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Ohio State attacker stewed over the treatment of Muslims


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Ohio State attacker stewed over the treatment of Muslims



COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The Somali-born student who carried out the car-and-knife attack at Ohio State University stewed over the treatment of Muslims while apparently staying under the radar of federal law enforcement, underscoring the difficulty authorities face in identifying and stopping lone wolves bent on violence.


Abdul Razak Ali Artan was not known to FBI counterterrorism authorities before Monday's rampage, which ended with Artan shot to death by police and 11 people injured, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.


That's in contrast to several other recent attacks, including those in New York City; Orlando, Florida; and Garland, Texas, in which those blamed for the bloodshed had previously come to the attention of federal agents.


Law enforcement officials have not identified a motive for the Ohio State violence but have suggested terrorism as a possibility. FBI agents continued to search Artan's apartment for clues.


The mode of attack — plowing a car into civilians, then slashing victims with a butcher knife — was in keeping with the recommended tactics of jihadist propaganda. And Facebook posts that were apparently written shortly before the attack and came to light afterward show Artan nursed grievances against the U.S.


He railed against U.S. intervention in Muslim lands and warned, "If you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks, then make peace" with the Islamic State group.


"America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that," he wrote, using the Arabic term for the world's Muslim community. He also warned that other Muslims are in sleeper cells, "waiting for a signal. I am warning you Oh America!"


The posts were recounted by a law enforcement official who was briefed on the investigation but wasn't authorized to discuss it publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. The posts were taken down after the attack.


On Tuesday, a self-described Islamic State news agency called Artan "a soldier of the Islamic State" who "carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens of international coalition countries." The Islamic State group has previously described other attackers around the world as its "soldiers" without specifically claiming to have organized the acts of violence.


Artan's social media rants seemed at odds with the portrait of the young man painted by neighbors and acquaintances.


Jack Ouham, owner of a market near the home on the outskirts of Columbus where Artan lived with his parents and siblings, saw the Ohio State student almost every day when he stopped in for snacks but never alcohol or cigarettes.


He was never angry, Ouham said. "Very nice guy. It's just shocking to me," he said.


Artan graduated with honors from Columbus State Community College last May, earning an associate of arts degree. A video of his graduation ceremony shows him jumping and spinning on stage and smiling broadly, drawing laughs, cheers and smiles from graduates and faculty members.


The school said he had no behavioral or disciplinary problems while he was there from the fall of 2014 until this past summer.


He started at Ohio State in August as a business student studying logistics management.


A law enforcement official said Artan came to the U.S. in 2014 as the child of a refugee. He had been living in Pakistan from 2007 to 2014. It is not uncommon for refugees to go to a third-party country before being permanently resettled.


Federal and local authorities grappling with the pervasiveness of Islamic State group propaganda — FBI Director James Comey said earlier this year that agents had "north of 1,000" terrorism-related probes — will no doubt look to see if they missed any red flags that could have placed Artan under investigation.


Several acts of jihadist-inspired violence in the past two years have involved individuals known to the FBI.


The FBI investigated Omar Mateen, the gunman in the Orlando nightclub attack in June, for 10 months in 2013 after he boasted of mutual acquaintances with the Boston Marathon bombers and said things to co-workers that suggested he had radical, violent intentions. Agents found nothing to justify continued scrutiny and closed the matter, but looked into him again the next year as part of a separate investigation into a suicide bomber who attended the same Florida mosque.


Federal authorities in 2014 looked into Ahmad Khan Rahimi after he was accused of stabbing a relative and his father expressed concerns he might be a terrorist. The FBI said it found nothing in its databases tying Rahimi to terrorism and closed its review. Rahimi was charged with setting off bombs in New York and New Jersey in September.


FBI counterterrorism authorities have a "number of trip wires" set up to spot would-be jihadists and have a generally good sense of individuals who are drawn to terrorist propaganda, which is why many people who have gone on to commit violence have at some point come under scrutiny, said Seamus Hughes, deputy director of the George Washington University's Program on Extremism.


"If you look at most quote-unquote successful terror attacks in the U.S. ... they've always had some touch point with law enforcement and been on law enforcement's radar in some point in their radical trajectory," Hughes said.


Classes for the 60,000 students at Ohio State were canceled after the attack but resumed Tuesday. The school planned a vigil for Tuesday night. Three of the victims remained hospitalized but were expected to recover, according to an Ohio State medical official.


Tucker and Abdollah reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Alicia A. Caldwell in Washington; Dan Sewell in Cincinnati; John Seewer in Toledo, Ohio; Collin Binkley in Boston; and Mark Gillispie in Cleveland contributed to this story, along with AP Dubai correspondent Jon Gambrell.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-30
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A refugee.  I would like to see the sponsors, official agencies or otherwise, be sued for damages by the people this terrorist attacked. Eleven Americans would never have had their lives shaken and forever damaged but for the presence of this person who should never have been allowed into the country.

