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Cash Advance and ATM fees

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I've been doing a "cash advance" with my home bank debit card from the U.S. every month for several years to avoid the ATM fees from multiple transactions. Bangkok Bank tells me I can no longer do this. Anyone else experienced this?


They actually let me do it this time but said they aren't supposed to do it any more. 

Edited by ubonrthai
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It varies from branch to branch as to whether they will accept a debit card for a cash advance (a.k.a., counter withdrawal).


I have used a no foreign transaction and no cash advance fee "credit" card (prepaid for the cash advance) to do cash advances to avoid the ATM fee and to deny the ATM fee to the Thai bank.   I use a Krungsri Bank and Bangkok Bank branch here in western Bangkok.  


When I first started this approach around 2 years ago, the Bangkok Bank branch would "not" accept a debit card for a cash advance....they would just politely say I must use the ATM.   I actually asked on two different occasions...answer was Sorry Charlie for the debit card but OK-fine for the credit card.  They gladly accept a "credit" card for a cash advance.   Continued using this branch up until about a year ago.


About a year ago I switched to a new Krungsri Bank branch in a mall a little closer to me....they accept credit or debit cards for a cash advance..   I predominately use my credit card at this branch since I can get $2,000 per withdrawal, but a couple of times I have also whipped out my no foreign transaction fee debit card and got another $1,000.   Basically used both cards in one setting.   And then I just have the entire $3,000 amount deposit to my Krungsri account....basically a combo transaction...none of the money touches my hands during the combo cash advance and deposit.


Summary:  varies from branch to branch as to whether they will accept a debit card for a cash advance.  And based on some posts one or more "banks" have a policy that none of their branches will accept debit cards for cash advances/counter withdrawals....just point the customer to the ATM.   Maybe Bangkok Bank has just instituted such a policy.



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Coincidentally, I went to a bank branch whose colors are dark blue recently to get a counter withdrawal and the teller told me I could not use a debit card.  I then told her that I had been using this method at all of their branches since my arrival.  She then suggested I could use the ATM machine, but I objected saying the withdrawal amount was limited plus their fees were charged per transaction.  I went on to say that I wanted a large amount, and using an ATM was not good.


Her next step was to phone someone at a higher level.  She was transferred several times until she finally got someone who understood my situation and could also talk to me in English. 


I politely repeated my story and, insisted that contrary to their policy, I've been doing this for quite some time at virtually every branch for years.  After the consultation, the local teller processed my request, as slowly as I have ever seen a person move in my life. 


I'm willing to bet my actions will affect other foreigners that want use a debit card for an over the counter withdrawal.  The fact of the matter is, they don't make any money on these transactions.  However, I mostly deposit the money directly into my account, but not every time.  I'm not sure, but they probably checked their records and saw I was a frequent user as well as an account holder. 


If you're interested in further details, send me a private message. 

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Where you say, " The fact of the matter is, they don't make any money on these transactions" is incorrect.   They earn a cash disbursement interchange fee whether doing a cash advance (i.e., counter withdrawal) or ATM withdrawal.  


Let's say your cash advance was for Bt30K...the bank earned a total interchange fee of approx Bt161.    If you had used their ATM they would have earned approx Bt262 with Bt200 of that being their local ATM Use Fee.


See below from Visa regarding the interchange fee....Issuer being your home country card issuing bank....Acquirer means the bank doing the cash disbursement.   Use the Cash Disbursement - Manual formula for the counter withdrawal....use the Cash Disbursement - Teir II ATM Access Fee Changed to Cardholder for a ATM disbursement.





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