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Trump assails recount push, claims millions voted illegally


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42 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Who would have thought that the circus would still be going on?  Trump just can't keep his mouth shut.  The recount is one thing but by him now claiming that millions voted illegally he just keeps the media fed with more headlines.  Doesn't he realise that he doesn't need to keep campaigning now?



Doesn't he realise that he doesn't need to keep campaigning now?



Analysis: Trump the president-elect: So far, acting a lot like Trump the candidate


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6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm curious. Did you even know that Trump wants to repeal Dodd-Frank?


Just like he wants to repeal Obamacare. Only what he actually wants, so he says is to replace it with something better. What he says, and what he does, like all politicians, CEO's and board members seeking election, are not necessarily the same when actually doing the job.


Are you suggesting Hilary and Bill aren't close to Wall Street and certain banks and financiers?

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6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

You mean like supporting an increase in the minimum wage? Something Trump is opposed to. And if she were President, she would certainly rewrite the rules so that so called "managers" people who earn between rougly $24.000 to 48,000 would be eligible for overtime now that a judge has stayed that rule.. And she wouldn't be repealing Dodd-Frank which keeps the hedge funds and banks from plunging us into another financial disaster. And she wouldn't be backing a huge tax cut for billionaires. And I don't think she would be making noises - as Trump has done - about decreasing the benefits of Medicare.   


How much has she promised in 30 years "public service" and how much has she delivered.


You want to gamble she'd be different and suddenly start delivering for other than her family? Clearly, a lot of your fellow Americans don't.

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4 hours ago, Morch said:


Doesn't he realise that he doesn't need to keep campaigning now?



Analysis: Trump the president-elect: So far, acting a lot like Trump the candidate



Thank you fore sharing this article...
" In the interview, Trump also admitted that he already had mixed business and political talk in some discussions with foreign leaders.."


No ethics, no morals, no values, no problems !

Everything is fine in the best of worlds

Edited by Opl
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On 11/28/2016 at 5:26 PM, iReason said:


Better drain the swamp then

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19 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Better drain the swamp then


Donald Trump took advantage of program designed to help small businesses after 9/11 —

one of many times he’s used public funds for private gain


"Donald Trump made a pretty penny off a program to help small businesses hurt by 9/11, one of many times where The Donald took advantage of government programs to save or make money off the taxpayer."


"The self-proclaimed billionaire, who has so far refused to release his tax returns, was one of many wealthy individuals and businesses who used a loophole in a program intended to help smaller companies in lower Manhattan recover after the Sept. 11 tragedy."



A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks


"The way Donald J. Trump tells it, his first solo project as a real estate developer, the conversion of a faded railroad hotel on 42nd Street into the sleek, 30-story Grand Hyatt, was a triumph from the very beginning."


"The hotel, Mr. Trump bragged in “Trump: The Art of the Deal,” his 1987 best seller, “was a hit from the first day. Gross operating profits now exceed $30 million a year.”


"But that book, and numerous interviews over the years, make little mention of a crucial factor in getting the hotel built: an extraordinary 40-year tax break that has cost New York City $360 million to date in forgiven, or uncollected, taxes,

with four years still to run, on a property that cost only $120 million to build in 1980"



Trump has thrived with government's generosity

-The potential presidential candidate and opponent of big government has relied on tax breaks and federal funding

to build his real estate empire.


"Donald Trump, the developer and would-be presidential candidate, portrays himself as a swashbuckling entrepreneur, shrewder and tougher than any politician, who would use his billionaire's skills to restore discipline to the federal government."


"In his disdain of big government, however, Trump glances over an expensive irony: He built his empire in part through government largesse and connections."


"From his first high-profile project in New York City in the 1970s to his recent campaigns to reduce taxes on property he  owns around the country,Trump has displayed a consistent pattern. He courted public officials, sought their backing for government tax breaks under extraordinarily beneficial terms and fought any resistance to deals he negotiated."



This huckster is the swamp...