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Now that you're in the after life, take it with Muhammad the profit,  and ask him how's that  his teaching gone so wrong by so many people supposedly crying out his name while committing despicable atrocities on their fellow human beings? in the name of god?...


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        Trump and his ever-twisting spokespeople have been saying a Trump administration will ban Muslims from entering the US, "Until we can figure what the hell is going on."   Oh wait, almost forgot, Trump's spokespeople tweaked that, later, to mean:  "the US will ban Muslims from terrorist countries."  They conveniently don't articulate which countries those are.  Note;  the 9-11 bombers came out of Germany - so is the US going to ban Germans from entering?


       The biggest irony is: THE US IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY.   I'm American, but I'm also realistic.  According to Trump's parameters, NO AMERICANS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US.   Put that in your pipe and smoke it.



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"Law enforcement officials have not identified a motive for the Ohio State violence but have suggested terrorism as a possibility..."


This sort of politically-correct, semantic hair splitting is probably not helping. It’s difficult to address a problem that you’re unable or unwilling to identify.

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4 minutes ago, Hayduke said:

"Law enforcement officials have not identified a motive for the Ohio State violence but have suggested terrorism as a possibility..."


This sort of politically-correct, semantic hair splitting is probably not helping. It’s difficult to address a problem that you’re unable or unwilling to identify.

It's also not a wise idea to jump to any conclusions until there is a full investigation.   

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The Somali-born student who carried out the car-and-knife attack at Ohio State University stewed over the treatment of Muslims


How's about the treatment of Muslims by Muslims? Why not lobby the Saudis to help your people etc? Keep prodding innocent non-muslims and sooner or later there'll be a good chance your people wish they never started down that road.

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24 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Sharia calls for the subjection or death of non-Muslims...he was just doing his religious duty as he saw it. One can only hope the President Elect will carry-out his pledge to ban Muslim immigration to the United States.

People always detest Trump for his proposal to ban muslims...but Obama did the same thing...Obama was just cowardly enough to dress it up as banning nationals from certain countries...those countries just happened to be predominantly muslim...Trump would do well to understand the distorted thinking of liberals...the hypocracy of the left is stunning, on almost any topic...

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Yes, and by his actions he will certainly improve the situation.  Idiot.  We are seeing the emergence of a new stage of human development Homo Idiotus. and not only limited to Muslims . 


1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

        Trump and his ever-twisting spokespeople have been saying a Trump administration will ban Muslims from entering the US, "Until we can figure what the hell is going on."   Oh wait, almost forgot, Trump's spokespeople tweaked that, later, to mean:  "the US will ban Muslims from terrorist countries."  They conveniently don't articulate which countries those are.  Note;  the 9-11 bombers came out of Germany - so is the US going to ban Germans from entering?


       The biggest irony is: THE US IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY.   I'm American, but I'm also realistic.  According to Trump's parameters, NO AMERICANS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US.   Put that in your pipe and smoke it.



I guess you would also burn the American Flag ?

I hope for the day, when you call for help, from your country; and they don't answer.

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The internet, coupled with severe bias outlooks on religion and politics, is a dangerous place for the mind.   If you're not careful, it'll send you down the rabbit hole and absolutely skew  your perception of reality.    Need look no further than TVF and this thread in particular, for evidence of severe polarization, obsessive compulsive behavior.


Reading other sources, this kid had been delving into and became obsessed with mulsim oppression around the world.   He internalized "the struggle" to the point he said he was afraid to pray in public.  Nothing on his SM indicated he had ever experienced religious oppression.  It was all in his head.  Said he finally screwed up the courage to pray in pubic and......well.... nothing happened to him.  Yet he was convinced the situation was so dire, that he had to take action.


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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

        Trump and his ever-twisting spokespeople have been saying a Trump administration will ban Muslims from entering the US, "Until we can figure what the hell is going on."   Oh wait, almost forgot, Trump's spokespeople tweaked that, later, to mean:  "the US will ban Muslims from terrorist countries."  They conveniently don't articulate which countries those are.  Note;  the 9-11 bombers came out of Germany - so is the US going to ban Germans from entering?


       The biggest irony is: THE US IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY.   I'm American, but I'm also realistic.  According to Trump's parameters, NO AMERICANS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US.   Put that in your pipe and smoke it.



And where exactly is the USA targeting civilian populations?  When has the USA purposely targeted a pizza joint full of teenagers or farmers market full of women shopping for the days meals with a 500 pound bomb or a Tomahawk missile? The answer is never.

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36 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

And the USA has just recently agreed to take10,000 Syrian Muslims from Australia. I bet none of the 10,000 say 'No' to going to that great Satan America. To think only 10% of those 10,000 want to kill Americans. 

