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Sulfuric Acid Vapor Cloud Sends 30 To Hospita


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3 hours ago, JustNo said:

True enough but you must remember where we are, it is the less developed third world, and even though things should be different, they're not and that is to be expected. Things over time will change if the powers that be are pushed by the right people, but such changes took many years in the Western world, and the same will have to occur here; things may change at a faster rate however due to the Western world setting an example to look up in such aspects of society

You might be right but it did not take them so very long to acquire many other things from the West such as: Super Stores, Department Stores, fast food junk of all kinds, international restaurants, fashion etc etc.  In fact Thai's carefully pick and choose what they want from the West ... if it looks good or tastes good then great, if it looks like hard work or does not immediately improve profits forget it.  

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4 minutes ago, moe666 said:

Safety always depends on the people doing the work. You can have the best rules and education but if the workers do not care it is all for nothing


It is not possible to have "the best education" and the worker also remain care free when handling extremely dangerous substances.

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9 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

oh boy, Thailand is going to be just like China!


" But before the protest went out of control, the governor, the industry officer and the military were called in to negotiate with the factory executives. "


How about this, the fire dept. is called, they automatically issue a evacuation order, the factory is closed, the leak is contained, complete building and safety code check, the company is handed the bill for the entire evacuation, including hospital for victims, temp. lodging and compensation for having your lungs damaged by frickin' sulfuric acid.



I this is Thailand you are dreaming, how long have you been here ?

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8 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Personally I think the Western world is catching up to how safety issues are throughout Asia. I am thinking that under Trump they will grow bolder and safety laws weaker. We seem to be accumulating an ever increasing number of spare humans so their value seems to be diminishing. 


Its definitely the other way around in Australia.


Standards are being continually tightened, largely driven by insurance policy costs, were a companies duty of care requires them to implement action as described by NCC above


breach of legislation fines, for individuals and companies also exist, and are rising, to further reduce the risk of this type of incident.


note... this does not mean incidents don't happen, but it does mean that those responsible are held to account.


but then, Australia only has a small population, with no cross border cheap warm bodies to replace defective or cold ones


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6 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Its the old company accident dodge called "Human Error"


As with the piper alpha disaster, the Exxon Valdez, BP horizon etc etc... that story happens all over the world... nothing unusual


the counter argument comes down to were the people properly trained to install, commission and run the machinery.


this may well have been a "kick it in the guts and see what happens" scenario

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1 hour ago, farcanell said:


Its definitely the other way around in Australia.


Standards are being continually tightened, largely driven by insurance policy costs, were a companies duty of care requires them to implement action as described by NCC above


breach of legislation fines, for individuals and companies also exist, and are rising, to further reduce the risk of this type of incident.


note... this does not mean incidents don't happen, but it does mean that those responsible are held to account.


but then, Australia only has a small population, with no cross border cheap warm bodies to replace defective or cold ones


There you go matey you answered your own question. 

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11 hours ago, dunque said:

Team Trump is going hammer and tong to get Carrier to keep 1400 jobs in the USA. Me fears there will be cuts all over the place. Wages, benefits, non union the whole enchilada. Another Make America great deal. 

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12 hours ago, Stardust314 said:

just in last week days i was watching movie Bhopal....  sad 

Yes, Union Carbide an AMERICAN firm which went off shore to operate a factory with below par safety standards which is common practice with US, European and Aussie companies yet the Thai bashers will simply say it's Thailand's or Thai's fault every time...not the fault of those who exploit the system instead of improving it by setting an example using the safety standards of their utopian countries.

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Toxic gas, what a pleasant description of sulpher dioxide. No mention of the fact that all it needs is a bit of water and you then have sulphuric acid. Lucky it was not raining at the time. And those surgical masks? fat lot of good they would have been. I ran a sulphuric acid plant once and we had full on gas masks in case of any leaks. No way in the world should such a plant be situated anywhere near a residential area and should be downwind of the normal prevailing winds.I am old enough to remember the ACI plant in Flixborough in the UK and the ICI plant in India which cost hundreds of lives. China where life is cheap why would they have a plant in Thailand? the whole set up stinks of back and front hander's and brown paper bags by the dozen. There must be a reason the plant is not in China!!!