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Trump is pathetic . The man whines about everything. I don't know if I cA N stand 4 years of lies,
Misinformation and outright
Bullshit . It's as bad as the
Faux talk and opinion channel. The electoral college elects the president. So who cares if Clinton won the popular vote by 2.2. or. 2.5 million votes. Millions of illegals

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Trump is the president elect. He won the electoral vote. The only people who can delegitimize him are those who elected him and that won't happen. So to all the losers and whiners, get used to it. You have no power to change things. Trump has already done more for the US than zero did in 8 years. BTW Trump will be reelected so eight more years.

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He is not just looking like a fool he is also behaving like a fool. if he continues to behave like this and also not distance the presidency from his personal business dealings i think that their is a very good chance that he will be the second President to be impeached, and i say this not as an American but as an Englishman looking in from outside

In all respect, if you're not an American then the issue of who is the US President is none of your business.

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On 11/28/2016 at 10:36 AM, Andaman Al said:


That is not evidence, it is complete and utter crap and you should be ashamed for putting it on the forum.




He "should be ashamed"??  What's up with that?  This may come as a shock to you, but the Wizard behind the Snopes curtain, is just a husband and wife doing research on their own.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2009/03/91196/#kPO4IgDfpvOwFU6f.99

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6 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


He "should be ashamed"??  What's up with that?  This may come as a shock to you, but the Wizard behind the Snopes curtain, is just a husband and wife doing research on their own.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2009/03/91196/#kPO4IgDfpvOwFU6f.99

Provide ONE other piece of credible evidence apart from the ramblings of that mad man Trump and his glove puppets Sean Hannity and Alex Jones. I am aware of who constitutes snopes (just as quack watch is a husband/wife team paid by big pharma), the point here is putting info on this thread/forum which is simply made up in its entirety with not a drop of evidence. Yes - be ashamed.

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33 minutes ago, mesquite said:

In all respect, if you're not an American then the issue of who is the US President is none of your business.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

While the US has a Military presence in 150 counties and deems it 'appropriate' to stick it's nose in to other sovereign countries political processes and INSISTS that the global currency for oil is the USD, then who the POTUS is happens to be EVERYONES BUSINESS!

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8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Provide ONE other piece of credible evidence apart from the ramblings of that mad man Trump and his glove puppets Sean Hannity and Alex Jones. I am aware of who constitutes snopes (just as quack watch is a husband/wife team paid by big pharma), the point here is putting info on this thread/forum which is simply made up in its entirety with not a drop of evidence. Yes - be ashamed.


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24 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

While the US has a Military presence in 150 counties and deems it 'appropriate' to stick it's nose in to other sovereign countries political processes and INSISTS that the global currency for oil is the USD, then who the POTUS is happens to be EVERYONES BUSINESS!

If you are not a US citizen and if you want to vote, you can move to the US, become a citizen, then vote.  Otherwise it is none of your business.  If you don't like the US meddling in your country, vote in YOUR country to get the treaties changed to kick the US out.

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9 minutes ago, mesquite said:

If you are not a US citizen and if you want to vote, you can move to the US, become a citizen, then vote.  Otherwise it is none of your business.  If you don't like the US meddling in your country, vote in YOUR country to get the treaties changed to kick the US out.



lighten up Francis

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3 minutes ago, mesquite said:

If you are not a US citizen and if you want to vote, you can move to the US, become a citizen, then vote.  Otherwise it is none of your business.  If you don't like the US meddling in your country, vote in YOUR country to get the treaties changed to kick the US out.

The sheer weight of the arrogance you carry will only assist in making it hurt that much more when you all fall flat on your face. The funniest thing is that you cannot even see it starting to happen.


Yeah, lets see Trump give all the jobs back to Americans.



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1 hour ago, CMNightRider said:


He "should be ashamed"??  What's up with that?  This may come as a shock to you, but the Wizard behind the Snopes curtain, is just a husband and wife doing research on their own.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2009/03/91196/#kPO4IgDfpvOwFU6f.99

Not true. If you actually bothered to visit the website you would know that. You would also know that snopes meticulously backs up their research with hard evidence. Here's more about rightwing attacks on snopes.com


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1 hour ago, mesquite said:

If you are not a US citizen and if you want to vote, you can move to the US, become a citizen, then vote.  Otherwise it is none of your business.  If you don't like the US meddling in your country, vote in YOUR country to get the treaties changed to kick the US out.

Tell that to the Iraqis. 

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