Can you cite where you heard this? Breitbart or some other alt right "post-truth" site? Agreement I heard about was those 1000 or so held in detention camps that tried to get to Australia by boat, and they are not all Syrians, not even majority. Todays news says US will take around 400. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/nov/29/us-australia-refugee-deal-only-400-dutton

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6 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

Can you cite where you heard this? Breitbart or some other alt right "post-truth" site? Agreement I heard about was those 1000 or so held in detention camps that tried to get to Australia by boat, and they are not all Syrians, not even majority. Todays news says US will take around 400. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/nov/29/us-australia-refugee-deal-only-400-dutton

If they take 400. It is 400 too many.

It will be a short stay; as Trump will send them back.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Ohio State attacker stewed over the treatment of Muslims


*Upset over the treatment of muslims*


*Does exactly what promotes the negative treatment of muslims*


Bullet was well deserved. 

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

        Trump and his ever-twisting spokespeople have been saying a Trump administration will ban Muslims from entering the US, "Until we can figure what the hell is going on."   Oh wait, almost forgot, Trump's spokespeople tweaked that, later, to mean:  "the US will ban Muslims from terrorist countries."  They conveniently don't articulate which countries those are.  Note;  the 9-11 bombers came out of Germany - so is the US going to ban Germans from entering?


       The biggest irony is: THE US IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY.   I'm American, but I'm also realistic.  According to Trump's parameters, NO AMERICANS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US.   Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Damn Boomer take it easy. Americans are good people. 



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1 hour ago, Strange said:


*Upset over the treatment of muslims*


*Does exactly what promotes the negative treatment of muslims*


Bullet was well deserved. 


But the police need to go and round up his parents, brothers, sisters, cousins. All of them. And then make them pay for the hospital bills of the American victims. They add up the cost of police, FBI, etc. and make them pay this bill.


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Here is something for ALL the apologists out there to digest.


: According to reports, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack on Ohio State University that injured eleven people.


COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Islamic State claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the attack at Ohio State University, calling the student who drove his car into pedestrians and then slashed people with a butcher knife a “soldier” of the terrorist group.



Edited by coma
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6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

        Trump and his ever-twisting spokespeople have been saying a Trump administration will ban Muslims from entering the US, "Until we can figure what the hell is going on."   Oh wait, almost forgot, Trump's spokespeople tweaked that, later, to mean:  "the US will ban Muslims from terrorist countries."  They conveniently don't articulate which countries those are.  Note;  the 9-11 bombers came out of Germany - so is the US going to ban Germans from entering?


       The biggest irony is: THE US IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY.   I'm American, but I'm also realistic.  According to Trump's parameters, NO AMERICANS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US.   Put that in your pipe and smoke it.



What have you been sniffing for heavens sake? Rocket fuel??


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1 hour ago, bark said:


But the police need to go and round up his parents, brothers, sisters, cousins. All of them. And then make them pay for the hospital bills of the American victims. They add up the cost of police, FBI, etc. and make them pay this bill.



Why? Do you feel directly responsible for everything done by your own family? Parents may bear responsibility for actions of minors, but otherwise, unless they are proven to have known of his intentions, the above is nothing but vindictive and unhelpful.

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45 minutes ago, Morch said:


Why? Do you feel directly responsible for everything done by your own family? Parents may bear responsibility for actions of minors, but otherwise, unless they are proven to have known of his intentions, the above is nothing but vindictive and unhelpful.

Sorry but I'm not a terrorist.

Our you ?

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Just now, Morch said:


Doesn't have anything with being a terrorist, and no such suggestion was made.

Deflection much?

Topic is about a Terrorist, who tired to kill American students.

So my answer, was to go after the family of the Terrorist.

I hope one day these type of people come calling at your door, or someone that you care about.



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6 minutes ago, bark said:

Topic is about a Terrorist, who tired to kill American students.

So my answer, was to go after the family of the Terrorist.

I hope one day these type of people come calling at your door, or someone that you care about.




And there was no explanation given as to why you see them as responsible. Try again.

As for you despicable wishes with regard to my safety and those I care about - too late, been there done that.


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9 hours ago, Ahab said:

And where exactly is the USA targeting civilian populations?  When has the USA purposely targeted a pizza joint full of teenagers or farmers market full of women shopping for the days meals with a 500 pound bomb or a Tomahawk missile? The answer is never.


         You're not getting the point.  According to Trump; any country where there's terrorist activity is a terrorist nation.  The US has terrorist activity, so therefore, by his definition, it's a terrorist country, and thereby subject to immigration restrictions.   Now take it a step further, and look at terrorist acts in the US recently committed by non-Muslims.   The recent cop shootings in Texas, for example.  There was also the McVey bombing in Oklahoma, and the shootings in movie theaters and schools - all committed by non Muslims.   Include the abortion clinic bombings, and there are more terrorist-like activities in the US committed by right-wing Christians than by Muslims. Enabling nearly every American to have as many guns as they want - exacerbates the problem.


        I believe in being vigilant and vetting people who want to enter the US, whether as tourists or seeking to reside.  However, different than Trump, I'd like to see it done sensibly, not with a broad brush that can easily victimize good people, while allowing bad people to slip between the cracks. 

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