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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Hillary joining the resistance. You lucky people.




Everyone is welcome including ex-trumpists.


That does not mean she will be the main leader going forward.


That's an open contest and it's generally understood she has had her chances already. Sad but true.



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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Everyone is welcome including ex-trumpists.


That does not mean she will be the main leader going forward.


That's an open contest and it's generally understood she has had her chances already. Sad but true.




Everyone is welcome including ex-trumpists.

They are a fast growing group.



Edited by Skywalker69
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Family Crime Wave Grows As Trump In Laws Caught Selling US Visas To Wealthy Chinese Investors


Trump's son in law's sister Nicole Kushner gave a presentation in China explaining how wealthy investors could immigrate to the US by investing $500,000 in a Kushner real estate project in New Jersey.



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Donald Trump former aide Carter Page refuses to provide Russia contacts to Senate

He had previously said he wanted to cooperate with the investigation (sub-title)


"Former Trump adviser Carter Page has declined to provide records of his communications with Russians to the Senate intelligence committee, saying that anything of note has already been recorded by former President Barack Obama’s administration."


"A joint statement from the top senators on the intelligence committee, chairman Richard Burr and ranking member Mark Warner, said that they will continue to investigate Russia’s influence in the 2016 election whether Mr Page cooperates or not."


"The Senate committee had previously indicated that it would take further steps if Mr Page refused to provide the documents they asked."




"already been recorded" says he... :whistling:

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Trump Weighing 95 Percent Cut to Drug Office, Chief Warns


"The Trump administration is weighing a cut of almost 95 percent of the budget for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy at a time the president has pledged to aggressively combat opioid addiction, according to an internal memo."


"The office, which coordinates much of U.S. drug strategy, including responses to trafficking, could see several grant programs for drug prevention discontinued under the proposal, which was decried by prevention advocates and members of Congress from both parties when it was reported on Friday."


“These drastic proposed cuts are frankly heartbreaking and, if carried out, would cause us to lose many good people who contribute greatly to ONDCP’s mission and core activities,’’ Richard Baum, acting director, wrote Friday in a staff memo that was provided to news outlets."





Trump, Christie Pledge to Combat Nation's Opioid Addiction

President Donald Trump has tapped New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to the lead the against the nation's addiction crisis. (sub-title)


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is vowing to step up efforts to combat the nation's opioid addiction crisis, and he's tapped New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to lead the fight.


"We want to help those who have become so badly addicted. Drug abuse has become a crippling problem throughout the United States," said Trump, citing statistics that show drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the country.


"This is a total epidemic and I think it's probably, almost un-talked about compared to the severity that we're witnessing."




I guess it was all the BS hyperbole as usual...


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Kushner Family Tells Wealthy Chinese: Invest With Us and You Can Immigrate


"White House senior adviser Jared Kushner's family business  encouraged wealthy Chinese citizens to “invest $500,000" in their real estate empire and then be allowed to immigrate to the United States."


"That was the message for an event held Saturday in a ballroom full of wealthy Chinese investors at the Ritz-Carlton in Beijing, The Washington Post reported."


"Kushner’s sister, Nicole Meyer, encouraged those in the ballroom to invest in her family's New Jersey real estate project and get an investor visa in return."




Workin' the crowd aren't they?  :whistling:


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3 hours ago, iReason said:

Jan 26th 2017

 Has it blown up yet?


April: http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/04/23/donald-trump-approval-rating-poll-96-percent-voters-support-vote-2016-election






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54 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:


Nice try. NOT.


Your skewed graphic sites Rebublican voters only.


But given the fact you are aligned with Fox "News", let them speak the whole story re: the overall approval rating of the inept con-man:






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"A national poll released last week shows that a steadily increasing number of people who voted for Trump at the 2016 general election are joining a category of voters dubbed “Trump regretters,” that is, people who voted for Trump in November but have since changed their minds or have serious doubts that they made the right voting choice."


"The new PSB Research survey conducted last week found that 11 percent of the general population identified themselves as “Trump regretters.”


"The poll also found that although a majority of Trump voters still feel that Trump is keeping his promises, improving the economy and keeping America safe, only 39 percent of Trump voters agreed with the statement that he is “surrounding himself with the best people,” compared with 50 percent who agreed with the same statement last month."




11 percent in one month.

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17 minutes ago, iReason said:


Nice try. NOT.


Your skewed graphic sites Rebublican voters only.


But given the fact you are aligned with Fox "News", let them speak the whole story re: the overall approval rating of the inept con-man:

Sorry. The poll was NOT Republican voters only. The particular question obliviously only applies to those who did vote Trump.


The poll is also nothing to do with Fox. It was a WP/ABC poll: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/nearing-100-days-trumps-approval-at-record-lows-but-his-base-is-holding/2017/04/22/a513a466-26b4-11e7-b503-9d616bd5a305_story.html?utm_term=.6186821446ac

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Trump is pictured on the golf course AGAIN after insisting trip to Bedminster was to save taxpayers money


"Donald Trump was pictured hitting the links on Saturday at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey."


"The President had previously stated that the purpose of his trip to the club was for 'meetings,' and explained that he would be 'working from home' during the weekend."


"A photo showing the President enjoying his favorite pastime on the greens emerged on Instagram, taken by another member of the golf club." 




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5 hours ago, iReason said:

Donald Trump former aide Carter Page refuses to provide Russia contacts to Senate

He had previously said he wanted to cooperate with the investigation (sub-title)


"Former Trump adviser Carter Page has declined to provide records of his communications with Russians to the Senate intelligence committee, saying that anything of note has already been recorded by former President Barack Obama’s administration."


"A joint statement from the top senators on the intelligence committee, chairman Richard Burr and ranking member Mark Warner, said that they will continue to investigate Russia’s influence in the 2016 election whether Mr Page cooperates or not."


"The Senate committee had previously indicated that it would take further steps if Mr Page refused to provide the documents they asked."




"already been recorded" says he... :whistling:

The shit is about to hit the fan, big time. 

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