overseas: Sources


"Blackwater founder Erik Prince represented Donald Trump at a secret overseas meeting convened by the United Arab Emirates in early January, two intelligence sources familiar with the matter told NBC News."


"The Post said the UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective that would likely require major concessions to Moscow on U.S. sanctions."


"Prince, who founded the Blackwater firm that became a private security provider for the U.S. government in Iraq, is the brother of Betsy DeVos, the education secretary in the Trump administration."





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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Attempts to liaise with Russia - the plot thickens...


Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel



in addition.


This is OMG!! news.



The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladi­mir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.




He (Prince) appears to have particularly close ties to Bannon, appearing multiple times as a guest on Bannon’s satellite radio program over the past year as well as in articles on the Breitbart Web site that Bannon ran before joining the Trump campaign.

In a July interview with Bannon, Prince said those seeking forceful U.S. leadership should “wait till January and hope Mr. Trump is elected.” And he lashed out at President Barack Obama, saying that because of his policies “the terrorists, the fascists, are winning.




Edited to add:  Thanks iReason, we are both on the Washington post at the same time LoL.  Juicy this one is isn't it!! Trump is now stood on the gallows and the noose is around his neck.


Get these traitorous scumbags in jail for good.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Click on this link at the Washington post to see the graphics and links of the Trump Administration to the Russians. It is breath taking.



Quick add this one to the list: President Trump made remarks Monday about the subway bombing in St. Petersburg, Russia, saying that the deadly attack was “absolutely a terrible thing.”

Breath taking :cheesy:

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Great job Donald!  I'm sure this will do a lot to help our economy. :bah:






Mexico doubles down on pivot away from U.S.

Mexico is one of the biggest buyers of American corn and soy. Corn is a staple food to the Mexican diet, found in everywhere from taco stands to fine dining restaurants.


It's a fortuitous time for Mexico to look south and east. Argentina and Brazil, two of the world's most closed economies to trade, have leaders trying to shed protectionist policies for free trade.



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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Click on this link at the Washington post to see the graphics and links of the Trump Administration to the Russians. It is breath taking.



                  Great interactive graphic!   That's part of what's needed in this.  In the old days, there would be a cork board with photos/descriptions of various people, with red tape or string connecting. It was often done for mafia, where there were many folks and many connections.   Trump and his henchmen are worse than mafia.  Mafia just made a mess of a whatever city their particular gang was based in.   Trump and his people are making messes all over the US and overseas.


                Note, Ivanka should be on that chart also.  Is she immune because she's a pretty lady?   There are photos showing her vacationing with Putin's daughter.  It's not against the law to vacation with dictator's kids, but that's probably indicative of other connections between the two families. 


           The FBI and Senate Committees are probably doing some useful work on this imbroglio, but Americans really need an independent committee to find out what's really been going on.  


                 An interesting article/audio articulating how Trump is immensely influenced by young internet punks stationed in former USSR east bloc countries and Russia itself.  




      Thanks, Trump voters, for handing the US over to a mentally weak man who is massively influenced by Russian speaking hackers.   If someone had written this scenario 5 years ago as a novel, I would have laughed while dismissing it as too fictional to be believed.   Sadly, it's waxing as truth.   A man bent on harming the US (wittingly or unwittingly) is in the top power seat.   


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2 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

OUCH indeed, that's 7 mins 41 seconds of my life I won't get back.

Just to summarise, as always, NOTHING but hot air and wishful thinking.

No hot air or wishful thinking. All facts. 7 mins 41 secs is a small price to pay, I would be more worried about the 4 years of your life you won't get back under Trump. And maybe the entire lives many sons and daughters of America will never get back when Bannon Trump decides to go for North Korea without China's co-operation or agreement. Suddenly living in this region won't be so cool after all, but Trump supporters in the USA won't give a crap. Do anything you like but just Not In my Back Yard.

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Watch to the end - OUCH!



                    I have increasing respect for Olbermann.  He's not only brave - to speak the truth so directly, but he's miles ahead of any Congressional committee re; intelligence gathering and connecting the dots.   He's probably also ahead of the FBI.  Republican Comey is dragging his feet re; the investigation.  He only elicits info (grudgingly) that all of us, who watch people like Olbermann and Maddow, have known for months.  


              Comey is not the man for the investigative job.  He's too much in Trump's corner.   Americans need an independent investigator with a mind (and courage) to match Olbermann's.   The opposite of Nunes on the House side, who is doing everything he can to stymie the investigation.  It must be massively frustrating for Schiff and other Dems on the House Intel Committee to have a ding dong like Nunes in charge.  It would be like trying to motor a boat across a lake, while the captain keeps pouring sand into the gas tank.


3 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

OUCH indeed, that's 7 mins 41 seconds of my life I won't get back.

Just to summarise, as always, NOTHING but hot air and wishful thinking.

           If the truth hurts too much, don't watch, don't listen, don't be aware.  For some people (Trump fans in particular), ignorance is bliss.   Meanwhile, the majority of Americans (and lots of non-Americans) are concerned that a bunch of treasonous people have taken over the White House.  We not only want them out of there a.s.a.p., we want everyone who has broken laws to pay penalties - be it large fines, or long prison sentences, or both.



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22 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Wot no story on Susan Rice?

