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Govt approves 10 year visas for foreigners over 50 

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 minute ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Expats without resources are a burden on Thailands medical infrustructure.


Interesting, I did not realize they offer free health care to expats without money to pay.  USA has the same problem.  In fact, providing health care to the poor is a problem for the whole world.  Maybe it's time to solve it.  

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2 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Expats without resources are a burden on Thailands medical infrustructure.


We dont get free medical here, how can we be a burden ? Yes you can visit the local hospital for a minor thing. You cant get a hip replacment or any major surgery, treatment for free.

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27 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

I think the following is relevant to this thread.


Retirement for most people is asset rich, cash poor.


You own some houses, cars, etc, you are debt free. Your income is reduced from when you worked and is fixed.

No big problem, you own everything and only need a couple of dollars for food, utilities, medical etc.


Retirement is balancing your assets and fixed income against a certain lifestyle.


Most people choose Thailand, not because they are dirt poor, but mainly because its a good balance.







this was my point many of us have condos for rents but little hard cash in-hand I'm hoping these assets can be taken into account (but I doubt it) and so lot's condo fire sales 

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I would qualify for this but I don't see much advantage for me, I don't have a problem with the current rules. I will still have to stop by immigration four times a year for 90 day report. I guess I could learn to do that online though, if they don't change that.

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I think that people should wait for details before jumping to conclusions. The government has a habit of making announcements, then doing nothing, or something else entirely.


But it would be a total disaster if they phase out the old system. Lots of old folk depend on it, have built their lives here, and it would be inhumane to kick them all out and expect them to settle elsewhere.

Edited by dbrenn
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16 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


Srry, does it have to be a Thai bank?  I missed that.  I thought it just said "in your bank account."  Of course, all we have to go on is a news report.  I have not seen any official announcement.  


The original article that all this doo-doo is based on was posted many pages ago..and is in Thai.


Thats why you will not find anything translated until this comes in..probably years away.


A few points using logic ( that 90% of posters cant seem to see)

-the visa is for select nationalities. This mean they wont stop all other visas or kick all other nationalities out.

-the Thai article says this visa available ONLY when applying from your own country..just like new Multiple entry.

-when applying from own country you show income in your OWN country account..

how can you have a Thai bank account when you need a Thai work permit to get it.


This article as many said already is slapped together for clickbait.


Funny thing is they keep posting and quite obvious all the ones squarking the loudest havent even read the post that answer all their questions


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3 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Wonder how you "prove" your income if it comes from your original country? If it comes to an American bank and gets transferred when needed?


I have interest paid monthly on my accounts back home, and each month I transfer, via Internet banking, whatever I need to my Thai bank accounts.  That's all the proof I need.  I also have a certain amount in fixed deposits here in Thailand all of which Immigration accepts together with copies of my pass books and the letter that is required from the bank.  Touch wood, have not experienced any problems in the almost 4 years that I have lived here full time.:wai:

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24 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


Hmm.  How does post 827 in any way answer my request for information about an official announcement?  Nice to learn a good way to refer to earlier posts. though

The OP itself says the policy was approved yesterday by the interim cabinet.  Goes on to say it's not clear when the policy would be implemented.  Most TVF members would replace "when" with "if", and there's certainly precedent behind that skeptical outlook.


Last but not least the OP itself says point blank, this policy is intended to increase medical tourism.  


Your instinct on this are probably spot on.


Page 34 and counting.  Reminds me of the communications exercise where you whisper a message to the first of 20 people and have them whisper repeat it on down the line.  :laugh:


Edited by 55Jay
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3 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:


We dont get free medical here, how can we be a burden ? Yes you can visit the local hospital for a minor thing. You cant get a hip replacment or any major surgery, treatment for free.

I think the government hospitals are subsidized by the government keeping the prices as low as they are. When you are going there you are using that system and the "cash" that you pay does not cover all of that.  I guess they could just try to figure the full cost, including buildings etc. into the price of your care.  The fact is many get treated for major injury or sudden illness and can't pay. They simply don't have the money, making the government think " why are we letting these people stay here that can't afford to pay for their own care".

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8 minutes ago, bamukloy said:

-when applying from own country you show income in your OWN country account..

how can you have a Thai bank account when you need a Thai work permit to get it.


The current financial requirement for a visa from home country, and extension inside thailand are the same, 65k/800k.

