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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Trumps Error: Request loyalty from the independent

The first mistake Trumps was to try to make someone like Comey quasi to a subject dependent on him. This begins with the fact that the president who has just been appointed demands loyalty from an official whose office is based on independence from politics, and that he gave the impression that Comey's job depended on his well-being. Now it may be that Trump has not encountered many upright officials like Comey in his life, and that incapability is a foreign word in the world of New York real estate companies.

The office of the president is not to be confused with the leadership of an own company, where you can hire and fire employees according to whim. Is a shit feeling that he has still his fingers on the atomic buttons.

Indeed. You cannot run the Government like a Business. People, especially Republican voters, don't get that. The citizens are not customers, like Trump believes. He's a public servant paid by the citizens!
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2 minutes ago, jerojero said:

Indeed. You cannot run the Government like a Business. People, especially Republican voters, don't get that. The citizens are not customers, like Trump believes. He's a public servant paid by the citizens!


Maybe Trump could run the government like a community organizer, but we all know that would be another complete disaster.

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8 minutes ago, jerojero said:

Indeed. You cannot run the Government like a Business. People, especially Republican voters, don't get that. The citizens are not customers, like Trump believes. He's a public servant paid by the citizens!

Excellent post.  Voters were unhappy with how things were progressing, stirred on by radical websites like Fox.  They felt a change was in order, but turned out to be the wrong change. 


Perhaps these voters should have educated themselves with something like this:



The business of business is business and the goal of business is to earn a profit in the provision of goods and services. The business of government is service -- well managed, one hopes, and not wasteful, but never at a profit. There is no such thing as government money. Governments have no money; they have only what they take from their citizens, either in taxes or by inflation. And if government accrues profit it can only have done so by taxing too much or eroding the value of the citizens' income and savings -- in either case doing harm, not good, to the people who have created it for the advantages such a common effort is presumed to bestow.



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1 hour ago, opalred said:

fox news  the ringmaster

You're reading off an extremely outdated script, my friend. If there was a bigger indicator of someone's 'normie' status, I've yet to hear it 55555

Edited by Rigby40
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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Fair call.  I do believe we've yet to see him accomplish anything.  But for sure has lied and treated others terribly.  Oh, I guess he did accomplish selling over 100 Billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia to help with their proxy wars in Yemen and Syria.


What Issues of his do you support?

Yeah I was turned off by his weapons deal with Saudi. Also, when he bombed that airstrip in Syria it shook my faith in him but it turns out that despite everything the naysayers said he never went further. Had he actually gotten us involved in a real war with Syria, that would have been it for me(AMERICA FIRST!) You have to remember that he's supposed to represent his constituencies interests why would we continue to support him if he goes against our interests? I'll be the first one to drop him like a hot potato should he go against my interests. Also realize that for a majority of us, our interests ultimately lie in the future and betterment of the United States of America, not the Republican party(many of us are independents including myself), not Trump or anyone else.


Off the top of my head here's what I support:

The wall, tighter immigration(if not a complete temporary pause in immigration) from Muslim majority countries, more deportations of illegals(criminals first priority, don't mind keeping ones with ZERO criminal record), he's politically incorrect(political correctness is demonstrably dangerous), he speaks his mind(for better or worse!), he gave a huge middle finger to the establishment media(you'll find that we're sick and tired of the MSM have been for years YES that includes Fox News for a lot of us), defunding Planned Parenthood(I am PRO-CHOICE but I don't want my tax dollars going to someone's abortion) and he doesn't seem like your typical phony politician, the type of guy you could shoot the s*** with, you know 'relatable'.


One thing I will concede to the anti-Trumpers(and even some of his supporters) is that they said it would be too hard for him to pass his policies due to lack of cooperation from establishment dems and repubs. We're seeing this happen right now in regards to the immigration ban.

Edited by Rigby40
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18 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Yeah I was turned off by his weapons deal with Saudi. Also, when he bombed that airstrip in Syria it shook my faith in him but it turns out that despite everything the naysayers said he never went further. Had he actually gotten us involved in a real war with Syria, that would have been it for me(AMERICA FIRST!) You have to remember that he's supposed to represent his constituencies interests why would we continue to support him if he goes against our interests? I'll be the first one to drop him like a hot potato should he go against my interests. Also realize that for a majority of us, our interests ultimately lie in the future and betterment of the United States of America, not the Republican party(many of us are independents including myself), not Trump or anyone else.


