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Bail denied! Stepfather apologizes to everyone except five year old boy he stamped on


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6 minutes ago, thhMan said:

I hope this media attention also serves to help get the message across to those in the education department that something is wrong...

I am frustrated at the education my kids get, but of course I dont take it out on them...


I hate to say it, but I can understand why the mother didnt get an apology... If.... she is one of those parents that let their little sh.. um rascals, run amuck, thinking he will be the next leader of the nation....


Both my Thai girls have said that sometimes it hard to study in school as the boys sometimes cause so much of a ruckus and the teachers do very little to subdue their disruptive behavior!


I dont condone what the Thai man did, but I also understand his frustration when society and culture and dare I say the lack of realization that the teacher, school and/or parents are to also blame for the resulting incident...
Why cant the boy count to 10?... If he has learning issues, then why isnt that being addressed ???


Most schools do NOTHING to stop them illegally riding to school.... (sorry for going OT... its still a sore point for me as I recently saw another accident involving young kids crashing on a scooter)

What planet do you live on, "can't count to 10..... why isn't be addressed???? and just where might that be accomplished- you have already complained about the education system and now you expect remedial teaching - suggest you think it through.

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1 hour ago, ron1964 said:

absolute grub, should not be allowed near the kid again. Problem is the mother will probably accept his bullshit apology and let him back in. Courts , child protection agencies & the blokes in brown (who masquerade as police) should enforce some sort of no go zone (AVO), does that exist here in Disney Land ?

A legal beagle gave the following response on a this question in the past. What is called a ''restraining order'' in the US is not on the books here, BUT, if a assult has taken place a ''protective order'' can be issued to prevent contact between the people involved. Of course this involves the bib  involvement, so its anyones guess as to how it would be handled and consquence of violation.

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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

If he's in jail,lets hope his trial comes up in a few years.

regards Worgeordie

Aye - and let's hope some of his fellow "guests" remind him every day (in their usual, subtle fashion of course!!) of his despicable, cowardly action towards an innocent kid!!

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2 hours ago, KittenKong said:


It's the Thai way. Apologies here are invariably meaningless. Just empty words and gestures.


Now let's not get too subjective about Thai wai ways. We all know what a sorry fellow the President elect is in United States is when caught too.

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

To maybe be punished with only 6 month is not going to tech this person anything. Like 3 year would be a reasonable punishment according to the crime.
Here it´s really time to get some new and fresh paragraphs in the book of law.


Would you like to do six months in a Thai prison? Plenty of time there for him to reflect.

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3 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:


Asians are best ones to take care the family, especially the kids. That's how the population grows in Asia, also you are here.


In western world it is reverse trend, and especially white population is reducing. I am not racist, but you are forced me to mention white, because you mentioned Asian.


Keep your thoughts open, and life is not just coming to Asia and drinking beer.


Keep your thoughts open. Not everyone comes to Asia and drinks beer.

Edited by metisdead
Please do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes or wording.
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1 hour ago, NextStationBangkok said:


Asians are best ones to take care the family, especially the kids. That's how the population grows in Asia, also you are here.


In western world it is reverse trend, and especially white population is reducing. I am not racist, but you are forced me to mention white, because you mentioned Asian.


Keep your thoughts open, and life is not just coming to Asia and drinking beer.


I have been in Asia on and off for some 33 years and I gave a considered opinion, it wasn't a throw away comment. I've lived in Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia. I've also had stints in Singapore and Malayisa and worked 5 years with Nepalese people.


I was married to a Thai lady for 22 years and now a Khmer lady for 9 years, both of whom recounted their 'delightful' experiences at the hands of Asian men. I have worked in all of the countries stated and didn't come to Asia just to chase women and drink beer, actually I don't touch alcohol. By making such a comment you are yourself tarring all Caucasians (not 'white') with the same single brush. How much experience of diverse Caucasian societies do you have?


And if you REALLY look again, it's Asian WOMEN who take care of their families, NOT the men. They say that Thai women are the hind legs of the elephant, that's because when it stands up, the elephant uses its hind legs first.


While I wouldn't be as pretentious as to call myself an expert, I can assure you that I have witnessed a lot of life in Asia at every level. I would suggest that it is you who should keep your mind open, to the negative aspects of life in Asia as well as the rose tinted version before you start being personally condescending towards others.

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1 hour ago, NextStationBangkok said:


Asians are best ones to take care the family, especially the kids. That's how the population grows in Asia, also you are here.


In western world it is reverse trend, and especially white population is reducing. I am not racist, but you are forced me to mention white, because you mentioned Asian.


Keep your thoughts open, and life is not just coming to Asia and drinking beer.

Seems you're not here making a statement as such, if you are here - have you ever been out of your condo in Bkk. and seem the real Thailand.

If you are here and have ventured out a bit.  you would notice that many look after their kids and many neglect and abuse their kids, dump them on the grandparents, sell them off to brothels, force them to beg on the streets - that's really taking care isn't it? 

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6 minutes ago, freebyrd said:


I have been in Asia on and off for some 33 years and I gave a considered opinion, it wasn't a throw away comment. I've lived in Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia. I've also had stints in Singapore and Malayisa and worked 5 years with Nepalese people.