Logically, if they increase the financial requirement for home visa, they will increase the requirements for extension inside thailand to the same amount. 100k/3 Mil

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Si Thea01.... do you have Thai outpatient coverage, forget the cash in the bank etc... it says Thai outpatient coverage as 1 of the other requirements.

some carriers don't let you switch coveraged after a certain age... most don't even let you sign up after a certain age... and it ain't 70 or something like that! 

 you have health care cover? that works in Thailand? for ***outpatient*** care?  to their minimum? which could change later? and can prove it? touch wood?

good for you if you do.


Edited by maewang99
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15 minutes ago, bamukloy said:


-when applying from own country you show income in your OWN country account..

how can you have a Thai bank account when you need a Thai work permit to get it.



I have never had a Thai work permit and had many (>10) bank accounts here.. 

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16 hours ago, acid thunder said:


The Elite card would appear to be a walk in the park compared to this 'concession'.

yes.  This new scheme definitely would not be good for many many people. Note the words in the original article headline:  "Affluent foreign residents".

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15 minutes ago, bamukloy said:


The original article that all this doo-doo is based on was posted many pages ago..and is in Thai.


Thats why you will not find anything translated until this comes in..probably years away.


A few points using logic ( that 90% of posters cant seem to see)

-the visa is for select nationalities. This mean they wont stop all other visas or kick all other nationalities out.

-the Thai article says this visa available ONLY when applying from your own country..just like new Multiple entry.

-when applying from own country you show income in your OWN country account..

how can you have a Thai bank account when you need a Thai work permit to get it.


This article as many said already is slapped together for clickbait.


Funny thing is they keep posting and quite obvious all the ones squarking the loudest havent even read the post that answer all their questions


Geez I enjoy snarky, 'Holier than thou' posts.  More!  More!!  

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So I guess I shall stay with the work permit route as

in 5 years or so the retirement route might look like this

Assets, pension, income or cash in the bank to show 3-5 million - bank book credit and debit shows your spending money - stimulating the economy?

If you own a condo in your name then this is your registered address and no need for 90 days Immigration stamp

Join an expats club and have health insurance for 1 - 2 million

10 years visa for long stay retirement - no 5 plus 5 years

Sweeten the pot by adding a police report to show good guys in bad guys out?


Dont forget this is for all and not just white man

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some folks missing this.  the Thai health system has major finance issues going down the road.  and some foreigners don't have enough cover, for Thai services.... which are very expensive if it ain't something simple.  i.e. some kind of scan is needed or imported drugs....

it's only a matter of time before this is a broader requirement. and you need to get a carrier now because after a certain age even BUPA won't take you in.  then what? you have Immigration and an insurance problem.


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1 minute ago, maewang99 said:

Si Thea01.... do you have Thai outpatient coverage, forget the cash in the bank etc... it requires outpatient coverage as one of the requirments.

some carriers don't let you switch coveraged after a certain age... and most don't even give coverage.  you have health care cover.... that works in Thailand.... for ***outpatient*** care to their initial minimum... and can prove it?

good for you if you do.



I have medical coverage, covers me for ops and hospitals and also accident coverage but if I go to outpatients I pay my way, which varies between B100 to B300, depending on the services received.  So does that cover me or not, if not then I'll just stay with the retirement extension of stay. 


I was lucky to be accepted for medical insurance at 65, but it expires at 80.  I'll probably fall of the perch by then so it won't be a worry.  If I happen to go past that age than I will have enough to cover my medicals.  I do not use the private hospitals, I go to a large university government hospital, have a private room and receive excellent treatment for a third of the cost.:wai:

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9 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

Si Thea01.... do you have Thai outpatient coverage, forget the cash in the bank etc... it says Thai outpatient coverage as 1 of the other requirements.

some carriers don't let you switch coveraged after a certain age... most don't even let you sign up after a certain age... and it ain't 70 or something like that! 

 you have health care cover? that works in Thailand? for ***outpatient*** care?  to their minimum? which could change later? and can prove it? touch wood?

good for you if you do.


Looks like the requirement will be $10,000 for "inpatient" care.

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Thing is, when you make the sensational OP based on little information you will miss some important informations.


I guess, after the visa is granted in his own country (of the selected nationalities)

the applicant will have to be given some special government or monitored account. 


Then then must deposit the funds into this account before they enter.