Off the top of my head here's what I support:

The wall, tighter immigration(if not a complete temporary pause in immigration) from Muslim majority countries, more deportations of illegals(criminals first priority, don't mind keeping ones with ZERO criminal record), he's politically incorrect(political correctness is demonstrably dangerous), he speaks his mind(for better or worse!), he gave a huge middle finger to the establishment media(you'll find that we're sick and tired of the MSM have been for years YES that includes Fox News for a lot of us), defunding Planned Parenthood(I am PRO-CHOICE but I don't want my tax dollars going to someone's abortion) and he doesn't seem like your typical phony politician, the type of guy you could shoot the s*** with, you know 'relatable'.


One thing I will concede to the anti-Trumpers(and even some of his supporters) is that they said it would be too hard for him to pass his policies due to lack of cooperation from establishment dems and repubs. We're seeing this happen right now in regards to the immigration ban.

Under existing law, no federal funds are allowed to be used for providing abortions by any agency including Planned Parenthood.

That said, I can't see why you, as a supporter of choice, would oppose that if it weren't the case

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Under existing law, no federal funds are allowed to be used for providing abortions by any agency including Planned Parenthood.

That said, I can't see why you, as a supporter of choice, would oppose that if it weren't the case

17 states still allow it, including mine.


I don't want my tax dollars going to someone else's poor choices. I don't have a big problem if they pay for their own abortions.


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Just now, Rigby40 said:

17 states still allow it, including mine.


I don't want my tax dollars going to someone else's poor choices. I don't have a big problem if they pay for their own abortions.


Well considering that Planned Parenthood serves a lot of poor women, it actually is a money saving measure to finance their abortions.  Even in the unlikely event that  all government benefits were cut off, someday those kids will be attending schools funded by taxpayer dollars.

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well considering that Planned Parenthood serves a lot of poor women, it actually is a money saving measure to finance their abortions.  Even in the unlikely event that  all government benefits were cut off, someday those kids will be attending schools funded by taxpayer dollars.

Yeah I totally get you in regards to the economic issues involved. That's actually the only reason I'm pro-choice. As long as we have a welfare state I will probably always be pro-choice, to cut down on welfare recipients because kids aren't cheap and some people just aren't ready for kids financially which is understandable.

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2 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Yeah I totally get you in regards to the economic issues involved. That's actually the only reason I'm pro-choice. As long as we have a welfare state I will probably always be pro-choice, to cut down on welfare recipients.

So you don't want your x amount of tax dollars going to pay for their abortions but it's preferable for your x+ amount goes to pay for their childrens' various needs?

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So you don't want your x amount of tax dollars going to pay for their abortions but it's okay if you x+ amount goes to pay for their childrens' various needs?

I don't want to derail this thread further so if you want to continue this conversation via PM that might be more appropriate or keep it here, it's up to the moderators at that point. Having said that the way I see it, the welfare state does more harm than good so I'd like to see it stripped down 'big league'. 

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23 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

I don't want to derail this thread further so if you want to continue this conversation via PM that might be more appropriate or keep it here, it's up to the moderators at that point. Having said that the way I see it, the welfare state does more harm than good so I'd like to see it stripped down 'big league'. 

Thanks for the pleasant divagation.

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2 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

17 states still allow it, including mine.


I don't want my tax dollars going to someone else's poor choices. I don't have a big problem if they pay for their own abortions.


You are a real Trumpeteer, save a penny and lose a buck!

I understand where you are comming from. You worked your whole life, saved some money and hate it when the IRS comes along for your share. "Man, they use my money to help poor people with abortions" and it was there bad choice to get pregnent, so <deleted> them!

How can you be so shortsighted? Only think about the now and not about the future? But than you are not standing alone on this, your hero also has a problem to see farther than 3 minutes.

Keep defending your hero, but at least try to come up with a good reason, like,......... sorry I can't come up with one, but than I'm sure you will fill me in.

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1 hour ago, dutchisaan said:

You are a real Trumpeteer, save a penny and lose a buck!