I wonder why.

Because there is no story unless you know otherwise.


It is absolutely routine for people in the right position to request the unmasking of individuals who may be caught whilst foreign diplomats etc are being surveilled. She never gave those names out to the public and it was within her right to unmask. Perhaps you ought to concern yourself with WHY Trumps team mates were unmasked! Generally unmasking is done if there is a risk of harm or violence towards the US citizen that is 'masked' OR if the US citizen were following a line of discussion with the person being surveilled that was detrimental to the National Security of the US. Please explain what it is you think Susan Rice did wrong and how that affects one iota the claims that Trump and his team were colluding with the Russians. Rice has nothing to do with what Trump and his team did.

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9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Because there is no story unless you know otherwise.


It is absolutely routine for people in the right position to request the unmasking of individuals who may be caught whilst foreign diplomats etc are being surveilled. She never gave those names out to the public and it was within her right to unmask. Perhaps you ought to concern yourself with WHY Trumps team mates were unmasked! Generally unmasking is done if there is a risk of harm or violence towards the US citizen that is 'masked' OR if the US citizen were following a line of discussion with the person being surveilled that was detrimental to the National Security of the US. Please explain what it is you think Susan Rice did wrong and how that affects one iota the claims that Trump and his team were colluding with the Russians. Rice has nothing to do with what Trump and his team did.

Well she lied about it for a start. 

More to come me thinks.



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7 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Well she lied about it for a start. 



What exactly did she lie about? She was asked if she knew anything about Trump being wire tapped by Obama and she replied she knew nothing about that at all. She told the truth. What else did she lie about? She was perfectly entitled as NSA to request the unmasking of people that were talking to Russian Diplomats, particularly if those conversations contained content of concern. YOU are not entitled to know the names, SHE WAS entitled to know. So what other problems with this is your mind fabricating?


Once again you are distracting from the main reason for any investigation and that is to find out if anyone is colluding with the Russians. Why you would want to ignore that implies that you are content with treasonous behaviour. Are you?

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She was asked about Devin Nunes allegation that members of the Trump team may have been swept up in the investigation of foreigners.

She said she knew nothing about it. But turns out she request the unmasking?

The outgoing Obama team then spread the info around, and it was leaked. 

She also lied about Benghazi.

And still no evidence of any collusion with the Russians.  



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9 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

She was asked about Devin Nunes allegation that members of the Trump team may have been swept up in the investigation of foreigners.

She said she knew nothing about it. But turns out she request the unmasking?

The outgoing Obama team then spread the info around, and it was leaked. 

She also lied about Benghazi.

And still no evidence of any collusion with the Russians.  



I watched fox news today and saw some very clever editing, they played her answering another question and said it was a response to Nunes allegations. People see what they want to see.


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15 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

She was asked about Devin Nunes allegation that members of the Trump team may have been swept up in the investigation of foreigners.

She said she knew nothing about it. But turns out she request the unmasking?

The outgoing Obama team then spread the info around, and it was leaked. 

She also lied about Benghazi.

And still no evidence of any collusion with the Russians.  






She was asked about Devin Nunes allegation that members of the Trump team may have been swept up in the investigation of foreigners.

She said she knew nothing about it. But turns out she request the unmasking?

She requested unmasking on a large number of people. She said she knew nothing about Obama wiretapping or surveilling Trump, she said she knew nothing about allegations that the Obama team were told to disseminate information on the unmasked names. The PBS interview concerned does not even show her being asked a specific question.



The outgoing Obama team then spread the info around, and it was leaked.

Complete BS.



She also lied about Benghazi.

Nothing to do with this.



And still no evidence of any collusion with the Russians.

Yes, if you are blind, deaf and mute and maybe also in a coma you are unlikely to know that the Trump team were colluding with the Russians.


Why did the FBI start investigating this last June ?? I wonder.


This is simply so pathetic. It is like someone robbing a bank and you are complaining about the people that grass him up to the police. By the sounds of it, it is highly likely that things were said on these conversations that made the surveillance teams continue to record instead of turning off the tapes. Only when things are being said that constitute a crime or affect National Security will the surveillance team continue when there is a US citizen unexpectedly involved in the call. Instead of you worrying about the crime that may have been committed you are worrying about who is grassing them up. How utterly pathetic is that? it is completely clear that things were being discussed that should not have been discussed and as a result the whole lot involved should be named and shamed and not protected from their crimes by treasonous barrack room lawyers like yourself.

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Has anyone stopped to consider that Republicans, that dont like trump, are behind leaks. Flynn etc, happend after they had the keys to the intelligence filing cabinet.

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38 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

And still no evidence of any collusion with the Russians.

Only that little matter of Flynn getting sacked, best not to ask why, lets concentrate on who leaked it.

Look over there, something shiny.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes, if you are blind, deaf and mute and maybe also in a coma you are unlikely to know that the Trump team were colluding with the Russians.

So where is the actual EVIDENCE? If ANYONE had actually found ANYTHING of any substance it would have come out by now.

They have been on this for nearly a year, and still there is nothing,

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So where is the actual EVIDENCE? If ANYONE had actually found ANYTHING of any substance it would have come out by now.
They have been on this for nearly a year,and still there is nothing,

Trying to shut down the investigation huh?
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