I guess in this way they will be able to monitor how the money is managed according to their requirements of staying in account for 1 year.


What i find interesting is not the visa or requirements, but they will ( yes THEY ) will prevent you using your own money, and force you to spend half of it in Thailand.


(What if on you need the 3mill in the first year for hospital bill)??


Which also means:

-if you dont spend half of the money Thailand it will be seized due to non compliance


The government instruct the banks that under no cicumstance can a farang withdraw 1.5 million to his own country account.


As always the proof of the eating is in the fine print.

They say now, but then later it is impossible to do.


Typical Thai sensational over-reporting and way to early.


Just like police in a major crime..report many details they shouldnt and state they have 80% solved the case.lol




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25 minutes ago, bamukloy said:


The original article that all this doo-doo is based on was posted many pages ago..and is in Thai.


Thats why you will not find anything translated until this comes in..probably years away.


A few points using logic ( that 90% of posters cant seem to see)

-the visa is for select nationalities. This mean they wont stop all other visas or kick all other nationalities out.

-the Thai article says this visa available ONLY when applying from your own country..just like new Multiple entry.

-when applying from own country you show income in your OWN country account..

how can you have a Thai bank account when you need a Thai work permit to get it.


This article as many said already is slapped together for clickbait.


Funny thing is they keep posting and quite obvious all the ones squarking the loudest havent even read the post that answer all their questions



Thanks that sounds like you have information source that I do not.  Do you have a link to an official source article in either English or Thai?  At this point there are 35 pages of comments and that makes it tough to find.  Google is not saving me here.  Appreciate it.  I'm not panicking here;  I'm just curious.  I'm pretty sure this changes absolutely nothing for me, but in the name of due diligence I thought I'd check it out.  Thanks

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10 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:


I have never had a Thai work permit and had many (>10) bank accounts here.. 


Obviously because you get the account from satisfying some other requirement of a non O visa.


But the article in Thai says this for tourists..who would not have any other way of getting a Thai bank account 

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Still not answered.  Is this visa "in addition to" or "in place of" the old extension based on retirement?  This is really the only question worth asking. If it replaces the current system, then thousands must leave Thailand, including myself. I only have 87 thousand Thai baht coming in each month. That won't increase by wishful thinking, so Cambodia is my only realistic option. Malaysia and Phillipines are out of the question because of bank deposit requirements. Vietnam is cheaper but has no real "retirement" option other than leaving the country every 90 days.

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Just now, bamukloy said:


Obviously because you get the account from satisfying some other requirement of a non O visa.


But the article in Thai says this for tourists..who would not have any other way of getting a Thai bank account 


Most of the bank accounts I've opened were done when I was a "tourist" staying on 30 day stamps when I had holidays from work. All I ever need was a Residency Certificate from Immigration in order to open a Savings (or Fixed Term Deposit) account.

I had to have a year long visa in order to get internet banking. For a chequing account they wanted a work permit but I didn't need that any ways.



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I wonder if they have medical savings accounts available here, for self insuring. That would work well for me.  I hate insurance companies,  my pre existing's and age will have me giving them a bunch for that small coverage.  As with many I can go back home for free care if needed.

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4 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

I see more retiree's getting married or getting on a plane.  100,000  Baht is not unreasonable, i consider my pension to be small and it is well over 100,000 baht.



I hail from what is considered a wealthy country. For sure 95% of the retirees get LESS than 100K a month. This plan is completely nuts

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4 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


Thanks that sounds like you have information source that I do not.  Do you have a link to an official source article in either English or Thai?  At this point there are 35 pages of comments and that makes it tough to find.  Google is not saving me here.  Appreciate it.  I'm not panicking here;  I'm just curious.  I'm pretty sure this changes absolutely nothing for me, but in the name of due diligence I thought I'd check it out.  Thanks


It changes absolutely nothing for you. If reported today it will take months if not a year or so.


In any case this is just like a recprical visa for only select countries.

It dont mean they will cancel the visa conditions for all other nationalities.


otherwise you think Thailand will only allow rich retirees from 14 countries only?

Everyone else get out?

Thats ridiculous.


The link someone posted is about 10 pages ago but was in khaosod newspaper or website. (i think)


Thai is lazy to translate anything into English until they absolutely have to. 

Once again, you will not find anything solid in Thai or English as its to early stage for this

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