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4 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

Toxic gas, what a pleasant description of sulpher dioxide. No mention of the fact that all it needs is a bit of water and you then have sulphuric acid. Lucky it was not raining at the time. And those surgical masks? fat lot of good they would have been. I ran a sulphuric acid plant once and we had full on gas masks in case of any leaks. No way in the world should such a plant be situated anywhere near a residential area and should be downwind of the normal prevailing winds.I am old enough to remember the ACI plant in Flixborough in the UK and the ICI plant in India which cost hundreds of lives. China where life is cheap why would they have a plant in Thailand? the whole set up stinks of back and front hander's and brown paper bags by the dozen. There must be a reason the plant is not in China!!!


China is upgrading...

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17 hours ago, AlphMichaels said:

Those masks can't protect against much of anything, let alone a sulfur cloud.  I laugh seeing so many wear them.  Ineffective.  

Your right. a proper respirator and the correct cartridges installed for that chemical. sulfuric acid ...nasty stuff.


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19 hours ago, Stardust314 said:

just in last week days i was watching movie Bhopal....  sad 

32 years less sixteen days ago .
Foreign managed, that must be okay then..... 
Lessons learned ??
None it seems :-(

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21 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Honeywell is just taking a page out of the Asian playbook. Obama has made serious sanctions against them. Trump will remove them and let them practice business as usual. American companies safety standards are falling by the wayside much like here in Asia. Its an every man for yourself world. If your body gets cold there is another warm one waiting. 

PS with so many warm bodies waiting to work makes one wonder why business is turning to automation in such a big way. They in the end will have to pay a salary or a redundancy tax. People have to get money from somewhere to keep buying their expensive offerings. 

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On the plus side, no scurvy.


"About 100 angry residents protested at the factory located in the 304 Industrial Park on Thursday night, demanding its closure. They said it was not the first time the corrosive gas leaked."


These residents will probably be charged with defamation, as will any survivors.

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19 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

PS with so many warm bodies waiting to work makes one wonder why business is turning to automation in such a big way. They in the end will have to pay a salary or a redundancy tax. People have to get money from somewhere to keep buying their expensive offerings. 


Lmao... yes... and when the machine breaks down, which they always do, they will need even smarter people to fix them.

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Just now, farcanell said:


Lmao... yes... and when the machine breaks down, which they always do, they will need even smarter people to fix them.

I wonder if AI will learn to have sex and reprocriate. I guess the factory's nursery will have a bunch of erector sets running around looking for liquid metal to drink. 

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On 11/25/2016 at 2:23 PM, AlQaholic said:

The factory should never have been allowed to be built so close to a village, I believe this is illegal in Thailand, not to mention the laws about building such a plant right next to a Temple, and laws concerning building a factory right next to a canal......

Factory tried to save money by starting their own Sulfuric acid production (which is needed to produce citric acid) instead of as previously buying the acid from supplier. How they got their ISO14000 and ISO9000 certificates is a mystery to me. Factory is just a few years old but look like a run down crap factory from WW2.

how  u  get  the  certificates  is  easy..................just pay,  happened  at my  Wifes  co. 10  years  ago

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

On the plus side, no scurvy.


"About 100 angry residents protested at the factory located in the 304 Industrial Park on Thursday night, demanding its closure. They said it was not the first time the corrosive gas leaked."


These residents will probably be charged with defamation, as will any survivors.

meeting   of more  than  3  people ,  shoot em!! 

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10 hours ago, Lopchan said:

Yes, Union Carbide an AMERICAN firm which went off shore to operate a factory with below par safety standards which is common practice with US, European and Aussie companies yet the Thai bashers will simply say it's Thailand's or Thai's fault every time...not the fault of those who exploit the system instead of improving it by setting an example using the safety standards of their utopian countries.

consumers  fault  they  all want  cheap

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23 hours ago, lvr181 said:


"How they got their ISO14000 and ISO9000 certificates is a mystery to me."

Buy on Khaosan Rd or off the internet? :whistling:

These certificates came for free with the SAFETY FIRST signs they ordered on aliexpress....

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