I understand where you are comming from. You worked your whole life, saved some money and hate it when the IRS comes along for your share. "Man, they use my money to help poor people with abortions" and it was there bad choice to get pregnent, so <deleted> them!

How can you be so shortsighted? Only think about the now and not about the future? But than you are not standing alone on this, your hero also has a problem to see farther than 3 minutes.

Keep defending your hero, but at least try to come up with a good reason, like,......... sorry I can't come up with one, but than I'm sure you will fill me in.



The last couple of people I interacted with in this thread actually had something to say, questions to ask and I assume acted with the intentions of giving me a different perspective on some issues.

Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from them?

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13 hours ago, Crowes said:


That is their plan. That's what also helped lose them the election. Rather than have an adult conversation, they resort to name calling, made up stories from media organizations with the word "New York" in their name, comments by anonymous "officials" which are never true, and just out and out rage. I hope they keep it up too, it will be an easy re-election of Trump.

What you describe relates to either side of the political divide. The inability to discuss things in a reasonable manner, the name calling, the made up stories, the wholesale rejection of certain media outlets, generalized assertions about the veracity of comments, and that rage. Not caring about it, because it serves a current partisan agenda, pretty much embodies what my post was about.

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13 hours ago, thaihome said:

Amazing you can attempt to summarize the issues but neglect the issue of race and equal rights  for all which has been the central, root issue of American politics since the the Constitution was written. 


All one has to do is read the history of both the republican and democratic parties since 1877 to see how we got where we are today. If that is too far back just look at the impacts of the 1964 Voter Rights Act and the Civil Rights Acts of 1965 on both local and national politics and how those race issues were manipulated by certain big money powers to bring about the current Republican Party's economic policies. 


That is is the populist appeal of Trump and the demographics of his core supporters clearly shows that. Nixon, Reagan,  both Bushes were elected based on racist dog whistle appeals.  Trump was just slightly less subtle in his appeal using the cover of anti political correctness.   


Others in 3 or 4 key states choose to vote Republican mostly due to choosing a supreme court justice ( mostly  due to a religious right wing that some how convinced themselves that voting for twice divorced self admitted women abuser who has no religious beliefs and changed a life time pro choice stance to anti-abortion 2 years before the election was a good idea) which put him over the top. 


Pandering to his base is nothing more then continuing 150 years of white supremacy promoted by a specfic wing of the 1% elite to cover their  economic policies (which are actually destructive to their followers) in US politics. 


"These people, these Americans" are no different then the millions of confederate soldiers who were convinced to die in defence of a racist policy of slavery that only benefited less the 1% of the southern states population and had been brainwashed  that their only self perceived claim to dignity was they weren't niggers. 




There was no attempt to "summarize the issues", or include all facets which relate to the US political scene, past, present and future. Making everything only about one issue or the other is often off mark, and the same goes for the above. People vote the way they vote for a whole lot of reasons. Belittling and denigrating about half of them as clueless and/or racists may give some posters a moral erection, but not that much of a turn on for me. That's apart from such discourse not leading anywhere, and not being aimed at achieving anything beyond sticking it to the opposition.  

Edited by Morch
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4 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

it's time to move on... you have my honest response and clarification...  It is obvious after my clarification how I use items tweeted in conjunction with responsible journalism... I am tired of the relentless hatred  and raising of issues from a topic to personal confrontation from both sides of the aisle and similar commentary on other outlets... it's outcome  has been sadly displayed on the practice fields for charity softball game played by members of congress...





Nobody keeping you from moving on. Treating your posts on this matter as "honest" is optional, and my choice is to view them otherwise. Nothing in your tiresome "clarification" is relevant to the point, and most of the "clarification" rests on doubtful assumptions. Making a connection between the exchange and the latest shooting is another low, emoticons notwithstanding.

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Trump hires the wedding planner -- to oversee NY federal housing program? 


"According to a report in the New York Daily News, Donald Trump has appointed the spectacularly unqualified Lynne Patton to run the Region II office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which covers New York and New Jersey -- thus confirming the Trump administration's haphazard treatment of the problems facing American cities."

"Patton, who has been an event planner and personal aide to members of the Trump family (she planned Eric Trump's wedding), has no experience in housing or urban development."
"She will now be tasked with coordinating the flow of billions of federal dollars into New York City, Newark, Trenton and other troubled urban centers."