I was married to a Thai lady for 22 years and now a Khmer lady for 9 years, both of whom recounted their 'delightful' experiences at the hands of Asian men. I have worked in all of the countries stated and didn't come to Asia just to chase women and drink beer, actually I don't touch alcohol. By making such a comment you are yourself tarring all Caucasians (not 'white') with the same single brush. How much experience of diverse Caucasian societies do you have?


And if you REALLY look again, it's Asian WOMEN who take care of their families, NOT the men. They say that Thai women are the hind legs of the elephant, that's because when it stands up, the elephant uses its hind legs first.


While I wouldn't be as pretentious as to call myself an expert, I can assure you that I have witnessed a lot of life in Asia at every level. I would suggest that it is you who should keep your mind open, to the negative aspects of life in Asia as well as the rose tinted version before you start being personally condescending towards others.


If you think I have rose-tinted glasses you should read my submissions on Stickman. I've lived in Thailand for nearly 25 years and know full well what a lunatic asylum cesspit it is. But with a Thai wife of 26 years standing I'm kind of trapped here.

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1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:


If you think I have rose-tinted glasses you should read my submissions on Stickman. I've lived in Thailand for nearly 25 years and know full well what a lunatic asylum cesspit it is. But with a Thai wife of 26 years standing I'm kind of trapped here.

Somethings gone askew here, my reply was aimed at nextstationbangkok, not you mate?

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The five year old should be able to select one of Thailand premier Muay Thai super-stars to act as a proxy on his behalf to administer an unrestricted blow to the fathers head followed by an unrestricted stomp to the stomach.  Karma having been met with like, the universe is at peace.  Ok, many that is less Buddhist compassion and more New Testament 'an eye for an eye' but for some reason is simply 'feels right' in this case.  :post-4641-1156693976:

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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

He didn't apologise to the 5 year old boy because he's not actually sorry. He only apologised to anyone he thought could help him get off. 


This guy should not be allowed anywhere near children or women, etc. He's clearly a psychopath a sociopath. 


Lock him up for a long time. He can pray to inanimate objects in his cell. 

well said...

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2 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


I did not write what you quoted me as writing.

That's why I deleted it, the system now sucks as it seems to only load the last comment and not the original to which (in your case) you replied - I replied to your's assuming the original would post. Seems I'm not the only one seeing this problem -  freebyrd  also had a problem with a post to you ---  but not meant for you.

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21 minutes ago, Artisi said:

That's why I deleted it, the system now sucks as it seems to only load the last comment and not the original to which (in your case) you replied - I replied to your's assuming the original would post. Seems I'm not the only one seeing this problem -  freebyrd  also had a problem with a post to you ---  but not meant for you.


ADMIN - are you paying attention. The system worked fine until you fixed it.

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3 hours ago, KittenKong said:


It's the Thai way. Apologies here are invariably meaningless. Just empty words and gestures.


I had some nasty stuff done to me by a Thai.


It was caught on CCTV (that had been installed the week before, unknown to him).


The Thais told me that they would be taking him to apologize to me with a big wai etc.


I told them no, that a fake apology is a second insult.


They hated that.


But stuff 'em, some of us have morals and self respect. Not some sleazy culture of lies, cowardice and pampering. 

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29 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


ADMIN - are you paying attention. The system worked fine until you fixed it.

If you use the MultiQuote function, you can post any 'chain' of comments you can shake a stick at.


But I admit I do prefer the new way as it stops the long-winded and those with a short attention span from wasting bandwidth.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Would you like to do six months in a Thai prison? Plenty of time there for him to reflect.

Must be the smartest reply I´ve ever had. Where did I say anything about me and a Thai prison? On the other hand I am not so stupid so I stomp on children to come there.
Just said that it´s a to small punishment for that kind of crime. You can look at other thing that is not half as bad to most people, and they can caryy a lot of years. Hope you got it now.
Then after a little bit of more thought. It can never be enough time to think or reflect over something for a person that do things like that.

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4 hours ago, freebyrd said:

Asian men as a whole are some of the most immature I've ever encountered. Do they ever grow up?



1 hour ago, freebyrd said:


I have been in Asia on and off for some 33 years and I gave a considered opinion, it wasn't a throw away comment. I've lived in Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia. I've also had stints in Singapore and Malayisa and worked 5 years with Nepalese people.


I was married to a Thai lady for 22 years and now a Khmer lady for 9 years, both of whom recounted their 'delightful' experiences at the hands of Asian men. I have worked in all of the countries stated and didn't come to Asia just to chase women and drink beer, actually I don't touch alcohol. By making such a comment you are yourself tarring all Caucasians (not 'white') with the same single brush. How much experience of diverse Caucasian societies do you have?


And if you REALLY look again, it's Asian WOMEN who take care of their families, NOT the men. They say that Thai women are the hind legs of the elephant, that's because when it stands up, the elephant uses its hind legs first.


While I wouldn't be as pretentious as to call myself an expert, I can assure you that I have witnessed a lot of life in Asia at every level. I would suggest that it is you who should keep your mind open, to the negative aspects of life in Asia as well as the rose tinted version before you start being personally condescending towards others.


There are 4.5 billion people in asia which is about 60% of the human population.  How many have you actually met?


Using your limited annotdotal(much of which is hearsay by your own admission) observations to back up your hyper generalised racist/sexist comment on 60% of the world's men...is hilariously dum.


You(& any other bigots reading this) should google 'confirmation bias'.  

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