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Forgiving abortion: Pope Francis extends power to all Roman Catholic priests


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Forgiving abortion: Pope Francis extends power to all Roman Catholic priests




ROME: -- Pope Francis has extended the power to forgive abortion to all Roman Catholic priests.


He made the announcement in an ‘apostolic letter’ after the close of the ‘Jubilee Year of Mercy.’


The power had previously been reserved for bishops or special confessors.


Archbishop Monsignor Rino Fisichella underlined that the act of abortion remains a sin in the eyes of the Catholic Church.


‘‘It helps everyone, the sin of abortion is technically an expression that includes all the people who are involved in an abortion. So from the women, to the nurse, to the doctor. So forgiveness for the sin of abortion is all-inclusive.”


He went on to add that priests will now also have the power to revoke the excommunication automatically imposed on anyone taking any part in the abortion process.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-22
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About time. You've been forgiving your own for having homosexual affairs with young boys for so long. It only seems fair to forgive those that are making a [their own] life choice. There is only one thing more blind than the church itself and that is those that believe in the trash they peddle.

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never understood why people are denied the right to have sex with other adults, should be the one's preaching to other people about love, family, ...


the stories about above of altar boys says enough


and the disgusting cover up by moving the priest to another location, a bit like policemen here, when they are found out with the hand in the cookie jar

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Let's not be so hard on the church. In Tennessee women are being imprisoned for self-aborting.  Once the USA's new Supreme Court is in place, we're going to be seeing a lot more of that in a lot more states.

Tennessee women are have sex with their brothers; and should be aborted. Add in all the other White Trash states.


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5 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

This should make it much easier for women who have killed their babies to receive forgiveness for this grave sin.


Hope this is an attempt at satirical humor.


If not, please seek professional help and advice.


(And not from some pillock wearing funny clothes, burning candles, and promising to sell you internal salvation).

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Some posts have been reported and moved.   The thread is about the recent edict from the Pope, it's not a thread on Christianity in general or Biblical scriptures.   People are certainly entitled to their own beliefs, but it is important to limit the thread to the topic in the OP.  



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So for 2000 yrs or so this has not been on the general 'forgive list' but now some guy, elected by other men comes along and issues an edict to the creator of the heaven and earth that he must now acknowledge any priest that forgives abortion and then let said sinner into heaven. Seems this Pope guy is the main man, what are we praying to God for, it seems the Pope calls the shots and God does as he is told.


The whole thing was ridiculous before but now it just got a bit more so.

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8 hours ago, Truscott said:

When will people stop listening to pompous self-righteous asses who get their instructions for their invisible friends?

I sometimes wonder if there are people who never progressed from the dark ages.

Surely the best person to advise a frightened teenage girl on her life-changing decisions about sex, childbearing, family harmony and options for education and employment MUST be a middle-aged "celibate" man in a fancy dress and hat who waves smoke around, and who has probably never had a different job, has probably never had a heterosexual relationship and who probably gets room and board for life as long as he follows the doctrine of his superiors.

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