The Latest: Trump said to want only the 'best and brightest'

"A Republican Party spokesman says President-elect Donald Trump is searching among "the best and brightest in the country" to set up his administration."




Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump discusses his criteria for choosing senior administrators,

during a Q&A with hedge fund manager John Paulson.

Video here:


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33 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:



The last couple of people I interacted with in this thread actually had something to say, questions to ask and I assume acted with the intentions of giving me a different perspective on some issues.

Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from them?

I asked you a question, give a good reason what Trump is doing so good.

And you know, I interacted with some people to on this form, but than they can read.

Maby you can learn from them.

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Just now, dutchisaan said:

And you know, I interacted with some people to on this form, but than they can read.

Maby you can learn from them.

I already posted my thoughts on what good I see in Trump. Maybe YOU should learn how to read.



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7 minutes ago, iReason said:

Trump hires the wedding planner -- to oversee NY federal housing program? 


"According to a report in the New York Daily News, Donald Trump has appointed the spectacularly unqualified Lynne Patton to run the Region II office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which covers New York and New Jersey -- thus confirming the Trump administration's haphazard treatment of the problems facing American cities."

"Patton, who has been an event planner and personal aide to members of the Trump family (she planned Eric Trump's wedding), has no experience in housing or urban development."
"She will now be tasked with coordinating the flow of billions of federal dollars into New York City, Newark, Trenton and other troubled urban centers."


The Latest: Trump said to want only the 'best and brightest'

"A Republican Party spokesman says President-elect Donald Trump is searching among "the best and brightest in the country" to set up his administration."




Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump discusses his criteria for choosing senior administrators,

during a Q&A with hedge fund manager John Paulson.

Video here:


be interesting to observe the spin from the alt right subscribers / trolls in this topic

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3 minutes ago, simple1 said:

be interesting to observe the spin from the alt right subscribers / trolls in this topic


There will be the usual suspects deflecting and attacking me for "cutting and pasting" facts.


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12 minutes ago, iReason said:

Trump hires the wedding planner -- to oversee NY federal housing program? 


"According to a report in the New York Daily News, Donald Trump has appointed the spectacularly unqualified Lynne Patton to run the Region II office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which covers New York and New Jersey -- thus confirming the Trump administration's haphazard treatment of the problems facing American cities."

"Patton, who has been an event planner and personal aide to members of the Trump family (she planned Eric Trump's wedding), has no experience in housing or urban development."
"She will now be tasked with coordinating the flow of billions of federal dollars into New York City, Newark, Trenton and other troubled urban centers."



4 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

I already posted my thoughts on what good I see in Trump. Maybe YOU should learn how to read.



Tell me Rigby40, reading the post above yours here, what good exactly do you see in Trump?


I am at the point of exhaustion with Trump. If the American people do not see fit to simply close all businesses and block the streets until this clown is removed from office then they deserve him. Simply do not go to work, nobody. Trump will be gone within a week.

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3 minutes ago, iReason said:


There will be the usual suspects deflecting and attacking me for "cutting and pasting" facts.


That is because for one on here he runs with the signature (and they are sensitive souls).

"Your facts stop where my feelings begin"



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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Tell me Rigby40, reading the post above yours here, what good exactly do you see in Trump?


I am at the point of exhaustion with Trump. If the American people do not see fit to simply close all businesses and block the streets until this clown is removed from office then they deserve him. Simply do not go to work, nobody. Trump will be gone within a week.

I can type it again but it's going to be the exact same thing. Maybe you missed it, a page or two back.


And don't expect the majority of the American people to throw a temper tantrum like a little baby :passifier: because they didn't get their way and close all businesses and block the streets. I've met some very reasonable people who don't particularly like Trump but have gone about their business, like adults do.

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10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

That is because for one on here he runs with the signature (and they are sensitive souls).

"Your facts stop where my feelings begin"



Put your money where your mouth is and show me one post where I've attacked anyone for copying and pasting something.

I'll be patiently waiting for you to come up with the post lest you make yourself look like a total a**.

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4 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Put your money where your mouth is and show me one post where I've attacked anyone for copying and pasting something.

I'll be patiently waiting for you to come up with the post lest you make yourself look like a total a**.

You seem to be very fond of using the word a**, is it a Freudian thing?

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